[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [%# INTERFACE: # header_done: boolean. True if the Bugzilla header has already been printed. # error: string. The tag of the error, or the error message to be displayed # (deprecated). May contain HTML if it's an error message. #%] [%# This is a list of all the possible user errors. Please keep them in # alphabetical order by error tag, and leave a blank line between errors. # # Note that you must explicitly filter every single template variable # in this file; if you do not wish to change it, use the "none" filter. # # Extension- or custom-specific error handling can be easily added # via hooks: just place additional code into # template/en/hook/global/user-error-errors.html.tmpl # Note: be aware of uniqueness of error string parameter value, since # nobody can guarantee the hook files processing order in the future. #%] [% PROCESS "global/field-descs.none.tmpl" %] [% DEFAULT title = "Error" %] [% error_message = BLOCK %] [% IF error == "account_creation_disabled" %] [% title = "Account Creation Disabled" %] User account creation has been disabled.
[% page_id FILTER html %]
is not a
valid page identifier.
[% ELSIF error == "bug_access_denied" %]
[% title = "$terms.Bug Access Denied" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'groups.html' => 'Group Security'} %]
You are not authorized to access [% terms.bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "bug_access_query" %]
[% title = "$terms.Bug Access Denied" %]
[% docslinks = {'myaccount.html' => 'Creating an account'} %]
You are not authorized to access [% terms.bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %].
To see this [% terms.bug %], you must
first log
in to an account with the appropriate permissions.
[% ELSIF error == "bug_url_invalid" %]
[% title = "Invalid $terms.Bug URL" %]
[% url FILTER html %]
is not a valid URL to [% terms.abug %].
[% IF reason == 'http' %]
URLs must start with "http" or "https".
[% ELSIF reason == 'path_only' %]
You must specify a full URL.
[% ELSIF reason == 'id' %]
There is no valid [% terms.bug %] id in that URL.
[% ELSE %]
[%+ field_descs.see_also FILTER html %] URLs should point to one of:
in a [% terms.Bugzilla %]
installation.[% url FILTER html %]
is too long.
[% ELSIF error == "buglist_parameters_required" %]
[% title = "Parameters Required" %]
[% docslinks = {'query.html' => "Searching for $terms.bugs",
'query.html#list' => "$terms.Bug lists"} %]
You may not search, or create saved searches, without any search terms.
[% ELSIF error == "cc_remove_denied" %]
[% title = "Change Denied" %]
You do not have permission to remove other people from the CC list.
[% ELSIF error == "chart_too_large" %]
[% title = "Chart Too Large" %]
Sorry, but 2000 x 2000 is the maximum size for a chart.
[% ELSIF error == "comment_id_invalid" %]
[% id FILTER html %] is not a valid comment id.
[% ELSIF error == "comment_invalid_isprivate" %]
You tried to modify the privacy of comment id [% id FILTER html %],
but that is not a valid comment on this [% terms.bug %].
[% ELSIF error == "comment_is_private" %]
Comment id [% id FILTER html %] is private.
[% ELSIF error == "comment_required" %]
[% title = "Comment Required" %]
You have to specify a
[% IF old.defined && new.defined %]
comment when changing the [% field_descs.$field FILTER html %]
of [% terms.abug %] from [% (old || "(empty)") FILTER html %]
to [% (new || "(empty)") FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF new %]
description for this [% terms.bug %].
[% ELSE %]
comment on this change.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "comment_too_long" %]
[% title = "Comment Too Long" %]
Comments cannot be longer than
[%+ constants.MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH FILTER html %] characters.
[% ELSIF error == "auth_classification_not_enabled" %]
[% title = "Classification Not Enabled" %]
Sorry, classification is not enabled.
[% ELSIF error == "classification_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Classification Name Too Long" %]
The name of a classification is limited to [% constants.MAX_CLASSIFICATION_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "classification_not_specified" %]
[% title = "You Must Supply A Classification Name" %]
You must enter a classification name.
[% ELSIF error == "classification_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Classification Already Exists" %]
A classification with the name '[% name FILTER html %]' already exists.
[% ELSIF error == "classification_invalid_sortkey" %]
[% title = "Invalid Sortkey for Classification" %]
The sortkey '[% sortkey FILTER html %]' is invalid. It must be an
integer between 0 and [% constants.MAX_SMALLINT FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "classification_not_deletable" %]
[% title = "Default Classification Cannot Be Deleted" %]
You cannot delete the default classification
[% ELSIF error == "classification_has_products" %]
Sorry, there are products for this classification. You
must reassign those products to another classification before you
can delete this one.
[% ELSIF error == "component_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Component Already Exists" %]
The [% product.name FILTER html %] product already has
a component named [% name FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "component_blank_description" %]
[% title = "Blank Component Description Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a non-blank description for this component.
[% ELSIF error == "component_blank_name" %]
[% title = "Blank Component Name Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a name for this new component.
[% ELSIF error == "component_has_bugs" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Component has [% terms.Bugs %][% END %]
There are [% nb FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %] entered for this component!
You must reassign those [% terms.bugs %] to another component before you
can delete this one.
[% ELSIF error == "component_is_last" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Last Component in this Product[% END %]
'[% comp.name FILTER html %]' is the last component of the
'[% comp.product.name FILTER html %]' product. You cannot delete it.
[% ELSIF error == "component_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Component Name Is Too Long" %]
The name of a component is limited to [% constants.MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "component_need_initialowner" %]
[% title = "Component Requires Default Assignee" %]
A default assignee is required for this component.
[% ELSIF error == "customfield_nonexistent" %]
[% title = "Unknown Custom Field" %]
There is no custom field with the name '[% name FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "customfield_not_obsolete" %]
[% title = "Custom Field Not Obsolete" %]
The custom field '[% name FILTER html %]' is not obsolete.
Please obsolete a custom field before attempting to delete it.
[% ELSIF error == "customfield_has_activity" %]
[% title = "Custom Field Has Activity" %]
The custom field '[% name FILTER html %]' cannot be deleted because
it has recorded activity.
[% ELSIF error == "customfield_has_contents" %]
[% title = "Custom Field Has Contents" %]
The custom field '[% name FILTER html %]' cannot be deleted because
at least one [% terms.bug %] has a non empty value for this field.
[% ELSIF error == "dependency_loop_multi" %]
[% title = "Dependency Loop Detected" %]
The following [% terms.bug %](s) would appear on both the "depends on"
and "blocks" parts of the dependency tree if these changes
are committed:
[% FOREACH dep = deps %]
[%+ dep FILTER bug_link(dep) FILTER none %]
[% END %].
This would create a circular dependency, which is not allowed.
[% ELSIF error == "dependency_loop_single" %]
[% title = "Dependency Loop Detected" %]
You can't make [% terms.abug %] block itself or depend on itself.
[% ELSIF error == "dupe_id_required" %]
[% title = "Duplicate $terms.Bug Id Required" %]
You must specify [% terms.abug %] id to mark this [% terms.bug %]
as a duplicate of.
[% ELSIF error == "dupe_not_allowed" %]
[% title = "Cannot mark $terms.bugs as duplicates" %]
You cannot mark [% terms.bugs %] as duplicates when
changing several [% terms.bugs %] at once.
[% ELSIF error == "dupe_loop_detected" %]
[% title = "Loop detected among duplicates" %]
You cannot mark [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %] as
a duplicate of
[% IF dupe_of == bug_id %]
[% ELSE %]
[%+ terms.bug %] [%+ dupe_of FILTER html %], because it
would create a duplicate loop
[% END %].
[% ELSIF error == "email_change_in_progress" %]
[% title = "Email Change Already In Progress" %]
Email change already in progress; please check your email.
[% ELSIF error == "email_no_body" %]
Your message did not contain any text, as far as we could tell.
[% ELSIF error == "empty_group_description" %]
[% title = "The group description cannot be empty" %]
You must enter a description for the group.
[% ELSIF error == "empty_group_name" %]
[% title = "The group name cannot be empty" %]
You must enter a name for the group.
[% ELSIF error == "entry_access_denied" %]
[% title = "Permission Denied" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'groups.html' => 'Group Security'} %]
Sorry, either the product [% product FILTER html %]
does not exist or you aren't authorized to
enter [% terms.abug %] into it.
[% ELSIF error == "extension_create_no_name" %]
You must specify a name for your extension, as an argument to this script.
[% ELSIF error == "extension_disabled" %]
[% title = "Extension Disabled" %]
You cannot access this page because the extension '[% name FILTER html %]'
is disabled.
[% ELSIF error == "extension_first_letter_caps" %]
The first letter of your extension's name must be a capital letter.
(You specified '[% name FILTER html %]'.)
[% ELSIF error == "feature_disabled" %]
The [% install_string("feature_$feature") FILTER html %] feature is not
available in this [% terms.Bugzilla %].
[% IF user.in_group('admin') %]
If you would like to enable this feature, please run
checksetup.pl to see how to install the necessary
requirements for this feature.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "field_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Field Already Exists" %]
The field '[% field.name FILTER html %]'
([% field.description FILTER html %]) already exists. Please
choose another name.
[% ELSIF error == "field_cant_control_self" %]
[% title = "Field Can't Control Itself" %]
The [% field.description FILTER html %] field can't be set to control
[% ELSIF error == "field_control_must_be_select" %]
[% title = "Invalid Field Type Selected" %]
Only drop-down and multi-select fields can be used to control
the visibility/values of other fields. [% field.description FILTER html %]
is not the right type of field.
[% ELSIF error == "field_invalid_name" %]
[% title = "Invalid Field Name" %]
'[% name FILTER html %]' is not a valid name for a field.
A name may contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
[% ELSIF error == "field_invalid_sortkey" %]
[% title = "Invalid Sortkey for Field" %]
The sortkey [% sortkey FILTER html %] that you have provided for
this field is not a valid positive integer.
[% ELSIF error == "field_missing_description" %]
[% title = "Missing Description for Field" %]
You must enter a description for this field.
[% ELSIF error == "field_long_desc_too_long" %]
[% title = "Long Description for Field too long" %]
The long description you have provided for this field is longer than
[% constants.MAX_FIELD_LONG_DESC_LENGTH FILTER html %] characters.
[% ELSIF error == "field_missing_name" %]
[% title = "Missing Name for Field" %]
You must enter a name for this field.
[% ELSIF error == "field_value_control_select_only" %]
[% title = "Invalid Value Control Field" %]
Only Drop-Down or Multi-Select fields can have a field that
controls their values.
[% ELSIF error == "field_visibility_values_must_be_selected" %]
[% title = "Missing visibility field values" %]
At least one value must be selected for the visibility field
'[% field.name FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "fieldname_invalid" %]
[% title = "Specified Field Does Not Exist" %]
The field '[% field.name FILTER html %]' does not exist or
cannot be edited with this interface.
[% ELSIF error == "fieldvalue_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Field Value Already Exists" %]
The value '[% value.name FILTER html %]' already exists for the
[%+ field.description FILTER html %] field.
[% ELSIF error == "fieldvalue_is_controller" %]
[% title = "Value Controls Other Fields" %]
You cannot delete the [% value.field.description FILTER html %]
'[% value.name FILTER html %]' because
[% IF fields.size %]
it controls the visibility of the following fields:
[%+ fields.join(', ') FILTER html %].
[% END %]
[% ' Also, ' IF fields.size AND vals.size %]
[% IF vals.size %]
it controls the visibility of the following field values:
[% flag_type.name FILTER html %]
on [% terms.bug %]
[%+ bug_id FILTER html -%]
[% IF attach_id && attach_id > 0 %], attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %][% END %],
but that [% terms.bug %] has been restricted to users in certain groups,
and the user you asked isn't in all the groups to which
the [% terms.bug %] has been restricted.
Please choose someone else to ask, or make the [% terms.bug %] accessible
to users on its CC: list and add that user to the list.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_requestee_unauthorized_attachment" %]
[% title = "Flag Requestee Not Authorized" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags',
'groups.html' => 'Group Security'} %]
[% docslinks = {'flags-overview.html' => 'An overview on Flags',
'flags.html' => 'Using Flags'} %]
You asked [% requestee.identity FILTER html %]
for [% flag_type.name FILTER html %]
[%+ terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %],
attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %], but that attachment
is restricted to users in the [% Param("insidergroup") FILTER html %] group,
and the user you asked isn't in that group. Please choose someone else
to ask, or ask an administrator to add the user to the group.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_status_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Status Invalid" %]
The flag status [% status FILTER html %]
[% IF id %]
for flag ID #[% id FILTER html %]
[% END %]
is invalid.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_cannot_deactivate" %]
[% title = "Cannot Deactivate Flag Type" %]
Sorry, but the flag type '[% flagtype.name FILTER html %]' also applies to some
products you cannot see, and so you are not allowed to deactivate it.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_cannot_delete" %]
[% title = "Flag Type Deletion Not Allowed" %]
Sorry, but the flag type '[% flagtype.name FILTER html %]' also applies to some
products you cannot see, and so you are not allowed to delete it.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_cc_list_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Type CC List Invalid" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags'} %]
The CC list [% cc_list FILTER html %] must be less than 200 characters long.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_component_without_product" %]
[% title = "Product Missing" %]
A component was selected without a product being selected.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_description_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Type Description Invalid" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags'} %]
You must enter a description for this flag type.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_name_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Type Name Invalid" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags'} %]
The name [% name FILTER html %] must be 1-50 characters long
and must not contain any spaces or commas.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_not_editable" %]
[% title = "Flag Type Not Editable" %]
You are not allowed to edit properties of the '[% flagtype.name FILTER html %]'
flag type, because this flag type is not available for the products you can administer.
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_not_multiplicable" %]
[% docslinks = {'flags-overview.html' => 'An overview on Flags',
'flags.html' => 'Using Flags'} %]
You cannot have several [% type.name FILTER html %] flags
for this [% IF attachment %] attachment [% ELSE %] [%+ terms.bug %] [% END %].
[% ELSIF error == "flag_update_denied" %]
[% title = "Flag Modification Denied" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'flags-overview.html#flags-admin' => 'Administering Flags',
'groups.html' => 'Group Security'} %]
[% docslinks = {'flags-overview.html' => 'An overview on Flags',
'flags.html' => 'Using Flags'} %]
You tried to [% IF status == "+" %] grant [% ELSIF status == "-" %] deny
[% ELSIF status == "X" %] clear [% ELSE %] request [% END %]
[% name FILTER html %]
[% IF status == "X" %][% old_status FILTER html %][% END %]
Only a user with the required permissions may make this change.
[% ELSIF error == "format_not_found" %]
[% title = "Format Not Found" %]
The requested format [% format FILTER html %] does not exist with
a content type of [% ctype FILTER html %].
[% IF invalid %]
Both parameters must contain letters and hyphens only.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "flag_type_sortkey_invalid" %]
[% title = "Flag Type Sort Key Invalid" %]
The sort key [% sortkey FILTER html %] must be an integer
between 0 and [% constants.MAX_SMALLINT FILTER none %].
[% ELSIF error == "freetext_too_long" %]
[% title = "Text Too Long" %]
The text you entered in the [% field_descs.$field FILTER html %]
field is too long ([% text.length FILTER html %] characters,
above the maximum length allowed of
[%+ constants.MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH FILTER none %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "group_cannot_delete" %]
[% title = "Cannot Delete Group" %]
The [% group.name FILTER html %] group cannot be deleted because
there are
in the database which refer to it. All references to this group must
be removed before you can remove it.
[% ELSIF error == "group_exists" %]
[% title = "The group already exists" %]
The group [% name FILTER html %] already exists.
[% ELSIF error == "group_has_special_role" %]
[% title = "Group not deletable" %]
[% IF groups.size == 1 %]
[% attr = "it" %]
[% param = "parameter" %]
[% ELSE %]
[% attr = "them" %]
[% param = "parameters" %]
[% END %]
The group '[% name FILTER html %]' is used by the
'[% groups.join("' and '") FILTER html %]' [% param FILTER html %].
In order to delete this group, you first have to change the
[%+ param FILTER html %] to make [% attr FILTER html %] point to another group.
[% ELSIF error == "group_invalid_removal" %]
You tried to remove [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %]
from the '[% name FILTER html %]' group, but either this group does not exist,
or you are not allowed to remove [% terms.bugs %] from this group in the
'[% product FILTER html %]' product.
[% ELSIF error == "group_restriction_not_allowed" %]
[% title = "Group Restriction Not Allowed" %]
You tried to restrict [% bug_id ? "$terms.bug $bug_id" : terms.abug FILTER html %]
to the '[% name FILTER html %]' group, but either this group does not exist,
or you are not allowed to restrict [% terms.bugs %] to this group in the
'[% product FILTER html %]' product.
[% ELSIF error == "group_not_specified" %]
[% title = "Group not specified" %]
No group was specified.
[% ELSIF error == "group_not_visible" %]
[% title = "Group Not Allowed" %]
You are not allowed to see members of the [% group.name FILTER html %]
[% ELSIF error == "system_group_not_deletable" %]
[% title = "System Groups not deletable" %]
[% name FILTER html %] is a system group.
This group cannot be deleted.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_attachment_edit" %]
[% title = "Unauthorized Action" %]
You are not authorized to edit attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_attachment_edit_bug" %]
[% title = "Unauthorized Action" %]
You are not authorized to edit attachments on [% terms.bug %]
[%+ bug_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_bug_status_transition" %]
[% title = "Illegal $terms.Bug Status Change" %]
[% IF old.defined %]
You are not allowed to change the [% terms.bug %] status from
[%+ old.name FILTER html %] to [% new.name FILTER html %].
[% ELSE %]
You are not allowed to file new [% terms.bugs %] with the
[%+ new.name FILTER html %] status.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_change" %]
[% title = "Not allowed" %]
You tried to change the
[% field_descs.$field FILTER html %] field
[% IF oldvalue.defined %]
from [% oldvalue.join(', ') FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% IF newvalue.defined %]
to [% newvalue.join(', ') FILTER html %]
[% END %]
, but only
the assignee
[% IF privs < constants.PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_ASSIGNEE %] or reporter [% END %]
of the [% terms.bug %], or
[% END %]
a user with the required permissions may change that field.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_change_deps" %]
[% title = "Not allowed" %]
You tried to change the
[% field_descs.$field FILTER html %] field
but only a user allowed to edit
both related [% terms.bugs %] may change that field.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_date" %]
[% title = "Illegal Date" %]
'[% date FILTER html %]' is not a legal date.
[% IF format %]
Please use the format '[% format FILTER html %]'.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_email_address" %]
[% title = "Invalid Email Address" %]
The e-mail address you entered ([% addr FILTER html %])
didn't pass our syntax checking for a legal email address.
[% IF default %]
A legal address must contain exactly one '@',
and at least one '.' after the @.
[% ELSE %]
[%+ Param('emailregexpdesc') FILTER html_light %]
[% END %]
It also must not contain any illegal characters.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_frequency" %]
[% title = "Too Frequent" %]
Unless you are an administrator, you may not create series which are
run more often than once every [% minimum FILTER html %] days.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_group_control_combination" %]
[% title = "Your Group Control Combination Is Illegal" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'groups.html' => 'Assigning Group Controls to Products'} %]
Your group control combination for group "
[% groupname FILTER html %]" is illegal.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_pronoun" %]
[% title = "Illegal Pronoun" %]
The pronoun you used ([% pronoun FILTER html %]) is illegal. You must use
one of the approved pronouns. Please see
Pronoun Substitution
for a complete list.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_query_name" %]
[% title = "Illegal Search Name" %]
The name of your search cannot contain any of the following characters:
<, >, &.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_series_creation" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'groups.html' => 'Group security'} %]
[% docslinks = {'reporting.html' => 'Reporting'} %]
You are not authorized to create series.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_series_edit" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'groups.html' => 'Group security'} %]
[% docslinks = {'reporting.html' => 'Reporting'} %]
You are not authorized to edit this series. To do this, you must either
be its creator, or an administrator.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_time" %]
[% title = "Illegal Time" %]
'[% time FILTER html %]' is not a legal time.
[% IF format %]
Please use the format '[% format FILTER html %]'.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_regexp" %]
[% title = "Illegal Regular Expression" %]
The regular expression you provided [% value FILTER html %] is not valid.
The error was: [% dberror FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "insufficient_data_points" %]
[% docslinks = {'reporting.html' => 'Reporting'} %]
We don't have enough data points to make a graph (yet).
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_attach_id" %]
[% title = "Invalid Attachment ID" %]
The attachment id [% attach_id FILTER html %] is invalid.
[% ELSIF error == "bug_id_does_not_exist" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Invalid [% terms.Bug %] ID[% END %]
[% terms.Bug %] #[% bug_id FILTER html %] does not exist.
[% ELSIF error == "improper_bug_id_field_value" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]
[% IF bug_id %]Invalid [% ELSE %]Missing [% END %] [% terms.Bug %] ID
[% END %]
[% IF bug_id %]
'[% bug_id FILTER html %]' is not a valid [% terms.bug %] number
nor an alias to [% terms.abug %].
[% ELSE %]
[% IF field %]
The '[% field_descs.$field FILTER html %]' field
cannot be empty.
[% END %]
You must enter a valid [% terms.bug %] number!
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_changedsince" %]
[% title = "Invalid 'Changed Since'" %]
The 'changed since' value, '[% changedsince FILTER html %]', must be an
integer >= 0.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_content_type" %]
[% title = "Invalid Content-Type" %]
The content type [% contenttype FILTER html %] is invalid.
Valid types must be of the form foo/bar where foo
is one of [% constants.LEGAL_CONTENT_TYPES.join(', ') FILTER html %]
and bar must not contain any special characters (such as "=", "?", ...).
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_context" %]
[% title = "Invalid Context" %]
The context [% context FILTER html %] is invalid (must be a number,
"file" or "patch").
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_datasets" %]
[% title = "Invalid Datasets" %]
Invalid datasets [% datasets.join(":") FILTER html %]. Only digits,
letters and colons are allowed.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_dimensions" %]
[% title = "Invalid Dimensions" %]
The width or height specified is not a positive integer.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_format" %]
[% title = "Invalid Format" %]
The format "[% format FILTER html %]" is invalid (must be one of
[% FOREACH my_format = formats %]
"[% my_format FILTER html %]"
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_group_ID" %]
[% title = "Invalid group ID" %]
The group you specified doesn't exist.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_group_name" %]
[% title = "Invalid group name" %]
The group you specified, [% name FILTER html %], is not valid here.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_keyword_id" %]
The keyword ID [% id FILTER html %] couldn't be found.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_maxrows" %]
[% title = "Invalid Max Rows" %]
The maximum number of rows, '[% maxrows FILTER html %]', must be
a positive integer.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_parameter" %]
[% title = "Invalid Parameter" %]
The new value for [% name FILTER html %] is invalid: [% err FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_regexp" %]
[% title = "Invalid regular expression" %]
The regular expression you entered is invalid.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_user" %]
[% title = "Invalid User" %]
There is no user account
[% IF user_id %]
with ID [% user_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF user_login %]
with login name [% user_login FILTER html %].
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_user_group" %]
[% title = "Invalid User Group" %]
[% IF users.size > 1 %] Users [% ELSE %] User [% END %]
'[% users.join(', ') FILTER html %]'
[% IF users.size > 1 %] are [% ELSE %] is [% END %]
not able to edit the
[% IF product %]
'[% product FILTER html %]'
[% END %]
[%+ field_descs.product FILTER html %]
[% IF bug_id %]
for [% terms.bug %] '[% bug_id FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF new %]
and may not be included on a new [% terms.bug %].
[% ELSE %]
for at least one [% terms.bug %] being changed.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_username" %]
[% title = "Invalid Username" %]
The name [% name FILTER html %] is not a valid username.
Either you misspelled it, or the person has not
registered for a [% terms.Bugzilla %] account.
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_username_or_password" %]
[% title = "Invalid Username Or Password" %]
The username or password you entered is not valid.
[%# People get two login attempts before being warned about
# being locked out.
[% IF remaining <= 2 %]
If you do not enter the correct password after
[%+ remaining FILTER html %] more attempt(s), you will be
locked out of this account for
[%+ constants.LOGIN_LOCKOUT_INTERVAL FILTER html %] minutes.
To avoid being locked out, you can reset your password using
the "Forgot Password" link.
[% END %]
[% ELSIF error == "invalid_cookies_or_token" %]
[% title = "Invalid Cookies or Token" %]
The cookies or token provide were not valid or have expired.
You may login again to get new cookies or a new token.
[% ELSIF error == "json_rpc_get_method_required" %]
When using JSON-RPC over GET, you must specify a 'method'
parameter. See the documentation at
[%+ docs_urlbase FILTER html %]api/Bugzilla/WebService/Server/JSONRPC.html
[% ELSIF error == "json_rpc_illegal_content_type" %]
When using JSON-RPC over POST, you cannot send data as
[%+ content_type FILTER html %]. Only application/json and
application/json-rpc are allowed.
[% ELSIF error == "json_rpc_invalid_params" %]
Could not parse the 'params' argument as valid JSON.
Error: [% err_msg FILTER html %]
Value: [% params FILTER html %]
[% ELSIF error == "json_rpc_invalid_callback" %]
You cannot use '[% callback FILTER html %]' as your 'callback' parameter.
For security reasons, only letters, numbers, and the following
characters are allowed in the 'callback' parameter: []._
[% ELSIF error == "json_rpc_post_only" %]
For security reasons, you must use HTTP POST to call the
'[% method FILTER html %]' method.
[% ELSIF error == "rest_invalid_resource" %]
A REST API resource was not found for '[% method FILTER html +%] [%+ path FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "get_products_invalid_type" %]
The product type '[% type FILTER html %]' is invalid. Valid choices
are 'accessible', 'selectable', and 'enterable'.
[% ELSIF error == "keyword_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Keyword Already Exists" %]
A keyword with the name [% name FILTER html %] already exists.
[% ELSIF error == "keyword_blank_description" %]
[% title = "Blank Keyword Description Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a non-blank description for the keyword.
[% ELSIF error == "keyword_blank_name" %]
[% title = "Blank Keyword Name Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a non-blank name for the keyword.
[% ELSIF error == "keyword_invalid_name" %]
[% title = "Invalid Keyword Name" %]
You may not use commas or whitespace in a keyword name.
[% ELSIF error == "login_needed_for_password_change" %]
[% title = "Login Name Required" %]
You must enter a login name when requesting to change your password.
[% ELSIF error == "login_required_for_pronoun" %]
[% title = "Login Name Required" %]
You can't use %user% without being logged in, because %user% refers
to your login name, which we don't know.
[% ELSIF error == "login_required" %]
[%# Used for non-web-based LOGIN_REQUIRED situations. %]
You must log in before using this part of [% terms.Bugzilla %].
[% ELSIF error == "migrate_config_created" %]
The file [% file FILTER html %] contains configuration
variables that must be set before continuing with the migration.
[% ELSIF error == "migrate_from_invalid" %]
'[% from FILTER html %]' is not a valid type of [% terms.bug %]-tracker
to migrate from. See the contents of the B[% %]ugzilla/Migrate/
directory for a list of valid [% terms.bug %]-trackers.
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Milestone Already Exists" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products',
'milestones.html' => 'About Milestones'} %]
The milestone '[% name FILTER html %]' already exists for product '
[%- product FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_blank_name" %]
[% title = "Blank Milestone Name Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a name for this milestone.
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_is_default" %]
[% title = "Default milestone not deletable" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products',
'milestones.html' => 'About Milestones'} %]
Sorry, but [% milestone.name FILTER html %] is the default milestone
for the '[% milestone.product.name FILTER html %]' product, and so
it cannot be deleted.
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Milestone Name Is Too Long" %]
The name of a milestone is limited to [% constants.MAX_MILESTONE_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_required" %]
[% title = "Milestone Required" %]
You must select a target milestone for [% terms.bug %]
[%+ bug.id FILTER html %]
if you are going to accept it. Part of accepting
[%+ terms.abug %] is giving an estimate of when it will be fixed.
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_sortkey_invalid" %]
[% title = "Invalid Milestone Sortkey" %]
The sortkey '[% sortkey FILTER html %]' is not in the range
[%+ constants.MIN_SMALLINT FILTER html %] ≤ sortkey ≤
[%+ constants.MAX_SMALLINT FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "misarranged_dates" %]
[% title = "Misarranged Dates" %]
Your start date ([% datefrom FILTER html %]) is after
your end date ([% dateto FILTER html %]).
[% ELSIF error == "mismatched_bug_ids_on_obsolete" %]
Attachment [% attach_id FILTER html %] is attached to another [% terms.bug %],
but you tried to flag it as obsolete while creating a new attachment to
[%+ terms.bug %] [%+ my_bug_id FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "missing_attachment_description" %]
[% title = "Missing Attachment Description" %]
You must enter a description for the attachment.
[% ELSIF error == "missing_bug_id" %]
[% title = "Missing $terms.Bug ID" %]
No [% terms.bug %] ID was given.
[% ELSIF error == "missing_category" %]
[% title = "Missing Category" %]
You did not specify a category for this series.
[% ELSIF error == "missing_component" %]
[% title = "Missing Component" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products',
'components.html' => 'Creating a component'} %]
Sorry, the product [% product.name FILTER html %]
has to have at least one active component in order for you to
enter [% terms.abug %] into it.[% field FILTER html %]
is not a valid field name.
[% field FILTER html %]
matches more than one field:
[%+ ambiguous.${field}.join(', ') FILTER html %]
The legal field names are listed here.
[% END %] [% ELSIF error == "quip_too_long" %] [% title = "Quip Too Long" %] You entered a quip with a length of [% length FILTER none %] characters, but the maximum allowed length is [% constants.MAX_QUIP_LENGTH FILTER none %] characters. [% ELSIF error == "reassign_to_empty" %] [% title = "Illegal Reassignment" %] To reassign [% terms.abug %], you must provide an address for the new assignee. [% ELSIF error == "report_axis_invalid" %] [% title = "Invalid Axis" %] [% val FILTER html %] is not a valid value for [%+ IF fld == "x" %]the horizontal axis [%+ ELSIF fld == "y" %]the vertical axis [%+ ELSIF fld == "z" %]the multiple tables/images [%+ ELSE %]a report axis[% END %] field. [% ELSIF error == "report_name_missing" %] [% title = "No Report Name Specified" %] You must enter a name for your report. [% ELSIF error == "report_access_denied" %] [% title = "Report Access Denied" %] You cannot access this report. [% ELSIF error == "require_component" %] [% title = "Component Needed" %] To file this [% terms.bug %], you must first choose a component. If necessary, just guess. [% ELSIF error == "relationship_loop_single" %] [% title = "Relationship Loop Detected" %] [% field_descs.$field_name FILTER html %] for [% terms.bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER html %] has a circular dependency on [% terms.bug %] [%+ dep_id FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "request_queue_group_invalid" %] The group field [% group FILTER html %] is invalid. [% ELSIF error == "require_new_password" %] [% title = "New Password Needed" %] You cannot change your password without choosing a new one. [% ELSIF error == "required_field" %] [% title = "Field Must Be Set" %] A value must be set for the '[% field_descs.${field.name} FILTER html %]' field. [% ELSIF error == "require_summary" %] [% title = "Summary Needed" %] You must enter a summary for this [% terms.bug %]. [% ELSIF error == "resolution_cant_clear" %] [% terms.Bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER bug_link(bug_id) FILTER none %] is closed, so you cannot clear its resolution. [% ELSIF error == "resolution_not_allowed" %] [% title = "Resolution Not Allowed" %] You cannot set a resolution for open [% terms.bugs %]. [% ELSIF error == "saved_search_used_by_whines" %] [% title = "Saved Search In Use" %] [% docslinks = {'whining.html' => 'About Whining'} %] The saved search [% search_name FILTER html %] is being used by Whining events with the following subjects: [%+ subjects FILTER html %] [% ELSIF error == "search_content_without_matches" %] [% title = "Illegal Search" %] The "content" field can only be used with "matches" search and the "matches" search can only be used with the "content" field. [% ELSIF error == "search_grouped_field_invalid" %] [% terms.Bugzilla %] does not support using the "[%+ field_descs.$field FILTER html %]" ([% field FILTER html %]) field with grouped search conditions. [% ELSIF error == "search_grouped_invalid_nesting" %] You cannot nest clauses within grouped search conditions. [% ELSIF error == "search_grouped_field_mismatch" %] All conditions under a groups search must use the same field. [% ELSIF error == "search_field_operator_invalid" %] [% terms.Bugzilla %] does not support using the "[%+ field_descs.$field FILTER html %]" ([% field FILTER html %]) field with the "[% search_descs.$operator FILTER html %]" ([% operator FILTER html %]) search type. [% ELSIF error == "see_also_self_reference" %] You cannot put this [% terms.bug %] into its own [%+ field_descs.see_also FILTER html %] field. [% ELSIF error == "series_already_exists" %] [% title = "Series Already Exists" %] [% docslinks = {'reporting.html' => 'Reporting'} %] A series named [% series.category FILTER html %] / [%+ series.subcategory FILTER html %] / [%+ series.name FILTER html %] already exists. [% ELSIF error == "still_unresolved_bugs" %] [% title = "Unresolved Dependencies" %] [% IF bug_id %] [% terms.Bug %] [%+ bug_id FILTER bug_link(bug_id) FILTER none %] [% ELSE %] This [% terms.bug %] [% END %] has [% dep_count FILTER none %] unresolved [% IF dep_count == 1 %] dependency [% ELSE %] dependencies [% END %]. They must either be resolved or removed from the "[% field_descs.dependson FILTER html %]" field before you can resolve this [% terms.bug %] as [% display_value("resolution", "FIXED") FILTER html %]. [% ELSIF error == "sudo_invalid_cookie" %] [% title = "Invalid Sudo Cookie" %] Your sudo cookie is invalid. Either it expired or you didn't start a sudo session correctly. Refresh the page or load another page to continue what you are doing as yourself. [% ELSIF error == "sudo_illegal_action" %] [% title = "Impersonation Not Authorized" %] [% IF NOT sudoer.in_group("bz_sudoers") %] You are not allowed to impersonate users. [% ELSIF target_user AND target_user.in_group("bz_sudo_protect") %] You are not allowed to impersonate [% target_user.identity FILTER html %]. [% ELSE %] The user you tried to impersonate doesn't exist. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "sudo_in_progress" %] [% title = "Session In Progress" %] A sudo session (impersonating [% target FILTER html %]) is in progress. End that session (using the link in the footer) before starting a new one. [% ELSIF error == "sudo_password_required" %] [% title = "Password Required" %] Your [% terms.Bugzilla %] password is required to begin a sudo session. Please go back and enter your password. [% ELSIF error == "sudo_preparation_required" %] [% title = "Preparation Required" %] You may not start a sudo session directly. Please start your session normally. [% ELSIF error == "sudo_protected" %] [% title = "User Protected" %] The user [% login FILTER html %] may not be impersonated by sudoers. [% ELSIF error == "tag_name_too_long" %] [% title = "Tag Name Too Long" %] The tag name must be less than [% constants.MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME FILTER html %] characters long. [% ELSIF error == "token_does_not_exist" %] [% title = "Token Does Not Exist" %] The token you submitted does not exist, has expired, or has been canceled. [% ELSIF error == "too_soon_for_new_token" %] [% title = "Too Soon For New Token" %] You have requested [% IF type == "password" %] a password [% ELSIF type == "account" %] an account [% END %] token too recently to request another. Please wait [% constants.ACCOUNT_CHANGE_INTERVAL FILTER html %] minutes then try again. [% ELSIF error == "unknown_action" %] [% IF action %] Unknown action [% action FILTER html %]! [% ELSE %] I could not figure out what you wanted to do. [% END %] [% ELSIF error == "unknown_tab" %] [% title = "Unknown Tab" %] There is no tab named[% current_tab_name FILTER html %]
[% ELSIF error == "value_inactive" %]
[% title = "Value is Not Active" %]
[% type = BLOCK %][% INCLUDE object_name class = class %][% END %]
The [% type FILTER html %] value '[% value FILTER html %]' is not active.
[% ELSIF error == "version_already_exists" %]
[% title = "Version Already Exists" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'versions.html' => 'Administering versions'} %]
The version '[% name FILTER html %]' already exists for product '
[%- product FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "version_blank_name" %]
[% title = "Blank Version Name Not Allowed" %]
You must enter a name for this version.
[% ELSIF error == "version_has_bugs" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Version has [% terms.Bugs %][% END %]
There are [% nb FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %] associated with this
version! You must reassign those [% terms.bugs %] to another version
before you can delete this one.
[% ELSIF error == "version_is_last" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Last Version in this Product[% END %]
'[% version.name FILTER html %]' is the last version of the
'[% version.product.name FILTER html %]' product. You cannot delete it.
[% ELSIF error == "users_deletion_disabled" %]
[% title = "Deletion not activated" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'useradmin.html' => 'User administration'} %]
Sorry, the deletion of user accounts is not allowed.
[% ELSIF error == "user_has_responsibility" %]
[% title = "Can't Delete User Account" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'useradmin.html' => 'User administration'} %]
The user you want to delete is set up as the default [% terms.bug %]
[% IF Param('useqacontact') %]
or QA contact
[% END %]
for at least one component.
For this reason, you cannot delete the account at this time.
[% ELSIF error == "user_access_by_id_denied" %]
[% title = "User Access By Id Denied" %]
Logged-out users cannot use the "ids" argument to this function
to access any user information.
[% ELSIF error == "user_access_by_match_denied" %]
[% title = "User-Matching Denied" %]
Logged-out users cannot use the "match" argument to this function
to access any user information.
[% ELSIF error == "user_login_required" %]
[% title = "Login Name Required" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'useradmin.html' => 'User administration'} %]
You must enter a login name for the new user.
[% ELSIF error == "user_match_failed" %]
[% title = "Match Failed" %]
[% name FILTER html %] does not exist or you are not allowed
to see that user.
[% ELSIF error == "user_match_too_many" %]
[% title = "No Conclusive Match" %]
[% terms.Bugzilla %] cannot make a conclusive match for one or more
of the names and/or email addresses you entered for
the [% fields.join(', ') FILTER html %] field(s).
[% ELSIF error == "user_not_insider" %]
[% title = "User Not In Insidergroup" %]
Sorry, but you are not allowed to (un)mark comments or attachments
as private.
[% ELSIF error == "webdot_too_large" %]
[% title = "Dependency Graph Too Large" %]
The dependency graph contains too many [% terms.bugs %] to display (more
than [% constants.MAX_WEBDOT_BUGS FILTER html %] [%+ terms.bugs %]).
[% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_cancelling_email_change" %]
[% title = "Wrong Token" %]
That token cannot be used to cancel an email address change.
[% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_changing_passwd" %]
[% title = "Wrong Token" %]
That token cannot be used to change your password.
[% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_confirming_email_change" %]
[% title = "Wrong Token" %]
That token cannot be used to change your email address.
[% ELSIF error == "wrong_token_for_creating_account" %]
[% title = "Wrong Token" %]
That token cannot be used to create a user account.
[% ELSIF error == "xmlrpc_invalid_value" %]
"[% value FILTER html %]" is not a valid value for a
<[% type FILTER html %]> field. (See the XML-RPC specification
for details.)
[% ELSIF error == "xmlrpc_illegal_content_type" %]
When using XML-RPC, you cannot send data as
[%+ content_type FILTER html %]. Allowed content types
are [% constants.XMLRPC_CONTENT_TYPE_WHITELIST.join(', ') FILTER html %].
[% ELSIF error == "zero_length_file" %]
[% title = "File Is Empty" %]
The file you are trying to attach is empty, does not exist, or you don't
have permission to read it.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_user_id" %]
[% title = "Illegal User ID" %]
User ID '[% userid FILTER html %]' is not valid integer.
[% ELSIF error == "extern_id_exists" %]
[% title = "Account Already Exists" %]
There is already an account
[% IF existing_login_name %]
([% existing_login_name FILTER html %])
[% END %]
with the External Login ID "[% extern_id FILTER html %]".
[% ELSE %]
[%# Try to find hooked error messages %]
[% error_message = Hook.process("errors") %]
[% IF not error_message %]
[% title = "Error string not found" %]
The user error string [% error FILTER html %]
was not found.
Please send email to [% Param("maintainer") %] describing the steps taken
to obtain this message.
[% ELSE %]
[% error_message FILTER none %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%# We only want HTML error messages for ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE %]
[% USE Bugzilla %]
[% IF Bugzilla.error_mode != constants.ERROR_MODE_WEBPAGE %]
[% IF Bugzilla.usage_mode == constants.USAGE_MODE_BROWSER %]
[% error_message FILTER none %]
[% ELSE %]
[% error_message FILTER txt %]
[% END %]
[% RETURN %]
[% END %]
[% UNLESS header_done %]
[% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS global/docslinks.html.tmpl
docslinks = docslinks
admindocslinks = admindocslinks
[% error_message FILTER none %] |
Please press Back and try again.
[%# If a saved search fails, people want the ability to edit or delete it. # This is the best way of getting information about that possible saved # search from any error call location. %] [% namedcmd = Bugzilla.cgi.param("namedcmd") %] [% sharer_id = Bugzilla.cgi.param("sharer_id") %] [% IF namedcmd AND error != "missing_query" AND error != "saved_search_used_by_whines" AND !sharer_id %]Alternatively, you can forget [% FOREACH q = Bugzilla.user.queries %] [% IF q.name == namedcmd %] or edit [% END %] [% END %] the saved search '[% namedcmd FILTER html %]'.
[% END %] [% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %] [% BLOCK object_name %] [% IF class == "Bugzilla::Attachment" %] attachment [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::User" %] user [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Classification" %] classification [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Product" %] product [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Component" %] component [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Version" %] version [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Milestone" %] milestone [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Status" %] status [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Flag" %] flag [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::FlagType" %] flagtype [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Field" %] field [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Group" %] group [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Keyword" %] keyword [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Search::Recent" %] recent search [% ELSIF class == "Bugzilla::Search::Saved" %] saved search [% ELSIF ( matches = class.match('^Bugzilla::Field::Choice::(.+)') ) %] [% SET field_name = matches.0 %] [% field_descs.$field_name FILTER html %] [% END %] [% Hook.process('end_object_name', 'global/user-error.html.tmpl') %] [% END %]