#!/usr/bin/env perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements; use Bugzilla::Install::Util; sub _check_vers { my ($params) = @_; my $module = $params->{module}; my $package = $params->{package}; if (!$package) { $package = $module; $package =~ s/::/-/g; } my $wanted = $params->{version}; eval "require $module;"; # Don't let loading a module change the output-encoding of STDOUT # or STDERR. (CGI.pm tries to set "binmode" on these file handles when # it's loaded, and other modules may do the same in the future.) Bugzilla::Install::Util::set_output_encoding(); # VERSION is provided by UNIVERSAL::, and can be called even if # the module isn't loaded. We eval'uate ->VERSION because it can die # when the version is not valid (yes, this happens from time to time). # In that case, we use an uglier method to get the version. my $vnum = eval { $module->VERSION }; if ($@) { no strict 'refs'; $vnum = ${"${module}::VERSION"}; # If we come here, then the version is not a valid one. # We try to sanitize it. if ($vnum =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)*)/) { $vnum = $1; } } $vnum ||= -1; # Must do a string comparison as $vnum may be of the form 5.10.1. my $vok = ($vnum ne '-1' && version->new($vnum) >= version->new($wanted)) ? 1 : 0; if ($vok && $params->{blacklist}) { $vok = 0 if grep($vnum =~ /$_/, @{$params->{blacklist}}); } return {module => $module, ok => $vok, wanted => $wanted, found => $vnum,}; } my $cpanfile; # Required modules foreach my $module (@{REQUIRED_MODULES()}) { my $current = _check_vers($module); my $requires = "requires '" . $current->{module} . "'"; $requires .= ", '" . ($current->{ok} ? $current->{found} : $current->{wanted}) . "'"; $requires .= ";\n"; $cpanfile .= $requires; } # Recommended modules $cpanfile .= "\n# Optional\n"; my %features; foreach my $module (@{OPTIONAL_MODULES()}) { next if $module->{package} eq 'mod_perl'; # Skip mod_perl since this would be installed by distro my $current = _check_vers($module); if (exists $module->{feature}) { foreach my $feature (@{$module->{feature}}) { # cpanm requires that each feature only be defined in the cpanfile # once, so we use an intermediate hash to consolidate/de-dupe the # modules associated with each feature. $features{$feature}{$module->{module}} = ($current->{ok} ? $current->{found} : $current->{wanted}); } } else { my $recommends = ""; $recommends .= "recommends '" . $module->{module} . "'"; $recommends .= ", '" . ($current->{ok} ? $current->{found} : $current->{wanted}) . "'"; $recommends .= ";\n"; $cpanfile .= $recommends; } } foreach my $feature (sort keys %features) { my $recommends = ""; $recommends .= "feature '" . $feature . "' => sub {\n"; foreach my $module (sort keys %{$features{$feature}}) { my $version = $features{$feature}{$module}; $recommends .= " recommends '" . $module . "'"; $recommends .= ", '$version'" if $version; $recommends .= ";\n"; } $recommends .= "};\n"; $cpanfile .= $recommends; } # Database modules $cpanfile .= "\n# Database support\n"; foreach my $db (keys %{DB_MODULE()}) { next if !exists DB_MODULE->{$db}->{dbd}; my $dbd = DB_MODULE->{$db}->{dbd}; my $current = _check_vers($dbd); my $recommends .= "feature '$db' => sub {\n"; $recommends .= " recommends '" . $dbd->{module} . "'"; $recommends .= ", '" . ($current->{ok} ? $current->{found} : $current->{wanted}) . "'"; $recommends .= ";\n};\n"; $cpanfile .= $recommends; } # Write out the cpanfile to STDOUT print $cpanfile . "\n";