[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
[% san_message = BLOCK %]
[% IF san_tag == "checks_start" %]
OK, now running sanity checks.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "checks_completed" %]
Sanity check completed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "attachment_reference_deletion_start" %]
OK, now removing all references to deleted attachments.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "attachment_reference_deletion_end" %]
All references to deleted attachments have been removed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_alert" %]
[% errortext FILTER html %]: [% INCLUDE bug_list badbugs = badbugs %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_repair" %]
[% text FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_creation_date" %]
Checking for [% terms.bugs %] with no creation date (which makes them invisible).
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_creation_date_error_text" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] with no creation date
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_creation_date_repair_text" %]
Repair missing creation date for these [% terms.bugs %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_bugs_fulltext" %]
Checking for [% terms.bugs %] with no entry for full text searching.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_bugs_fulltext_error_text" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] with no entry for full text searching
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_bugs_fulltext_repair_text" %]
Repair missing full text search entries for these [% terms.bugs %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_res_dupl" %]
Checking resolution/duplicates
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_res_dupl_error_text" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] found on duplicates table that are not marked duplicate
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_res_dupl_error_text2" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] found marked resolved duplicate and not on duplicates table
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_res" %]
Checking statuses/resolutions
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_res_error_text" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] with open status and a resolution
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_res_error_text2" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] with non-open status and no resolution
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_everconfirmed" %]
Checking statuses/everconfirmed
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_everconfirmed_error_text" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] that are UNCONFIRMED but have everconfirmed set
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_status_everconfirmed_error_text2" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] with confirmed status but don't have everconfirmed set
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values" %]
Checking for bad values in group_control_map
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values_alert" %]
Found [% entries FILTER html %] bad group_control_map entries
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values_violation" %]
Checking for [% terms.bugs %] with groups violating their product's group controls
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values_error_text" %]
Have groups not permitted for their products
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values_repair_text" %]
Permit the missing groups for the affected products
(set member control to SHOWN
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_check_control_values_error_text2" %]
Are missing groups required for their products
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_creation_date_start" %]
OK, now fixing missing [% terms.bug %] creation dates.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_creation_date_fixed" %]
[% bug_count FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %] have been fixed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bugs_fulltext_start" %]
OK, now fixing [% terms.bug %] entries for full text searching.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bugs_fulltext_fixed" %]
[% bug_count FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %] have been fixed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_reference_deletion_start" %]
OK, now removing all references to deleted [% terms.bugs %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "bug_reference_deletion_end" %]
All references to deleted [% terms.bugs %] have been removed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "cross_check_to" %]
Checking references to [% table FILTER html %].[% field FILTER html %]...
[% ELSIF san_tag == "cross_check_from" %]
... from [% table FILTER html %].[% field FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "cross_check_alert" %]
Bad value '[% value FILTER html %]' found in
[%+ table FILTER html %].[% field FILTER html %]
[% IF keyname %]
[% IF keyname == "bug_id" %]
([% PROCESS bug_link bug_id = key %])
[% ELSE %]
([% keyname FILTER html %] == '[% key FILTER html %]')
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "cross_check_attachment_has_references" %]
invalid references to non existent attachments.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "cross_check_bug_has_references" %]
invalid references to non existent [% terms.bugs %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "double_cross_check_to" %]
Checking references to [% table FILTER html %].[% field1 FILTER html %] /
[%+ table FILTER html %].[% field2 FILTER html %]...
[% ELSIF san_tag == "double_cross_check_from" %]
... from [% table FILTER html %].[% field1 FILTER html %] /
[%+ table FILTER html %].[% field2 FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "double_cross_check_alert" %]
Bad values '[% value1 FILTER html %]', '[% value2 FILTER html %]' found
in [% table FILTER html %].[% field1 FILTER html %] /
[%+ table FILTER html %].[% field2 FILTER html %].
[% IF keyname %]
[% IF keyname == "bug_id" %]
([% PROCESS bug_link bug_id = key %])
[% ELSE %]
([% keyname FILTER html %] == '[% key FILTER html %]')
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "everconfirmed_start" %]
OK, now fixing everconfirmed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "everconfirmed_end" %]
everconfirmed fixed.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "flag_check_start" %]
Checking for flags being in the wrong product/component.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "flag_deletion_start" %]
OK, now deleting invalid flags.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "flag_deletion_end" %]
Invalid flags deleted.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "flag_alert" %]
Invalid flag [% flag_id FILTER html %] for
[% IF attach_id %]
attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %] in
[% END %]
[%+ PROCESS bug_link bug_id = bug_id %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "flag_fix" %]
here to delete invalid flags
[% ELSIF san_tag == "group_control_map_entries_creation" %]
OK, now creating SHOWN
member control entries
for product/group combinations lacking one.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "group_control_map_entries_update" %]
Updating NA/xxx
group control setting
for group [% group_name FILTER html %] to
in product
[% product_name FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "group_control_map_entries_generation" %]
Generating SHOWN/NA
group control setting
for group [% group_name FILTER html %] in product
[% product_name FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "group_control_map_entries_repaired" %]
Repaired [% counter FILTER html %] defective group control settings.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "keyword_check_start" %]
Checking keywords table.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "keyword_check_alert" %]
Duplicate entry in keyworddefs for id [% id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "keyword_check_invalid_name" %]
Bogus name in keyworddefs for id [% id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "keyword_check_invalid_id" %]
Bogus keywordids [% id FILTER html %] found in keywords table.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "keyword_check_duplicated_ids" %]
Duplicate keyword IDs found in [% PROCESS bug_link bug_id = id %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "profile_login_start" %]
Checking profile logins.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "product_alert" %]
[%- name FILTER html %] has no components or no versions.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "product_check_start" %]
Checking products with no components or versions.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "profile_login_alert" %]
Bad profile email address, id=[% id FILTER html %],
<[% email FILTER html %]>.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "repair_bugs" %]
Repair these [% terms.bugs %].
[% ELSIF san_tag == "send_bugmail_start" %]
OK, now attempting to send unsent mail.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "send_bugmail_status" %]
[% bug_count FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %] found with
possibly unsent mail.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "send_bugmail_end" %]
Unsent mail has been sent.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "unsent_bugmail_check" %]
Checking for unsent mail
[% ELSIF san_tag == "unsent_bugmail_alert" %]
[% terms.Bugs %] that have changes but no mail sent for at least
half an hour: [% INCLUDE bug_list badbugs = badbugs %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "unsent_bugmail_fix" %]
Send these mails.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_deletion_start" %]
OK, now removing non-existent users/groups from whines.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_deletion_end" %]
Non-existent users/groups have been removed from whines.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_start" %]
Checking for whines with non-existent users/groups.
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_alert" %]
[% FOREACH schedule = schedules %]
Non-existent [% (type == constants.MAILTO_USER) ? "user" : "group" FILTER html %]
[%+ schedule.1 FILTER html %] for whine schedule [% schedule.0 FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF san_tag == "whines_obsolete_target_fix" %]
Click here to
remove old users/groups
[% ELSE %]
[% message = Hook.process("statuses") %]
[% IF message %]
[% message FILTER none %]
[% ELSE %]
The status message string [% san_tag FILTER html %]
was not found. Please send email to [% Param("maintainer") %] describing
the steps taken to obtain this message.
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% USE Bugzilla %]
[% IF Bugzilla.usage_mode == constants.USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE %]
[% san_message FILTER none %]
[% ELSE %]
[%# Avoid the txt filter in message.txt.tmpl. %]
[% san_message FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK bug_list %]
[% FOREACH bug_id = badbugs %]
[%# Do not use FILTER bug_link() here, because bug_link() calls get_text()
# which itself calls this template again, generating a recursion error.
# I doubt having a tooltip with the bug status and summary is so
# important here anyway, as you can click the "(as buglist)" link. %]
[% bug_id FILTER html %]
[% ", " IF !loop.last %]
[% END %]
(as [% terms.bug %] list).
[% END %]
[% BLOCK bug_link %]
[% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %]
[% END %]