[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. #%] [% INCLUDE global/header.html.tmpl title = "$terms.Bug Writing Guidelines" %]
Effective [% terms.bug %] reports are the most likely to be fixed. These guidelines explain how to write such reports.
If you have reproduced the [% terms.bug %] in a recent build and no-one else appears to have reported it, then:
[% INCLUDE global/footer.html.tmpl %]Component: In which sub-part of the software does it exist?
This field is required. Click the word "Component" to see a description of each component. If none seems appropriate, look for a "General" component.[% field_descs.op_sys FILTER html %]: On which operating system (OS) did you find it? (e.g. Linux, Windows XP, Mac OS X.)
If you know the [% terms.bug %] happens on more than one type of operating system, choose [% display_value("op_sys", "All") FILTER html %]. If your [% field_descs.op_sys FILTER html %] isn't listed, choose [% display_value("op_sys", "Other") FILTER html %].Summary: How would you describe the [% terms.bug %], in approximately 60 or fewer characters?
A good summary should quickly and uniquely identify [% terms.abug %] report. It should explain the problem, not your suggested solution.
Description: The details of your problem report, including:
- Good: "Cancelling a File Copy dialog crashes File Manager"
- Bad: "Software crashes"
- Bad: "Browser should work with my web site"
Overview: More detailed restatement of summary.
Drag-selecting any page crashes Mac builds in the NSGetFactory function.Steps to Reproduce: Minimized, easy-to-follow steps that will trigger the [% terms.bug %]. Include any special setup steps.
1) View any web page. (I used the default sample page, resource:/res/samples/test0.html) 2) Drag-select the page. (Specifically, while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer downwards from any point in the browser's content region to the bottom of the browser's content region.)Actual Results: What the application did after performing the above steps.
The application crashed.Expected Results: What the application should have done, were the [% terms.bug %] not present.
The window should scroll downwards. Scrolled content should be selected. (Or, at least, the application should not crash.)Build Date & [% field_descs.rep_platform FILTER html %]: Date and [% field_descs.rep_platform FILTER lower FILTER html %] of the build in which you first encountered the [% terms.bug %].
Build 2006-08-10 on Mac OS 10.4.3Additional Builds and Platforms: Whether or not the [% terms.bug %] takes place on other platforms (or browsers, if applicable).
Doesn't Occur On Build 2006-08-10 on Windows XP Home (Service Pack 2)Additional Information: Any other useful information.
For crashing [% terms.bugs %]:
- Windows: Note the type of the crash, and the module that the application crashed in (e.g. access violation in apprunner.exe).
- Mac OS X: Attach the "Crash Reporter" log that appears upon crash. Only include the section directly below the crashing thread, usually titled "Thread 0 Crashed". Please do not paste the entire log!
Double-check your report for errors and omissions, then press "Commit". Your [% terms.bug %] report will now be in the [% terms.Bugzilla %] database.