# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use lib qw( . lib local/lib/perl5 ); use IO::Async::Process; use IO::Async::Loop; use IO::Async::Timer::Countdown; use Test::More; use ok 'Bugzilla::DaemonControl', qw(catch_signal); my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; my $signal_test_out = ''; my $signal_test = IO::Async::Process->new( code => sub { my $f = catch_signal("TERM", 42); say $f->isa('Future') ? "I have a Future" : ''; my $val = $f->get; say "Got $val from TERM"; sleep 30; say "I Failed My Mission"; }, stdout => {into => \$signal_test_out}, on_finish => sub { $loop->stop; }, on_exception => sub { diag "@_"; fail("got exception"); $loop->stop; } ); diag "starting signal test"; $loop->add($signal_test); ok($signal_test->is_running, "signal test is running"); my $send_first_term = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new( delay => 5, on_expire => sub { diag "sending first TERM"; ok($signal_test->is_running, "signal test is still running"); $signal_test->kill('TERM'); } ); $send_first_term->start; $loop->add($send_first_term); my $send_second_term = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new( delay => 10, on_expire => sub { diag "sending second TERM"; ok($signal_test->is_running, "signal test is still running"); $signal_test->kill('TERM'); } ); $send_second_term->start; $loop->add($send_second_term); my $timeout = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new( delay => 60, on_expire => sub { fail("test ran for too long"); $loop->stop; }, ); $timeout->start; $loop->add($timeout); $loop->run; diag $signal_test_out; like($signal_test_out, qr/I have a Future/, "catch_signal() returned a future"); like( $signal_test_out, qr/Got 42 from TERM/, "catch_signal() returned the right value when done" ); unlike( $signal_test_out, qr/I Failed My Mission/, "catch_signal() only happened once" ); done_testing();