#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/..", "$RealBin/../lib"; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Attachment; use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); my @storage_names = Bugzilla::Attachment->get_storage_names(); my %options; GetOptions(\%options, 'mirror=s@{2}', 'delete=s') or exit(1); unless ($options{mirror} || $options{delete}) { die <dbh; my ($total) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM attachments"); if ($options{mirror}) { if ($options{mirror}->[0] eq $options{mirror}->[1]) { die "Source and destination must be different\n"; } my ($source, $dest) = map { storage($_) } @{ $options{mirror} }; confirm(sprintf('Mirror %s attachments from %s to %s?', $total, @{ $options{mirror} })); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT attach_id, attach_size FROM attachments ORDER BY attach_id"); $sth->execute(); my ($count, $deleted, $stored) = (0, 0, 0); while (my ($attach_id, $attach_size) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { indicate_progress({ total => $total, current => ++$count }); # remove deleted attachments if ($attach_size == 0 && $dest->exists($attach_id)) { $dest->remove($attach_id); $deleted++; } # store attachments that don't already exist elsif ($attach_size != 0 && !$dest->exists($attach_id)) { if (my $data = $source->retrieve($attach_id)) { $dest->store($attach_id, $data); $stored++; } } } print "\n"; print "Attachments stored: $stored\n"; print "Attachments deleted: $deleted\n" if $deleted; } elsif ($options{delete}) { my $storage = storage($options{delete}); confirm(sprintf('DELETE %s attachments from %s?', $total, $options{delete})); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT attach_id FROM attachments ORDER BY attach_id"); $sth->execute(); my ($count, $deleted) = (0, 0); while (my ($attach_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { indicate_progress({ total => $total, current => ++$count }); if ($storage->exists($attach_id)) { $storage->remove($attach_id); $deleted++; } } print "\n"; print "Attachments deleted: $deleted\n"; } sub storage { my ($name) = @_; my $storage = Bugzilla::Attachment::get_storage_by_name($name) or die "Invalid attachment location: $name\n"; return $storage; } sub confirm { my ($prompt) = @_; print $prompt, "\n\nPress to stop or to continue..\n"; getc(); }