path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
authorPhil Sturgeon <>2021-12-03 12:46:17 +0100
committerPhil Sturgeon <>2021-12-03 12:46:17 +0100
commite7110e559a0c46d5001368c25ed246ff303d3afe (patch)
tree68a44223c3c9664fbb3bea58c59cde5e3343018d /.travis.yml
parent298b06e5d823370a49dd49661cc8cc08f9a51ead (diff)
chore: back to travis
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf86bace1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+language: php
+os: linux
+dist: xenial
+ - 5.6
+ - 7.0
+ - 7.1
+ - 7.2
+ - 7.3
+ - 7.4
+ - nightly
+ global:
+ - XDEBUG_MODE=coverage
+ jobs:
+ - DB=mysqli
+ - DB=pgsql
+ - DB=sqlite
+ - DB=pdo/mysql
+ - DB=pdo/pgsql
+ - DB=pdo/sqlite
+ - mysql
+ - postgresql
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.composer/cache
+ - sh -c "composer install --no-progress"
+ - sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ] || [ '$DB' = 'pdo/pgsql' ]; then psql -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ci_test;' -U postgres; fi"
+ - sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'pgsql' ] || [ '$DB' = 'pdo/pgsql' ]; then psql -c 'create database ci_test;' -U postgres; fi"
+ - sh -c "if [ '$DB' = 'mysql' ] || [ '$DB' = 'mysqli' ] || [ '$DB' = 'pdo/mysql' ]; then mysql -e 'create database IF NOT EXISTS ci_test;'; fi"
+script: test $(php -r 'echo PHP_VERSION_ID;') -lt 70300 && php -d zend.enable_gc=0 -d date.timezone=UTC -d mbstring.func_overload=7 -d mbstring.internal_encoding=UTF-8 vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --configuration tests/travis/$DB.phpunit.xml || php -d zend.enable_gc=0 -d date.timezone=UTC -d mbstring.internal_encoding=UTF-8 vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --configuration tests/travis/$DB.phpunit.xml
+ allow_failures:
+ - php: nightly
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ include:
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysql
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysqli
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pgsql
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=sqlite
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/mysql
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/pgsql
+ - php: 5.4
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/sqlite
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysql
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysqli
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pgsql
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=sqlite
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/mysql
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/pgsql
+ - php: 5.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/sqlite
+ - php: 5.6
+ dist: xenial
+ env: DB=mysql
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysql
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=mysqli
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=sqlite
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/mysql
+ - php: hhvm-3.30
+ dist: trusty
+ env: DB=pdo/sqlite
+ only:
+ - develop
+ - 3.0-stable
+ - 3.1-stable
+ - /^feature\/.+$/