[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [%# INTERFACE: # header_done: boolean. True if the header has already been printed. # error: string. The tag of the error. # variables: hash. Useful data about the problem. The keys are the variable # names, and the values the variable values. #%] [%# This is a list of all the possible code errors. Please keep them in # alphabetical order by error tag, and leave a blank line between errors. # # Note that you must explicitly filter every single template variable # in this file; if you do not wish to change it, use the "none" filter. #%] [% DEFAULT title = "Internal Error" %] [% error_message = BLOCK %] [% IF error == "auth_invalid_email" %] [% title = "Invalid Email Address" %] We received an email address (<b>[% addr FILTER html %]</b>) that didn't pass our syntax checking for a legal email address, when trying to create or update your account. [% IF default %] A legal address must contain exactly one '@', and at least one '.' after the @. [% ELSE %] [%+ Param('emailregexpdesc') FILTER html_light %] [% END %] It also must not contain any illegal characters. [% ELSIF error == "authres_unhandled" %] The result value of [% value FILTER html %] was not handled by the login code. [% ELSIF error == "bad_arg" %] Bad argument <code>[% argument FILTER html %]</code> sent to <code>[% function FILTER html %]</code> function. [% ELSIF error == "bug_error" %] Trying to retrieve [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug.bug_id FILTER html %] returned the error [% bug.error FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "chart_data_not_generated" %] [% admindocslinks = {'extraconfig.html' => 'Setting up Charting'} %] [% IF product.id %] Charts for the <em>[% product.name FILTER html %]</em> product are not available yet because no charting data has been collected for it since it was created. [% ELSE %] No charting data has been collected yet. [% END %] Please wait a day and try again. If you're seeing this message after a day, then you should contact <a href="mailto:[% Param('maintainer') %]">[% Param('maintainer') %]</a> and reference this error. [% ELSIF error == "chart_datafile_corrupt" %] The chart data file [% file FILTER html %] is corrupt. [% ELSIF error == "chart_dir_nonexistent" %] One of the directories <kbd>[% dir FILTER html %]</kbd> and <kbd>[% graph_dir FILTER html %]</kbd> does not exist. [% ELSIF error == "chart_file_open_fail" %] Unable to open the chart datafile <kbd>[% filename FILTER html %]</kbd>. [% ELSIF error == "column_alter_nonexistent_fk" %] You attempted to modify the foreign key for [%+ table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %], but there is no foreign key on that column. [% ELSIF error == "column_not_null_without_default" %] Failed adding the column [% name FILTER html %]: You cannot add a NOT NULL column with no default to an existing table unless you specify something for the <code>$init_value</code> argument. [% ELSIF error == "column_not_null_no_default_alter" %] You cannot alter the [% name FILTER html %] column to be NOT NULL without specifying a default or something for $set_nulls_to, because there are NULL values currently in it. [% ELSIF error == "comment_extra_data_not_allowed" %] You tried to set the <code>extra_data</code> field to '[% extra_data FILTER html %]' but comments of type [% type FILTER html %] do not accept an <code>extra_data</code> argument. [% ELSIF error == "comment_extra_data_required" %] Comments of type [% type FILTER html %] require an <code>extra_data</code> argument to be set. [% ELSIF error == "comment_extra_data_not_numeric" %] You tried to set the <code>extra_data</code> field to '[% extra_data FILTER html %]' but comments of type [% type FILTER html %] require a numeric <code>extra_data</code> argument. [% ELSIF error == "comment_type_invalid" %] '[% type FILTER html %]' is not a valid comment type. [% ELSIF error == "db_error" %] An error occurred while performing a database operation: <pre>[% err_message FILTER html %]</pre> [% ELSIF error == "db_rename_conflict" %] Name conflict: Cannot rename [% old FILTER html %] to [%+ new FILTER html %] because [% new FILTER html %] already exists. [% ELSIF error == "cookies_need_value" %] Every cookie must have a value. [% ELSIF error == "env_no_email" %] Bugzilla did not receive an email address from the environment. [% IF Param("auth_env_email") %] This means that the '[% Param("auth_env_email") FILTER html %]' environment variable was empty or did not exist. [% ELSE %] You need to set the "auth_env_email" parameter to the name of the environment variable that will contain the user's email address. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "extension_must_be_subclass" %] <code>[% package FILTER html %]</code> from <code>[% filename FILTER html %]</code> is not a subclass of <code>[% class FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "extension_must_return_name" %] <code>[% extension FILTER html %]</code> returned <code>[% returned FILTER html %]</code>, which is not a valid name for an extension. Extensions must return their name, not <code>1</code> or a number. See the documentation of <a href="[% docs_urlbase FILTER html %]api/Bugzilla/Extension.html">Bugzilla::Extension</a> for details. [% ELSIF error == "extension_no_name" %] We did not find a <code>NAME</code> method in <code>[% package FILTER html %]</code> (loaded from <code>[% filename FILTER html %]</code>). This means that the extension has one or more of the following problems: <ul> <li><code>[% filename FILTER html %]</code> did not define a <code>[% package FILTER html %]</code> package.</li> <li><code>[% package FILTER html %]</code> did not define a <code>NAME</code> method (or the <code>NAME</code> method returned an empty string).</li> </ul> [% ELSIF error == "extern_id_conflict" %] The external ID '[% extern_id FILTER html %]' already exists in the database for '[% username FILTER html %]', but your account source says that '[% extern_user FILTER html %]' has that ID. [% ELSIF error == "field_choice_must_use_type" %] When you call a class method on <code>Bugzilla::Field::Choice</code>, you must call <code>Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type('some_field')</code> to generate the right class (you can't call class methods directly on Bugzilla::Field::Choice). [% ELSIF error == "field_not_custom" %] '[% field.description FILTER html %]' ([% field.name FILTER html %]) is not a custom field. [% ELSIF error == "field_type_not_specified" %] [% title = "Field Type Not Specified" %] You must specify a type when creating a custom field. [% ELSIF error == "illegal_field" %] A legal [% field FILTER html %] was not set. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_customfield_type" %] [% title = "Invalid Field Type" %] The type <em>[% type FILTER html %]</em> is not a valid field type. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_feature" %] [% title = "Invalid Feature Name" %] [% feature FILTER html %] is not a valid feature name. See <code>OPTIONAL_MODULES</code> in <code>Bugzilla::Install::Requirements</code> for valid names. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_flag_association" %] [% title = "Invalid Flag Association" %] Some flags do not belong to [% IF attach_id %] attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %]. [% ELSE %] [%+ terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %]. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "invalid_series_id" %] [% title = "Invalid Series" %] The series_id [% series_id FILTER html %] is not valid. It may be that this series has been deleted. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_timestamp" %] The entered timestamp <code>[% timestamp FILTER html %]</code> could not be parsed into a valid date and time. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_webservergroup" %] There is no such group: [% group FILTER html %]. Check your $webservergroup setting in [% constants.bz_locations.localconfig FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "flag_unexpected_object" %] [% title = "Object Not Recognized" %] Flags cannot be set for objects of type [% caller FILTER html %]. They can only be set for [% terms.bugs %] and attachments. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_inactive" %] [% title = "Inactive Flag Type" %] The flag type [% type FILTER html %] is inactive and cannot be used to create new flags. [% ELSIF error == "flag_type_target_type_invalid" %] The target type was neither <em>[% terms.bug %]</em> nor <em>attachment</em> but rather <em>[% target_type FILTER html %]</em>. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_field_name" %] [% title = "Invalid Field Name" %] Can't use "[% field.truncate(30, "...") FILTER html %]" as a field name. [% ELSIF error == "jobqueue_insert_failed" %] [% title = "Job Queue Failure" %] Inserting a <code>[% job FILTER html %]</code> job into the Job Queue failed with the following error: [% errmsg FILTER html %] [% ELSIF error == "jobqueue_no_job_mapping" %] <code>Bugzilla::JobQueue</code> has not been configured to handle the job "[% job FILTER html %]". You need to add this job type to the <code>JOB_MAP</code> constant in <code>Bugzilla::JobQueue</code>, perhaps by using the 'job_map' hook. [% ELSIF error == "ldap_bind_failed" %] Failed to bind to the LDAP server. The error message was: <code>[% errstr FILTER html %]</code> [% ELSIF error == "ldap_cannot_retreive_attr" %] The specified LDAP attribute [% attr FILTER html %] was not found. [% ELSIF error == "ldap_connect_failed" %] Could not connect to the LDAP server(s) <code>[% server FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "ldap_start_tls_failed" %] Could not start TLS with LDAP server: <code>[% error FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "ldap_search_error" %] An error occurred while trying to search LDAP for "[% username FILTER html %]": [% IF errstr %] <code>[% errstr FILTER html %]</code> [% ELSE %] Unable to find user in LDAP [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "ldap_server_not_defined" %] The LDAP server for authentication has not been defined. [% ELSIF error == "mail_send_error" %] There was an error sending mail from '[% mail.header('From') FILTER html %]' to '[% mail.header('To') FILTER html %]': [%+ msg FILTER html %] [% ELSIF error == "missing_series_id" %] Having inserted a series into the database, no series_id was returned for it. Series: [% series.category FILTER html %] / [%+ series.subcategory FILTER html %] / [%+ series.name FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "object_dep_sort_loop" %] There is a loop in VALIDATOR_DEPENDENCIES involving '[%+ field FILTER html %]'. Here are the fields we considered: [%+ considered.join(', ') FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "param_invalid" %] [% title = "Invalid Parameter" %] <code>[% param FILTER html %]</code> is not a valid parameter for the [% function FILTER html %] function. [% ELSIF error == "param_must_be_numeric" %] [% title = "Invalid Parameter" %] Invalid parameter <code>[% param FILTER html %]</code> passed to <code>[% function FILTER html %]</code>: It must be numeric. [% ELSIF error == "param_required" %] [% title = "Missing Parameter" %] The function <code>[% function FILTER html %]</code> requires a <code>[% param FILTER html %]</code> argument, and that argument was not set. [% ELSIF error == "params_required" %] [% title = "Missing Parameter" %] The function <code>[% function FILTER html %]</code> requires that you set one of the following parameters: <code>[% params.join(', ') FILTER html %]</code> [% ELSIF error == "product_empty_group_controls" %] [% title = "Missing Group Controls" %] New settings must be defined to edit group controls for the [% group.name FILTER html %] group. [% ELSIF error == "product_illegal_group_control" %] [% title = "Illegal Group Control" %] '[% value FILTER html %]' is not a legal value for the '[% field FILTER html %]' field. [% ELSIF error == "protection_violation" %] The function <code>[% function FILTER html %]</code> was called [% IF argument %] with the argument <code>[% argument FILTER html %]</code> [% END %] from [% IF caller %] <code>[%+ caller FILTER html %]</code>, which is [% END %] outside the package. This function may only be called from a subclass of <code>[% superclass FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "radius_preparation_error" %] An error occurred while preparing for a RADIUS authentication request: <code>[% errstr FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "search_cp_without_op" %] Search argument f[% id FILTER html %] is "CP" but there is no matching "OP" before it. [% ELSIF error == "search_invalid_joiner" %] '[% joiner FILTER html %]' is not a valid joiner for a search. [% ELSIF error == "setting_info_invalid" %] To create a new setting, you must supply a setting name, a list of value/sortindex pairs, and the default value. [% ELSIF error == "setting_name_invalid" %] The setting name <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> is not a valid option. Setting names must begin with a letter, and contain only letters, digits, or the symbols '_', '-', '.', or ':'. [% ELSIF error == "setting_subclass_invalid" %] There is no such Setting subclass as <code>[% subclass FILTER html %]</code>. [% ELSIF error == "setting_value_invalid" %] The value "<code>[% value FILTER html %]</code>" is not in the list of legal values for the <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> setting. [% ELSIF error == "token_generation_error" %] Something is seriously wrong with the token generation system. [% ELSIF error == "cancel_token_does_not_exist" %] The token to be cancelled does not exist. [% ELSIF error == "template_error" %] [% template_error_msg FILTER html %] [% ELSIF error == "template_invalid" %] Template with invalid file name found in hook call: [% name FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "unable_to_retrieve_password" %] I was unable to retrieve your old password from the database. [% ELSIF error == "undefined_field" %] Form field [% field FILTER html %] was not defined. [% ELSIF error == "unknown_method" %] The requested method '[% method FILTER html %]' was not found. [% ELSIF error == "usage_mode_invalid" %] '[% invalid_usage_mode FILTER html %]' is not a valid usage mode. [% ELSIF error == "must_be_patch" %] [% title = "Attachment Must Be Patch" %] Attachment #[% attach_id FILTER html %] must be a patch. [% ELSIF error == "not_in_transaction" %] Attempted to end transaction without starting one first. [% ELSIF error == "invalid_post_bug_submit_action" %] Invalid setting for post_bug_submit_action [% ELSIF error == "search_field_operator_unsupported" %] [% title = "Invalid Search Type" %] Bugzilla does not support the search type "[% operator.truncate(30, "...") FILTER html %]". [% ELSE %] [%# Try to find hooked error messages %] [% error_message = Hook.process("errors") %] [% IF NOT error_message %] [% title = "Internal error" %] An internal error has occurred, but Bugzilla doesn't know what <code>[% error FILTER html %]</code> means. If you are a [% terms.Bugzilla %] end-user seeing this message, please save this page and send it to [% Param('maintainer') %]. [% ELSE %] [% error_message FILTER none %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# We only want HTML error messages for ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE %] [% USE Bugzilla %] [% IF Bugzilla.error_mode != constants.ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE %] [% IF Bugzilla.usage_mode == constants.USAGE_MODE_BROWSER %] [% error_message FILTER none %] [% ELSE %] [% error_message FILTER txt %] [% END %] [% RETURN %] [% END %] [% UNLESS header_done %] [% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl %] [% END %] [% PROCESS global/docslinks.html.tmpl docslinks = docslinks admindocslinks = admindocslinks %] <p> An unexpected error occurred. This could be a temporary problem, or some code is behaving incorrectly. If this problem persists, please email this page to <a href="mailto:[% Param("maintainer") %]">[% Param("maintainer") %]</a> with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared. </p> <p> <samp>URL: [% Bugzilla.cgi.self_url FILTER html %]</samp> </p> <div id="error_msg" class="throw_error"> [% error_message FILTER none %] </div> <p id="post_err_msg"> Traceback: </p> <pre>[% traceback FILTER html %]</pre> [% IF variables %] <pre> Variables: [% FOREACH key = variables.keys %] [%+ key FILTER html %]: [%+ variables.$key FILTER html %] [% END %] </pre> [% END %] [% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]