path: root/.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim')
2 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/python_editing.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/python_editing.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..531ea70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/python_editing.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+map <buffer> <S-e> :w<CR>:!/usr/bin/env python % <CR>
+map <buffer> gd /def <C-R><C-W><CR>
+set foldmethod=expr
+set foldexpr=PythonFoldExpr(v:lnum)
+set foldtext=PythonFoldText()
+map <buffer> f za
+map <buffer> F :call ToggleFold()<CR>
+let b:folded = 1
+function! ToggleFold()
+ if( b:folded == 0 )
+ exec "normal! zM"
+ let b:folded = 1
+ else
+ exec "normal! zR"
+ let b:folded = 0
+ endif
+function! PythonFoldText()
+ let size = 1 + v:foldend - v:foldstart
+ if size < 10
+ let size = " " . size
+ endif
+ if size < 100
+ let size = " " . size
+ endif
+ if size < 1000
+ let size = " " . size
+ endif
+ if match(getline(v:foldstart), '"""') >= 0
+ let text = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '"""', '', 'g' ) . ' '
+ elseif match(getline(v:foldstart), "'''") >= 0
+ let text = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), "'''", '', 'g' ) . ' '
+ else
+ let text = getline(v:foldstart)
+ endif
+ return size . ' lines:'. text . ' '
+function! PythonFoldExpr(lnum)
+ if indent( nextnonblank(a:lnum) ) == 0
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if getline(a:lnum-1) =~ '^\(class\|def\)\s'
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if getline(a:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
+ return "="
+ endif
+ if indent(a:lnum) == 0
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return '='
+" In case folding breaks down
+function! ReFold()
+ set foldmethod=expr
+ set foldexpr=0
+ set foldnestmax=1
+ set foldmethod=expr
+ set foldexpr=PythonFoldExpr(v:lnum)
+ set foldtext=PythonFoldText()
+ echo
diff --git a/.vim/syntax/asciidoc.vim b/.vim/syntax/asciidoc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cc18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/syntax/asciidoc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Asciidoc text document
+" Maintainer: Dag Wieers <> (merged wih Stuart Rackham's
+" upstream asciidoc.vim script).
+" URL:
+" License: GPL (
+" Last Change:»·$Date: 2007/07/18 16:11:12 $
+" $Revision$
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn sync fromstart
+syn sync linebreaks=1
+syn match asciidocCallout "<\d\d\?>"
+syn match asciidocBackslash "\\"
+syn match asciidocLineBreak "[ \t]+$"
+syn match asciidocRuler "^''''\+$"
+" As a damage control measure quoted patterns always terminate at a blank
+" line (see 'Limitations' above).
+syn region asciidocMonospace start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<=+\([)]\)\@!" end="\(+\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocMonospace start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<=`\([)]\)\@!" end="\(`\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocMonospace start="++\S" end="\(++\|^$\)"
+"syn match asciidocMonospace "+[^+]\++"
+"syn match asciidocMonospace "`[^`]\+`"
+syn region asciidocEmphasize start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<=_\([)]\)\@!" end="\(_\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocEmphasize start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<='\([)]\)\@!" end="\('\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocEmphasize start="__\S" end="\(__\|^$\)"
+"syn match asciidocEmphasize "_[^_]\+_"
+"FIXME: Emphasizing using single quotes is prone to failure, so we disable it.
+"syn region asciidocEmphasize start="\'[^\']" end="\'\([^\']\|$\)"
+"syn match asciidocEmphasize "'[^']\+'"
+syn region asciidocBold start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<=\*\([ )]\)\@!" end="\(\*\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocBold start="\*\*\S" end="\(\*\*\|^$\)"
+"syn match asciidocBold "\*[^*]\+\*"
+syn region asciidocQuoted start="\(^\|[ \t(\[.,\-]\)\@<=``\([ )]\)\@!" end="\(''\([ \t)\],.?!;:\-]\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocSubscript start="\~\S" end="\(\~\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocSuperscript start="\^\S" end="\(\^\|^$\)"
+"syn match asciidocPassthrough "\$\$.\+\$\$"
+"syn match asciidocPassthrough "+++[^+]\++++"
+syn region asciidocPassthrough start="\(^\|\W\)\@<=\$\$\S" end="\(\$\$\(\W\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn region asciidocPassthrough start="\(^\|\W\)\@<=+++\S" end="\(+++\(\W\|$\)\@=\|^$\)"
+syn match asciidocRevisionInfo "\$\w\+\(:\s.\+\s\)\?\$"
+syn match asciidocBiblio "^\s*+\s\+"
+syn match asciidocSource "^\s\s*\$\s\+.\+$"
+syn keyword asciidocTodo TODO FIXME XXX ZZZ contained
+"syn match asciidocReplacements "[\s^]\(\(C\)\|\(TM\)\|\(R\)\|--\|\.\.\.\)[\s$]"
+syn match asciidocEmail "\S\+@\S\+\(.\S+\)*"
+syn match asciidocSpecialChar "{amp}\w+;"
+syn match asciidocAdmonitionNote "^\(NOTE\|TIP\):\(\s\+.*\)\@="
+syn match asciidocAdmonitionWarn "^\(CAUTION\|IMPORTANT\|WARNING\):\(\s\+.*\)\@="
+syn match asciidocAdmonitionNote "^\[\(NOTE\|TIP\)\]\s*$"
+syn match asciidocAdmonitionWarn "^\[\(CAUTION\|IMPORTANT\|WARNING\)\]\s*$"
+syn region asciidocVLabel start="^\s*" end="\S\(::\|;;\|:-\|??\)$" oneline
+syn region asciidocHLabel start="^\s*" end="\S\(::\|;;\)\s\+" oneline
+syn region asciidocAttributeEntry start="^:\a" end=":\(\s\|$\)" oneline
+"syn region asciidocAttributeEntry start="^:" end=":\s\+$" oneline
+syn match asciidocAttributeList "^\[[^[ \t].*\]$"
+"syn region asciidocAttributeList start="^\[" end="\]\s*$" oneline
+syn match asciidocAttributeRef "{\(\w\|-\)\+}"
+syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocRefMacro start="<<\w\(\w\|-\)*,\?" end=">>"
+syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocAnchorMacro start="\[\[\(\w\|-\)\+,\?" end="\]\]"
+syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocAnchorMacro start="\[\[\[\(\w\|-\)\+" end="\]\]\]"
+syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocMacro start="\w\(\w\|-\)*:\S\{-}\[" skip="\\\]" end="\]"
+syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocIndexTerm start="(((?" end=")))\?"
+syn match asciidocMacroAttributes "\w\(\w\|-\)*:\S\{-}\[\]"
+"syn region asciidocMacroAttributes matchgroup=asciidocMacro start="\w\(\w\|-\)*:\S\{-}\[" end="\]"
+"syn match asciidocMacro "\[\[.*\]\]"
+"syn match asciidocMacro "((.*))"
+"syn match asciidocReference "<<\w\+>>"
+"syn match asciidocReference "<<\w\+,.\+>>"
+syn match asciidocListBlockDelimiter "^--$"
+syn match asciidocListBullet "^\s*[*+-]\s"
+syn match asciidocListContinuation "^+$"
+"syn match asciidocListNumber "^\s*\d\+[.)]\s"
+syn match asciidocListNumber "^\s*\(\d*\.\.\?\|\l\?)\|\w\.\)\s\+"
+syn region asciidocSect0 start="^=\s\+\S" end="$" oneline
+syn region asciidocSect1 start="^==\s\+\S" end="$" oneline
+syn region asciidocSect2 start="^===\s\+\S" end="$" oneline
+syn region asciidocSect3 start="^====\s\+\S" end="$" oneline
+syn region asciidocSect4 start="^=====\s\+\S" end="$" oneline
+"FIXME: It is impossible to distinguish underlined titles from block delimiters
+" because we cannot calculate length in VIM syntax
+syn match asciidocSect0Old "^[^. +/[].*[^.:]\n==\+$"
+syn match asciidocSect1Old "^[^. +/[].*[^.:]\n--\+$"
+syn match asciidocSect2Old "^[^. +/[].*[^.:]\n\~\~\+$"
+syn match asciidocSect3Old "^[^. +/[].*[^.:]\n^^\+$"
+syn match asciidocSect4Old "^[^. +/[].*[^.:]\n++\+$"
+syn region asciidocDefinition start="\S" end="::\s*$" oneline
+syn region asciidocQuestion start="\S" end="??\s*$" oneline
+syn region asciidocGlossary start="\S" end=":-\s*$" oneline
+"syn match asciidocFootnote "footnote:\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocLink "link:.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocURI "\(callto\|file\|ftp\|gopher\|http\|https\|mailto\|news\|xref\):.*\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocURITitle "\(callto\|file\|ftp\|gopher\|http\|https\|mailto\|news\|xref\):.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "include::.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "include1::.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "image:.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "image::.*\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "footnote:\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "indexterm:\[.*\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "ifdef::.*\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "ifndef::.*\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "endif::.*\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "eval::\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "sys::\[\]"
+"syn match asciidocInclude "sys2::\[\]"
+syn match asciidocBlockTitle "^\.[^. \t].*[^-~_]$"
+"syn region asciidocBlockTitle start="^\.\S.\+" end="$" oneline
+"syn region asciidocExampleBlock start="^====\+$" end="^====\+$"
+syn match asciidocExampleBlockDelimiter "^====\+$"
+syn region asciidocFilterBlock start="^\w\+\~\~\~\~\+$" end="^\w\+\~\~\~\~\+$"
+syn region asciidocListingBlock start="^----\+$" end="^----\+$" contains=asciidocCallout
+syn region asciidocLiteralBlock start="^\.\.\.\.\+$" end="^\.\.\.\.\+$" contains=asciidocCallout
+syn region asciidocPassthroughBlock start="^++++\+$" end="^++++\+$"
+"syn region asciidocQuoteBlock start="^____\+$" end="^____\+$"
+syn match asciidocQuoteBlockDelimiter "^____\+$"
+"syn region asciidocSidebarBlock start="^\*\*\*\*\+$" end="^\*\*\*\*\+$"
+syn match asciidocSidebarBlockDelimiter "^\*\*\*\*\+$"
+" FIXME: The tricky part is not triggering on indented list items that are also
+" preceeded by blank line, handles only bulleted items (see 'Limitations' above
+" for workarounds).
+syn region asciidocLiteralParagraph start="^\n[ \t]\+\(\([^-*. \t] \)\|\(\S\S\)\)" end="\(^+\?\s*$\)\@="
+syn region asciidocTable start="^\([`.']\d*[-~_]*\)\+[-~_]\+\d*$" end="^$"
+syn match asciidocCommentLine "^\s*//\([^/].*\|\)$" contains=asciidocToDo
+syn region asciidocCommentBlock start="^////\+\s*$" end="^////\+\s*$" contains=asciidocTodo
+highlight asciidocBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+highlight asciidocEmphasize term=italic ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen gui=italic
+highlight asciidocMonospace term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocSubscript term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocSuperscript term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocAdmonitionNote term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=green guifg=white guibg=green
+highlight asciidocAdmonitionWarn term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=red
+highlight asciidocTodo term=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow guifg=black guibg=yellow
+highlight asciidocReference term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocFootnote term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocDefinition term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen cterm=underline guifg=darkgreen gui=underline
+highlight asciidocQuestion term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen cterm=underline guifg=darkgreen gui=underline
+highlight asciidocGlossary term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen cterm=underline guifg=darkgreen gui=underline
+highlight asciidocMacro term=standout ctermfg=darkred guifg=darkred
+highlight asciidocSpecialChar term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocSource term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocPassthrough term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocInclude term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocBackslash ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocReplacements term=standout ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan
+highlight asciidocBiblio term=bold ctermfg=cyan guifg=darkcyan gui=bold
+highlight asciidocRevisionInfo term=standout ctermfg=blue guifg=darkblue gui=bold
+highlight asciidocAttributeEntry term=standout ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen
+highlight asciidocAttributeList term=standout ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen
+highlight asciidocAttributeRef term=standout ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkgreen
+highlight asciidocListBullet ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan gui=bold
+highlight asciidocListContinuation ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan gui=bold
+highlight asciidocListNumber ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=darkcyan gui=bold
+highlight asciidocSect0 term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=bold,underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=bold,underline
+highlight asciidocSect1 term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocSect2 term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocSect3 term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocSect4 term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocSect0Old term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=bold guifg=darkmagenta gui=bold
+highlight asciidocSect1Old term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocSect2Old term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocSect3Old term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocSect4Old term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkmagenta
+highlight asciidocEmail term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocLink term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocURI term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocURITitle term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta cterm=underline guifg=darkmagenta gui=underline
+highlight asciidocBlockTitle term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen cterm=underline guifg=darkgreen gui=underline
+highlight asciidocExampleBlockDelimiter term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocListingBlock term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocLiteralBlock term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocLiteralParagraph term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocFilterBlock term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocQuoteBlockDelimiter term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocSidebarBlockDelimiter term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocTable term=standout ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
+highlight asciidocCommentBlock term=standout ctermfg=darkblue guifg=darkblue
+highlight asciidocCommentLine term=standout ctermfg=darkblue guifg=darkblue
+"highlight link asciidocAnchorMacro Macro
+highlight asciidocAnchorMacro term=standout ctermfg=darkred guifg=darkred
+highlight link asciidocIndexTerm Macro
+"highlight link asciidocMacro Macro
+"highlight link asciidocMacroAttributes Label
+highlight asciidocMacroAttributes term=underline ctermfg=darkyellow cterm=underline guifg=darkyellow gui=underline
+"highlight link asciidocRefMacro Macro
+highlight asciidocRefMacro term=standout ctermfg=darkred guifg=darkred
+highlight link asciidocCallout Label
+highlight link asciidocRuler Type
+highlight link asciidocLineBreak Special
+highlight link asciidocVLabel Label
+highlight link asciidocHLabel Label
+highlight link asciidocQuoted Label
+let b:current_syntax = "asciidoc"
+"Show tab and trailing characters
+set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·
+set list
+"set textwidth=78 formatoptions=tcqn autoindent
+set formatoptions=tcqn autoindent
+if version >= 700
+ "Prevent simple numbers at the start of lines to be confused with list items:
+ set formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+\\.\\s\\+
+set comments=s1:/*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,fb:-,fb:*,fb:.,fb:+,fb:>
+"Typing "" inserts a pair of quotes (``'') and places the cursor between
+"them. Works in both insert and command mode (switching to insert mode):
+imap "" ``''<ESC>hi
+map "" i""
+nnoremap Q gq}