[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
  # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
  # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
  # implied. See the License for the specific language governing
  # rights and limitations under the License.
  # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
  # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
  # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
  # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
  # Rights Reserved.
  # Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>
  #                 Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org>

[%# This is a list of all the possible messages. Please keep them in
  # alphabetical order by message tag, and leave a blank line between messages.

[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]

[% PROCESS "global/field-descs.none.tmpl" %]

[% message_tag = message %]

[% message = BLOCK %]
  [% IF    message_tag == "account_created" %]
    [% title = "User $otheruser.login created" %]
    A new user account [% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has been created
    [% IF groups.size %]
      You may want to edit the group settings now, using the form below.
    [% END %]
    [% IF login_info %]
      You can now go to the <a href="index.cgi">Log In</a> page to enter
      this [% terms.Bugzilla %] installation.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "account_creation_canceled" %]
    [% title = "User Account Creation Canceled" %]
    The creation of the user account [% account FILTER html %] has been

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "account_updated" %]
    [% IF changed_fields.size
          + groups_added_to.size + groups_removed_from.size
          + groups_granted_rights_to_bless.size + groups_denied_rights_to_bless.size %]
      [% title = "User $loginold updated" %]
      The following changes have been made to the user account
      [%+ loginold FILTER html %]:
        [% FOREACH field = changed_fields %]
            [% IF    field == 'login_name' %]
              The login is now [% otheruser.login FILTER html %].
            [% ELSIF field == 'realname' %]
              The real name has been updated.
            [% ELSIF field == 'cryptpassword' %]
              A new password has been set.
            [% ELSIF field == 'disabledtext' %]
              The disable text has been modified.
            [% ELSIF field == 'disable_mail' %]
              [% IF otheruser.email_disabled %]
                [% terms.Bug %]mail has been disabled.
              [% ELSE %]
                [% terms.Bug %]mail has been enabled.
              [% END %]
            [% END %]
        [% END %]
        [% IF groups_added_to.size %]
            The account has been added to the
            [%+ groups_added_to.join(', ') FILTER html %]
            group[% 's' IF groups_added_to.size > 1 %].
        [% END %]
        [% IF groups_removed_from.size %]
            The account has been removed from the
            [%+ groups_removed_from.join(', ') FILTER html %]
            group[% 's' IF groups_removed_from.size > 1 %].
        [% END %]
        [% IF groups_granted_rights_to_bless.size %]
            The account has been granted rights to bless the
            [%+ groups_granted_rights_to_bless.join(', ') FILTER html %]
            group[% 's' IF groups_granted_rights_to_bless.size > 1 %].
        [% END %]
        [% IF groups_denied_rights_to_bless.size %]
            The account has been denied rights to bless the
            [%+ groups_denied_rights_to_bless.join(', ') FILTER html %]
            group[% 's' IF groups_denied_rights_to_bless.size > 1 %].
        [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      [% title = "User $otheruser.login not changed" %]
      You didn't request any changes to the user's account
      [%+ otheruser.login FILTER html %].
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "account_deleted" %]
    [% title = "User $otheruser.login deleted" %]
    The user account [% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has been deleted

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "account_disabled" %]
    The user account [% account FILTER html %] is disabled, so you
    cannot change its password.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "attachment_creation_failed" %]
    The [% terms.bug %] was created successfully, but attachment creation
    Please add your attachment by clicking the "Create a New Attachment" link

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_confirmed_by_votes" %]
    *** This [% terms.bug %] has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_duplicate_of" %]
    *** This [% terms.bug %] has been marked as a duplicate of [% terms.bug %] [%+ dupe_of FILTER html %] ***

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_has_duplicate" %]
    *** [% terms.Bug %] [%+ dupe FILTER html %] has been marked as a duplicate of this [% terms.bug %]. ***

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_group_description" %]
    Access to [% terms.bugs %] in the [% product.name FILTER html %] product

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_moved_to" %]
    <p>[% terms.Bug %] moved to [% Param("move-to-url") FILTER html %].</p>
    <p>If the move succeeded, [% login FILTER html %] will receive a mail
    containing the number of the new [% terms.bug %] in the other database.
    If all went well, please mark this [% terms.bug %] verified, and paste
    in a link to the new [% terms.bug %]. Otherwise, reopen this [% terms.bug %].

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_adding_field" %]
    [% title = "Adding field to search page..." %]
    [% link  = "Click here if the page does not redisplay automatically." %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_updated_named_query" %]
    Your search named <code><a 
     href="buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&amp;namedcmd=[% queryname FILTER url_quote %]"
    >[% queryname FILTER html %]</a></code> has been updated.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_new_default_query" %]
    OK, you now have a new default search.  You may
    also bookmark the result of any individual search.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_new_named_query" %]
    OK, you have a new search named <code><a
     href="buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&amp;namedcmd=[% queryname FILTER url_quote %]"
    >[% queryname FILTER html %]</a></code>.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_query_gone" %]
    [% title = "Search is gone" %]
    [% link  = "Go back to the search page." %]
    OK, the <b>[% namedcmd FILTER html %]</b> search is gone.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "buglist_sorted_by_relevance" %]
    [% terms.Bugs %] on this list are sorted by relevance, with the most
    relevant [% terms.bugs %] at the top.
    [% IF bugs.size == constants.FULLTEXT_BUGLIST_LIMIT %]
      Only the [% constants.FULLTEXT_BUGLIST_LIMIT FILTER html %]
      most relevant [% terms.bugs %] are shown.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "change_columns" %]
    [% title = "Change columns" %]
    Resubmitting your search with new columns...
    Click <a href="[% redirect_url FILTER html %]">here</a>
    if the page does not automatically refresh.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "classification_created" %]
    [% title = "New Classification Created" %]
    The <em>[% classification.name FILTER html %]</em> classification has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "classification_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Classification Deleted" %]
    The <em>[% classification FILTER html %]</em> classification has been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "classification_updated" %]
    [% IF updated_classification || updated_description || updated_sortkey %]
      [% title = "Classification Updated" %]
      Changes to the <em>[% classification FILTER html %]</em> classification
      have been saved:
        [% IF updated_classification %]
          <li>Classification name updated</li>
        [% END %]
        [% IF updated_description %]
          <li>Description updated</li>
        [% END %]
        [% IF updated_sortkey %]
          <li>Sortkey updated</li>
        [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made to <em>[% classification FILTER html %]</em>.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "component_created" %]
    [% title = "Component Created" %]
    The component <em>[% comp.name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "component_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Component Deleted" %]
    The component <em>[% comp.name FILTER html %]</em> has been deleted.
    [% IF comp.bug_count %]
      All [% terms.bugs %] being in this component and all references
      to them have also been deleted.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "component_updated" %]
    [% title = "Component Updated" %]
    [% IF changes.keys.size %]
      Changes to the component <em>[% comp.name FILTER html %]</em> have been saved:
      [% IF changes.name.defined %]
        <li>Name updated to '[% comp.name FILTER html %]'</li>
      [% END %]
      [% IF changes.description.defined %]
        <li>Description updated to '[% comp.description FILTER html_light %]'</li>
      [% END %]
      [% IF changes.initialowner.defined %]
        <li>Default assignee updated to '[% comp.default_assignee.login FILTER html %]'</li>
      [% END %]
      [% IF changes.initialqacontact.defined %]
        [% IF comp.default_qa_contact.id %]
          <li>Default QA contact updated to '[% comp.default_qa_contact.login FILTER html %]'</li>
        [% ELSE %]
          <li>Default QA contact deleted</li>
        [% END %]
      [% END %]
      [% IF changes.cc_list.defined %]
        [% IF comp.initial_cc.size %]
          [% cc_list = [] %]
          [% FOREACH cc_user = comp.initial_cc %]
            [% cc_list.push(cc_user.login) %]
          [% END %]
          <li>Default CC list updated to [% cc_list.join(", ") FILTER html %]</li>
        [% ELSE %]
          <li>Default CC list deleted</li>
        [% END %]
      [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made to <em>[% comp.name FILTER html %]</em>.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "custom_field_created" %]
    [% title = "Custom Field Created" %]
    The new custom field '[% field.name FILTER html %]' has been
    successfully created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "custom_field_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Custom Field Deleted" %]
    The custom field '[% field.name FILTER html %]' has been
    successfully deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "custom_field_updated" %]
    [% title = "Custom Field Updated" %]
    Properties of the '[% field.name FILTER html %]' field have been
    successfully updated.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "default_settings_updated" %]
    [% IF changes_saved %]
      Changes to default preferences have been saved.
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "emailold_change_canceled" %]
    [% title = "Cancel Request to Change Email Address" %]
    The request to change the email address for your account to
    [%+ new_email FILTER html %] has been canceled.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "email_change_canceled" %]
    [% title = "Cancel Request to Change Email Address" %]
    The request to change the email address for the
    account [%+ old_email FILTER html %] to
    [%+ new_email FILTER html %] has been canceled.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "email_change_canceled_reinstated" %]
    [% title = "Cancel Request to Change Email Address" %]
    The request to change the email address for the
    account [%+ old_email FILTER html %] to 
    [%+ new_email FILTER html %] has been canceled.
   Your old account settings have been reinstated.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "field_value_created" %]
    [% title = "New Field Value Created" %]
    The value <em>[% value.name FILTER html %]</em> has been added as a 
    valid choice for the <em>[% field.description FILTER html %]</em>
    (<em>[% field.name FILTER html %]</em>) field.
    [% IF field.name == "bug_status" %]
      You should now visit the <a href="editworkflow.cgi">status workflow 
      page</a> to include your new [% terms.bug %] status.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "field_value_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Field Value Deleted" %]
    The value <em>[% value.name FILTER html %]</em> of the
    <em>[% field.description FILTER html %]</em>
    (<em>[% field.name FILTER html %]</em>) field has been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "field_value_updated" %]
    [% title = "Field Value Updated" %]
    [% IF changes.keys.size %]
      The <em>[% value_old FILTER html %]</em> value of the
      <em>[% field.description FILTER html %]</em>
      (<em>[% field.name FILTER html %]</em>) field has been changed:
        [% IF changes.value %]
          <li>Field value updated to 
            <em>[% changes.value.1 FILTER html %]</em>.
            [% IF value.is_default %]
              (Note that this value is the default for this field. All
              references to the default value will now point to this new value.)
            [% END %]
        [% END %]
        [% IF changes.sortkey %]
          <li>Sortkey updated to 
            <em>[% changes.sortkey.1 FILTER html %]</em>.</li>
        [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made to the field value <em>[% value_old FILTER html %]</em>.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_cleared" %]
    Some flags didn't apply in the new product/component
    and have been cleared.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_creation_failed" %]
    [% title = "Flag Creation Failure" %]
    An error occured while validating flags:
    [%+ flag_creation_error FILTER none %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "get_field_desc" %]
    [% field_descs.$field_name FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "get_resolution" %]
    [% get_resolution(resolution) FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "get_status" %]
    [% get_status(status) FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "group_created" %]
    [% title = "New Group Created" %]
    The group <em>[% group.name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "group_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Group Deleted" %]
    The group <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> has been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "group_membership_removed" %]
    [% title = "Group Membership Removed" %]
    [% IF users.size %]
      Explicit membership to the <em>[% group FILTER html %]</em> group removed
      [% IF regexp %] for users matching '[% regexp FILTER html %]'[% END %]:
      [% FOREACH user = users %]
        [%+ user.login FILTER html %]
      [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No users are being affected by your action.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "group_updated" %]
    [% IF changes.keys.size %]
      The following changes have been made to the '[% group.name FILTER html %]'
      [% FOREACH field = changes.keys.sort %]
        [% SWITCH field %]
          [% CASE 'name' %]
            <li>The name was changed to '[% changes.name.1 FILTER html %]'</li>
          [% CASE 'description' %]
            <li>The description was updated.</li>
          [% CASE 'userregexp' %]
            <li>The regular expression was updated.</li>
          [% CASE 'isactive' %]
            [% IF changes.isactive.1 %]
              <li>The group will now be used for [% terms.bugs %].</li>
            [% ELSE %]
              <li>The group will no longer be used for [% terms.bugs %].</li>
            [% END %]
          [% CASE 'icon_url' %]
            <li>The group icon URL has been updated.</li>
          [% CASE 'members_add' %]
            <li>The following groups are now members of this group:
              [%+ changes.members_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'members_remove' %]
            <li>The following groups are no longer members of this group:
              [%+ changes.members_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'member_of_add' %]
            <li>This group is now a member of the following groups:
              [%+ changes.member_of_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'member_of_remove' %]
            <li>This group is no longer a member of the following groups:
              [%+ changes.member_of_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'bless_from_add' %]
            <li>The following groups may now add users to this group:
              [%+ changes.bless_from_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'bless_from_remove' %]
            <li>The following groups may no longer add users to this group:
              [%+ changes.bless_from_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'bless_to_add' %]
            <li>This group may now add users to the following groups:
              [%+ changes.bless_to_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'bless_to_remove' %]
            <li>This group may no longer add users to the following groups:
              [%+ changes.bless_to_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'visible_from_add' %]
            <li>The following groups can now see users in this group:
              [%+ changes.visible_from_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'visible_from_remove' %]
            <li>The following groups may no longer see users in this group:
              [%+ changes.visible_from_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'visible_to_me_add' %]
            <li>This group may now see users in the following groups:
              [%+ changes.visible_to_me_add.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
          [% CASE 'visible_to_me_remove' %]
            <li>This group may no longer see users in the following groups:
              [%+ changes.visible_to_me_remove.join(', ') FILTER html %]</li>
        [% END %]
      [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      You didn't request any change for the '[% group.name FILTER html %]'
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "keyword_created" %]
    [% title = "New Keyword Created" %]
    The keyword <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "keyword_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Keyword Deleted" %]
    The <em>[% keyword.name FILTER html %]</em> keyword has been deleted.
    <b>After you have finished editing keywords, you need to
    <a href="sanitycheck.cgi?rebuildkeywordcache=1">rebuild the keyword
    cache</a></b> (on a very large installation of [% terms.Bugzilla %],
    this can take several minutes).

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "keyword_updated" %]
    [% title = "Keyword Updated" %]
    [% IF changes.keys.size %]
      Changes to the <em>[% keyword.name FILTER html %]</em> keyword have
      been saved:
        [% IF changes.name.defined %]
            Keyword renamed to <em>[% keyword.name FILTER html %]</em>.
            <b>After you have finished editing keywords, you need to
            <a href="sanitycheck.cgi?rebuildkeywordcache=1">rebuild
            the keyword cache</a></b> (on a very large installation
            of [% terms.Bugzilla %], this can take several minutes).
        [% END %]
        [% IF changes.description.defined %]
          <li>Description updated to <em>[% keyword.description FILTER html %]</em></li>
        [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "logged_out" %]
    [% title = "Logged Out" %]
    [% url = "index.cgi?GoAheadAndLogIn=1" %]
    [% link = "Log in again." %]
    <b>Your login has been forgotten</b>.
    The cookie that was remembering your login is now gone. You will be
    prompted for a login the next time it is required.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "login_changed" %]
    [% title = "$terms.Bugzilla Login Changed" %]
    Your [% terms.Bugzilla %] login has been changed.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "milestone_created" %]
    [% title = "Milestone Created" %]
    The milestone <em>[% milestone.name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "milestone_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Milestone Deleted" %]
    The milestone <em>[% milestone.name FILTER html %]</em> has been deleted.
    [% IF milestone.bug_count %]
      [%+ terms.Bugs %] targetted to this milestone have been retargetted to
      the default milestone <em>[% product.default_milestone FILTER html %]</em>.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "milestone_updated" %]
    [% title = "Milestone Updated" %]
    [% IF changes.size %]
      Changes to the milestone <em>[% milestone.name FILTER html %]</em>
      have been saved:
        [% IF changes.value.defined %]
          <li>Milestone name updated to <em>[% milestone.name FILTER html %]</em></li>
        [% END %]
        [% IF changes.sortkey.defined %]
          <li>Sortkey updated to <em>[% milestone.sortkey FILTER html %]</em>
        [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made to milestone <em>[% milestone.name FILTER html %]</em>.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "parameters_updated" %]
    [% title = "Parameters Updated" %]
    [% IF param_changed.size > 0 %]
      [% FOREACH param = param_changed %]
        Changed <em>[% param FILTER html %]</em><br>
        [% IF param == 'utf8' && Param('utf8') %]
          <strong>You must now re-run checksetup.pl.</strong><br>
        [% END %]
      [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      No changes made.
    [% END %]

    [% IF shutdown_is_active == 1 %]
      [% terms.Bugzilla %] has now been shut down. To re-enable the system,
      clear the <em>shutdownhtml</em> field.
    [% END%]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "password_change_canceled" %]
    [% title = "Cancel Request to Change Password" %]
    Your request has been canceled.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "password_change_request" %]
    [% title = "Request to Change Password" %]
    A token for changing your password has been emailed to you.
    Follow the instructions in that email to change your password.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "password_changed" %]
    [% title = "Password Changed" %]
    Your password has been changed.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_type_created" %]
    [% title = BLOCK %]Flag Type '[% name FILTER html %]' Created[% END %]
    The flag type <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_type_changes_saved" %]
    [% title = BLOCK %]Flag Type '[% name FILTER html %]' Changes Saved[% END %]
    Your changes to the flag type <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em>
    have been saved.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_type_deleted" %]
    [% title = BLOCK %]Flag Type '[% name FILTER html %]' Deleted[% END %]
    The flag type <em>[% name FILTER html %]</em> has been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "flag_type_deactivated" %]
    [% title = BLOCK %]Flag Type '[% flag_type.name FILTER html %]' Deactivated[% END %]
    The flag type <em>[% flag_type.name FILTER html %]</em> has been deactivated.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_admin_get_email" %]
    Enter the e-mail address of the administrator:

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_admin_get_name" %]
    Enter the real name of the administrator:

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_admin_get_password" %]
    Enter a password for the administrator account:

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_admin_created" %]
    [% user.login FILTER html %] is now set up as an administrator.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_admin_setup" %]
    Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet.
    Either this is your first time using [% terms.Bugzilla %], or your
    administrator's privileges might have accidentally been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_column_add" %]
    Adding new column '[% column FILTER html %]' to the '[% table FILTER html %]' table...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_column_drop" %]
    Deleting the '[% column FILTER html %]' column from the '[% table FILTER html %]' table...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_column_rename" %]
    Renaming column '[% old FILTER html %]' to '[% new FILTER html %]'...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_confirm_password" %]
    Please retype the password to verify:

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_default_classification" %]
    Creating default classification '[% name FILTER html %]'...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_default_product" %]
    Creating initial dummy product '[% name FILTER html %]'...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_file_perms_fix" %]
    Fixing file permissions...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_add" %]
    Adding foreign key: [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] -&gt; [% fk.TABLE FILTER html %].[% fk.COLUMN FILTER html %]...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_drop" %]
    Dropping foreign key: [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] -&gt; [% fk.TABLE FILTER html %].[% fk.COLUMN FILTER html %]...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_invalid" %]
    ERROR: There are invalid values for the [% column FILTER html %] column in the [% table FILTER html %]
    table. (These values do not exist in the [% foreign_table FILTER html %] table, in the 
    [% foreign_column FILTER html %] column.)

    Before continuing with checksetup, you will need to fix these values,
    either by deleting these rows from the database, or changing the values
    of [% column FILTER html %] in [% table FILTER html %] to point to valid values in [% foreign_table FILTER html %].[% foreign_column FILTER html %].

    The bad values from the [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] column are:
    [%+ values.join(', ') FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_invalid_fixed" %]
    WARNING: There were invalid values in [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %]
    that have been [% IF action == 'delete' %]deleted[% ELSE %]set to NULL[% END %]:
    [%+ values.join(', ') FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_group_create" %]
    Creating group [% name FILTER html %]...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_setting_new" %]
    Adding a new user setting called '[% name FILTER html %]'

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_table_drop" %]
    Dropping the '[% name FILTER html %]' table...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_table_rename" %]
    Renaming the '[% old FILTER html %]' table to '[% new FILTER html %]'...

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_urlbase_default" %]
    Now that you have installed [% terms.Bugzilla %], you should visit the
    'Parameters' page (linked in the footer of the Administrator
    account) to ensure it is set up as you wish - this includes
    setting the 'urlbase' option to the correct URL.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_reset_password" %]
    Enter a new password for [% user.login FILTER html %]:

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_reset_password_done" %]
    New password set.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_webservergroup_empty" %]
    WARNING! You have not entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter
    in localconfig. This means that certain files and directories which need
    to be editable by both you and the web server must be world writable, and
    other files (including the localconfig file which stores your database
    password) must be world readable. This means that _anyone_ who can obtain
    local access to this machine can do whatever they want to your 
    [%+ terms.Bugzilla %] installation, and is probably also able to run 
    arbitrary Perl code as the user that the web server runs as.

    You really, really, really need to change this setting.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_webservergroup_not_in" %]
    Warning: you have entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter in
    localconfig, but you are not either a) running this script as [% constants.ROOT_USER FILTER html %]; 
    or b) a member of this group. This can cause permissions problems and 
    decreased security.  If you experience problems running [% terms.Bugzilla %]
    scripts, log in as [% constants.ROOT_USER FILTER html %] and re-run this script, become a 
    member of the group, or remove the value of the "webservergroup" parameter.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "install_webservergroup_windows" %]
    Warning: You have set webservergroup in [% constants.bz_locations.localconfig FILTER html %]
    Please understand that this does not bring you any security when
    running under Windows.
    Verify that the file permissions in your [% terms.Bugzilla %] directory are
    suitable for your system. Avoid unnecessary write access.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "product_created" %]
    [% title = "Product Created" %]
    The product <em>[% product.name FILTER html %]</em> has been created. You will need to
    <a href="editcomponents.cgi?action=add&product=[% product.name FILTER url_quote %]">
    add at least one component</a> before anyone can enter [% terms.bugs %] against this product.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "product_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Product Deleted" %]
    The product <em>[% product.name FILTER html %]</em> and all its versions,
    components, milestones and group controls have been deleted.
    [% IF product.bug_count %]
      All [% terms.bugs %] being in this product and all references
      to them have also been deleted.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "product_invalid" %]
    [% title = "$terms.Bugzilla Component Descriptions" %]
    The product <em>[% product FILTER html %]</em> does not exist
    or you don't have access to it. The following is a list of the
    products you can choose from.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "remaining_time_zeroed" %]
    The [% field_descs.remaining_time FILTER html %] field has been 
    set to zero automatically as part of closing this [% terms.bug %]
    or moving it from one closed state to another.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "sanitycheck" %]
    [%# We use this way to call sanitycheck-specific messages so that
      # we can still use get_text(). %]
    [% PROCESS "admin/sanitycheck/messages.html.tmpl" %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "series_all_open" %]
    All Open

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "series_all_closed" %]
    All Closed

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "series_subcategory" %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "sudo_started" %]
    [% title = "Sudo session started" %]
      The sudo session has been started.  For the next 6 hours, or until you 
      end the session, everything you do you do as the user you are 
      impersonating ([% target FILTER html %]).
  [% ELSIF message_tag == "sudo_ended" %]
    [% title = "Sudo session complete" %]
      The sudo session has been ended.  From this point forward, everything you 
      do you do as yourself.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "series_created" %]
    [% title = "Series Created" %]
      The series <em>[% series.category FILTER html %] /
      [%+ series.subcategory FILTER html %] / 
      [%+ series.name FILTER html %]</em>
      has been created. Note that you may need to wait up to 
      [%+ series.frequency * 2 %] days before there will be enough data for a
      chart of this series to be produced.
      Go back or 
      <a href="query.cgi?format=create-series">create another series</a>.
  [% ELSIF message_tag == "shutdown" %]
    [% title = "$terms.Bugzilla is Down" %]
    [% Param("shutdownhtml") %]
    [% IF userid %]
      <p>For security reasons, you have been logged out automatically.
      The cookie that was remembering your login is now gone.
    [% END %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "term" %]
    [% terms.$term FILTER html %]

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "unexpected_flag_types" %]
    Some flags could not be set. Please check your changes.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "user_match_failed" %]
    You entered a username that did not match any known 
    [% terms.Bugzilla %] users, so we have instead left
    the [% match_field FILTER html %] field blank.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "user_match_multiple" %]
    You entered a username that matched more than one
    user, so we have instead left the [% match_field FILTER html %]
    field blank.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "version_created" %]
    [% title = "Version Created" %]
    The version <em>[% version.name FILTER html %]</em> of product
    <em>[% product.name FILTER html %]</em> has been created.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "version_deleted" %]
    [% title = "Version Deleted" %]
    The version <em>[% version.name FILTER html %]</em> of product
    <em>[% product.name FILTER html %]</em> has been deleted.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "version_updated" %]
    [% title = "Version Updated" %]
    Version renamed as <em>[% version.name FILTER html %]</em>.

  [% ELSIF message_tag == "workflow_updated" %]
    The workflow has been updated.

  [% ELSE %]
    [%# Give sensible error if error functions are used incorrectly.
    You are using [% terms.Bugzilla %]'s messaging functions incorrectly. You
    passed in the string '[% message_tag %]'. The correct use is to pass
    in a tag, and define that tag in the file messages.html.tmpl.<br>
    If you are a [% terms.Bugzilla %] end-user seeing this message, please 
    save this page and send it to [% Param('maintainer') %].
  [% END %]
[% END %]