#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman # Matthew Tuck # Max Kanat-Alexander # Marc Schumann use strict; use lib qw(.); require "globals.pl"; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::User; ########################################################################### # General subs ########################################################################### sub Status { my ($str) = (@_); print "$str

\n"; } sub Alert { my ($str) = (@_); Status("$str"); } sub BugLink { my ($id) = (@_); return "$id"; } # # Parameter is a list of bug ids. # # Return is a string containing a list of all the bugids, as hrefs, # followed by a link to them all as a buglist sub BugListLinks { my @bugs = @_; # Historically, GetBugLink() wasn't used here. I'm guessing this # was because it didn't exist or is too performance heavy, or just # plain unnecessary my @bug_links = map(BugLink($_), @bugs); return join(', ',@bug_links) . " (as buglist)"; } ########################################################################### # Start ########################################################################### Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED); my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $template = Bugzilla->template; # Make sure the user is authorized to access sanitycheck.cgi. Access # is restricted to logged-in users who have "editbugs" privileges, # which is a reasonable compromise between allowing all users to access # the script (creating the potential for denial of service attacks) # and restricting access to this installation's administrators (which # prevents users with a legitimate interest in Bugzilla integrity # from accessing the script). UserInGroup("editbugs") || ThrowUserError("auth_failure", {group => "editbugs", action => "run", object => "sanity_check"}); print $cgi->header(); my @row; $template->put_header("Bugzilla Sanity Check"); ########################################################################### # Fix vote cache ########################################################################### if (defined $cgi->param('rebuildvotecache')) { Status("OK, now rebuilding vote cache."); $dbh->bz_lock_tables('bugs WRITE', 'votes READ'); SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET votes = 0"); SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, SUM(vote_count) FROM votes " . $dbh->sql_group_by('bug_id')); my %votes; while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id, $v) = (@row); $votes{$id} = $v; } foreach my $id (keys %votes) { SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET votes = $votes{$id} WHERE bug_id = $id"); } $dbh->bz_unlock_tables(); Status("Vote cache has been rebuilt."); } ########################################################################### # Create missing group_control_map entries ########################################################################### if (defined $cgi->param('createmissinggroupcontrolmapentries')) { Status(qq{OK, now creating SHOWN member control entries for product/group combinations lacking one.}); my $na = CONTROLMAPNA; my $shown = CONTROLMAPSHOWN; my $insertsth = $dbh->prepare( qq{INSERT INTO group_control_map ( group_id, product_id, entry, membercontrol, othercontrol, canedit ) VALUES ( ?, ?, 0, $shown, $na, 0 )}); my $updatesth = $dbh->prepare(qq{UPDATE group_control_map SET membercontrol = $shown WHERE group_id = ? AND product_id = ?}); my $counter = 0; # Find all group/product combinations used for bugs but not set up # correctly in group_control_map my $invalid_combinations = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{ SELECT bugs.product_id, bgm.group_id, gcm.membercontrol, groups.name, products.name FROM bugs INNER JOIN bug_group_map AS bgm ON bugs.bug_id = bgm.bug_id INNER JOIN groups ON bgm.group_id = groups.id INNER JOIN products ON bugs.product_id = products.id LEFT JOIN group_control_map AS gcm ON bugs.product_id = gcm.product_id AND bgm.group_id = gcm.group_id WHERE COALESCE(gcm.membercontrol, $na) = $na } . $dbh->sql_group_by('bugs.product_id, bgm.group_id')); foreach (@$invalid_combinations) { my ($product_id, $group_id, $currentmembercontrol, $group_name, $product_name) = @$_; $counter++; if (defined($currentmembercontrol)) { Status(qq{Updating NA/xxx group control setting for group $group_name to SHOWN/xxx in product $product_name.}); $updatesth->execute($group_id, $product_id); } else { Status(qq{Generating SHOWN/NA group control setting for group $group_name in product $product_name.}); $insertsth->execute($group_id, $product_id); } } Status("Repaired $counter defective group control settings."); } ########################################################################### # Send unsent mail ########################################################################### if (defined $cgi->param('rescanallBugMail')) { require Bugzilla::BugMail; Status("OK, now attempting to send unsent mail"); SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE (lastdiffed IS NULL OR lastdiffed < delta_ts) AND delta_ts < now() - " . $dbh->sql_interval(30, 'MINUTE') . " ORDER BY bug_id"); my @list; while (MoreSQLData()) { push (@list, FetchOneColumn()); } Status(scalar(@list) . ' bugs found with possibly unsent mail.'); foreach my $bugid (@list) { Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bugid); } if (scalar(@list) > 0) { Status("Unsent mail has been sent."); } $template->put_footer(); exit; } ########################################################################### # Remove all references to deleted bugs ########################################################################### if (defined $cgi->param('remove_invalid_references')) { Status("OK, now removing all references to deleted bugs."); $dbh->bz_lock_tables('attachments WRITE', 'bug_group_map WRITE', 'bugs_activity WRITE', 'cc WRITE', 'dependencies WRITE', 'duplicates WRITE', 'flags WRITE', 'keywords WRITE', 'longdescs WRITE', 'votes WRITE', 'bugs READ'); foreach my $pair ('attachments/', 'bug_group_map/', 'bugs_activity/', 'cc/', 'dependencies/blocked', 'dependencies/dependson', 'duplicates/dupe', 'duplicates/dupe_of', 'flags/', 'keywords/', 'longdescs/', 'votes/') { my ($table, $field) = split('/', $pair); $field ||= "bug_id"; my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT $table.$field FROM $table LEFT JOIN bugs ON $table.$field = bugs.bug_id WHERE bugs.bug_id IS NULL"); if (scalar(@$bug_ids)) { $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $field IN (" . join(',', @$bug_ids) . ")"); } } $dbh->bz_unlock_tables(); Status("All references to deleted bugs have been removed."); } print "OK, now running sanity checks.

\n"; ########################################################################### # Perform referential (cross) checks ########################################################################### # This checks that a simple foreign key has a valid primary key value. NULL # references are acceptable and cause no problem. # # The first parameter is the primary key table name. # The second parameter is the primary key field name. # Each successive parameter represents a foreign key, it must be a list # reference, where the list has: # the first value is the foreign key table name. # the second value is the foreign key field name. # the third value is optional and represents a field on the foreign key # table to display when the check fails. # the fourth value is optional and is a list reference to values that # are excluded from checking. # # FIXME: The excluded values parameter should go away - the QA contact # fields should use NULL instead - see bug #109474. # The same goes for series; no bug for that yet. sub CrossCheck { my $table = shift @_; my $field = shift @_; Status("Checking references to $table.$field"); while (@_) { my $ref = shift @_; my ($refertable, $referfield, $keyname, $exceptions) = @$ref; $exceptions ||= []; my %exceptions = map { $_ => 1 } @$exceptions; Status("... from $refertable.$referfield"); SendSQL("SELECT DISTINCT $refertable.$referfield" . ($keyname ? ", $refertable.$keyname" : '') . " " . "FROM $refertable LEFT JOIN $table " . " ON $refertable.$referfield = $table.$field " . "WHERE $table.$field IS NULL " . " AND $refertable.$referfield IS NOT NULL"); my $has_bad_references = 0; while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($value, $key) = FetchSQLData(); if (!$exceptions{$value}) { my $alert = "Bad value "$value" found in $refertable.$referfield"; if ($keyname) { if ($keyname eq 'bug_id') { $alert .= ' (bug ' . BugLink($key) . ')'; } else { $alert .= " ($keyname == '$key')"; } } Alert($alert); $has_bad_references = 1; } } # References to non existent bugs can be safely removed, bug 288461 if ($table eq 'bugs' && $has_bad_references) { print qq{Remove invalid references to non existent bugs.

\n}; } } } CrossCheck('classifications', 'id', ['products', 'classification_id']); CrossCheck("keyworddefs", "id", ["keywords", "keywordid"]); CrossCheck("fielddefs", "fieldid", ["bugs_activity", "fieldid"], ['profiles_activity', 'fieldid']); CrossCheck("flagtypes", "id", ["flags", "type_id"]); CrossCheck("bugs", "bug_id", ["bugs_activity", "bug_id"], ["bug_group_map", "bug_id"], ["attachments", "bug_id"], ["cc", "bug_id"], ["longdescs", "bug_id"], ["dependencies", "blocked"], ["dependencies", "dependson"], ['flags', 'bug_id'], ["votes", "bug_id"], ["keywords", "bug_id"], ["duplicates", "dupe_of", "dupe"], ["duplicates", "dupe", "dupe_of"]); CrossCheck("groups", "id", ["bug_group_map", "group_id"], ['category_group_map', 'group_id'], ["group_group_map", "grantor_id"], ["group_group_map", "member_id"], ["group_control_map", "group_id"], ["user_group_map", "group_id"]); CrossCheck("profiles", "userid", ['profiles_activity', 'userid'], ['profiles_activity', 'who'], ['email_setting', 'user_id'], ['profile_setting', 'user_id'], ["bugs", "reporter", "bug_id"], ["bugs", "assigned_to", "bug_id"], ["bugs", "qa_contact", "bug_id"], ["attachments", "submitter_id", "bug_id"], ['flags', 'setter_id', 'bug_id'], ['flags', 'requestee_id', 'bug_id'], ["bugs_activity", "who", "bug_id"], ["cc", "who", "bug_id"], ['quips', 'userid'], ["votes", "who", "bug_id"], ["longdescs", "who", "bug_id"], ["logincookies", "userid"], ["namedqueries", "userid"], ['series', 'creator', 'series_id', ['0']], ["watch", "watcher"], ["watch", "watched"], ['whine_events', 'owner_userid'], ["tokens", "userid"], ["user_group_map", "user_id"], ["components", "initialowner", "name"], ["components", "initialqacontact", "name"]); CrossCheck("products", "id", ["bugs", "product_id", "bug_id"], ["components", "product_id", "name"], ["milestones", "product_id", "value"], ["versions", "product_id", "value"], ["group_control_map", "product_id"], ["flaginclusions", "product_id", "type_id"], ["flagexclusions", "product_id", "type_id"]); # Check the former enum types -mkanat@bugzilla.org CrossCheck("bug_status", "value", ["bugs", "bug_status", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck("resolution", "value", ["bugs", "resolution", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck("bug_severity", "value", ["bugs", "bug_severity", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck("op_sys", "value", ["bugs", "op_sys", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck("priority", "value", ["bugs", "priority", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck("rep_platform", "value", ["bugs", "rep_platform", "bug_id"]); CrossCheck('series', 'series_id', ['series_data', 'series_id']); CrossCheck('series_categories', 'id', ['series', 'category']); CrossCheck('whine_events', 'id', ['whine_queries', 'eventid'], ['whine_schedules', 'eventid']); ########################################################################### # Perform double field referential (cross) checks ########################################################################### # This checks that a compound two-field foreign key has a valid primary key # value. NULL references are acceptable and cause no problem. # # The first parameter is the primary key table name. # The second parameter is the primary key first field name. # The third parameter is the primary key second field name. # Each successive parameter represents a foreign key, it must be a list # reference, where the list has: # the first value is the foreign key table name # the second value is the foreign key first field name. # the third value is the foreign key second field name. # the fourth value is optional and represents a field on the foreign key # table to display when the check fails sub DoubleCrossCheck { my $table = shift @_; my $field1 = shift @_; my $field2 = shift @_; Status("Checking references to $table.$field1 / $table.$field2"); while (@_) { my $ref = shift @_; my ($refertable, $referfield1, $referfield2, $keyname) = @$ref; Status("... from $refertable.$referfield1 / $refertable.$referfield2"); SendSQL("SELECT DISTINCT $refertable.$referfield1, $refertable.$referfield2" . ($keyname ? ", $refertable.$keyname" : '') . " " . "FROM $refertable LEFT JOIN $table " . " ON $refertable.$referfield1 = $table.$field1 " . " AND $refertable.$referfield2 = $table.$field2 " . "WHERE $table.$field1 IS NULL " . " AND $table.$field2 IS NULL " . " AND $refertable.$referfield1 IS NOT NULL " . " AND $refertable.$referfield2 IS NOT NULL"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($value1, $value2, $key) = FetchSQLData(); my $alert = "Bad values "$value1", "$value2" found in " . "$refertable.$referfield1 / $refertable.$referfield2"; if ($keyname) { if ($keyname eq 'bug_id') { $alert .= ' (bug ' . BugLink($key) . ')'; } else { $alert .= " ($keyname == '$key')"; } } Alert($alert); } } } DoubleCrossCheck('attachments', 'bug_id', 'attach_id', ['flags', 'bug_id', 'attach_id'], ['bugs_activity', 'bug_id', 'attach_id']); DoubleCrossCheck("components", "product_id", "id", ["bugs", "product_id", "component_id", "bug_id"], ['flagexclusions', 'product_id', 'component_id'], ['flaginclusions', 'product_id', 'component_id']); DoubleCrossCheck("versions", "product_id", "value", ["bugs", "product_id", "version", "bug_id"]); DoubleCrossCheck("milestones", "product_id", "value", ["bugs", "product_id", "target_milestone", "bug_id"], ["products", "id", "defaultmilestone", "name"]); ########################################################################### # Perform login checks ########################################################################### Status("Checking profile logins"); SendSQL("SELECT userid, login_name FROM profiles"); while (my ($id,$email) = (FetchSQLData())) { validate_email_syntax($email) || Alert "Bad profile email address, id=$id, <$email>."; } ########################################################################### # Perform vote/keyword cache checks ########################################################################### my $offervotecacherebuild = 0; sub AlertBadVoteCache { my ($id) = (@_); Alert("Bad vote cache for bug " . BugLink($id)); $offervotecacherebuild = 1; } SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, votes, keywords FROM bugs " . "WHERE votes != 0 OR keywords != ''"); my %votes; my %bugid; my %keyword; while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my($id, $v, $k) = (@row); if ($v != 0) { $votes{$id} = $v; } if ($k) { $keyword{$id} = $k; } } Status("Checking cached vote counts"); SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, SUM(vote_count) FROM votes " . $dbh->sql_group_by('bug_id')); while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id, $v) = (@row); if ($v <= 0) { Alert("Bad vote sum for bug $id"); } else { if (!defined $votes{$id} || $votes{$id} != $v) { AlertBadVoteCache($id); } delete $votes{$id}; } } foreach my $id (keys %votes) { AlertBadVoteCache($id); } if ($offervotecacherebuild) { print qq{Click here to rebuild the vote cache

\n}; } Status("Checking keywords table"); my %keywordids; SendSQL("SELECT id, name FROM keyworddefs"); while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id, $name) = (@row); if ($keywordids{$id}) { Alert("Duplicate entry in keyworddefs for id $id"); } $keywordids{$id} = 1; if ($name =~ /[\s,]/) { Alert("Bogus name in keyworddefs for id $id"); } } SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, keywordid FROM keywords ORDER BY bug_id, keywordid"); my $lastid; my $lastk; while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id, $k) = (@row); if (!$keywordids{$k}) { Alert("Bogus keywordids $k found in keywords table"); } if (defined $lastid && $id eq $lastid && $k eq $lastk) { Alert("Duplicate keyword ids found in bug " . BugLink($id)); } $lastid = $id; $lastk = $k; } Status("Checking cached keywords"); my %realk; if (defined $cgi->param('rebuildkeywordcache')) { $dbh->bz_lock_tables('bugs write', 'keywords read', 'keyworddefs read'); } SendSQL("SELECT keywords.bug_id, keyworddefs.name " . "FROM keywords " . "INNER JOIN keyworddefs " . " ON keyworddefs.id = keywords.keywordid " . "INNER JOIN bugs " . " ON keywords.bug_id = bugs.bug_id " . "ORDER BY keywords.bug_id, keyworddefs.name"); my $lastb = 0; my @list; while (1) { my ($b, $k) = FetchSQLData(); if (!defined $b || $b != $lastb) { if (@list) { $realk{$lastb} = join(', ', @list); } if (!$b) { last; } $lastb = $b; @list = (); } push(@list, $k); } my @badbugs = (); foreach my $b (keys(%keyword)) { if (!exists $realk{$b} || $realk{$b} ne $keyword{$b}) { push(@badbugs, $b); } } foreach my $b (keys(%realk)) { if (!exists $keyword{$b}) { push(@badbugs, $b); } } if (@badbugs) { @badbugs = sort {$a <=> $b} @badbugs; Alert(scalar(@badbugs) . " bug(s) found with incorrect keyword cache: " . BugListLinks(@badbugs)); if (defined $cgi->param('rebuildkeywordcache')) { Status("OK, now fixing keyword cache."); foreach my $b (@badbugs) { my $k = ''; if (exists($realk{$b})) { $k = $realk{$b}; } SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET keywords = " . SqlQuote($k) . " WHERE bug_id = $b"); } Status("Keyword cache fixed."); } else { print qq{Click here to rebuild the keyword cache

\n}; } } if (defined $cgi->param('rebuildkeywordcache')) { $dbh->bz_unlock_tables(); } ########################################################################### # General bug checks ########################################################################### sub BugCheck { my ($middlesql, $errortext, $repairparam, $repairtext) = @_; SendSQL("SELECT DISTINCT bugs.bug_id " . "FROM $middlesql " . "ORDER BY bugs.bug_id"); my @badbugs = (); while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id) = (@row); push (@badbugs, $id); } if (@badbugs) { Alert("$errortext: " . BugListLinks(@badbugs)); if ($repairparam) { $repairtext ||= 'Repair these bugs'; print qq{$repairtext.}, '

'; } } } Status("Checking resolution/duplicates"); BugCheck("bugs INNER JOIN duplicates ON bugs.bug_id = duplicates.dupe " . "WHERE bugs.resolution != 'DUPLICATE'", "Bug(s) found on duplicates table that are not marked duplicate"); BugCheck("bugs LEFT JOIN duplicates ON bugs.bug_id = duplicates.dupe WHERE " . "bugs.resolution = 'DUPLICATE' AND " . "duplicates.dupe IS NULL", "Bug(s) found marked resolved duplicate and not on duplicates table"); Status("Checking statuses/resolutions"); my @open_states = map(SqlQuote($_), OpenStates()); my $open_states = join(', ', @open_states); BugCheck("bugs WHERE bug_status IN ($open_states) AND resolution != ''", "Bugs with open status and a resolution"); BugCheck("bugs WHERE bug_status NOT IN ($open_states) AND resolution = ''", "Bugs with non-open status and no resolution"); Status("Checking statuses/everconfirmed"); BugCheck("bugs WHERE bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' AND everconfirmed = 1", "Bugs that are UNCONFIRMED but have everconfirmed set"); # The below list of resolutions is hardcoded because we don't know if future # resolutions will be confirmed, unconfirmed or maybeconfirmed. I suspect # they will be maybeconfirmed, e.g. ASLEEP and REMIND. This hardcoding should # disappear when we have customised statuses. BugCheck("bugs WHERE bug_status IN ('NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'REOPENED') AND everconfirmed = 0", "Bugs with confirmed status but don't have everconfirmed set"); Status("Checking votes/everconfirmed"); BugCheck("bugs INNER JOIN products ON bugs.product_id = products.id " . "WHERE everconfirmed = 0 AND votestoconfirm <= votes", "Bugs that have enough votes to be confirmed but haven't been"); ########################################################################### # Date checks ########################################################################### sub DateCheck { my $table = shift @_; my $field = shift @_; Status("Checking dates in $table.$field"); SendSQL("SELECT COUNT( $field ) FROM $table WHERE $field > NOW()"); my $c = FetchOneColumn(); if ($c) { Alert("Found $c dates in future"); } } DateCheck("groups", "last_changed"); DateCheck("profiles", "refreshed_when"); ########################################################################### # Control Values ########################################################################### # Checks for values that are invalid OR # not among the 9 valid combinations Status("Checking for bad values in group_control_map"); SendSQL("SELECT COUNT(product_id) FROM group_control_map WHERE " . "membercontrol NOT IN(" . CONTROLMAPNA . "," . CONTROLMAPSHOWN . "," . CONTROLMAPDEFAULT . "," . CONTROLMAPMANDATORY . ")" . " OR " . "othercontrol NOT IN(" . CONTROLMAPNA . "," . CONTROLMAPSHOWN . "," . CONTROLMAPDEFAULT . "," . CONTROLMAPMANDATORY . ")" . " OR " . "( (membercontrol != othercontrol) " . "AND (membercontrol != " . CONTROLMAPSHOWN . ") " . "AND ((membercontrol != " . CONTROLMAPDEFAULT . ") " . "OR (othercontrol = " . CONTROLMAPSHOWN . ")))"); my $c = FetchOneColumn(); if ($c) { Alert("Found $c bad group_control_map entries"); } Status("Checking for bugs with groups violating their product's group controls"); BugCheck("bugs INNER JOIN bug_group_map ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id LEFT JOIN group_control_map ON bugs.product_id = group_control_map.product_id AND bug_group_map.group_id = group_control_map.group_id WHERE ((group_control_map.membercontrol = " . CONTROLMAPNA . ") OR (group_control_map.membercontrol IS NULL))", 'Have groups not permitted for their products', 'createmissinggroupcontrolmapentries', 'Permit the missing groups for the affected products (set member control to SHOWN)'); BugCheck("bugs INNER JOIN group_control_map ON bugs.product_id = group_control_map.product_id INNER JOIN groups ON group_control_map.group_id = groups.id LEFT JOIN bug_group_map ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id AND group_control_map.group_id = bug_group_map.group_id WHERE group_control_map.membercontrol = " . CONTROLMAPMANDATORY . " AND bug_group_map.group_id IS NULL AND groups.isactive != 0", "Are missing groups required for their products"); ########################################################################### # Unsent mail ########################################################################### Status("Checking for unsent mail"); @badbugs = (); SendSQL("SELECT bug_id " . "FROM bugs WHERE (lastdiffed IS NULL OR lastdiffed < delta_ts) AND " . "delta_ts < now() - " . $dbh->sql_interval(30, 'MINUTE') . " ORDER BY bug_id"); while (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my ($id) = (@row); push(@badbugs, $id); } if (@badbugs > 0) { Alert("Bugs that have changes but no mail sent for at least half an hour: " . BugListLinks(@badbugs)); print qq{Send these mails.

\n}; } ########################################################################### # End ########################################################################### Status("Sanity check completed."); $template->put_footer();