#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "usage: $(basename $0) " exit 1 fi reponame=$1 arch=$2 ##### Arch specific stuff. TODO make this configurable ##### ftppath="/home/ftp/$reponame/os/$arch/" ############################################################ if [ ! -d "$ftppath" ]; then echo "FTP path '$ftppath' does not exist" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f /etc/makepkg.conf ]; then echo "/etc/makepkg.conf not found! Aborting" exit 1 fi . /etc/makepkg.conf getpkgname() { local tmp tmp=${1##*/} tmp=${tmp%$PKGEXT} tmp=${tmp%-$arch} echo ${tmp%-*-*} } getpkgname_ver() { local tmp tmp=${1##*/} tmp=${tmp%$PKGEXT} echo ${tmp%-$arch} } MISSINGFILES="" DELETEFILES="" EXTRAFILES="" TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/cleanup.XXXXXX) || exit 1 cd "${TMPDIR}" /bin/tar xzf "$ftppath/$reponame.db.tar.$DB_COMPRESSION" for pkg in *; do filename=$(grep -A1 '^%FILENAME%$' "${pkg}/desc" | tail -n1) [ -z "${filename}" ] && filename="${pkg}.pkg.tar.gz" if [ ! -f "${ftppath}/${filename}" ]; then MISSINGFILES="${MISSINGFILES} ${filename}" else pkgname="$(getpkgname ${filename})" for otherfile in ${ftppath}/${pkgname}-*; do otherfile="$(basename ${otherfile})" if [ "${otherfile}" != "${filename}" -a "${pkgname}" = "$(getpkgname ${otherfile})" ]; then DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} ${otherfile}" fi done fi done cd "$ftppath" for pkg in *$PKGEXT; do pkgname="$(getpkgname $pkg)" if [ "$pkg" != "$TMPDIR/$pkgname-*" -a "$(getpkgname $(basename $pkg))" = "$pkgname" ]; then continue 2 fi EXTRAFILES="$EXTRAFILE $pkg" done cd "$ftppath" rm -rf ${TMPDIR} echo "Scan complete for $reponame ($arch) at ${ftppath}" if [ -n "$DELETEFILES" ]; then echo " The following files are out of date" echo " They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup" for f in $DELETEFILES; do echo " $f" done fi echo "" if [ -n "$MISSINGFILES" ]; then echo " The following files are missing in the repo" for f in $MISSINGFILES; do echo " $f" done fi echo "" if [ -n "$EXTRAFILES" ]; then echo " The following files are in the repo but not the db" echo " They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup" for f in $EXTRAFILES; do echo " $f" done fi if [ -n "${DELETEFILES}" ]; then #mv ${DELETEFILES} /home/package-cleanup/ echo "" fi if [ -n "${EXTRAFILES}" ]; then #mv ${EXTRAFILES} /home/package-cleanup/ echo "" fi