# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. ########################################## # Test for xmlrpc call to Bug.comments() # ########################################## use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(lib ../../lib ../../local/lib/perl5); use DateTime; use QA::Util; use QA::Tests qw(STANDARD_BUG_TESTS PRIVATE_BUG_USER); use Test::More tests => 331; my ($config, @clients) = get_rpc_clients(); # These gets populated when we call Bug.add_comment. our $creation_time; our %comments = ( public_comment_public_bug => 0, public_comment_private_bug => 0, private_comment_public_bug => 0, private_comment_private_bug => 0, ); sub test_comments { my ($comments_returned, $call, $t, $rpc) = @_; my $comment = $comments_returned->[0]; ok($comment->{bug_id}, "bug_id exists"); # FIXME: At some point we should test attachment_id here. if ($t->{args}->{comment_ids}) { my $expected_id = $t->{args}->{comment_ids}->[0]; is($comment->{id}, $expected_id, "comment id is correct"); my %reverse_map = reverse %comments; my $expected_text = $reverse_map{$expected_id}; is($comment->{text}, $expected_text, "comment has the correct text"); my $priv_login = $rpc->bz_config->{PRIVATE_BUG_USER . '_user_login'}; is($comment->{creator}, $priv_login, "comment creator is correct"); my $creation_day; if ($rpc->isa('QA::RPC::XMLRPC')) { $creation_day = $creation_time->ymd(''); } else { $creation_day = $creation_time->ymd; } like( $comment->{time}, qr/^\Q${creation_day}\ET\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/, "comment time has the right format" ); } else { foreach my $field (qw(id text creator time)) { ok(defined $comment->{$field}, "$field is defined"); } } } ################ # Bug ID Tests # ################ sub post_bug_success { my ($call, $t) = @_; my @bugs = values %{$call->result->{bugs}}; is(scalar @bugs, 1, "Got exactly one bug"); my @comments = map { @{$_->{comments}} } @bugs; test_comments(\@comments, @_); } foreach my $rpc (@clients) { $rpc->bz_run_tests( tests => STANDARD_BUG_TESTS, method => 'Bug.comments', post_success => \&post_bug_success ); } #################### # Comment ID Tests # #################### # First, create comments using add_comment. my @add_comment_tests; foreach my $key (keys %comments) { $key =~ /^([a-z]+)_comment_(\w+)$/; my $is_private = ($1 eq 'private' ? 1 : 0); my $bug_alias = $2; push( @add_comment_tests, { args => {id => $bug_alias, comment => $key, private => $is_private}, test => "Add comment: $key", user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER } ); } # Set the comment id for each comment that we add, so we can test getting # them back, later. sub post_add { my ($call, $t) = @_; my $key = $t->{args}->{comment}; $comments{$key} = $call->result->{id}; } $creation_time = DateTime->now(); # We only need to create these comments once, with one of the interfaces. $clients[0]->bz_run_tests( tests => \@add_comment_tests, method => 'Bug.add_comment', post_success => \&post_add ); # Now check access on each private and public comment my @comment_tests = ( # Logged-out user { args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'public_comment_public_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-out user can access public comment on public bug by id', }, { args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_public_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-out user cannot access private comment on public bug', error => 'is private', }, { args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'public_comment_private_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-out user cannot access comments by id on private bug', error => 'You are not authorized to access', }, { args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_private_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-out user cannot access private comment on private bug', error => 'You are not authorized to access', }, # Logged-in, unprivileged user. { user => 'unprivileged', args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'public_comment_public_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-in user can see a public comment on a public bug by id', }, { user => 'unprivileged', args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_public_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-in user cannot access private comment on public bug', error => 'is private', }, { user => 'unprivileged', args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'public_comment_private_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-in user cannot access comments by id on private bug', error => "You are not authorized to access", }, { user => 'unprivileged', args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_private_bug'}]}, test => 'Logged-in user cannot access private comment on private bug', error => "You are not authorized to access", }, # User who can see private bugs and private comments { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER, args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_public_bug'}]}, test => PRIVATE_BUG_USER . ' can see private comment on public bug', }, { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER, args => {comment_ids => [$comments{'private_comment_private_bug'}]}, test => PRIVATE_BUG_USER . ' can see private comment on private bug', }, ); sub post_comments { my ($call) = @_; my @comments = values %{$call->result->{comments}}; is(scalar @comments, 1, "Got exactly one comment"); test_comments(\@comments, @_); } foreach my $rpc (@clients) { $rpc->bz_run_tests( tests => \@comment_tests, method => 'Bug.comments', post_success => \&post_comments ); }