[%# 1.0@bugzilla.org %] [%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Dave Miller # Frédéric Buclin #%] [% title = "Email" desc = "How will outgoing mail be delivered?" %] [% param_descs = { mail_delivery_method => "Defines how email is sent, or if it is sent at all.
", sendmailnow => "Sites using anything older than version 8.12 of 'sendmail' " _ "can achieve a significant performance increase in the " _ "UI -- at the cost of delaying the sending of mail -- by " _ "disabling this parameter. Sites using 'sendmail' 8.12 or " _ "higher should leave this on, as they will see no benefit from " _ "turning it off. Sites using an MTA other than 'sendmail' " _ "must leave it on, or no $terms.bug mail will be sent.", smtpserver => "The SMTP server address (if using SMTP for mail delivery).", passwordmail => "The email that gets sent to people to tell them their password. " _ "Within this text, %mailaddress% gets replaced by the person's " _ "email address, %login% gets replaced by the person's login " _ "(usually the same thing), and %password% gets replaced by their " _ "password. %anythingelse% gets replaced by the " _ "definition of that parameter (as defined on this page).", newchangedmail => "The email that gets sent to people when a $terms.bug changes. Within " _ "this text, %to% gets replaced with the e-mail address of the " _ "person receiving the mail. %bugid% gets replaced by the $terms.bug " _ "number. %diffs% gets replaced with what has changed. " _ "%neworchanged% is 'New:' if this mail is reporting a new $terms.bug or " _ "empty if changes were made to an existing one. %summary% gets " _ "replaced by the summary of this ${terms.bug}. %reasonsheader% is " _ "replaced by an abbreviated list of reasons why the user is " _ "getting the email, suitable for use in an email header (such " _ "as X-Bugzilla-Reason). %reasonsbody% is replaced by text that " _ "explains why the user is getting the email in more user " _ "friendly text than %reasonsheader%. " _ "%threadingmarker% will become either a Message-ID line (for " _ "new-${terms.bug} messages) or a In-Reply-To line (for ${terms.bug}-change " _ "messages). " _ "%anythingelse% gets " _ "replaced by the definition of that parameter (as defined on " _ "this page).", whinedays => "The number of days that we'll let a $terms.bug sit untouched in a NEW " _ "state before our cronjob will whine at the owner.
" _ "Set to 0 to disable whining.", whinemail => "The email that gets sent to anyone who has a NEW or REOPENED " _ "$terms.bug that hasn't been touched for more than whinedays. " _ "Within this text, %email% gets replaced by the offender's " _ "email address. %userid% gets replaced by the offender's " _ "$terms.Bugzilla login (which, in most installations, is the same as " _ "the email address.) %anythingelse% gets replaced by the " _ "definition of that parameter (as defined on this page).

" _ "It is a good idea to make sure this message has a valid From: " _ "address, so that if the mail bounces, a real person can know " _ "that there are $terms.bugs assigned to an invalid address.", voteremovedmail => "This is a mail message to send to anyone who gets a vote removed " _ "from $terms.abug for any reason. %to% gets replaced by the person who " _ "used to be voting for this ${terms.bug}. %bugid% gets replaced by the " _ "$terms.bug number. %reason% gets replaced by a short reason describing " _ "why the vote(s) were removed. %votesremoved%, %votesold% and " _ "%votesnew% is the number of votes removed, before and after " _ "respectively. %votesremovedtext%, %votesoldtext% and " _ "%votesnewtext% are these as sentences, e.g. 'You had 2 votes on " _ "this ${terms.bug}.' %count% is also supported for backwards " _ "compatibility. %anythingelse% gets replaced by the " _ "definition of that parameter (as defined on this page)." } %]