#-------------------- # Aliases #-------------------- # better ask before we loose data alias rm='rm -Iv' alias cp='cp -iv' alias mv='mv -iv' # I don't like bytes alias dum='du -kh --max-depth=2' alias du='du -kh' alias dus='du -skh' alias df='df -kTh' # function to make ls look nice is below alias ll='ls' alias la='ls -a' alias newpkgb=' cp $HOME/misc/aur/PKGBUILD.proto PKGBUILD' # well I got used to that name ;) alias aurball='makepkg --source -f' alias pkgbuild='makepkg -fc && aurball' alias pushpkg='cp *.pkg.tar.gz *.src.tar.gz /mnt/mistral/srv/drop' alias sudo="sudo " #Sudo wont recognize aliases without this alias s='sudo' alias x='x -v' alias xx='x -Rv' alias u='upload.sh' alias mtr='mtr -t' alias wcl='wc -l' alias mdstat='cat /proc/mdstat' alias keymap='setxkbmap de -variant nodeadkeys' alias pager='${PAGER}' alias more='${PAGER}' alias less='${PAGER}' alias c='${PAGER}' alias v='vim' alias sc='sudo ${PAGER}' alias sv='sudo vim' alias g='git' # python is too long to type... alias q='python' alias ncmpc='ncmpc -c' alias youtube='youtube-dl -b ' # updating commands can be long... alias yup='yaourt -Syu --aur' alias yu='yaourt -Syu' # can't they make it use sudo on it's own like yaourt? alias p='sudo powerpill' alias pa='sudo powerpill -Syu' alias py='sudo powerpill -S' alias pacman='sudo pacman-color' alias su='su -' alias y='yaourt' alias ys='yaourt -S' alias ysb='yaourt -Sb' alias ysi='yaourt -Si' alias yr='yaourt -Rs' alias yrc='yaourt -Rcs' alias yrn='yaourt -Rns' alias yqo='yaourt -Qo' # too long to remember alias asciidoc_full='asciidoc -a icons -a toc' # other random aliases alias ☠=xkill # global aliases work EVERYWHERE # e.g. dmesg tt # show last 20 lines of dmesg alias -g gg='| grep --color' alias -g eg='| egrep --color' alias -g tt='| tail -n 20' # I always hit y instead of | ... alias -g vv='|' # who doesn't need pastebins? alias -g sp="2>&1 | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us" alias -g pp="2>&1 | wgetpaste -X " # e.g. "blub.txt" opens the file instead of showing command not found alias -s txt=mousepad alias -s jpg=gpicview alias -s png=gpicview