#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(. lib local/lib/perl5); use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Product; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Sentry; use Getopt::Long; use English qw(-no_match_vars); Bugzilla->usage_mode(USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE); Bugzilla->error_mode(ERROR_MODE_DIE); use Try::Tiny; # bmo ships with this nowadays my $config = { # filter by assignee, product or component assignee => '', product => '', component => '', unassigned => 'nobody@mozilla.org', # severities severity => 'major,critical,blocker', # time in hours to wait before paging/warning major_alarm => 24, major_warn => 20, critical_alarm => 8, critical_warn => 5, blocker_alarm => 0, blocker_warn => 0, any_alarm => 24, any_warn => 20, # time in seconds before terminating this script # 300 chosen as it is longer than the default NRPE timeout # (meaning you should never need to tweak it upward) and # shorter than what you are likely to do checking bugs # (meaning you won't pile up too many instances before they die) max_runtime => 300, }; my $usage = <<"EOF"; FILTERS the filter determines which bugs to check, either by assignee, product or the product's component. For backward compatibility, if just an email address is provided, it will be used as the assignee. --assignee filter bugs by assignee --product filter bugs by product name --component filter bugs by product's component name --unassigned set the unassigned user (default: $config->{unassigned}) SEVERITIES by default alerts and warnings will be generated for 'major', 'critical', and 'blocker' bugs. you can alter this list with the 'severity' switch. setting severity to 'any' will result in alerting on unassigned bugs regardless of severity. --severity [,..] --severity any TIMING time in hours to wait before paging or warning. --major_alarm (default: $config->{major_alarm}) --major_warn (default: $config->{major_warn}) --critical_alarm (default: $config->{critical_alarm}) --critical_warn (default: $config->{critical_warn}) --blocker_alarm (default: $config->{blocker_alarm}) --blocker_warn (default: $config->{blocker_warn}) when severity checking is set to "any", use the any_* switches instead: --any_alarm (default: $config->{any_alarm}) --any_warn (default: $config->{any_warn}) NAGIOS SELF-TERMINATION In case of a hung process, this script self-terminates. You can adjust: --max_runtime (default: $config->{max_runtime}) EXAMPLES nagios_blocker_checker.pl --assignee server-ops\@mozilla-org.bugs nagios_blocker_checker.pl server-ops\@mozilla-org.bugs nagios_blocker_checker.pl --product 'Release Engineering' \ --component 'Loan Requests' \ --severity any --any_warn 24 --any_alarm 24 EOF GetOptions( 'assignee=s' => \$config->{assignee}, 'product=s' => \$config->{product}, 'component=s' => \$config->{component}, 'severity=s' => \$config->{severity}, 'major_alarm=i' => \$config->{major_alarm}, 'major_warn=i' => \$config->{major_warn}, 'critical_alarm=i' => \$config->{critical_alarm}, 'critical_warn=i' => \$config->{critical_warn}, 'blocker_alarm=i' => \$config->{blocker_alarm}, 'blocker_warn=i' => \$config->{blocker_warn}, 'any_alarm=i' => \$config->{any_alarm}, 'any_warn=i' => \$config->{any_warn}, 'max_runtime=i' => \$config->{max_runtime}, 'help|?' => \$config->{help}, ) or die $usage; $config->{assignee} = $ARGV[0] if !$config->{assignee} && @ARGV; die $usage if $config->{help} || !($config->{assignee} || $config->{product}) || ($config->{assignee} && $config->{product}) || ($config->{component} && !$config->{product}) || !$config->{severity}; # use constant NAGIOS_OK => 0; use constant NAGIOS_WARNING => 1; use constant NAGIOS_CRITICAL => 2; use constant NAGIOS_NAMES => [qw( OK WARNING CRITICAL )]; my $current_state = NAGIOS_OK; try { # Per bug 1330293, the checker script can get confused/hung up # if the DB rotates out from under it. Since a long-running # nagios check does no good, we terminate if we stick around too long. local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { my $message = "$PROGRAM_NAME ran for longer than $config->{max_runtime} seconds and was auto-terminated."; sentry_handle_error('error', $message); die "$message\n"; }; alarm($config->{max_runtime}); my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db; my $any_severity = $config->{severity} eq 'any'; my ($where, @values); if ($config->{assignee}) { $where = 'bugs.assigned_to = ?'; push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{assignee} })->id; } elsif ($config->{component}) { $where = 'bugs.product_id = ? AND bugs.component_id = ? AND bugs.assigned_to = ?'; my $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({ name => $config->{product} }); push @values, $product->id; push @values, Bugzilla::Component->check({ product => $product, name => $config->{component} })->id; push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{unassigned} })->id; } else { $where = 'bugs.product_id = ? AND bugs.assigned_to = ?'; push @values, Bugzilla::Product->check({ name => $config->{product} })->id; push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{unassigned} })->id; } if (!$any_severity) { $where .= ' AND bug_severity IN (' . join',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } split(/,/, $config->{severity}) . ')'; } my $sql = <<"EOF"; SELECT bug_id, bug_severity, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bugs.creation_ts) AS ts FROM bugs WHERE $where AND COALESCE(resolution, '') = '' EOF my $bugs = { 'major' => [], 'critical' => [], 'blocker' => [], 'any' => [], }; my $current_time = time; foreach my $bug (@{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @values) }) { my $severity = $any_severity ? 'any' : $bug->{bug_severity}; my $age = ($current_time - $bug->{ts}) / 3600; if ($age > $config->{"${severity}_alarm"}) { $current_state = NAGIOS_CRITICAL; push @{$bugs->{$severity}}, $bug->{bug_id}; } elsif ($age > $config->{"${severity}_warn"}) { if ($current_state < NAGIOS_WARNING) { $current_state = NAGIOS_WARNING; } push @{$bugs->{$severity}}, $bug->{bug_id}; } } print 'bugs ' . NAGIOS_NAMES->[$current_state] . ': '; if ($current_state == NAGIOS_OK) { if ($config->{severity} eq 'any') { print 'No unassigned bugs found.'; } else { print "No $config->{severity} bugs found." } } foreach my $severity (qw( blocker critical major any )) { my $list = $bugs->{$severity}; if (@$list) { printf '%s %s %s found https://bugzil.la/' . join(',', @$list) . ' ', scalar(@$list), ($any_severity ? 'unassigned' : $severity), (scalar(@$list) == 1 ? 'bug' : 'bugs'); } } print "\n"; alarm 0; } catch { # Anything that trips an error, we're calling nagios-critical $current_state = NAGIOS_CRITICAL; # # Templates often have linebreaks ; nagios really prefers a status # to be on one line. Here we strip out breaks, and try to make sure # there's spacing in place when we crunch those lines together. s/\s?\r?\n/ /g; # # Now, just print the status we got out. # Keep in mind, depending on when 'try' blew out, we may have # already printed SOMETHING. Can't help that without a much more # thorough fix. Our majority case here is a blowout from BZ # where a Product/Component went away, ala bug 1326233. print "$_\n"; }; exit $current_state;