/* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Myk Melez * Joel Peshkin * Erik Stambaugh * Marc Schumann * Guy Pyrzak * Kohei Yoshino */ function updateCommentPrivacy(checkbox) { var text_elem = document.getElementById('comment'); if (checkbox.checked) { text_elem.className='bz_private'; } else { text_elem.className=''; } } /* Functions used when viewing patches in Diff mode. */ function collapse_all() { var elem = document.checkboxform.firstChild; while (elem != null) { if (elem.firstChild != null) { var tbody = elem.firstChild.nextSibling; if (tbody.className == 'file') { tbody.className = 'file_collapse'; twisty = get_twisty_from_tbody(tbody); twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(+)'; twisty.nextSibling.checked = false; } } elem = elem.nextSibling; } return false; } function expand_all() { var elem = document.checkboxform.firstChild; while (elem != null) { if (elem.firstChild != null) { var tbody = elem.firstChild.nextSibling; if (tbody.className == 'file_collapse') { tbody.className = 'file'; twisty = get_twisty_from_tbody(tbody); twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(-)'; twisty.nextSibling.checked = true; } } elem = elem.nextSibling; } return false; } var current_restore_elem; function restore_all() { current_restore_elem = null; incremental_restore(); } function incremental_restore() { if (!document.checkboxform.restore_indicator.checked) { return; } var next_restore_elem; if (current_restore_elem) { next_restore_elem = current_restore_elem.nextSibling; } else { next_restore_elem = document.checkboxform.firstChild; } while (next_restore_elem != null) { current_restore_elem = next_restore_elem; if (current_restore_elem.firstChild != null) { restore_elem(current_restore_elem.firstChild.nextSibling); } next_restore_elem = current_restore_elem.nextSibling; } } function restore_elem(elem, alertme) { if (elem.className == 'file_collapse') { twisty = get_twisty_from_tbody(elem); if (twisty.nextSibling.checked) { elem.className = 'file'; twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(-)'; } } else if (elem.className == 'file') { twisty = get_twisty_from_tbody(elem); if (!twisty.nextSibling.checked) { elem.className = 'file_collapse'; twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(+)'; } } } function twisty_click(twisty) { tbody = get_tbody_from_twisty(twisty); if (tbody.className == 'file') { tbody.className = 'file_collapse'; twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(+)'; twisty.nextSibling.checked = false; } else { tbody.className = 'file'; twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = '(-)'; twisty.nextSibling.checked = true; } return false; } function get_tbody_from_twisty(twisty) { return twisty.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling; } function get_twisty_from_tbody(tbody) { return tbody.previousSibling.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; } var prev_mode = 'raw'; var current_mode = 'raw'; var has_edited = 0; var has_viewed_as_diff = 0; function editAsComment(patchviewerinstalled) { switchToMode('edit', patchviewerinstalled); has_edited = 1; } function undoEditAsComment(patchviewerinstalled) { switchToMode(prev_mode, patchviewerinstalled); } function redoEditAsComment(patchviewerinstalled) { switchToMode('edit', patchviewerinstalled); } function viewDiff(attachment_id, patchviewerinstalled) { switchToMode('diff', patchviewerinstalled); // If we have not viewed as diff before, set the view diff frame URL if (!has_viewed_as_diff) { var viewDiffFrame = document.getElementById('viewDiffFrame'); viewDiffFrame.src = 'attachment.cgi?id=' + attachment_id + '&action=diff&headers=0'; has_viewed_as_diff = 1; } } function viewRaw(patchviewerinstalled) { switchToMode('raw', patchviewerinstalled); } function switchToMode(mode, patchviewerinstalled) { if (mode == current_mode) { alert('switched to same mode! This should not happen.'); return; } // Switch out of current mode if (current_mode == 'edit') { hideElementById('editFrame'); hideElementById('undoEditButton'); } else if (current_mode == 'raw') { hideElementById('viewFrame'); if (patchviewerinstalled) hideElementById('viewDiffButton'); hideElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton'); hideElementById('smallCommentFrame'); } else if (current_mode == 'diff') { if (patchviewerinstalled) hideElementById('viewDiffFrame'); hideElementById('viewRawButton'); hideElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton'); hideElementById('smallCommentFrame'); } // Switch into new mode if (mode == 'edit') { showElementById('editFrame'); showElementById('undoEditButton'); } else if (mode == 'raw') { showElementById('viewFrame'); if (patchviewerinstalled) showElementById('viewDiffButton'); showElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton'); showElementById('smallCommentFrame'); } else if (mode == 'diff') { if (patchviewerinstalled) showElementById('viewDiffFrame'); showElementById('viewRawButton'); showElementById(has_edited ? 'redoEditButton' : 'editButton'); showElementById('smallCommentFrame'); } prev_mode = current_mode; current_mode = mode; } function hideElementById(id) { var elm = document.getElementById(id); if (elm) { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(elm, 'bz_default_hidden'); } } function showElementById(id) { var elm = document.getElementById(id); if (elm) { YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(elm, 'bz_default_hidden'); } } function normalizeComments() { // Remove the unused comment field from the document so its contents // do not get transmitted back to the server. var small = document.getElementById('smallCommentFrame'); var big = document.getElementById('editFrame'); if ( (small) && YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(small, 'bz_default_hidden') ) { small.parentNode.removeChild(small); } if ( (big) && YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(big, 'bz_default_hidden') ) { big.parentNode.removeChild(big); } } function toggle_attachment_details_visibility ( ) { // show hide classes var container = document.getElementById('attachment_info'); if( YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(container, 'read') ){ YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(container, 'read', 'edit'); }else{ YAHOO.util.Dom.replaceClass(container, 'edit', 'read'); } } /* Used in bug/create.html.tmpl to show/hide the attachment field. */ function handleWantsAttachment(wants_attachment) { if (wants_attachment) { hideElementById('attachment_false'); showElementById('attachment_true'); } else { showElementById('attachment_false'); hideElementById('attachment_true'); bz_attachment_form.reset_fields(); } bz_attachment_form.update_requirements(wants_attachment); } /** * Expose an `AttachmentForm` instance on global. */ var bz_attachment_form; /** * Reference or define the Bugzilla app namespace. * @namespace */ var Bugzilla = Bugzilla || {}; /** * Implement the attachment selector functionality that can be used standalone or on the New Bug page. This supports 3 * input methods: traditional `` field, drag & dropping of a file or text, as well as copy & pasting * an image or text. */ Bugzilla.AttachmentForm = class AttachmentForm { /** * Initialize a new `AttachmentForm` instance. */ constructor() { this.$file = document.querySelector('#att-file'); this.$data = document.querySelector('#att-data'); this.$filename = document.querySelector('#att-filename'); this.$dropbox = document.querySelector('#att-dropbox'); this.$browse_label = document.querySelector('#att-browse-label'); this.$textarea = document.querySelector('#att-textarea'); this.$preview = document.querySelector('#att-preview'); this.$preview_name = this.$preview.querySelector('[itemprop="name"]'); this.$preview_type = this.$preview.querySelector('[itemprop="encodingFormat"]'); this.$preview_text = this.$preview.querySelector('[itemprop="text"]'); this.$preview_image = this.$preview.querySelector('[itemprop="image"]'); this.$remove_button = document.querySelector('#att-remove-button'); this.$description = document.querySelector('#att-description'); this.$error_message = document.querySelector('#att-error-message'); this.$ispatch = document.querySelector('#att-ispatch'); this.$type_outer = document.querySelector('#att-type-outer'); this.$type_list = document.querySelector('#att-type-list'); this.$type_manual = document.querySelector('#att-type-manual'); this.$type_select = document.querySelector('#att-type-select'); this.$type_input = document.querySelector('#att-type-input'); this.$isprivate = document.querySelector('#isprivate'); this.$takebug = document.querySelector('#takebug'); // Add event listeners this.$file.addEventListener('change', () => this.file_onchange()); this.$dropbox.addEventListener('dragover', event => this.dropbox_ondragover(event)); this.$dropbox.addEventListener('dragleave', () => this.dropbox_ondragleave()); this.$dropbox.addEventListener('dragend', () => this.dropbox_ondragend()); this.$dropbox.addEventListener('drop', event => this.dropbox_ondrop(event)); this.$browse_label.addEventListener('click', () => this.$file.click()); this.$textarea.addEventListener('input', () => this.textarea_oninput()); this.$textarea.addEventListener('paste', event => this.textarea_onpaste(event)); this.$remove_button.addEventListener('click', () => this.remove_button_onclick()); this.$description.addEventListener('input', () => this.description_oninput()); this.$description.addEventListener('change', () => this.description_onchange()); this.$ispatch.addEventListener('change', () => this.ispatch_onchange()); this.$type_select.addEventListener('change', () => this.type_select_onchange()); this.$type_input.addEventListener('change', () => this.type_input_onchange()); // Prepare the file reader this.data_reader = new FileReader(); this.text_reader = new FileReader(); this.data_reader.addEventListener('load', () => this.data_reader_onload()); this.text_reader.addEventListener('load', () => this.text_reader_onload()); // Initialize the view this.enable_keyboard_access(); this.reset_fields(); } /** * Enable keyboard access on the buttons. Treat the Enter keypress as a click. */ enable_keyboard_access() { document.querySelectorAll('#att-selector [role="button"]').forEach($button => { $button.addEventListener('keypress', event => { if (!event.isComposing && event.key === 'Enter') { event.target.click(); } }); }); } /** * Reset all the input fields to the initial state, and remove the preview and message. */ reset_fields() { this.description_override = false; this.$file.value = this.$data.value = this.$filename.value = this.$type_input.value = this.$description.value = ''; this.$type_list.checked = this.$type_select.options[0].selected = true; if (this.$isprivate) { this.$isprivate.checked = this.$isprivate.disabled = false; } if (this.$takebug) { this.$takebug.checked = this.$takebug.disabled = false; } this.clear_preview(); this.clear_error(); this.update_requirements(); this.update_text(); this.update_ispatch(); } /** * Update the `required` property on the Base64 data and Description fields. * @param {Boolean} [required=true] `true` if these fields are required, `false` otherwise. */ update_requirements(required = true) { this.$data.required = this.$description.required = required; this.update_validation(); } /** * Update the custom validation message on the Base64 data field depending on the requirement and value. */ update_validation() { this.$data.setCustomValidity(this.$data.required && !this.$data.value ? 'Please select a file or enter text.' : ''); // In Firefox, the message won't be displayed once the field becomes valid then becomes invalid again. This is a // workaround for the issue. this.$data.hidden = false; this.$data.hidden = true; } /** * Process a user-selected file for upload. Read the content if it's been transferred with a paste or drag operation. * Update the Description, Content Type, etc. and show the preview. * @param {File} file A file to be read. * @param {Boolean} [transferred=true] `true` if the source is `DataTransfer`, `false` if it's been selected via * ``. */ process_file(file, transferred = true) { // Check for patches which should have the `text/plain` MIME type const is_patch = !!file.name.match(/\.(?:diff|patch)$/) || !!file.type.match(/^text\/x-(?:diff|patch)$/); // Check for text files which may have no MIME type or `application/*` MIME type const is_text = !!file.name.match(/\.(?:cpp|es|h|js|json|markdown|md|rs|rst|sh|toml|ts|tsx|xml|yaml|yml)$/); // Reassign the MIME type const type = is_patch || (is_text && !file.type) ? 'text/plain' : (file.type || 'application/octet-stream'); if (this.check_file_size(file.size)) { this.$data.required = transferred; if (transferred) { this.data_reader.readAsDataURL(file); this.$file.value = ''; this.$filename.value = file.name.replace(/\s/g, '-'); } else { this.$data.value = this.$filename.value = ''; } } else { this.$data.required = true; this.$file.value = this.$data.value = this.$filename.value = ''; } this.update_validation(); this.show_preview(file, file.type.startsWith('text/') || is_patch || is_text); this.update_text(); this.update_content_type(type); this.update_ispatch(is_patch); if (!this.description_override) { this.$description.value = file.name; } this.$textarea.hidden = true; this.$description.select(); this.$description.focus(); } /** * Check the current file size and show an error message if it exceeds the application-defined limit. * @param {Number} size A file size in bytes. * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the file is less than the maximum allowed size, `false` otherwise. */ check_file_size(size) { const file_size = size / 1024; // Convert to KB const max_size = BUGZILLA.param.maxattachmentsize; // Defined in KB const invalid = file_size > max_size; const message = invalid ? `This file (${(file_size / 1024).toFixed(1)} MB) is larger than the maximum allowed size ` + `(${(max_size / 1024).toFixed(1)} MB). Please consider uploading it to an online file storage ` + 'and sharing the link in a bug comment instead.' : ''; const message_short = invalid ? 'File too large' : ''; this.$error_message.innerHTML = message; this.$data.setCustomValidity(message_short); this.$data.setAttribute('aria-invalid', invalid); this.$dropbox.classList.toggle('invalid', invalid); return !invalid; } /** * Called whenever a file's data URL is read by `FileReader`. Embed the Base64-encoded content for upload. */ data_reader_onload() { this.$data.value = this.data_reader.result.split(',')[1]; this.update_validation(); } /** * Called whenever a file's text content is read by `FileReader`. Show the preview of the first 10 lines. */ text_reader_onload() { this.$preview_text.textContent = this.text_reader.result.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/, 10).join('\n'); } /** * Called whenever a file is selected by the user by using the file picker. Prepare for upload. */ file_onchange() { this.process_file(this.$file.files[0], false); } /** * Called whenever a file is being dragged on the drop target. Allow the `copy` drop effect, and set a class name on * the drop target for styling. * @param {DragEvent} event A `dragover` event. */ dropbox_ondragover(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy'; if (!this.$dropbox.classList.contains('dragover')) { this.$dropbox.classList.add('dragover'); } } /** * Called whenever a dragged file leaves the drop target. Reset the styling. */ dropbox_ondragleave() { this.$dropbox.classList.remove('dragover'); } /** * Called whenever a drag operation is being ended. Reset the styling. */ dropbox_ondragend() { this.$dropbox.classList.remove('dragover'); } /** * Called whenever a file or text is dropped on the drop target. If it's a file, read the content. If it's plaintext, * fill in the textarea. * @param {DragEvent} event A `drop` event. */ dropbox_ondrop(event) { event.preventDefault(); const files = event.dataTransfer.files; const text = event.dataTransfer.getData('text'); if (files.length > 0) { this.process_file(files[0]); } else if (text) { this.clear_preview(); this.clear_error(); this.update_text(text); } this.$dropbox.classList.remove('dragover'); } /** * Insert text to the textarea, and show it if it's not empty. * @param {String} [text=''] Text to be inserted. */ update_text(text = '') { this.$textarea.value = text; this.textarea_oninput(); if (text) { this.$textarea.hidden = false; } } /** * Called whenever the content of the textarea is updated. Update the Content Type, `required` property, etc. */ textarea_oninput() { const text = this.$textarea.value.trim(); const has_text = !!text; const is_patch = !!text.match(/^(?:diff|---)\s/); const is_ghpr = !!text.match(/^https:\/\/github\.com\/[\w\-]+\/[\w\-]+\/pull\/\d+\/?$/); if (has_text) { this.$file.value = this.$data.value = this.$filename.value = ''; this.update_content_type('text/plain'); } if (!this.description_override) { this.$description.value = is_patch ? 'patch' : is_ghpr ? 'GitHub Pull Request' : ''; } this.$data.required = !has_text && !this.$file.value; this.update_validation(); this.$type_input.value = is_ghpr ? 'text/x-github-pull-request' : ''; this.update_ispatch(is_patch); this.$type_outer.querySelectorAll('[name]').forEach($input => $input.disabled = has_text); } /** * Called whenever a string or data is pasted from clipboard to the textarea. If it contains a regular image, read the * content for upload. * @param {ClipboardEvent} event A `paste` event. */ textarea_onpaste(event) { const image = [...event.clipboardData.items].find(item => item.type.match(/^image\/(?!vnd)/)); if (image) { this.process_file(image.getAsFile()); this.update_ispatch(false, true); } } /** * Show the preview of a user-selected file. Display a thumbnail if it's a regular image (PNG, GIF, JPEG, etc.) or * small plaintext file. * @param {File} file A file to be previewed. * @param {Boolean} [is_text=false] `true` if the file is a plaintext file, `false` otherwise. */ show_preview(file, is_text = false) { this.$preview_name.textContent = file.name; this.$preview_type.content = file.type; this.$preview_text.textContent = ''; this.$preview_image.src = file.type.match(/^image\/(?!vnd)/) ? URL.createObjectURL(file) : ''; this.$preview.hidden = false; if (is_text && file.size < 500000) { this.text_reader.readAsText(file); } } /** * Remove the preview. */ clear_preview() { URL.revokeObjectURL(this.$preview_image.src); this.$preview_name.textContent = this.$preview_type.content = ''; this.$preview_text.textContent = this.$preview_image.src = ''; this.$preview.hidden = true; } /** * Called whenever the Remove buttons is clicked by the user. Reset all the fields and focus the textarea for further * input. */ remove_button_onclick() { this.reset_fields(); this.$textarea.hidden = false; this.$textarea.focus(); } /** * Remove the error message if any. */ clear_error() { this.check_file_size(0); } /** * Called whenever the Description is updated. Update the Patch checkbox when needed. */ description_oninput() { if (this.$description.value.match(/\bpatch\b/i) && !this.$ispatch.checked) { this.update_ispatch(true); } } /** * Called whenever the Description is changed manually. Set the override flag so the user-defined Description will be * retained later on. */ description_onchange() { this.description_override = true; } /** * Select a Content Type from the list or fill in the "enter manually" field if the option is not available. * @param {String} type A detected MIME type. */ update_content_type(type) { if ([...this.$type_select.options].find($option => $option.value === type)) { this.$type_list.checked = true; this.$type_select.value = type; this.$type_input.value = ''; } else { this.$type_manual.checked = true; this.$type_input.value = type; } } /** * Update the Patch checkbox state. * @param {Boolean} [checked=false] The `checked` property of the checkbox. * @param {Boolean} [disabled=false] The `disabled` property of the checkbox. */ update_ispatch(checked = false, disabled = false) { this.$ispatch.checked = checked; this.$ispatch.disabled = disabled; this.ispatch_onchange(); } /** * Called whenever the Patch checkbox is checked or unchecked. Disable or enable the Content Type fields accordingly. */ ispatch_onchange() { const is_patch = this.$ispatch.checked; const is_ghpr = this.$type_input.value === 'text/x-github-pull-request'; this.$type_outer.querySelectorAll('[name]').forEach($input => $input.disabled = is_patch); if (is_patch) { this.update_content_type('text/plain'); } // Reassign the bug to the user if the attachment is a patch or GitHub Pull Request if (this.$takebug && this.$takebug.clientHeight > 0 && this.$takebug.dataset.takeIfPatch) { this.$takebug.checked = is_patch || is_ghpr; } } /** * Called whenever an option is selected from the Content Type list. Select the "select from list" radio button. */ type_select_onchange() { this.$type_list.checked = true; } /** * Called whenever the used manually specified the Content Type. Select the "select from list" or "enter manually" * radio button depending on the value. */ type_input_onchange() { if (this.$type_input.value) { this.$type_manual.checked = true; } else { this.$type_list.checked = this.$type_select.options[0].selected = true; } } }; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => bz_attachment_form = new Bugzilla.AttachmentForm(), { once: true });