/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as * defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. */ var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; Event.onDOMReady(function() { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.onInit(); if (YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.getContent().length >= 4) { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.doSearch(YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.getContent()); } else { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.reset(); } Dom.get('content').focus(); }); YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch = { counter: 0, dataTable: null, dataTableColumns: null, elContent: null, elList: null, currentSearchQuery: '', currentSearchProduct: '', onInit: function() { YAHOO.util.Connect.setDefaultPostHeader('text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); this.elContent = Dom.get('content'); this.elList = Dom.get('results'); Event.addListener(this.elContent, 'keyup', this.onContentKeyUp); Event.addListener(Dom.get('product'), 'change', this.onProductChange); }, setLabels: function(labels) { this.dataTableColumns = [ { key: "id", label: labels.id, formatter: this.formatId }, { key: "summary", label: labels.summary, formatter: "text" }, { key: "component", label: labels.component, formatter: "text" }, { key: "status", label: labels.status, formatter: this.formatStatus }, ]; }, initDataTable: function() { var dataSource = new YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource("jsonrpc.cgi"); dataSource.connTimeout = 15000; dataSource.connMethodPost = true; dataSource.connXhrMode = "cancelStaleRequests"; dataSource.maxCacheEntries = 3; dataSource.responseSchema = { resultsList : "result.bugs", metaFields : { error: "error", jsonRpcId: "id" } }; // DataSource can't understand a JSON-RPC error response, so // we have to modify the result data if we get one. dataSource.doBeforeParseData = function(oRequest, oFullResponse, oCallback) { if (oFullResponse.error) { oFullResponse.result = {}; oFullResponse.result.bugs = []; if (console) console.error("JSON-RPC error:", oFullResponse.error); } return oFullResponse; }; dataSource.subscribe('dataErrorEvent', function() { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.currentSearchQuery = ''; } ); this.dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable( 'results', this.dataTableColumns, dataSource, { initialLoad: false, MSG_EMPTY: 'No matching bugs found.', MSG_ERROR: 'An error occurred while searching for bugs, please try again.' } ); }, formatId: function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { el.innerHTML = '' + oData + ''; }, formatStatus: function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { var resolution = oRecord.getData('resolution'); var bugStatus = display_value('bug_status', oData); if (resolution) { el.innerHTML = bugStatus + ' ' + display_value('resolution', resolution); } else { el.innerHTML = bugStatus; } }, reset: function() { Dom.addClass(this.elList, 'hidden'); this.elList.innerHTML = ''; this.currentSearchQuery = ''; this.currentSearchProduct = ''; }, onContentKeyUp: function(e) { clearTimeout(YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.lastTimeout); YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.lastTimeout = setTimeout(function() { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.doSearch(YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.getContent()) }, 600); }, onProductChange: function(e) { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.doSearch(YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.getContent()); }, doSearch: function(query) { if (query.length < 4) return; // don't query if we already have the results (or they are pending) var product = Dom.get('product').value; if (YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.currentSearchQuery == query && YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.currentSearchProduct == product) return; YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.currentSearchQuery = query; YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.currentSearchProduct = product; // initialise the datatable as late as possible YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.initDataTable(); try { // run the search Dom.removeClass(YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.elList, 'hidden'); YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.dataTable.showTableMessage( 'Searching...   ' + '', YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_LOADING ); var jsonObject = { version: "1.1", method: "Bug.possible_duplicates", id: ++YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.counter, params: { product: YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.getProduct(), summary: query, limit: 20, include_fields: [ "id", "summary", "status", "resolution", "component" ] } }; YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.dataTable.getDataSource().sendRequest( YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(jsonObject), { success: YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.onSearchResults, failure: YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.onSearchResults, scope: YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.dataTable, argument: YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.dataTable.getState() } ); } catch(err) { if (console) console.error(err.message); } }, onSearchResults: function(sRequest, oResponse, oPayload) { YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.dataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable(sRequest, oResponse, oPayload); }, getContent: function() { var content = YAHOO.lang.trim(this.elContent.value); // work around chrome bug if (content == YAHOO.bugzilla.instantSearch.elContent.getAttribute('placeholder')) { return ''; } else { return content; } }, getProduct: function() { var result = []; var name = Dom.get('product').value; result.push(name); if (products[name] && products[name].related) { for (var i = 0, n = products[name].related.length; i < n; i++) { result.push(products[name].related[i]); } } return result; } };