#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(/app /app/local/lib/perl5); use autodie qw(:all); use Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig (); use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(install_string); use Bugzilla::Test::Util qw(create_user); use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use English qw(-no_match_vars $EUID); use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy); use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt); use IO::Async::Loop; use IO::Async::Process; use IO::Async::Signal; use IO::Async::Timer::Periodic; use LWP::Simple qw(get); use POSIX qw(WEXITSTATUS setsid); use Sys::Hostname; use User::pwent; BEGIN { STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); } use constant CI => $ENV{CI}; my $cmd = shift @ARGV; my $opts = __PACKAGE__->can("opt_$cmd") // sub { @ARGV }; my $func = __PACKAGE__->can("cmd_$cmd") // sub { check_data_dir(); wait_for_db(); run($cmd, @_); }; fix_path(); check_user(); check_env(qw( LOCALCONFIG_ENV BMO_db_host BMO_db_name BMO_db_user BMO_db_pass BMO_memcached_namespace BMO_memcached_servers BMO_urlbase )); if ( $ENV{BMO_urlbase} eq 'AUTOMATIC' ) { $ENV{BMO_urlbase} = sprintf 'http://%s:%d/%s', hostname(), $ENV{PORT}, $ENV{BZ_QA_LEGACY_MODE} ? 'bmo/' : ''; $ENV{BZ_BASE_URL} = sprintf 'http://%s:%d', hostname(), $ENV{PORT}; } $func->($opts->()); sub cmd_demo { unless (-f '/app/data/params') { cmd_load_test_data(); check_env(qw( PHABRICATOR_BOT_LOGIN PHABRICATOR_BOT_PASSWORD PHABRICATOR_BOT_API_KEY CONDUIT_USER_LOGIN CONDUIT_USER_PASSWORD CONDUIT_USER_API_KEY )); run( 'perl', 'scripts/generate_conduit_data.pl' ); } cmd_httpd(); } sub cmd_httpd { check_data_dir(); wait_for_db(); check_httpd_env(); my @httpd_args = ( '-DFOREGROUND', '-f' => '/app/httpd/httpd.conf', ); # If we're behind a proxy and the urlbase says https, we must be using https. # * basically means "I trust the load balancer" anyway. if ($ENV{BMO_inbound_proxies} eq '*' && $ENV{BMO_urlbase} =~ /^https/) { unshift @httpd_args, '-DHTTPS'; } run( '/usr/sbin/httpd', @httpd_args ); } sub cmd_load_test_data { wait_for_db(); die 'BZ_QA_ANSWERS_FILE is not set' unless $ENV{BZ_QA_ANSWERS_FILE}; run( 'perl', 'checksetup.pl', '--no-template', $ENV{BZ_QA_ANSWERS_FILE} ); if ($ENV{BZ_QA_LEGACY_MODE}) { run( 'perl', 'scripts/generate_bmo_data.pl', '--user-pref', 'ui_experiments=off' ); chdir '/app/qa/config'; say 'chdir(/app/qa/config)'; run( 'perl', 'generate_test_data.pl' ); } else { run( 'perl', 'scripts/generate_bmo_data.pl', '--param' => 'use_mailer_queue=0' ); } } sub cmd_test_heartbeat { my ($url) = @_; die "test_heartbeat requires a url!\n" unless $url; wait_for_httpd($url); my $heartbeat = get("$url/__heartbeat__"); if ($heartbeat && $heartbeat =~ /Bugzilla OK/) { exit 0; } else { exit 1; } } sub cmd_test_webservices { my $conf = require $ENV{BZ_QA_CONF_FILE}; check_data_dir(); wait_for_db(); my @httpd_cmd = ( '/usr/sbin/httpd', '-DFOREGROUND', '-f', '/app/httpd/httpd.conf' ); if ($ENV{BZ_QA_LEGACY_MODE}) { copy_qa_extension(); push @httpd_cmd, '-DHTTPD_IN_SUBDIR'; } prove_with_httpd( httpd_url => $conf->{browser_url}, httpd_cmd => \@httpd_cmd, prove_cmd => [ 'prove', '-qf', '-I/app', '-I/app/local/lib/perl5', sub { glob 'webservice_*.t' }, ], prove_dir => '/app/qa/t', ); } sub cmd_test_selenium { my $conf = require $ENV{BZ_QA_CONF_FILE}; check_data_dir(); wait_for_db(); my @httpd_cmd = ( '/usr/sbin/httpd', '-DFOREGROUND', '-f', '/app/httpd/httpd.conf' ); if ($ENV{BZ_QA_LEGACY_MODE}) { copy_qa_extension(); push @httpd_cmd, '-DHTTPD_IN_SUBDIR'; } prove_with_httpd( httpd_url => $conf->{browser_url}, httpd_cmd => \@httpd_cmd, prove_cmd => [ 'prove', '-qf', '-Ilib', '-I/app', '-I/app/local/lib/perl5', sub { glob 'test_*.t' } ], prove_dir => '/app/qa/t', ); } sub cmd_shell { run( 'bash', '-l' ); } sub cmd_prove { my (@args) = @_; run( 'prove', '-I/app', '-I/app/local/lib/perl5', @args ); } sub cmd_version { run( 'cat', '/app/version.json' ); } sub cmd_test_bmo { my (@prove_args) = @_; check_data_dir(); wait_for_db(); $ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE} = 'newbie@mozilla.example'; $ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE_PASS} = 'captain.space.bagel.ROBOT!'; create_user($ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE}, $ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE_PASS}, realname => 'Newbie User'); $ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE2} = 'newbie2@mozilla.example'; $ENV{BZ_TEST_NEWBIE2_PASS} = 'captain.space.pants.time.lord'; prove_with_httpd( httpd_url => $ENV{BZ_BASE_URL}, httpd_cmd => [ '/usr/sbin/httpd', '-f', '/app/httpd/httpd.conf', '-DFOREGROUND' ], prove_cmd => [ 'prove', '-I/app', '-I/app/local/lib/perl5', @prove_args ], ); } sub prove_with_httpd { my (%param) = @_; check_httpd_env(); unless (-d '/app/logs') { mkdir '/app/logs' or die "unable to mkdir(/app/logs): $!\n"; } my $httpd_cmd = $param{httpd_cmd}; my $prove_cmd = $param{prove_cmd}; my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; my $httpd_exit_f = $loop->new_future; say 'starting httpd'; my $httpd = IO::Async::Process->new( code => sub { setsid(); exec @$httpd_cmd; }, setup => [ stdout => ['open', '>', '/app/logs/access.log'], stderr => ['open', '>', '/app/logs/error.log'], ], on_finish => on_finish($httpd_exit_f), on_exception => on_exception('httpd', $httpd_exit_f), ); $loop->add($httpd); wait_for_httpd( $httpd, $param{httpd_url} ); warn "httpd started, starting prove\n"; my $prove_exit_f = $loop->new_future; my $prove = IO::Async::Process->new( code => sub { chdir $param{prove_dir} if $param{prove_dir}; my @cmd = (map { ref $_ eq 'CODE' ? $_->() : $_ } @$prove_cmd); warn "run @cmd\n"; exec @cmd; }, on_finish => on_finish($prove_exit_f), on_exception => on_exception('prove', $prove_exit_f), ); $loop->add($prove); my $prove_exit = $prove_exit_f->get(); if ($httpd->is_running) { $httpd->kill('TERM'); my $httpd_exit = $httpd_exit_f->get(); warn "httpd exit code: $httpd_exit\n" if $httpd_exit != 0; } exit $prove_exit; } sub wait_for_httpd { my ($process, $url) = @_; my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; my $is_running_f = $loop->new_future; my $ticks = 0; my $run_checker = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new( first_interval => 0, interval => 1, reschedule => 'hard', on_tick => sub { my ($timer) = @_; if ( $process->is_running ) { my $resp = get("$url/__lbheartbeat__"); if ($resp && $resp =~ /^httpd OK/) { $timer->stop; $is_running_f->done($resp); } say "httpd doesn't seem to be up at $url. waiting..."; } elsif ( $process->is_exited ) { $timer->stop; $is_running_f->fail('httpd process exited early'); } elsif ( $ticks++ > 60 ) { $timer->stop; $is_running_f->fail("is_running_future() timeout after $ticks seconds"); } $timer->stop if $ticks++ > 60; }, ); $loop->add($run_checker->start); return $is_running_f->get(); } sub copy_qa_extension { say 'copying the QA extension...'; dircopy('/app/qa/extensions/QA', '/app/extensions/QA'); } sub wait_for_db { my $c = Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig::read_localconfig(); for my $var (qw(db_name db_host db_user db_pass)) { die "$var is not set!" unless $c->{$var}; } my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:database=$c->{db_name};host=$c->{db_host}"; my $dbh; foreach (1..12) { say 'checking database...' if $_ > 1; $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $c->{db_user}, $c->{db_pass}, { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0 } ); last if $dbh; say "database $dsn not available, waiting..."; sleep 10; } die "unable to connect to $dsn as $c->{db_user}\n" unless $dbh; } sub on_exception { my ($name, $f) = @_; return sub { my ( $self, $exception, $errno, $exitcode ) = @_; if ( length $exception ) { $f->fail("$name died with the exception $exception " . "(errno was $errno)\n"); } elsif ( ( my $status = WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) ) == 255 ) { $f->fail("$name failed to exec() - $errno\n"); } else { $f->fail("$name exited with exit status $status\n"); } }; } sub on_finish { my ($f) = @_; return sub { my ($self, $exitcode) = @_; say "exit code: $exitcode"; $f->done(WEXITSTATUS($exitcode)); }; } sub check_user { die 'Effective UID must be 10001!' unless $EUID == 10_001; my $user = getpwuid($EUID)->name; die "Name of EUID must be app, not $user" unless $user eq 'app'; } sub check_data_dir { die "/app/data must be writable by user 'app' (id: $EUID)" unless -w '/app/data'; die '/app/data/params must exist' unless -f '/app/data/params'; } sub check_env { my (@require_env) = @_; my @missing_env = grep { not exists $ENV{$_} } @require_env; if (@missing_env) { die 'Missing required environmental variables: ', join(', ', @missing_env), "\n"; } } sub check_httpd_env { check_env(qw( HTTPD_StartServers HTTPD_MinSpareServers HTTPD_MaxSpareServers HTTPD_ServerLimit HTTPD_MaxClients HTTPD_MaxRequestsPerChild )) } sub fix_path { $ENV{PATH} = "/app/local/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; } sub run { my (@cmd) = @_; say "+ @cmd"; my $rv = system @cmd; if ($rv != 0) { exit 1; } }