path: root/.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim')
5 files changed, 1258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/perlomni/data.vim b/.vim/autoload/perlomni/data.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc016e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/perlomni/data.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+fun! s:build_hash(list,menu)
+ return map( a:list , '{ "word": v:val , "menu": "'. a:menu .'" }' )
+let s:p5bfunctions =
+ \ s:build_hash( split('abs accept alarm atan2 bind binmode bless break caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno flock fork format formline getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt glob gmtime goto grep hex import index int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst length link listen local localtime lock log lstat m map mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my next no oct open opendir ord our pack package pipe pop pos print printf prototype push q qq qr quotemeta qw qx rand read readdir readline readlink readpipe recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir s say scalar seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socket socketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study sub substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times tr truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unlink unpack unshift untie use utime values vec wait waitpid wantarray warn write y'),
+ \ 'built-in' )
+function! perlomni#data#p5bfunctions()
+ return s:p5bfunctions
+" XXX: should be automatically build by script ( utils/ )
+let s:p5_mi_export =
+ \ s:build_hash( split( 'resources install_as_vendor keywords bundles write_mymeta_json recommends sign no_index perl_version_from name install_requires provides add_metadata author module_name repository version author_from test_requires_from configure_requires perl_version install_as_cpan all_from version_from feature read write_mymeta_yaml write install_as_site authors requires_from bugtracker_from auto_provides homepage abstract abstract_from test_requires distribution_type installdirs bugtracker dynamic_config license_from requires install_as_core features name_from license import build_requires tests' ) ,
+ \ 'Module::Install::Metadata' )
+function! perlomni#data#p5_mi_export()
+ return s:p5_mi_export
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/perlomni/util.vim b/.vim/autoload/perlomni/util.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/perlomni/util.vim
diff --git a/.vim/bin/ b/.vim/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0cf6ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+my $file = shift;
+# looking for:
+# $var1 = new ClassName( );
+# or
+# $var2 = ClassName->new( );
+open FH, "<", $file;
+my @lines = <FH>;
+for ( @lines ) {
+ if( /(\$\w+)\s*=\s*new\s+([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)/ ) {
+ print $1 , "\t" , $2 , "\n";
+ }
+ elsif( /(\$\w+)\s*=\s*([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)->new/ ) {
+ print $1 , "\t" , $2 , "\n";
+ }
+close FH;
diff --git a/.vim/bin/ b/.vim/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd501ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+my $file = shift;
+my $pattern = shift;
+open FH, "<" , $file or die $!;
+my @lines = <FH>;
+my @vars = ();
+for ( @lines ) {
+ while ( /$pattern/og ) {
+ push @vars,$1;
+ }
+close FH;
+print $_ . "\n" for @vars;
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/perl/perlomni.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/perl/perlomni.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2170c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/perl/perlomni.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@
+" vim:fdm=marker:sw=4:et:fdl=0:
+" Plugin: perlomni.vim
+" Author: Cornelius
+" Email:
+" Version: 2.5
+let s:debug_flag = 0
+let s:mod_pattern = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:]\+'
+" Check installed scripts {{{
+fun! s:findBin(script)
+ let bins = split(globpath(&rtp, 'bin/'.a:script), "\n")
+ if len(bins) == 0
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return bins[0][:-len(a:script)-1]
+let s:vimbin = s:findBin('')
+" }}}
+" Warning {{{
+if len(s:vimbin) == 0
+ echo "Please install scripts to ~/.vim/bin"
+ finish
+" }}}
+" Wrapped system() Function. {{{
+fun! s:system(...)
+ let cmd = ''
+ if has('win32')
+ let ext = toupper(substitute(a:1, '^.*\.', '.', ''))
+ if !len(filter(split($PATHEXT, ';'), 'toupper(v:val) == ext'))
+ if ext == '.PL' && executable(g:perlomni_perl)
+ let cmd = g:perlomni_perl
+ elseif ext == '.PY' && executable('python')
+ let cmd = 'python'
+ elseif ext == '.RB' && executable('ruby')
+ let cmd = 'ruby'
+ endif
+ endif
+ for a in a:000
+ if len(cmd) | let cmd .= ' ' | endif
+ if substitute(substitute(a, '\\.', '', 'g'), '\([''"]\).*\1', '', 'g') =~ ' ' || (a != '|' && a =~ '|') || a =~ '[()]' | let a = '"' . substitute(a, '"', '"""', 'g') . '"' | endif
+ let cmd .= a
+ endfor
+ else
+ for a in a:000
+ if len(cmd) | let cmd .= ' ' | endif
+ if substitute(substitute(a, '\\.', '', 'g'), '\([''"]\).*\1', '', 'g') =~ ' ' || (a != '|' && a =~ '|') || a =~ '[()]' | let a = shellescape(a) | endif
+ let cmd .= a
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return system(cmd)
+" }}}
+" Public API {{{
+" Rule
+fun! AddPerlOmniRule(hash)
+ return s:rule(a:hash)
+" Cache Function. {{{
+let s:last_cache_ts = localtime()
+let s:cache_expiry = { }
+let s:cache_last = { }
+fun! GetCacheNS(ns,key)
+ let key = a:ns . "_" . a:key
+ if has_key( s:cache_expiry , key )
+ let expiry = s:cache_expiry[ key ]
+ let last_ts = s:cache_last[ key ]
+ else
+ let expiry = g:perlomni_cache_expiry
+ let last_ts = s:last_cache_ts
+ endif
+ if localtime() - last_ts > expiry
+ if has_key( s:cache_expiry , key )
+ let s:cache_last[ key ] = localtime()
+ else
+ let s:last_cache_ts = localtime()
+ endif
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if ! g:perlomni_use_cache
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if exists('g:perlomni_cache[key]')
+ return g:perlomni_cache[key]
+ endif
+ return 0
+fun! SetCacheNSWithExpiry(ns,key,value,exp)
+ if ! exists('g:perlomni_cache')
+ let g:perlomni_cache = { }
+ endif
+ let key = a:ns . "_" . a:key
+ let g:perlomni_cache[ key ] = a:value
+ let s:cache_expiry[ key ] = a:exp
+ let s:cache_last[ key ] = localtime()
+ return a:value
+fun! SetCacheNS(ns,key,value)
+ if ! exists('g:perlomni_cache')
+ let g:perlomni_cache = { }
+ endif
+ let key = a:ns . "_" . a:key
+ let g:perlomni_cache[ key ] = a:value
+ return a:value
+com! PerlOmniCacheClear :unlet g:perlomni_cache
+" }}}
+" }}}
+fun! s:baseClassFromFile(file)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('clsf_bcls',a:file)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let list = split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', a:file,
+ \ '^(?:use\s+(?:base|parent)\s+|extends\s+)(.*);'),"\n")
+ let classes = [ ]
+ for i in range(0,len(list)-1)
+ let list[i] = substitute(list[i],'^\(qw[(''"\[]\|(\|[''"]\)\s*','','')
+ let list[i] = substitute(list[i],'[)''"]$','','')
+ let list[i] = substitute(list[i],'[,''"]',' ','g')
+ cal extend( classes , split(list[i],'\s\+'))
+ endfor
+ return SetCacheNS('clsf_bcls',a:file,classes)
+" echo s:baseClassFromFile(expand('%'))
+fun! s:findBaseClass(class)
+ let file = s:locateClassFile(a:class)
+ if file == ''
+ return []
+ endif
+ return s:baseClassFromFile(file)
+" echo s:findBaseClass( 'Jifty::Record' )
+" }}}
+fun! s:findCurrentClassBaseClass()
+ let all_mods = [ ]
+ for i in range( line('.') , 0 , -1 )
+ let line = getline(i)
+ if line =~ '^package\s\+'
+ break
+ elseif line =~ '^\(use\s\+\(base\|parent\)\|extends\)\s\+'
+ let args = matchstr( line ,
+ \ '\(^\(use\s\+\(base\|parent\)\|extends\)\s\+\(qw\)\=[''"(\[]\)\@<=\_.*\([\)\]''"]\s*;\)\@=' )
+ let args = substitute( args , '\_[ ]\+' , ' ' , 'g' )
+ let mods = split( args , '\s' )
+ cal extend( all_mods , mods )
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return all_mods
+fun! s:locateClassFile(class)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('clsfpath',a:class)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let paths = map(split(&path, '\\\@<![, ]'), 'substitute(v:val, ''\\\([, ]\)'', ''\1'', ''g'')')
+ if g:perlomni_use_perlinc || &filetype != 'perl'
+ let paths = split( s:system(g:perlomni_perl, '-e', 'print join(",",@INC)') ,',')
+ endif
+ let filepath = substitute(a:class,'::','/','g') . '.pm'
+ cal insert(paths,'lib')
+ for path in paths
+ if filereadable( path . '/' . filepath )
+ return SetCacheNS('clsfpath',a:class,path .'/' . filepath)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return ''
+" echo s:locateClassFile('Jifty::DBI')
+" echo s:locateClassFile('No')
+fun! s:rule(hash)
+ cal add( s:rules , a:hash )
+fun! s:debug(name,var)
+ if s:debug_flag
+ echo a:name . ":" . a:var
+ sleep 1
+ endif
+fun! s:defopt(name,value)
+ if !exists('g:{a:name}')
+ let g:{a:name} = a:value
+ endif
+fun! s:grepBufferList(pattern)
+ redir => bufferlist
+ silent buffers
+ redir END
+ let lines = split(bufferlist,"\n")
+ let files = [ ]
+ for line in lines
+ let buffile = matchstr( line , '\("\)\@<=\S\+\("\)\@=' )
+ if buffile =~ a:pattern
+ cal add(files,expand(buffile))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return files
+" echo s:grepBufferList('\.pm$')
+" main completion function
+" b:context : whole current line
+" b:lcontext : the text before cursor position
+" b:colpos : cursor position - 1
+" b:lines : range of scanning
+fun! s:parseParagraphHead(fromLine)
+ let lnum = a:fromLine
+ let b:paragraph_head = getline(lnum)
+ for nr in range(lnum-1,lnum-10,-1)
+ let line = getline(nr)
+ if line =~ '^\s*$' || line =~ '^\s*#'
+ break
+ endif
+ let b:paragraph_head = line
+ endfor
+ return b:paragraph_head
+fun! PerlComplete(findstart, base)
+ if ! exists('b:lines')
+ " max 200 lines , to '$' will be very slow
+ let b:lines = getline( 1, 200 )
+ endif
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
+ if a:findstart
+ let b:comps = [ ]
+ "let s_pos = s:FindSpace(start,lnum,line)
+ " XXX: read lines from current buffer
+ " let b:lines =
+ let b:context = getline('.')
+ let b:lcontext = strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')-1)
+ let b:colpos = col('.') - 1
+ " let b:pcontext
+ let b:paragraph_head = s:parseParagraphHead(lnum)
+ let first_bwidx = -1
+ for rule in s:rules
+ let match = matchstr( b:lcontext , rule.backward )
+ if strlen(match) > 0
+ let bwidx = strridx( b:lcontext , match )
+ else
+ " if backward regexp matched is empty, check if context regexp
+ " is matched ? if yes, set bwidx to length, if not , set to -1
+ if b:lcontext =~ rule.context
+ let bwidx = strlen(b:lcontext)
+ else
+ let bwidx = -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ " see if there is first matched index
+ if first_bwidx != -1 && first_bwidx != bwidx
+ continue
+ endif
+ if bwidx == -1
+ continue
+ endif
+ " lefttext: context matched text
+ " basetext: backward matched text
+ let lefttext = strpart(b:lcontext,0,bwidx)
+ let basetext = strpart(b:lcontext,bwidx)
+ cal s:debug( 'function' , string(rule.comp) )
+ cal s:debug( 'head' , b:paragraph_head )
+ cal s:debug( 'lefttext' , lefttext )
+ cal s:debug( 'regexp' , rule.context )
+ cal s:debug( 'basetext' , basetext )
+" if lefttext =~ rule.context
+" echo 'Context Match!'
+" sleep 1
+" endif
+" if has_key(rule,'head') && b:paragraph_head =~ rule.head
+" echo 'Head Match!'
+" sleep 1
+" endif
+ " echo string(rule.comp) . ' regexp: "' . rule.context . '" ' . "lcontext:'" .lefttext . "'" . " basetext:'" .basetext . "'"
+ " sleep 3
+ if ( has_key( rule ,'head')
+ \ && b:paragraph_head =~ rule.head
+ \ && lefttext =~ rule.context )
+ \ || ( ! has_key(rule,'head') && lefttext =~ rule.context )
+ if has_key( rule ,'contains' )
+ let l:text = rule.contains
+ let l:found = 0
+ " check content
+ for line in b:lines
+ if line =~ rule.contains
+ let l:found = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if ! l:found
+ " next rule
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ if type(rule.comp) == type(function('tr'))
+ cal extend(b:comps, call( rule.comp, [basetext,lefttext] ) )
+ elseif type(rule.comp) == type([])
+ cal extend(b:comps,rule.comp)
+ else
+ echoerr "Unknown completion handle type"
+ endif
+ if has_key(rule,'only') && rule.only == 1
+ return bwidx
+ endif
+ " save first backward index
+ if first_bwidx == -1
+ let first_bwidx = bwidx
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return first_bwidx
+ else
+ return b:comps
+ endif
+let s:rules = [ ]
+" Util Functions {{{
+fun! s:Quote(list)
+ return map(copy(a:list), '"''".v:val."''"' )
+fun! s:RegExpFilter(list,pattern)
+ return filter(copy(a:list),"v:val =~ a:pattern")
+fun! s:StringFilter(list,string)
+ return filter(copy(a:list),"stridx(v:val,a:string) == 0 && v:val != a:string" )
+fun! s:ShellQuote(s)
+ return &shellxquote == '"' ? "'".a:s."'" : '"'.a:s.'"'
+" }}}
+" Available Rule attributes
+" only:
+" if one rule is matched, then rest rules won't be check.
+" contains:
+" if file contains some string (can be regexp)
+" context:
+" completion context pattern
+" backward:
+" regexp for moving cursor back to the completion position.
+" head:
+" pattern that matches paragraph head.
+" comp:
+" completion function reference.
+fun! s:CompMooseIs(base,context)
+ return s:Quote(['rw', 'ro', 'wo'])
+fun! s:CompMooseIsa(base,context)
+ let l:comps = ['Int', 'Str', 'HashRef', 'HashRef[', 'Num', 'ArrayRef']
+ let base = substitute(a:base,'^[''"]','','')
+ cal extend(l:comps, s:CompClassName(base,a:context))
+ return s:Quote(s:StringFilter( l:comps, base ))
+fun! s:CompMooseAttribute(base,context)
+ let values = [ 'default' , 'is' , 'isa' ,
+ \ 'label' , 'predicate', 'metaclass', 'label',
+ \ 'expires_after',
+ \ 'refresh_with' , 'required' , 'coerce' , 'does' , 'required',
+ \ 'weak_ref' , 'lazy' , 'auto_deref' , 'trigger',
+ \ 'handles' , 'traits' , 'builder' , 'clearer',
+ \ 'predicate' , 'lazy_build', 'initializer', 'documentation' ]
+ cal map(values,'v:val . " => "')
+ return s:StringFilter(values,a:base)
+fun! s:CompMooseRoleAttr(base,context)
+ let attrs = [ 'alias', 'excludes' ]
+ return s:StringFilter(attrs,a:base)
+fun! s:CompMooseStatement(base,context)
+ let sts = [
+ \'extends' , 'after' , 'before', 'has' ,
+ \'requires' , 'with' , 'override' , 'method',
+ \'super', 'around', 'inner', 'augment', 'confess' , 'blessed' ]
+ return s:StringFilter(sts,a:base)
+" }}}
+fun! s:CompVariable(base,context)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('variables',a:base)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let lines = getline(1,'$')
+ let variables = s:scanVariable(getline(1,'$'))
+ cal extend( variables , s:scanArrayVariable(getline(1,'$')))
+ cal extend( variables , s:scanHashVariable(getline(1,'$')))
+ let result = filter( copy(variables),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ return SetCacheNS('variables',a:base,result)
+fun! s:CompArrayVariable(base,context)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('arrayvar',a:base)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let lines = getline(1,'$')
+ let variables = s:scanArrayVariable(getline(1,'$'))
+ let result = filter( copy(variables),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ return SetCacheNS('arrayvar',a:base,result)
+fun! s:CompHashVariable(base,context)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('hashvar',a:base)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let lines = getline(1,'$')
+ let variables = s:scanHashVariable(getline(1,'$'))
+ let result = filter( copy(variables),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ return SetCacheNS('hashvar',a:base,result)
+" perl builtin functions
+fun! s:CompFunction(base,context)
+ let efuncs = s:scanCurrentExportFunction()
+ let flist = copy(perlomni#data#p5bfunctions())
+ cal extend(flist,efuncs)
+ return filter(flist,'v:val.word =~ "^".a:base')
+fun! s:CompCurrentBaseFunction(base,context)
+ let all_mods = s:findCurrentClassBaseClass()
+ let funcs = [ ]
+ for mod in all_mods
+ let sublist = s:scanFunctionFromClass(mod)
+ cal extend(funcs,sublist)
+ endfor
+ return funcs
+" echo s:CompCurrentBaseFunction('','$self->')
+" sleep 1
+fun! s:CompBufferFunction(base,context)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('buf_func',a:base.expand('%'))
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let l:cache2 = GetCacheNS('buf_func_all',expand('%'))
+ if type(l:cache2) != type(0)
+ let funclist = l:cache2
+ else
+ let lines = getline(1,'$')
+ let funclist = SetCacheNS('buf_func_all',expand('%'),s:scanFunctionFromList(getline(1,'$')))
+ endif
+ let result = filter( copy(funclist),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ return SetCacheNS('buf_func',a:base.expand('%'),result)
+fun! s:CompClassFunction(base,context)
+ let class = matchstr(a:context,'[a-zA-Z0-9:]\+\(->\)\@=')
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('classfunc',class.'_'.a:base)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let l:cache2 = GetCacheNS('class_func_all',class)
+ let funclist = type(l:cache2) != type(0) ? l:cache2 : SetCacheNS('class_func_all',class,s:scanFunctionFromClass(class))
+ let result = filter( copy(funclist),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ let funclist = SetCacheNS('classfunc',class.'_'.a:base,result)
+ if g:perlomni_show_hidden_func == 0
+ call filter(funclist, 'v:val !~ "^_"')
+ endif
+ return funclist
+fun! s:CompObjectMethod(base,context)
+ let objvarname = matchstr(a:context,'\$\w\+\(->$\)\@=')
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('objectMethod',objvarname.'_'.a:base)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ " Scan from current buffer
+ " echo 'scan from current buffer' | sleep 100ms
+ if ! exists('b:objvarMapping')
+ \ || ! has_key(b:objvarMapping,objvarname)
+ let minnr = line('.') - 10
+ let minnr = minnr < 1 ? 1 : minnr
+ let lines = getline( minnr , line('.') )
+ cal s:scanObjectVariableLines(lines)
+ endif
+ " Scan from other buffers
+ " echo 'scan from other buffer' | sleep 100ms
+ if ! has_key(b:objvarMapping,objvarname)
+ let bufferfiles = s:grepBufferList('\.p[ml]$')
+ for file in bufferfiles
+ cal s:scanObjectVariableFile( file )
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " echo 'scan functions' | sleep 100ms
+ let funclist = [ ]
+ if has_key(b:objvarMapping,objvarname)
+ let classes = b:objvarMapping[ objvarname ]
+ for cls in classes
+ cal extend(funclist,s:scanFunctionFromClass( cls ))
+ endfor
+ let result = filter( copy(funclist),"stridx(v:val,'".a:base."') == 0 && v:val != '".a:base."'" )
+ let funclist = SetCacheNS('objectMethod',objvarname.'_'.a:base,result)
+ endif
+ if g:perlomni_show_hidden_func == 0
+ call filter(funclist, 'v:val !~ "^_"')
+ endif
+ return funclist
+" let b:objvarMapping = { }
+" let b:objvarMapping[ '$cgi' ] = ['CGI']
+" echo s:CompObjectMethod( '' , '$cgi->' )
+" sleep 1
+fun! s:CompClassName(base,context)
+ let cache = GetCacheNS('class',a:base)
+ if type(cache) != type(0)
+ return cache
+ endif
+ " XXX: prevent waiting too long
+ if strlen(a:base) == 0
+ return [ ]
+ endif
+ if exists('g:cpan_mod_cache')
+ let classnames = g:cpan_mod_cache
+ else
+ let sourcefile = CPANSourceLists()
+ let classnames = CPANParseSourceList( sourcefile )
+ let g:cpan_mod_cache = classnames
+ endif
+ cal extend(classnames, s:scanClass('lib'))
+ let result = s:StringFilter(classnames,a:base)
+ if len(result) > g:perlomni_max_class_length
+ cal remove(result,0, g:perlomni_max_class_length)
+" Find a better way
+" for item in result
+" let parts = split(item,'::')
+" while len(parts) > 0
+" if len(parts) > 1
+" cal insert(result,join(parts,'::'))
+" else
+" cal insert(result,join(parts,'::').'::')
+" endif
+" cal remove(parts,-1)
+" endwhile
+" endfor
+ endif
+ if g:perlomni_sort_class_by_lenth
+ cal sort(result,'s:SortByLength')
+ else
+ cal sort(result)
+ endif
+ return SetCacheNS('class',a:base,result)
+" echo s:CompClassName('Moose::','')
+fun! s:SortByLength(i1, i2)
+ return strlen(a:i1) == strlen(a:i2) ? 0 : strlen(a:i1) > strlen(a:i2) ? 1 : -1
+fun! s:CompUnderscoreTokens(base,context)
+ return s:StringFilter( [ 'PACKAGE__' , 'END__' , 'DATA__' , 'LINE__' , 'FILE__' ] , a:base )
+fun! s:CompPodSections(base,context)
+ return s:StringFilter( [ 'NAME' , 'SYNOPSIS' , 'AUTHOR' , 'DESCRIPTION' , 'FUNCTIONS' ,
+fun! s:CompPodHeaders(base,context)
+ return s:StringFilter(
+ \ [ 'head1' , 'head2' , 'head3' , 'begin' , 'end',
+ \ 'encoding' , 'cut' , 'pod' , 'over' ,
+ \ 'item' , 'for' , 'back' ] , a:base )
+" echo s:CompPodHeaders('h','')
+fun! s:CompQString(base,context)
+ let lines = getline(1,'$')
+ let strings = s:scanQString( lines )
+ return s:StringFilter(strings,a:base)
+" let sortedlist = sort(mylist, "MyCompare")
+" }}}
+" CPANParseSourceList {{{
+fun! CPANParseSourceList(file)
+ if ! exists('g:cpan_mod_cachef')
+ let g:cpan_mod_cachef = expand('~/.vim-cpan-module-cache')
+ endif
+ if !filereadable(g:cpan_mod_cachef) || getftime(g:cpan_mod_cachef) < getftime(a:file)
+ let args = ['cat', a:file, '|', 'gzip', '-dc', '|',
+ \ 'grep', '-Ev', '^[A-Za-z0-9-]+: ', '|', 'cut', '-d" "', '-f1']
+ let data = call(function("s:system"), args)
+ cal writefile(split(data, "\n"), g:cpan_mod_cachef)
+ endif
+ return readfile( g:cpan_mod_cachef )
+" }}}
+" CPANSourceLists {{{
+" XXX: copied from cpan.vim plugin , should be reused.
+" fetch source list from remote
+fun! CPANSourceLists()
+ let paths = [
+ \expand('~/.cpanplus/02packages.details.txt.gz'),
+ \expand('~/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz')
+ \]
+ if exists('g:cpan_user_defined_sources')
+ call extend( paths , g:cpan_user_defined_sources )
+ endif
+ for f in paths
+ if filereadable( f )
+ return f
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " not found
+ echo "CPAN source list not found."
+ let f = expand('~/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz')
+ " XXX: refactor me !!
+ if ! isdirectory( expand('~/.cpan') )
+ cal mkdir( expand('~/.cpan') )
+ endif
+ if ! isdirectory( expand('~/.cpan/sources') )
+ cal mkdir( expand('~/.cpan/sources') )
+ endif
+ if ! isdirectory( expand('~/.cpan/sources/modules') )
+ cal mkdir( expand('~/.cpan/sources/modules') )
+ endif
+ echo "Downloading CPAN source list."
+ if executable('curl')
+ exec '!curl -o ' . s:ShellQuote(f)
+ return f
+ elseif executable('wget')
+ exec '!wget -O ' . s:ShellQuote(f)
+ return f
+ endif
+ echoerr "You don't have curl or wget to download the package list."
+ return
+" let sourcefile = CPANSourceLists()
+" let classnames = CPANParseSourceList( sourcefile )
+" echo remove(classnames,10)
+" }}}
+" }}}
+" XXX:
+fun! s:getSubScopeLines(nr)
+ let curline = getline(a:nr)
+" }}}
+fun! s:runPerlEval(mtext,code)
+ let cmd = g:perlomni_perl . ' -M' . a:mtext . ' -e "' . escape(a:code,'"') . '"'
+ return system(cmd)
+" scan exported functions from a module.
+fun! s:scanModuleExportFunctions(class)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('mef',a:class)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let funcs = []
+ if exists('g:perlomni_export_functions')
+ let output = s:runPerlEval( a:class , printf( 'print join " ",@%s::EXPORT_OK' , a:class ))
+ cal extend( funcs , split( output ) )
+ let output = s:runPerlEval( a:class , printf( 'print join " ",@%s::EXPORT' , a:class ))
+ cal extend( funcs , split( output ) )
+ echo [a:class,output]
+ endif
+ return SetCacheNS('mef',a:class,s:toCompHashList(funcs,a:class))
+" echo s:scanModuleExportFunctions( 'List::MoreUtils' )
+" sleep 1
+" util function for building completion hashlist
+fun! s:toCompHashList(list,menu)
+ return map( a:list , '{ "word": v:val , "menu": "'. a:menu .'" }' )
+" Scan export functions in current buffer
+" Return functions
+fun! s:scanCurrentExportFunction()
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('cbexf', bufname('%'))
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let lines = getline( 1 , '$' )
+ cal filter( lines , 'v:val =~ ''^\s*\(use\|require\)\s''')
+ let funcs = [ ]
+ for line in lines
+ let m = matchstr( line , '\(^use\s\+\)\@<=' . s:mod_pattern )
+ if strlen(m) > 0
+ cal extend(funcs ,s:scanModuleExportFunctions(m))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return SetCacheNS('cbexf',bufname('%'),funcs)
+" echo s:scanCurrentExportFunction()
+" sleep 1
+" FUNC: scanClass {{{
+fun! s:scanClass(path)
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('classpath', a:path)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ if ! isdirectory(a:path)
+ return [ ]
+ endif
+ let l:files = split(glob(a:path . '/**'))
+ cal filter(l:files, 'v:val =~ "\.pm$"')
+ cal map(l:files, 'strpart(v:val,strlen(a:path)+1,strlen(v:val)-strlen(a:path)-4)')
+ cal map(l:files, 'substitute(v:val,''/'',"::","g")')
+ return SetCacheNS('classpath',a:path,l:files)
+" echo s:scanClass(expand('~/aiink/aiink/lib'))
+" }}}
+" FUNC: scanObjectVariableLines {{{
+fun! s:scanObjectVariableLines(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile(a:lines,buffile)
+ let varlist = split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile),"\n")
+ let b:objvarMapping = { }
+ for item in varlist
+ let [varname,classname] = split(item)
+ if exists('b:objvarMapping[varname]')
+ cal add( b:objvarMapping[ varname ] , classname )
+ else
+ let b:objvarMapping[ varname ] = [ classname ]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return b:objvarMapping
+" echo s:scanObjectVariableLines([])
+" }}}
+fun! s:scanObjectVariableFile(file)
+" let l:cache = GetCacheNS('objvar', a:file)
+" if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+" return l:cache
+" endif
+ let list = split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', expand(a:file)),"\n")
+ let b:objvarMapping = { }
+ for item in list
+ let [varname,classname] = split(item)
+ if exists('b:objvarMapping[varname]')
+ cal add( b:objvarMapping[ varname ] , classname )
+ else
+ let b:objvarMapping[ varname ] = [ classname ]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return b:objvarMapping
+" return SetCacheNSWithExpiry('objvar',a:file,b:objvarMapping,60 * 10)
+" echo s:scanObjectVariableFile( expand('~/git/bps/jifty-dbi/lib/Jifty/DBI/') )
+fun! s:scanHashVariable(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile(a:lines,buffile)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '%(\w+)', '|', 'sort', '|', 'uniq'),"\n")
+" echo s:scanHashVariable( getline(1,'$') )
+fun! s:scanQString(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile( a:lines, buffile)
+ let cmd = s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '[''](.*?)(?<!\\)['']')
+ return split( cmd ,"\n")
+fun! s:scanQQString(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile( a:lines, buffile)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '["](.*?)(?<!\\)["]'),"\n")
+" echo s:scanQQStringFile('testfile')
+fun! s:scanArrayVariable(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile(a:lines,buffile)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '@(\w+)', '|', 'sort', '|', 'uniq'),"\n")
+fun! s:scanVariable(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile(a:lines,buffile)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '\$(\w+)', '|', 'sort', '|', 'uniq'),"\n")
+fun! s:scanFunctionFromList(lines)
+ let buffile = tempname()
+ cal writefile(a:lines,buffile)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', buffile, '^\s*(?:sub|has)\s+(\w+)', '|', 'sort', '|', 'uniq'),"\n")
+fun! s:scanFunctionFromSingleClassFile(file)
+ return split(s:system(s:vimbin.'', a:file, '^\s*(?:sub|has)\s+(\w+)', '|', 'sort', '|', 'uniq'),"\n")
+fun! s:scanFunctionFromClass(class)
+ let classfile = s:locateClassFile(a:class)
+ return classfile == '' ? [ ] :
+ \ extend( s:scanFunctionFromSingleClassFile(classfile),
+ \ s:scanFunctionFromBaseClassFile(classfile) )
+" echo s:scanFunctionFromClass('Jifty::DBI::Record')
+" echo s:scanFunctionFromClass('CGI')
+" sleep 1
+" scan functions from file and parent classes.
+fun! s:scanFunctionFromBaseClassFile(file)
+ if ! filereadable( a:file )
+ return [ ]
+ endif
+ let l:funcs = s:scanFunctionFromSingleClassFile(a:file)
+" echo 'sub:' . a:file
+ let classes = s:baseClassFromFile(a:file)
+ for cls in classes
+ unlet! l:cache
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('classfile_funcs',cls)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ cal extend(l:funcs,l:cache)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let clsfile = s:locateClassFile(cls)
+ if clsfile != ''
+ let bfuncs = s:scanFunctionFromBaseClassFile( clsfile )
+ cal SetCacheNS('classfile_funcs',cls,bfuncs)
+ cal extend( l:funcs , bfuncs )
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return l:funcs
+" let fs = s:scanFunctionFromBaseClassFile(expand('%'))
+" echo len(fs)
+" }}}
+" RULES {{{
+" rules have head should be first matched , because of we get first backward position.
+" XXX: provide a dictinoary loader
+fun! s:CompDBIxMethod(base,context)
+ return s:StringFilter([
+ \ "table" , "table_class" , "add_columns" ,
+ \ "set_primary_key" , "has_many" ,
+ \ "many_to_many" , "belongs_to" , "add_columns" ,
+ \ "might_have" ,
+ \ "has_one",
+ \ "add_unique_constraint",
+ \ "resultset_class",
+ \ "load_namespaces",
+ \ "load_components",
+ \ "load_classes",
+ \ "resultset_attributes" ,
+ \ "result_source_instance" ,
+ \ "mk_group_accessors",
+ \ "storage"
+ \ ],a:base)
+fun! s:scanDBIxResultClasses()
+ let path = 'lib'
+ let l:cache = GetCacheNS('dbix_c',path)
+ if type(l:cache) != type(0)
+ return l:cache
+ endif
+ let pms = split(system('find ' . path . ' -iname "*.pm" | grep Result'),"\n")
+ cal map( pms, 'substitute(v:val,''^.*lib/\?'',"","")')
+ cal map( pms, 'substitute(v:val,"\\.pm$","","")' )
+ cal map( pms, 'substitute(v:val,"/","::","g")' )
+ return SetCacheNS('dbix_c',path,pms)
+fun! s:getResultClassName( classes )
+ let classes = copy(a:classes)
+ cal map( classes , "substitute(v:val,'^.*::','','')" )
+ return classes
+fun! s:CompDBIxResultClassName(base,context)
+ return s:StringFilter( s:getResultClassName( s:scanDBIxResultClasses() ) ,a:base)
+fun! s:CompExportFunction(base,context)
+ let m = matchstr( a:context , '\(^use\s\+\)\@<=' . s:mod_pattern )
+ let l:funcs = s:toCompHashList(s:scanModuleExportFunctions(m),m)
+ return filter(copy(l:funcs),'v:val.word =~ a:base')
+fun! s:CompModuleInstallExport(base,context)
+ let words = perlomni#data#p5_mi_export()
+ return filter( copy(words) , 'v:val.word =~ a:base' )
+" ====================================================================
+" MODULE-INSTALL FUNCTIONS ================================={{{
+cal s:rule({
+ \'contains' : 'Module::Install',
+ \'backward' : '\w*$',
+ \'context' : '^$',
+ \'comp' : function('s:CompModuleInstallExport') })
+cal s:rule( {
+ \'context': '^\(requires\|build_requires\|test_requires\)\s',
+ \'backward': '[a-zA-Z0-9:]*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompClassName') })
+" }}}
+" UNDERSCORES =================================="{{{
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '__$',
+ \'backward': '[A-Z]*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompUnderscoreTokens') })
+" DBIX::CLASS::CORE COMPLETION ======================================"{{{
+" use contains to check file content, do complete dbix methods if and only
+" if there is a DBIx::Class::Core
+" because there is a rule take 'only' attribute,
+" so the rest rules willn't be check.
+" for the reason , put the dbix completion rule before them.
+" will take a look later ... (I hope)
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '^__PACKAGE__->$',
+ \'contains': 'DBIx::Class::Core',
+ \'backward': '\w*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompDBIxMethod')
+ \})
+cal s:rule( {
+ \'only': 1,
+ \'context': '->resultset(\s*[''"]',
+ \'backward': '\w*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompDBIxResultClassName') } )
+" Moose Completion Rules {{{
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'head': '^has\s\+\w\+' ,
+ \'context': '\s\+is\s*=>\s*$' ,
+ \'backward': '[''"]\?\w*$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompMooseIs') } )
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'head': '^has\s\+\w\+' ,
+ \'context': '\s\+\(isa\|does\)\s*=>\s*$' ,
+ \'backward': '[''"]\?\S*$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompMooseIsa') } )
+cal s:rule({ 'only':1, 'head': '^has\s\+\w\+' ,
+ \'context': '\s\+\(reader\|writer\|clearer\|predicate\|builder\)\s*=>\s*[''"]$' ,
+ \'backward': '\w*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompBufferFunction') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'head': '^has\s\+\w\+' ,
+ \'context': '^\s*$' ,
+ \'backward': '\w*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompMooseAttribute') } )
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'head': '^with\s\+',
+ \'context': '^\s*-$',
+ \'backward': '\w\+$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompMooseRoleAttr') } )
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '^\s*$',
+ \'backward': '\w\+$',
+ \'comp':function('s:CompMooseStatement')})
+" }}}
+" Core Completion Rules {{{
+cal s:rule({'only':1, 'context': '^=$', 'backward': '\w*$', 'comp': function('s:CompPodHeaders') })
+cal s:rule({'only':1, 'context': '^=\w\+\s' , 'backward': '\w*$', 'comp': function('s:CompPodSections') })
+" export function completion
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only': 1,
+ \'context': '^use\s\+[a-zA-Z0-9:]\+\s\+qw',
+ \'backward': '\w*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompExportFunction') })
+" class name completion
+" matches:
+" new [ClassName]
+" use [ClassName]
+" use base qw(ClassName ...
+" use base 'ClassName
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '\<\(new\|use\)\s\+\(\(base\|parent\)\s\+\(qw\)\?[''"(/]\)\?$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_:]*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompClassName') } )
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '^extends\s\+[''"]$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\u[A-Za-z0-9_:]*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompClassName') } )
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '^\s*\(sub\|method\)\s\+' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\w\+$' ,
+ \'only':1 ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompCurrentBaseFunction') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '^\s*my\s\+\$self' ,
+ \'backward': '\s*=\s\+shift;',
+ \'comp': [ ' = shift;' ] })
+" variable completion
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '\s*\$$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\U\w*$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompVariable') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '%$',
+ \'backward': '\<\U\w\+$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompHashVariable') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '@$',
+ \'backward': '\<\U\w\+$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompArrayVariable') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'only':1,
+ \'context': '&$',
+ \'backward': '\<\U\w\+$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompBufferFunction') })
+" function completion
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '\(->\|\$\)\@<!$',
+ \'backward': '\<\w\+$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompFunction') })
+cal s:rule({'context': '\$\(self\|class\)->$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\w\+$' ,
+ \'only':1 ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompBufferFunction') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '\$\w\+->$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\w\+$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompObjectMethod') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '\<[a-zA-Z0-9:]\+->$' ,
+ \'backward': '\w*$' ,
+ \'comp': function('s:CompClassFunction') })
+cal s:rule({
+ \'context': '$' ,
+ \'backward': '\<\u\w*::[a-zA-Z0-9:]*$',
+ \'comp': function('s:CompClassName') } )
+" string completion
+" cal s:rule({'context': '\s''', 'backward': '\_[^'']*$' , 'comp': function('s:CompQString') })
+" }}}
+" }}}
+setlocal omnifunc=PerlComplete
+" Configurations
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_cache_expiry',30)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_max_class_length',40)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_sort_class_by_lenth',0)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_use_cache',1)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_use_perlinc',1)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_show_hidden_func',0)
+cal s:defopt('perlomni_perl','perl')