=head1 NAME C - a client for http://paste.xinu.at =head1 SYNOPSIS fb [switches] [options] [] =head1 DESCRIPTION C is a client to http://paste.xinu.at which allows the user to easily upload, delete or download files. By default, files will be uploaded as-is and a link to the file will be printed to stdout after each upload. At the end C will try to copy all links into the X clipboard if xclip is installed. Folders will be tar'ed and the resulting upload.tar file will be uploaded. If no arguments are given, C will read data from stdin into a temporary file which will be uploaded once EOF is received. If the file being uploaded is bigger than 10MB C will query the server for the maximum upload size and abort the upload in case the file would be rejected. If you want to be able to delte files, you have to add the following line to ~/.netrc machine paste.xinu.at password =head1 SWITCHES -d Delete the IDs. You can no longer upload files in this mode. -g Download the IDs and output on stdout. Please take care when using this, as binary data can cause unexpected results when being output directly to a terminal. You can no longer upload files in this mode. -t Upload a tar file containing all files and directories specified on the command line. -h Display a short help message. =head1 OPTIONS -e Change the extension used for highlighting. You can also do this if you have already uploaded the file by appending the extension to the URL. http://paste.xinu.at//bash will change the syntax highlighting to bash. -c Enable compression of the uploaded files. This affects all files including piped content and folders. Specify this option once to use gzip or two times to use xz. =head1 EXAMPLES fb -tc This will create a .tar archive containing the folder and the file and compress it using gzip and upload one archive. fb -c This will create a .tar archive of the folder only, compress both using gzip, the archive and the file and upload both independently. fb -cc This will create a .tar archive containing only the folder and compress it using xz.