#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use strict; use warnings; $| = 1; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/..", "$RealBin/../lib"; use Bugzilla; use Bugzilla::CGI; use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Group; use Bugzilla::Search; use Bugzilla::User; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use URI; use URI::QueryParam; Bugzilla->usage_mode(USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE); my $options = {}; GetOptions($options, 'add=s', 'remove=s') or exit(1); my $url = URI->new(shift); unless ($url && ($options->{add} || $options->{remove})) { die <path =~ m#/buglist\.cgi$#; $url->query_param( limit => 0 ); my ($add_group, $remove_group); $add_group = Bugzilla::Group->check({ name => $options->{add} }) if $options->{add}; $remove_group = Bugzilla::Group->check({ name => $options->{remove} }) if $options->{remove}; my $user = Bugzilla::User->check({ name => 'automation@bmo.tld' }); $user->{groups} = [ Bugzilla::Group->get_all ]; $user->{bless_groups} = [ Bugzilla::Group->get_all ]; Bugzilla->set_user($user); # find the bugs my $params = Bugzilla::CGI->new($url->query); my $search = Bugzilla::Search->new( fields => [ 'bug_id', 'short_desc' ], params => scalar $params->Vars, user => $user, ); my $bugs = $search->data; my $count = scalar @$bugs; # update die "No bugs found\n" unless $count; print "Query matched $count bug(s)\nPress to stop or to continue..\n"; getc(); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $updated = 0; foreach my $ra (@$bugs) { $dbh->bz_start_transaction; my ($bug_id, $summary) = @$ra; print "$bug_id - $summary\n"; my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bug_id); $bug->add_group($add_group) if $add_group; $bug->remove_group($remove_group) if $remove_group; my $changes = $bug->update(); if (scalar keys %$changes) { $dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET lastdiffed = delta_ts WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $bug->id); $updated++; } $dbh->bz_commit_transaction; # drop cached user objects to avoid excessive memory usage Bugzilla::User->object_cache_clearall(); } print "\nUpdated $updated bugs(s)\n";