path: root/application/libraries/geshi/go.php
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2012-06-13 21:27:14 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2012-08-16 16:31:28 +0200
commit71273d9477b88cca86e6724491c1ea337ee96f05 (patch)
treeb5b0d73085775d9aacae2871a0d57faa99ea72ca /application/libraries/geshi/go.php
parent789ffb00e6d25af4409d26dce04d211e365f2d58 (diff)
switch to pygments
- faster than geshi - easier to modify the css because there is only one - geshi upstream seems pretty dead Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'application/libraries/geshi/go.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/application/libraries/geshi/go.php b/application/libraries/geshi/go.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a71c2515e..000000000
--- a/application/libraries/geshi/go.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
- * go.php
- * --------
- * Author: Markus Jarderot (mizardx at gmail dot com)
- * Copyright: (c) 2010 Markus Jarderot
- * Release Version:
- * Date Started: 2010/05/20
- *
- * Go language file for GeSHi.
- *
- * -------
- * 2010/05/20 (
- * - First Release
- *
- * TODO (updated 2010/05/20)
- * -------------------------
- *
- *************************************************************************************
- *
- * This file is part of GeSHi.
- *
- * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ************************************************************************************/
-$language_data = array(
- 'LANG_NAME' => 'Go',
- 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//'),
- 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
- 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
- # Raw strings (escapes and linebreaks ignored)
- 2 => "#`[^`]*`#"
- ),
- 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"', "'"),
- 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
- 'ESCAPE_REGEXP' => array(
- 1 => "#\\\\[abfnrtv\\\\\'\"]#",
- 2 => "#\\\\[0-7]{3}#",
- 3 => "#\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}#",
- 4 => "#\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}#",
- 5 => "#\\\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}#"
- ),
- 'NUMBERS' => array(
- # integer literals (possibly imaginary)
- 0 => '\b([1-9][0-9]*i?|0[0-7]*|0[xX][0-9a-f]+|0[0-9]*i)\b',
- # real floating point literals
- 1 => '\b((?:\d+\.\d*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+\b)?|\.\d+(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?|\d+[Ee][+-]?\d+)?)\b',
- # imaginary floating point literals
- 2 => '\b((?:\d+\.\d*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?|\.\d+(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?|\d+[Ee][+-]?\d+)?i)\b'
- ),
- 'KEYWORDS' => array(
- # statements
- 1 => array(
- 'break', 'case', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'defer', 'else',
- 'fallthrough', 'for', 'go', 'goto', 'if', 'import', 'package',
- 'range', 'return', 'select', 'switch', 'type', 'var'
- ),
- # literals
- 2 => array(
- 'nil', 'true', 'false'
- ),
- # built-in functions
- 3 => array(
- 'close', 'closed', 'len', 'cap', 'new', 'make', 'copy', 'cmplx',
- 'real', 'imag', 'panic', 'recover', 'print', 'println'
- ),
- # built-in types
- 4 => array(
- 'chan', 'func', 'interface', 'map', 'struct', 'bool', 'uint8',
- 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64',
- 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128', 'byte', 'uint',
- 'int', 'float', 'complex', 'uintptr', 'string'
- ),
- # library types
- 5 => array(
- 'aes.Cipher', 'aes.KeySizeError', 'ascii85.CorruptInputError', 'asn1.BitString',
- 'asn1.RawValue', 'asn1.StructuralError', 'asn1.SyntaxError', 'ast.ChanDir',
- 'ast.Comment', 'ast.CommentGroup', 'ast.Decl', 'ast.Expr', 'ast.Field',
- 'ast.FieldList', 'ast.File', 'ast.Filter', 'ast.MergeMode', 'ast.Node',
- 'ast.ObjKind', 'ast.Object', 'ast.Package', 'ast.Scope', 'ast.Stmt',
- 'ast.Visitor', 'av.Color', 'av.Image', 'av.Window', 'base64.CorruptInputError',
- 'base64.Encoding', 'big.Int', 'big.Word', 'bignum.Integer', 'bignum.Rational',
- 'binary.ByteOrder', 'block.Cipher', 'block.EAXTagError', 'blowfish.Cipher',
- 'blowfish.KeySizeError', 'bufio.BufSizeError', 'bufio.Error', 'bufio.ReadWriter',
- 'bufio.Reader', 'bufio.Writer', 'bytes.Buffer', 'datafmt.Environment',
- 'datafmt.Format', 'datafmt.Formatter', 'datafmt.FormatterMap', 'datafmt.State',
- 'doc.Filter', 'doc.FuncDoc', 'doc.PackageDoc', 'doc.TypeDoc', 'doc.ValueDoc',
- 'draw.Color', 'draw.Context', 'draw.Image', 'draw.Mouse', 'draw.Op',
- 'draw.Point', 'draw.Rectangle', 'dwarf.AddrType', 'dwarf.ArrayType',
- 'dwarf.Attr', 'dwarf.BasicType', 'dwarf.BoolType', 'dwarf.CharType',
- 'dwarf.CommonType', 'dwarf.ComplexType', 'dwarf.Data', 'dwarf.DecodeError',
- 'dwarf.DotDotDotType', 'dwarf.Entry', 'dwarf.EnumType', 'dwarf.EnumValue',
- 'dwarf.Field', 'dwarf.FloatType', 'dwarf.FuncType', 'dwarf.IntType',
- 'dwarf.Offset', 'dwarf.PtrType', 'dwarf.QualType', 'dwarf.Reader',
- 'dwarf.StructField', 'dwarf.StructType', 'dwarf.Tag', 'dwarf.Type',
- 'dwarf.TypedefType', 'dwarf.UcharType', 'dwarf.UintType', 'dwarf.VoidType',
- 'elf.Class', 'elf.Data', 'elf.Dyn32', 'elf.Dyn64', 'elf.DynFlag', 'elf.DynTag',
- 'elf.File', 'elf.FileHeader', 'elf.FormatError', 'elf.Header32', 'elf.Header64',
- 'elf.Machine', 'elf.NType', 'elf.OSABI', 'elf.Prog', 'elf.Prog32', 'elf.Prog64',
- 'elf.ProgFlag', 'elf.ProgHeader', 'elf.ProgType', 'elf.R_386', 'elf.R_ALPHA',
- 'elf.R_ARM', 'elf.R_PPC', 'elf.R_SPARC', 'elf.R_X86_64', 'elf.Rel32',
- 'elf.Rel64', 'elf.Rela32', 'elf.Rela64', 'elf.Section', 'elf.Section32',
- 'elf.Section64', 'elf.SectionFlag', 'elf.SectionHeader', 'elf.SectionIndex',
- 'elf.SectionType', 'elf.Sym32', 'elf.Sym64', 'elf.SymBind', 'elf.SymType',
- 'elf.SymVis', 'elf.Symbol', 'elf.Type', 'elf.Version', 'eval.ArrayType',
- 'eval.ArrayValue', 'eval.BoolValue', 'eval.BoundedType', 'eval.ChanType',
- 'eval.Code', 'eval.Constant', 'eval.Def', 'eval.DivByZeroError',
- 'eval.FloatValue', 'eval.Frame', 'eval.Func', 'eval.FuncDecl', 'eval.FuncType',
- 'eval.FuncValue', 'eval.IMethod', 'eval.IdealFloatValue', 'eval.IdealIntValue',
- 'eval.IndexError', 'eval.IntValue', 'eval.Interface', 'eval.InterfaceType',
- 'eval.InterfaceValue', 'eval.KeyError', 'eval.Map', 'eval.MapType',
- 'eval.MapValue', 'eval.Method', 'eval.MultiType', 'eval.NamedType',
- 'eval.NegativeCapacityError', 'eval.NegativeLengthError', 'eval.NilPointerError',
- 'eval.PtrType', 'eval.PtrValue', 'eval.RedefinitionError', 'eval.Scope',
- 'eval.Slice', 'eval.SliceError', 'eval.SliceType', 'eval.SliceValue',
- 'eval.StringValue', 'eval.StructField', 'eval.StructType', 'eval.StructValue',
- 'eval.Thread', 'eval.Type', 'eval.UintValue', 'eval.Value', 'eval.Variable',
- 'eval.World', 'exec.Cmd', 'expvar.Int', 'expvar.IntFunc', 'expvar.KeyValue',
- 'expvar.Map', 'expvar.String', 'expvar.StringFunc', 'expvar.Var', 'flag.Flag',
- 'flag.Value', 'flate.CorruptInputError', 'flate.InternalError',
- 'flate.ReadError', 'flate.Reader', 'flate.WriteError', 'flate.WrongValueError',
- 'fmt.Formatter', 'fmt.GoStringer', 'fmt.State', 'fmt.Stringer',
- 'git85.CorruptInputError', 'gob.Decoder', 'gob.Encoder', 'gosym.DecodingError',
- 'gosym.Func', 'gosym.LineTable', 'gosym.Obj', 'gosym.Sym', 'gosym.Table',
- 'gosym.UnknownFileError', 'gosym.UnknownLineError', 'gzip.Deflater',
- 'gzip.Header', 'gzip.Inflater', 'hash.Hash', 'hash.Hash32', 'hash.Hash64',
- 'heap.Interface', 'hex.InvalidHexCharError', 'hex.OddLengthInputError',
- 'http.ClientConn', 'http.Conn', 'http.Handler', 'http.HandlerFunc',
- 'http.ProtocolError', 'http.Request', 'http.Response', 'http.ServeMux',
- 'http.ServerConn', 'http.URL', 'http.URLError', 'http.URLEscapeError',
- 'image.Alpha', 'image.AlphaColor', 'image.Color', 'image.ColorImage',
- 'image.ColorModel', 'image.ColorModelFunc', 'image.Image', 'image.NRGBA',
- 'image.NRGBA64', 'image.NRGBA64Color', 'image.NRGBAColor', 'image.Paletted',
- 'image.RGBA', 'image.RGBA64', 'image.RGBA64Color', 'image.RGBAColor',
- 'io.Closer', 'io.Error', 'io.PipeReader', 'io.PipeWriter', 'io.ReadByter',
- 'io.ReadCloser', 'io.ReadSeeker', 'io.ReadWriteCloser', 'io.ReadWriteSeeker',
- 'io.ReadWriter', 'io.Reader', 'io.ReaderAt', 'io.ReaderFrom', 'io.SectionReader',
- 'io.Seeker', 'io.WriteCloser', 'io.WriteSeeker', 'io.Writer', 'io.WriterAt',
- 'io.WriterTo', 'iterable.Func', 'iterable.Group', 'iterable.Grouper',
- 'iterable.Injector', 'iterable.Iterable', 'jpeg.FormatError', 'jpeg.Reader',
- 'jpeg.UnsupportedError', 'json.Decoder', 'json.Encoder',
- 'json.InvalidUnmarshalError', 'json.Marshaler', 'json.MarshalerError',
- 'json.SyntaxError', 'json.UnmarshalTypeError', 'json.Unmarshaler',
- 'json.UnsupportedTypeError', 'list.Element', 'list.List', 'log.Logger',
- 'macho.Cpu', 'macho.File', 'macho.FileHeader', 'macho.FormatError', 'macho.Load',
- 'macho.LoadCmd', 'macho.Regs386', 'macho.RegsAMD64', 'macho.Section',
- 'macho.Section32', 'macho.Section64', 'macho.SectionHeader', 'macho.Segment',
- 'macho.Segment32', 'macho.Segment64', 'macho.SegmentHeader', 'macho.Thread',
- 'macho.Type', 'net.Addr', 'net.AddrError', 'net.Conn', 'net.DNSConfigError',
- 'net.DNSError', 'net.Error', 'net.InvalidAddrError', 'net.InvalidConnError',
- 'net.Listener', 'net.OpError', 'net.PacketConn', 'net.TCPAddr', 'net.TCPConn',
- 'net.TCPListener', 'net.UDPAddr', 'net.UDPConn', 'net.UnixAddr', 'net.UnixConn',
- 'net.UnixListener', 'net.UnknownNetworkError', 'net.UnknownSocketError',
- 'netchan.Dir', 'netchan.Exporter', 'netchan.Importer', 'nntp.Article',
- 'nntp.Conn', 'nntp.Error', 'nntp.Group', 'nntp.ProtocolError', 'ogle.Arch',
- 'ogle.ArchAlignedMultiple', 'ogle.ArchLSB', 'ogle.Breakpoint', 'ogle.Event',
- 'ogle.EventAction', 'ogle.EventHandler', 'ogle.EventHook', 'ogle.FormatError',
- 'ogle.Frame', 'ogle.Goroutine', 'ogle.GoroutineCreate', 'ogle.GoroutineExit',
- 'ogle.NoCurrentGoroutine', 'ogle.NotOnStack', 'ogle.Process',
- 'ogle.ProcessNotStopped', 'ogle.ReadOnlyError', 'ogle.RemoteMismatchError',
- 'ogle.UnknownArchitecture', 'ogle.UnknownGoroutine', 'ogle.UsageError',
- 'os.Errno', 'os.Error', 'os.ErrorString', 'os.File', 'os.FileInfo',
- 'os.LinkError', 'os.PathError', 'os.SyscallError', 'os.Waitmsg', 'patch.Diff',
- 'patch.File', 'patch.GitBinaryLiteral', 'patch.Op', 'patch.Set',
- 'patch.SyntaxError', 'patch.TextChunk', 'patch.Verb', 'path.Visitor',
- 'pdp1.HaltError', 'pdp1.LoopError', 'pdp1.Trapper', 'pdp1.UnknownInstrError',
- 'pdp1.Word', 'pem.Block', 'png.FormatError', 'png.IDATDecodingError',
- 'png.UnsupportedError', 'printer.Config', 'printer.HTMLTag', 'printer.Styler',
- 'proc.Breakpoint', 'proc.Cause', 'proc.Process', 'proc.ProcessExited',
- 'proc.Regs', 'proc.Signal', 'proc.Stopped', 'proc.Thread', 'proc.ThreadCreate',
- 'proc.ThreadExit', 'proc.Word', 'quick.CheckEqualError', 'quick.CheckError',
- 'quick.Config', 'quick.Generator', 'quick.SetupError', 'rand.Rand',
- 'rand.Source', 'rand.Zipf', 'rc4.Cipher', 'rc4.KeySizeError',
- 'reflect.ArrayOrSliceType', 'reflect.ArrayOrSliceValue', 'reflect.ArrayType',
- 'reflect.ArrayValue', 'reflect.BoolType', 'reflect.BoolValue', 'reflect.ChanDir',
- 'reflect.ChanType', 'reflect.ChanValue', 'reflect.Complex128Type',
- 'reflect.Complex128Value', 'reflect.Complex64Type', 'reflect.Complex64Value',
- 'reflect.ComplexType', 'reflect.ComplexValue', 'reflect.Float32Type',
- 'reflect.Float32Value', 'reflect.Float64Type', 'reflect.Float64Value',
- 'reflect.FloatType', 'reflect.FloatValue', 'reflect.FuncType',
- 'reflect.FuncValue', 'reflect.Int16Type', 'reflect.Int16Value',
- 'reflect.Int32Type', 'reflect.Int32Value', 'reflect.Int64Type',
- 'reflect.Int64Value', 'reflect.Int8Type', 'reflect.Int8Value', 'reflect.IntType',
- 'reflect.IntValue', 'reflect.InterfaceType', 'reflect.InterfaceValue',
- 'reflect.MapType', 'reflect.MapValue', 'reflect.Method', 'reflect.PtrType',
- 'reflect.PtrValue', 'reflect.SliceHeader', 'reflect.SliceType',
- 'reflect.SliceValue', 'reflect.StringHeader', 'reflect.StringType',
- 'reflect.StringValue', 'reflect.StructField', 'reflect.StructType',
- 'reflect.StructValue', 'reflect.Type', 'reflect.Uint16Type',
- 'reflect.Uint16Value', 'reflect.Uint32Type', 'reflect.Uint32Value',
- 'reflect.Uint64Type', 'reflect.Uint64Value', 'reflect.Uint8Type',
- 'reflect.Uint8Value', 'reflect.UintType', 'reflect.UintValue',
- 'reflect.UintptrType', 'reflect.UintptrValue', 'reflect.UnsafePointerType',
- 'reflect.UnsafePointerValue', 'reflect.Value', 'regexp.Error', 'regexp.Regexp',
- 'ring.Ring', 'rpc.Call', 'rpc.Client', 'rpc.ClientCodec', 'rpc.InvalidRequest',
- 'rpc.Request', 'rpc.Response', 'rpc.ServerCodec', 'rsa.DecryptionError',
- 'rsa.MessageTooLongError', 'rsa.PKCS1v15Hash', 'rsa.PrivateKey', 'rsa.PublicKey',
- 'rsa.VerificationError', 'runtime.ArrayType', 'runtime.BoolType',
- 'runtime.ChanDir', 'runtime.ChanType', 'runtime.Complex128Type',
- 'runtime.Complex64Type', 'runtime.ComplexType', 'runtime.Error',
- 'runtime.Float32Type', 'runtime.Float64Type', 'runtime.FloatType',
- 'runtime.Func', 'runtime.FuncType', 'runtime.Int16Type', 'runtime.Int32Type',
- 'runtime.Int64Type', 'runtime.Int8Type', 'runtime.IntType',
- 'runtime.InterfaceType', 'runtime.Itable', 'runtime.MapType',
- 'runtime.MemProfileRecord', 'runtime.MemStatsType', 'runtime.PtrType',
- 'runtime.SliceType', 'runtime.StringType', 'runtime.StructType', 'runtime.Type',
- 'runtime.TypeAssertionError', 'runtime.Uint16Type', 'runtime.Uint32Type',
- 'runtime.Uint64Type', 'runtime.Uint8Type', 'runtime.UintType',
- 'runtime.UintptrType', 'runtime.UnsafePointerType', 'scanner.Error',
- 'scanner.ErrorHandler', 'scanner.ErrorVector', 'scanner.Position',
- 'scanner.Scanner', 'script.Close', 'script.Closed', 'script.Event',
- 'script.ReceivedUnexpected', 'script.Recv', 'script.RecvMatch', 'script.Send',
- 'script.SetupError', 'signal.Signal', 'signal.UnixSignal', 'sort.Interface',
- 'srpc.Client', 'srpc.Errno', 'srpc.Handler', 'srpc.RPC', 'strconv.NumError',
- 'strings.Reader', 'sync.Mutex', 'sync.RWMutex',
- 'syscall.ByHandleFileInformation', 'syscall.Cmsghdr', 'syscall.Dirent',
- 'syscall.EpollEvent', 'syscall.Fbootstraptransfer_t', 'syscall.FdSet',
- 'syscall.Filetime', 'syscall.Flock_t', 'syscall.Fstore_t', 'syscall.Iovec',
- 'syscall.Kevent_t', 'syscall.Linger', 'syscall.Log2phys_t', 'syscall.Msghdr',
- 'syscall.Overlapped', 'syscall.PtraceRegs', 'syscall.Radvisory_t',
- 'syscall.RawSockaddr', 'syscall.RawSockaddrAny', 'syscall.RawSockaddrInet4',
- 'syscall.RawSockaddrInet6', 'syscall.RawSockaddrUnix', 'syscall.Rlimit',
- 'syscall.Rusage', 'syscall.Sockaddr', 'syscall.SockaddrInet4',
- 'syscall.SockaddrInet6', 'syscall.SockaddrUnix', 'syscall.Stat_t',
- 'syscall.Statfs_t', 'syscall.Sysinfo_t', 'syscall.Time_t', 'syscall.Timespec',
- 'syscall.Timeval', 'syscall.Timex', 'syscall.Tms', 'syscall.Ustat_t',
- 'syscall.Utimbuf', 'syscall.Utsname', 'syscall.WaitStatus',
- 'syscall.Win32finddata', 'syslog.Priority', 'syslog.Writer', 'tabwriter.Writer',
- 'tar.Header', 'tar.Reader', 'tar.Writer', 'template.Error',
- 'template.FormatterMap', 'template.Template', 'testing.Benchmark',
- 'testing.Regexp', 'testing.Test', 'time.ParseError', 'time.Ticker', 'time.Time',
- 'tls.CASet', 'tls.Certificate', 'tls.Config', 'tls.Conn', 'tls.ConnectionState',
- 'tls.Listener', 'token.Position', 'token.Token', 'unicode.CaseRange',
- 'unicode.Range', 'unsafe.ArbitraryType', 'vector.LessInterface',
- 'websocket.Conn', 'websocket.Draft75Handler', 'websocket.Handler',
- 'websocket.ProtocolError', 'websocket.WebSocketAddr', 'x509.Certificate',
- 'x509.ConstraintViolationError', 'x509.KeyUsage', 'x509.Name',
- 'x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm', 'x509.SignatureAlgorithm',
- 'x509.UnhandledCriticalExtension', 'x509.UnsupportedAlgorithmError', 'xml.Attr',
- 'xml.EndElement', 'xml.Name', 'xml.Parser', 'xml.ProcInst', 'xml.StartElement',
- 'xml.SyntaxError', 'xml.Token', 'xml.UnmarshalError', 'xtea.Cipher',
- 'xtea.KeySizeError'
- )
- ),
- 'SYMBOLS' => array(
- # delimiters
- 1 => array(
- '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', ',', ':', ';'
- ),
- # assignments
- 2 => array(
- '<<=', '!=', '%=', '&=', '&^=', '*=', '+=', '-=', '/=', ':=', '>>=',
- '^=', '|=', '=', '++', '--'
- ),
- # operators
- 3 => array(
- '<=', '<', '==', '>', '>=', '&&', '!', '||', '&', '&^', '|', '^',
- '>>', '<<', '*', '%', '+', '-', '.', '/', '<-'),
- # vararg
- 4 => array(
- '...'
- )
- ),
- 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
- GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
- 1 => true,
- 2 => true,
- 3 => true,
- 4 => true,
- 5 => true
- ),
- 'STYLES' => array(
- 'KEYWORDS' => array(
- # statements
- 1 => 'color: #b1b100; font-weight: bold;',
- # literals
- 2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
- # built-in functions
- 3 => 'color: #000066;',
- # built-in types
- 4 => 'color: #993333;',
- # library types
- 5 => 'color: #003399;'
- ),
- 'COMMENTS' => array(
- # single-line comments
- 1 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
- # raw strings
- 2 => 'color: #0000ff;',
- # multi-line comments
- 'MULTI' => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;'
- ),
- 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
- # simple escape
- 1 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;',
- # octal escape
- 2 => 'color: #000099;',
- # hex escape
- 3 => 'color: #000099;',
- # unicode escape
- 4 => 'color: #000099;',
- # long unicode escape
- 5 => 'color: #000099;'
- ),
- 'BRACKETS' => array(
- ),
- 'STRINGS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #0000ff;',
- 0 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
- ),
- 'NUMBERS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
- ),
- 'METHODS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #004000;'
- ),
- 'SYMBOLS' => array(
- # delimiters
- 1 => 'color: #339933;',
- # assignments
- 2 => 'color: #339933;',
- # operators
- 3 => 'color: #339933;',
- # vararg (highlighted as a keyword)
- 4 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;'
- ),
- 'REGEXPS' => array(
- # If CSS classes are enabled, these would be highlighted as numbers (nu0)
- # integer literals (possibly imaginary)
- //0 => 'color: #cc66cc;',
- # real floating point literals
- //1 => 'color: #cc66cc;',
- # imaginary floating point literals
- //2 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
- ),
- 'SCRIPT' => array(
- )
- ),
- 'URLS' => array(
- 1 => '',
- 2 => '',
- 3 => '',
- 4 => '',
- 5 => '{FNAME}'
- ),
- 'REGEXPS' => array(
- ),
- 'OOLANG' => true,
- 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(1 => '.'),
- 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(),
- 'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
- 'ENABLE_FLAGS' => array(
- 'BRACKETS' => GESHI_NEVER, # handled by symbols
- )
- )
-?> \ No newline at end of file