path: root/application/config/config.php
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2012-08-28 13:08:37 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2012-08-28 14:00:31 +0200
commit9f73bdbc9c19570768f24e1fbb672a59afbf5f1b (patch)
tree40efb764ad652a6f7c18c7ff9e9d8e40a7f6bdd7 /application/config/config.php
parentfdcead0d5cb071f2dd7c1659ae91dd4116809518 (diff)
Move most config files back to app/config/
Apart from database.php, config.php and memcache.php the files shouldn't be different so we can just track them in the repo. Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'application/config/config.php')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application/config/config.php b/application/config/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ffc367ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/config/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+| Base Site URL
+| URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically this will be your base URL,
+| WITH a trailing slash:
+| If this is not set then CodeIgniter will guess the protocol, domain and
+| path to your installation.
+$config['base_url'] = '';
+| Index File
+| Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you've renamed it to
+| something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this
+| variable so that it is blank.
+$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';
+| This item determines which server global should be used to retrieve the
+| URI string. The default setting of 'AUTO' works for most servers.
+| If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors:
+| 'AUTO' Default - auto detects
+$config['uri_protocol'] = 'AUTO';
+| URL suffix
+| This option allows you to add a suffix to all URLs generated by CodeIgniter.
+| For more information please see the user guide:
+$config['url_suffix'] = '';
+| Default Language
+| This determines which set of language files should be used. Make sure
+| there is an available translation if you intend to use something other
+| than english.
+$config['language'] = 'english';
+| Default Character Set
+| This determines which character set is used by default in various methods
+| that require a character set to be provided.
+$config['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
+| Enable/Disable System Hooks
+| If you would like to use the 'hooks' feature you must enable it by
+| setting this variable to TRUE (boolean). See the user guide for details.
+$config['enable_hooks'] = FALSE;
+| Class Extension Prefix
+| This item allows you to set the filename/classname prefix when extending
+| native libraries. For more information please see the user guide:
+$config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_';
+| Allowed URL Characters
+| This lets you specify with a regular expression which characters are permitted
+| within your URLs. When someone tries to submit a URL with disallowed
+| characters they will get a warning message.
+| As a security measure you are STRONGLY encouraged to restrict URLs to
+| as few characters as possible. By default only these are allowed: a-z 0-9~%.:_-
+| Leave blank to allow all characters -- but only if you are insane.
+$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';
+| Enable Query Strings
+| By default CodeIgniter uses search-engine friendly segment based URLs:
+| By default CodeIgniter enables access to the $_GET array. If for some
+| reason you would like to disable it, set 'allow_get_array' to FALSE.
+| You can optionally enable standard query string based URLs:
+| Options are: TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
+| The other items let you set the query string 'words' that will
+| invoke your controllers and its functions:
+| Please note that some of the helpers won't work as expected when
+| this feature is enabled, since CodeIgniter is designed primarily to
+| use segment based URLs.
+$config['allow_get_array'] = TRUE;
+$config['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
+$config['controller_trigger'] = 'c';
+$config['function_trigger'] = 'm';
+$config['directory_trigger'] = 'd'; // experimental not currently in use
+| Error Logging Threshold
+| If you have enabled error logging, you can set an error threshold to
+| determine what gets logged. Threshold options are:
+| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
+| threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are:
+| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
+| 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
+| 2 = Debug Messages
+| 3 = Informational Messages
+| 4 = All Messages
+| For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise
+| your log files will fill up very fast.
+$config['log_threshold'] = 0;
+| Error Logging Directory Path
+| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
+| application/logs/ folder. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
+$config['log_path'] = '';
+| Date Format for Logs
+| Each item that is logged has an associated date. You can use PHP date
+| codes to set your own date formatting
+$config['log_date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
+| Cache Directory Path
+| Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default
+| system/cache/ folder. Use a full server path with trailing slash.
+$config['cache_path'] = '';
+| Encryption Key
+| If you use the Encryption class or the Session class you
+| MUST set an encryption key. See the user guide for info.
+$config['encryption_key'] = '';
+| Session Variables
+| 'sess_cookie_name' = the name you want for the cookie
+| 'sess_expiration' = the number of SECONDS you want the session to last.
+| by default sessions last 7200 seconds (two hours). Set to zero for no expiration.
+| 'sess_expire_on_close' = Whether to cause the session to expire automatically
+| when the browser window is closed
+| 'sess_encrypt_cookie' = Whether to encrypt the cookie
+| 'sess_use_database' = Whether to save the session data to a database
+| 'sess_table_name' = The name of the session database table
+| 'sess_match_ip' = Whether to match the user's IP address when reading the session data
+| 'sess_match_useragent' = Whether to match the User Agent when reading the session data
+| 'sess_time_to_update' = how many seconds between CI refreshing Session Information
+$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
+$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
+$config['sess_expire_on_close'] = FALSE;
+$config['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = FALSE;
+$config['sess_use_database'] = true;
+$config['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions';
+$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
+$config['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE;
+$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
+| Cookie Related Variables
+| 'cookie_prefix' = Set a prefix if you need to avoid collisions
+| 'cookie_domain' = Set to for site-wide cookies
+| 'cookie_path' = Typically will be a forward slash
+| 'cookie_secure' = Cookies will only be set if a secure HTTPS connection exists.
+$config['cookie_prefix'] = "";
+$config['cookie_domain'] = "";
+$config['cookie_path'] = "/";
+$config['cookie_secure'] = FALSE;
+| Global XSS Filtering
+| Determines whether the XSS filter is always active when GET, POST or
+| COOKIE data is encountered
+$config['global_xss_filtering'] = FALSE;
+| Cross Site Request Forgery
+| Enables a CSRF cookie token to be set. When set to TRUE, token will be
+| checked on a submitted form. If you are accepting user data, it is strongly
+| recommended CSRF protection be enabled.
+| 'csrf_token_name' = The token name
+| 'csrf_cookie_name' = The cookie name
+| 'csrf_expire' = The number in seconds the token should expire.
+$config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;
+$config['csrf_token_name'] = 'csrf_test_name';
+$config['csrf_cookie_name'] = 'csrf_cookie_name';
+$config['csrf_expire'] = 7200;
+| Output Compression
+| Enables Gzip output compression for faster page loads. When enabled,
+| the output class will test whether your server supports Gzip.
+| Even if it does, however, not all browsers support compression
+| so enable only if you are reasonably sure your visitors can handle it.
+| VERY IMPORTANT: If you are getting a blank page when compression is enabled it
+| means you are prematurely outputting something to your browser. It could
+| even be a line of whitespace at the end of one of your scripts. For
+| compression to work, nothing can be sent before the output buffer is called
+| by the output class. Do not 'echo' any values with compression enabled.
+$config['compress_output'] = FALSE;
+| Master Time Reference
+| Options are 'local' or 'gmt'. This pref tells the system whether to use
+| your server's local time as the master 'now' reference, or convert it to
+| GMT. See the 'date helper' page of the user guide for information
+| regarding date handling.
+$config['time_reference'] = 'local';
+| Rewrite PHP Short Tags
+| If your PHP installation does not have short tag support enabled CI
+| can rewrite the tags on-the-fly, enabling you to utilize that syntax
+| in your view files. Options are TRUE or FALSE (boolean)
+$config['rewrite_short_tags'] = FALSE;
+| Reverse Proxy IPs
+| If your server is behind a reverse proxy, you must whitelist the proxy IP
+| addresses from which CodeIgniter should trust the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
+| header in order to properly identify the visitor's IP address.
+| Comma-delimited, e.g. ','
+$config['proxy_ips'] = '';
+| Filebin
+| upload_path should NOT be readable/served by the server, but only by
+| the script
+| sizes are in bytes
+| max_age in seconds
+ */
+$config['upload_path'] = FCPATH.'data/uploads';
+$config['upload_max_size'] = 256*1024*1024;
+$config['upload_max_text_size'] = 2*1024*1024;
+// 0 disables deletion
+$config['upload_max_age'] = 60*60*24*5; // 5 days
+$config['invitations_max_age'] = 60*60*24*5; // 5 days
+// won't be deleted
+$config['small_upload_size'] = 1024*10; // 10KB
+$config['contact_me_url'] = ''; // ommiting this will remove the "contact me" line.
+if (file_exists(FCPATH.'application/config/config-local.php')) {
+ include FCPATH.'application/config/config-local.php';
+/* End of file config.php */
+/* Location: ./application/config/config.php */