# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. use 5.14.0; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin/../lib", "$RealBin/../../local/lib/perl5"; use Test::More "no_plan"; use QA::Util; my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium(); # Set the timetracking group to "editbugs", which is the default value for this parameter. log_in($sel, $config, 'admin'); set_parameters($sel, { "Group Security" => {"timetrackinggroup" => {type => "select", value => "editbugs"}} }); # Add some Hours Worked to a bug so that we are sure at least one bug # will be present in our buglist below. file_bug_in_product($sel, "TestProduct"); $sel->select_ok("component", "TestComponent"); my $bug_summary = "Rocket science"; $sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary); $sel->type_ok("comment", "Time flies"); my $bug1_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary); $sel->type_ok("work_time", 2.6); $sel->type_ok("comment", "I did some work"); edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary); $sel->is_text_present_ok("I did some work"); $sel->is_text_present_ok("Additional hours worked: 2.6"); # Let's call summarize_time.cgi directly, with no parameters. $sel->open_ok("/$config->{bugzilla_installation}/summarize_time.cgi"); $sel->title_is("No Bugs Selected"); my $error_msg = trim($sel->get_text("error_msg")); ok($error_msg =~ /You apparently didn't choose any bugs for viewing/, "No data displayed"); # Search for bugs which have some value in the Hours Worked field. open_advanced_search_page($sel); $sel->remove_all_selections("bug_status"); $sel->select_ok("f1", "label=Hours Worked"); $sel->select_ok("o1", "label=is greater than"); $sel->type_ok("v1", "0"); $sel->click_ok("Search"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Bug List"); $sel->is_text_present_ok("found"); # Test dates passed to summarize_time.cgi. $sel->click_ok("timesummary"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_like(qr/^Time Summary \(\d+ bugs selected\)/); $sel->check_ok("monthly"); $sel->check_ok("detailed"); $sel->type_ok("start_date", "2009-01-01"); $sel->type_ok("end_date", "2009-04-30"); $sel->click_ok("summarize"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_like(qr/^Time Summary \(\d+ bugs selected\)/); $sel->is_text_present_ok('regexp:Total of \d+\.\d+ hours worked'); $sel->is_text_present_ok("2009-01-01 to 2009-01-31"); $sel->is_text_present_ok("2009-02-01 to 2009-02-28"); $sel->is_text_present_ok("2009-04-01 to 2009-04-30"); $sel->type_ok("end_date", "2009-04-as"); $sel->click_ok("summarize"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Illegal Date"); $error_msg = trim($sel->get_text("error_msg")); ok($error_msg =~ /'2009-04-as' is not a legal date/, "Illegal end date"); # Now display one bug only. We cannot do careful checks, because # the page sums up contributions made by the same user during the same # month, and so running this script several times per month would # break checks we may want to do (e.g. by making sure that the contribution # above has been taken into account). So we are just making sure that # the page is displayed and throws no error. go_to_bug($sel, $bug1_id); $sel->click_ok("//a[contains(text(),'Summarize time')]"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Time Summary for Bug $bug1_id"); $sel->check_ok("inactive"); $sel->check_ok("owner"); $sel->click_ok("summarize"); $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME); $sel->title_is("Time Summary for Bug $bug1_id"); logout($sel);