# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.14.0; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/../lib", "$RealBin/../../local/lib/perl5"; use Test::More "no_plan"; use QA::Util; my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium(); # 1st step: turn on usetargetmilestone and letsubmitterchoosemilestone. log_in($sel, $config, 'admin'); set_parameters($sel, {'Bug Fields' => {'usetargetmilestone-on' => undef}, 'Bug Change Policies' => {'letsubmitterchoosemilestone-on' => undef}, } ); # 2nd step: Add the milestone "2.0" (with sortkey = 10) to the TestProduct product. edit_product($sel, "TestProduct"); $sel->click_ok("link=Edit milestones:", undef, "Go to the Edit milestones page"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Select milestone of product 'TestProduct'", "Display milestones"); $sel->click_ok("link=Add", undef, "Go add a new milestone"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Add Milestone to Product 'TestProduct'", "Enter new milestone"); $sel->type_ok("milestone", "2.0", "Set its name to 2.0"); $sel->type_ok("sortkey", "10", "Set its sortkey to 10"); $sel->click_ok("create", undef, "Submit data"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); # If the milestone already exists, that's not a big deal. So no special action # is required in this case. $sel->title_is("Milestone Created", "Milestone Created"); # 3rd step: file a new bug, leaving the milestone alone (should fall back to the default one). file_bug_in_product($sel, "TestProduct"); $sel->selected_label_is("component", "TestComponent", "Component already selected (no other component defined)"); $sel->selected_label_is("target_milestone", "---", "Default milestone selected"); $sel->selected_label_is("version", "unspecified", "Version already selected (no other version defined)"); my $bug_summary = "Target Milestone left to default"; $sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary); $sel->type_ok("comment", "Created by Selenium to test 'musthavemilestoneonaccept'"); my $bug1_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary); # 4th step: edit the bug go_to_bug($sel, $bug1_id); $sel->select_ok("bug_status", "label=IN_PROGRESS", "Change bug status to IN_PROGRESS"); $sel->select_ok("target_milestone", "label=2.0", "Select a non-default milestone"); edit_bug($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary); # 5th step: create another bug. file_bug_in_product($sel, "TestProduct"); $sel->select_ok("target_milestone", "label=2.0", "Set the milestone to 2.0"); $sel->selected_label_is("component", "TestComponent", "Component already selected (no other component defined)"); $sel->selected_label_is("version", "unspecified", "Version already selected (no other version defined)"); my $bug_summary2 = "Target Milestone set to non-default"; $sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary2); $sel->type_ok("comment", "Created by Selenium to test milestone support"); my $bug2_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary2); # 6th step: edit the bug $sel->select_ok("bug_status", "label=IN_PROGRESS"); edit_bug($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2); # 7th step: test validation methods for milestones. go_to_admin($sel); $sel->click_ok("link=milestones"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Edit milestones for which product?"); $sel->click_ok("link=TestProduct"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Select milestone of product 'TestProduct'"); $sel->click_ok("link=2.0"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Edit Milestone '2.0' of product 'TestProduct'"); $sel->type_ok("milestone", "1.0"); $sel->value_is("milestone", "1.0"); $sel->click_ok("update"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Milestone Updated"); $sel->click_ok("link=Add"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Add Milestone to Product 'TestProduct'"); $sel->type_ok("milestone", "1.5"); $sel->value_is("milestone", "1.5"); $sel->type_ok("sortkey", "99999999999999999"); $sel->value_is("sortkey", "99999999999999999"); $sel->click_ok("create"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Invalid Milestone Sortkey"); my $error_msg = trim($sel->get_text("error_msg")); ok($error_msg =~ /^The sortkey '99999999999999999' is not in the range/, "Invalid sortkey"); $sel->go_back_ok(); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->type_ok("sortkey", "-polu7A"); $sel->value_is("sortkey", "-polu7A"); $sel->click_ok("create"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Invalid Milestone Sortkey"); $error_msg = trim($sel->get_text("error_msg")); ok($error_msg =~ /^The sortkey '-polu7A' is not in the range/, "Invalid sortkey"); $sel->go_back_ok(); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->click_ok("link='TestProduct'"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Select milestone of product 'TestProduct'"); $sel->click_ok("link=Delete"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Delete Milestone of Product 'TestProduct'"); $sel->is_text_present_ok("When you delete this milestone", undef, "Warn the user about bugs being affected"); $sel->click_ok("delete"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Milestone Deleted"); # 8th step: make sure the (now deleted) milestone of the bug has fallen back to the default milestone. go_to_bug($sel, $bug1_id); $sel->is_text_present_ok('regexp:Target Milestone:\W+---', undef, "Milestone has fallen back to the default milestone"); # 9th step: file another bug. file_bug_in_product($sel, "TestProduct"); $sel->selected_label_is("target_milestone", "---", "Default milestone selected"); $sel->selected_label_is("component", "TestComponent"); my $bug_summary3 = "Only one Target Milestone available"; $sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary3); $sel->type_ok("comment", "Created by Selenium to test milestone support"); my $bug3_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary3); $sel->select_ok("bug_status", "label=IN_PROGRESS"); edit_bug($sel, $bug3_id, $bug_summary3); logout($sel);