--- - hosts: all become: true tasks: - include: timezone.yml - name: install epel-release yum: name=epel-release state=present - name: install common packages yum: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - libselinux-python - policycoreutils-python - python-urllib3 - python-pyasn1 - python2-ndg_httpsclient - pyOpenSSL - htop - name: permissive selinux selinux: state=permissive policy=targeted - name: disable selinux on reboot selinux: state=disabled - name: 'add {{WEB_HOSTNAME}} to /etc/hosts' lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: '{{WEB_HOSTNAME}}' line: '{{WEB_IP}} {{WEB_HOSTNAME}}' owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: 'add {{DB_HOSTNAME}} to /etc/hosts' lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: '{{DB_HOSTNAME}}' line: '{{DB_IP}} {{DB_HOSTNAME}}' owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - hosts: db become: true tasks: - name: fetch ius-release.rpm get_url: url: https://moz-devservices-bmocartons.s3.amazonaws.com/third-party/ius-release.rpm dest: /tmp/ius-release.rpm mode: 0600 - name: fetch mysql rpm get_url: url: https://moz-devservices-bmocartons.s3.amazonaws.com/third-party/mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm dest: /tmp/mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm mode: 0600 - name: add some extra repos yum: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - /tmp/ius-release.rpm - /tmp/mysql-community-release-el6-5.noarch.rpm - name: install mysql-server yum: name=mysql-community-server state=present - name: copy my.cnf copy: src: my.cnf dest: /etc/my.cnf - name: enable mysqld service: name=mysqld enabled=yes - name: restart mysqld service: name=mysqld state=restarted - name: 'check for bugs_bmo (failure is ok)' shell: mysql -u root -e 'show databases' | grep bugs_bmo register: bugs_bmo ignore_errors: true - name: create bugs_bmo shell: |- mysqladmin -u root create bugs_bmo mysql -u root -e 'GRANT ALL ON bugs_bmo.* TO bugs@"{{WEB_IP}}" IDENTIFIED BY "bugs"' when: bugs_bmo|failed - hosts: web become: true tasks: - name: install web-specific packages yum: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - autoconf - automake - binutils - bison - byacc - elfutils - flex - gcc - gcc-c++ - gd - gd-devel - gettext - git - libtool - make - mod_perl - mod_perl-devel - openssl - openssl-devel - patch - patchutils - perl - perl-core - pkgconfig - rpm-build - graphviz - name: fetch cpanm get_url: url: http://cpanmin.us dest: /usr/local/bin/cpanm mode: '0755' - name: install more recent Apache2::SizeLimit cpanm: name=Apache2::SizeLimit executable=/usr/local/bin/cpanm - name: 'check /opt/bmo (failure is ok)' shell: test -d /opt/bmo && test -f /opt/bmo/local/lib/perl5/Plack.pm register: opt_bmo ignore_errors: true - name: install vendor tarball unarchive: src: '{{VENDOR_BUNDLE_URL}}' dest: /opt remote_src: true when: opt_bmo|failed - name: check /opt/bmo shell: test -d /opt/bmo && test -f /opt/bmo/local/lib/perl5/Plack.pm when: opt_bmo|failed - name: add local symlink file: path=/vagrant/local src=/opt/bmo/local state=link force=true - name: make bmo data dir file: path=/data state=directory owner=vagrant group=apache mode=0775 - name: fix owner of /vagrant file: path=/vagrant state=directory owner=vagrant group=apache recurse=yes - name: add data symlink file: path=/vagrant/data src=/data state=link force=true - include: memcached.yml - name: add vagrant to apache group user: name=vagrant groups=apache append=yes - name: bmo bundle refresher script template: src: bmo-refresh-bundle.j2 dest: /usr/local/bin/bmo-refresh-bundle mode: 0755 - include: checksetup.yml vars: LAZY: 0 - include: cron.yml - include: jobqueue.yml - include: push.yml - include: email.yml - include: apache.yml vars: LAZY: 0 - include: devtools.yml - name: fix owner of /vagrant/template_cache file: path=/vagrant/template_cache state=directory owner=vagrant group=apache recurse=yes - name: fix owner of /data file: path=/data state=directory owner=vagrant group=apache recurse=yes