path: root/application/tests
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2015-05-21 14:45:53 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2015-05-21 18:43:13 +0200
commit77198abd94437eb418f11957695986470b1afc9a (patch)
tree710b0285a00aa3f54db274ff01a9eb21017c2164 /application/tests
parenteb9daf07b1a118b473d352c98c5822c3063e598d (diff)
tests: Make prove --state work; Restructure tests
This moves all tests into a subdirectory and lets prove itself figure out which tests exist. It seems if you supply the testlist via arguments or stdin --state won't affect the order. Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'application/tests')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 890 deletions
diff --git a/application/tests/Test.php b/application/tests/Test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c11cd0cc4..000000000
--- a/application/tests/Test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-require_once APPPATH."/third_party/test-more-php/Test-More-OO.php";
-class TestMore extends \TestMore {
- private $TestNamePrefix = "";
- public function setTestNamePrefix($prefix) {
- $this->TestNamePrefix = $prefix;
- }
- public function ok ($Result = NULL, $TestName = NULL) {
- return parent::ok($Result, $this->TestNamePrefix.$TestName);
- }
-abstract class Test {
- protected $t;
- protected $server = "";
- public function __construct()
- {
- $this->t = new TestMore();
- $this->t->plan("no_plan");
- }
- public function setServer($server)
- {
- $this->server = $server;
- }
- // Method: POST, PUT, GET etc
- // Data: array("param" => "value") ==> index.php?param=value
- // Source:
- protected function CallAPI($method, $url, $data = false)
- {
- $result = $this->SendHTTPRequest($method, $url, $data);
- $json = json_decode($result, true);
- if ($json === NULL) {
- $this->t->fail("json decode");
- $this->diagReply($result);
- }
- return $json;
- }
- protected function SendHTTPRequest($method, $url, $data = false)
- {
- $curl = curl_init();
- switch ($method) {
- case "POST":
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- if ($data)
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
- break;
- case "PUT":
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
- break;
- default:
- if ($data)
- $url = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($data));
- }
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
- "Accept: application/json",
- "Expect: ",
- ));
- $result = curl_exec($curl);
- curl_close($curl);
- return $result;
- }
- protected function excpectStatus($testname, $reply, $status)
- {
- if (!isset($reply["status"]) || $reply["status"] != $status) {
- $this->t->fail($testname);
- $this->diagReply($reply);
- } else {
- $this->t->pass($testname);
- }
- return $reply;
- }
- protected function expectSuccess($testname, $reply)
- {
- return $this->excpectStatus($testname, $reply, "success");
- }
- protected function expectError($testname, $reply)
- {
- return $this->excpectStatus($testname, $reply, "error");
- }
- protected function diagReply($reply)
- {
- $this->t->diag("Request got unexpected response:");
- $this->t->diag(var_export($reply, true));
- }
- public function init()
- {
- }
- public function cleanup()
- {
- }
- public function done_testing()
- {
- $this->t->done_testing();
- }
- public function setTestNamePrefix($prefix) {
- $this->t->setTestNamePrefix($prefix);
- }
diff --git a/application/tests/test_api_v1.php b/application/tests/test_api_v1.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 378f741de..000000000
--- a/application/tests/test_api_v1.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-class test_api_v1 extends Test {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $CI->load->model("muser");
- $CI->load->model("mfile");
- }
- private function uploadFile($apikey, $file)
- {
- $ret = $this->CallAPI("POST", "$this->server/api/v1.1.0/file/upload", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "file[1]" => curl_file_create($file),
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("upload file", $ret);
- return $ret;
- }
- private function createUser($counter)
- {
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $CI->db->insert("users", array(
- 'username' => "testuser-api_v1-$counter",
- 'password' => $CI->muser->hash_password("testpass$counter"),
- 'email' => "testuser$counter@localhost.invalid",
- 'referrer' => NULL
- ));
- return $CI->db->insert_id();
- }
- private function createApikey($userid, $access_level = "apikey")
- {
- return \service\user::create_apikey($userid, "", $access_level);
- }
- private function createUserAndApikey($access_level = "apikey")
- {
- static $counter = 100;
- $counter++;
- $userid = $this->createUser($counter);
- return $this->createApikey($userid, $access_level);
- }
- private function callEndpoint($verb, $endpoint, $data)
- {
- return $this->CallAPI($verb, "$this->server/api/v1.0.0/$endpoint", $data);
- }
- public function test_callPrivateEndpointsWithoutApikey()
- {
- $endpoints = array(
- "file/upload",
- "file/history",
- "file/delete",
- "file/create_multipaste",
- "user/apikeys",
- "user/create_apikey",
- "user/delete_apikey",
- );
- foreach ($endpoints as $endpoint) {
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", $endpoint, array(
- ));
- $this->expectError("call $endpoint without apikey", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'api/not-authenticated',
- 'message' => 'Not authenticated. FileBin requires you to have an account, please go to the homepage for more information.',
- ), $ret, "expected error");
- }
- }
- public function test_callEndpointsWithoutEnoughPermissions()
- {
- $testconfig = array(
- array(
- "apikey" => $this->createUserAndApikey('basic'),
- "endpoints" => array(
- "file/delete",
- "file/history",
- ),
- ),
- array(
- "apikey" => $this->createUserAndApikey(),
- "endpoints" => array(
- "user/apikeys",
- "user/create_apikey",
- "user/delete_apikey",
- ),
- ),
- );
- foreach ($testconfig as $test) {
- foreach ($test['endpoints'] as $endpoint) {
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", $endpoint, array(
- "apikey" => $test['apikey'],
- ));
- $this->expectError("call $endpoint without enough permissions", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => "error",
- 'error_id' => "api/insufficient-permissions",
- 'message' => "Access denied: Access level too low",
- ), $ret, "expected permission error");
- }
- }
- }
- public function test_create_apikey_createNewKey()
- {
- $this->createUser(1);
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/create_apikey", array(
- "username" => "testuser-api_v1-1",
- "password" => "testpass1",
- "access_level" => "apikey",
- "comment" => "main api key",
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("create-apikey", $ret);
- $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["new_key"], "", "apikey not empty");
- }
- public function test_apikeys_getApikey()
- {
- $userid = $this->createUser(2);
- $apikey = $this->createApikey($userid);
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/apikeys", array(
- "username" => "testuser-api_v1-2",
- "password" => "testpass2",
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("get apikeys", $ret);
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["apikeys"][$apikey]["key"], $apikey, "expected key 1");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["apikeys"][$apikey]["access_level"], "apikey", "expected key 1 acces_level");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["apikeys"][$apikey]["comment"], "", "expected key 1 comment");
- $this->t->ok(is_int($ret["data"]["apikeys"][$apikey]["created"]) , "expected key 1 creation time is int");
- }
- public function test_delete_apikey_deleteOwnKey()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("full");
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/delete_apikey", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "delete_key" => $apikey,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("delete apikey", $ret);
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_keys"][$apikey]["key"], $apikey, "expected key");
- }
- public function test_delete_apikey_errorDeleteOtherUserKey()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("full");
- $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey("full");
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/delete_apikey", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "delete_key" => $apikey2,
- ));
- $this->expectError("delete apikey of other user", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'user/delete_apikey/failed',
- 'message' => 'Apikey deletion failed. Possibly wrong owner.',
- ), $ret, "expected error");
- }
- public function test_authentication_invalidPassword()
- {
- $userid = $this->createUser(3);
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/apikeys", array(
- "username" => "testuser-api_v1-3",
- "password" => "wrongpass",
- ));
- $this->expectError("invalid password", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array (
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'user/login-failed',
- 'message' => 'Login failed',
- ), $ret, "expected error");
- }
- public function test_authentication_invalidUser()
- {
- $userid = $this->createUser(4);
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/apikeys", array(
- "username" => "testuser-api_v1-invalid",
- "password" => "testpass4",
- ));
- $this->expectError("invalid username", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array (
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'user/login-failed',
- 'message' => 'Login failed',
- ), $ret, "expected error");
- }
- public function test_history_empty()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("get history", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "items key exists and empty");
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "multipaste_items key exists and empty");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], 0, "total_size = 0 since no uploads");
- }
- public function test_get_config()
- {
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("GET", "file/get_config", array(
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("get_config", $ret);
- $this->t->like($ret["data"]["upload_max_size"], '/[0-9]+/', "upload_max_size is int");
- $this->t->like($ret["data"]["max_files_per_request"], '/[0-9]+/', "max_files_per_request is int");
- }
- public function test_upload_uploadFile()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/upload", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "file[1]" => curl_file_create("data/tests/small-file"),
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("upload file", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["ids"]), "got IDs");
- $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["urls"]), "got URLs");
- }
- public function test_upload_uploadFileSameMD5()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/upload", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "file[1]" => curl_file_create("data/tests/message1.bin"),
- "file[2]" => curl_file_create("data/tests/message2.bin"),
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("upload file", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["ids"]), "got IDs");
- $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["urls"]), "got URLs");
- foreach ($ret["data"]["urls"] as $url) {
- $data[] = $this->SendHTTPRequest("GET", $url, '');
- }
- $this->t->ok($data[0] !== $data[1], 'Returned file contents should differ');
- }
- public function test_upload_uploadNothing()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/upload", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- ));
- $this->expectError("upload no file", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'file/no-file',
- 'message' => 'No file was uploaded or unknown error occurred.',
- ), $ret, "expected reply");
- }
- public function test_history_notEmptyAfterUpload()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("history not empty after upload", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "history not empty after upload (items)");
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "didn't upload multipaste");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], filesize("data/tests/small-file"), "total_size == uploaded file");
- }
- public function test_history_notSharedBetweenUsers()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey2,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("get history", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "items key exists and empty");
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "multipaste_items key exists and empty");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], 0, "total_size = 0 since no uploads");
- }
- public function test_delete_canDeleteUploaded()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/delete", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "ids[1]" => $id,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("delete uploaded file", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["errors"]), "no errors");
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- $id => array(
- "id" => $id
- )
- ), $ret["data"]["deleted"], "deleted wanted ID");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_count"], 1, "total_count correct");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_count"], 1, "deleted_count correct");
- }
- public function test_delete_errorIfNotOwner()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey();
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/delete", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey2,
- "ids[1]" => $id,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("delete file of someone else", $ret);
- $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["deleted"]), "not deleted");
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- $id => array(
- "id" => $id,
- "reason" => "wrong owner"
- )
- ), $ret["data"]["errors"], "error wanted ID");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_count"], 1, "total_count correct");
- $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_count"], 0, "deleted_count correct");
- }
- public function test_create_multipaste_canCreate()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic");
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id2 = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "ids[1]" => $id,
- "ids[2]" => $id2,
- ));
- $this->expectSuccess("create multipaste", $ret);
- $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url_id"], "", "got a multipaste ID");
- $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url"], "", "got a multipaste URL");
- }
- public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongID()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic");
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $id2 = $id."invalid";
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey,
- "ids[1]" => $id,
- "ids[2]" => $id2,
- ));
- $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong ID", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed',
- 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)',
- 'data' =>
- array (
- $id2 =>
- array (
- 'id' => $id2,
- 'reason' => 'doesn\'t exist',
- ),
- ),
- ), $ret, "expected error response");
- }
- public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongOwner()
- {
- $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic");
- $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic");
- $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file");
- $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0];
- $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array(
- "apikey" => $apikey2,
- "ids[1]" => $id,
- ));
- $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong owner", $ret);
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed',
- 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)',
- 'data' =>
- array (
- $id =>
- array (
- 'id' => $id,
- 'reason' => 'not owned by you',
- ),
- ),
- ), $ret, "expected error response");
- }
diff --git a/application/tests/test_libraries_image.php b/application/tests/test_libraries_image.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fb34d794e..000000000
--- a/application/tests/test_libraries_image.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-class test_libraries_image extends Test {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- }
- public function init()
- {
- }
- public function cleanup()
- {
- }
- public function test_type_supported_normalCase()
- {
- $this->t->is(\libraries\Image::type_supported('image/png'), true, 'image/png should be supported');
- $this->t->is(\libraries\Image::type_supported('image/jpeg'), true, 'image/jpeg should be supported');
- $this->t->is(\libraries\Image::type_supported('application/pdf'), true, 'application/pdf should be supported');
- $this->t->is(\libraries\Image::type_supported('application/octet-stream'), false, 'application/octet-stream should not be supported');
- $this->t->is(\libraries\Image::type_supported('text/plain'), false, 'text/plain should not be supported');
- }
diff --git a/application/tests/test_libraries_pygments.php b/application/tests/test_libraries_pygments.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f88a4bcbd..000000000
--- a/application/tests/test_libraries_pygments.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-class test_libraries_pygments extends Test {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- }
- public function init()
- {
- }
- public function cleanup()
- {
- }
- public function test_autodetect_lexer_normalCase()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'text/plain', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), 'text', "text/plain should be text");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/x-php', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), 'php', "application/php should be php");
- // This is from pygments and not our hardcoded list
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'text/x-pascal', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), 'delphi', "text/x-pascal should be delphi");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/octet-stream', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), false, "application/octet-stream should return false");
- }
- public function test_autodetect_lexer_specialFilenames()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'text/plain', 'foo.c');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), 'c', "foo.c should be c");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'text/plain', 'PKGBUILD');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), 'bash', "PKGBUILD should be bash");
- }
- public function test_autodetect_lexer_specialFilenamesBinaryShouldNotHighlight()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/octet-stream', 'foo.c');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), false, "foo.c should not highlight if binary");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/octet-stream', 'PKGBUILD');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), false, "PKGBUILD should not highlight if binary");
- }
- public function test_can_highlight_normalCase()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'text/plain', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->can_highlight(), true, "text/plain can highlight");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/x-php', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->can_highlight(), true, "application/x-php can highlight");
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'application/octet-stream', 'stdin');
- $this->t->is($p->can_highlight(), false, "application/octet-stream can not highlight");
- }
- public function test_autodetect_lexer_canButShouldntHighlight()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'image/svg+xml', 'foo.svg');
- $this->t->is($p->autodetect_lexer(), false, "image/svg+xml should return false");
- }
- public function test_can_highlight_canButShouldntHighlight()
- {
- $p = new \libraries\Pygments('/invalid/filepath', 'image/svg+xml', 'foo.svg');
- $this->t->is($p->can_highlight(), true, "image/svg+xml can highlight");
- }
diff --git a/application/tests/test_service_files.php b/application/tests/test_service_files.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8789a9888..000000000
--- a/application/tests/test_service_files.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-class test_service_files extends Test {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $CI->load->model("muser");
- $CI->load->model("mfile");
- }
- public function test_verify_uploaded_files_noFiles()
- {
- $a = array();
- try {
- \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a);
- $this->t->fail("verify should error");
- } catch (\exceptions\UserInputException $e) {
- $this->t->is($e->get_error_id(), "file/no-file", "verify should error");
- }
- }
- public function test_verify_uploaded_files_normal()
- {
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $a = array(
- array(
- "name" => "foobar.txt",
- "type" => "text/plain",
- "tmp_name" => NULL,
- "error" => UPLOAD_ERR_OK,
- "size" => 1,
- "formfield" => "file[1]",
- )
- );
- \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a);
- $this->t->pass("verify should work");
- }
- public function test_verify_uploaded_files_uploadError()
- {
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $a = array(
- array(
- "name" => "foobar.txt",
- "type" => "text/plain",
- "tmp_name" => NULL,
- "error" => UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE,
- "size" => 1,
- "formfield" => "file[1]",
- )
- );
- try {
- \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a);
- $this->t->fail("verify should error");
- } catch (\exceptions\UserInputException $e) {
- $data = $e->get_data();
- $this->t->is($e->get_error_id(), "file/upload-verify", "verify should error");
- $this->t->is_deeply(array(
- 'file[1]' => array(
- 'filename' => 'foobar.txt',
- 'formfield' => 'file[1]',
- 'message' => 'No file was uploaded',
- ),
- ), $data, "expected data in exception");
- }
- }
diff --git a/application/tests/test_service_files_valid_id.php b/application/tests/test_service_files_valid_id.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c090dcbd9..000000000
--- a/application/tests/test_service_files_valid_id.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
- *
- * Licensed under AGPLv3
- * (see COPYING for full license text)
- *
- */
-namespace tests;
-class test_service_files_valid_id extends Test {
- private $model;
- private $filedata;
- private $config;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $CI =& get_instance();
- $CI->load->model("muser");
- $CI->load->model("mfile");
- }
- public function init()
- {
- $this->model = \Mockery::mock("Mfile");
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_id")->never()->byDefault();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_data_id")->never()->byDefault();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("file")->with("file-hash-1-1")->andReturn("/invalid/path/file-1")->byDefault();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("filemtime")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->andReturn(500)->byDefault();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("filesize")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->andReturn(50*1024)->byDefault();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("file_exists")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->andReturn(true)->byDefault();
- $this->filedata = array(
- "data_id" => "file-hash-1-1",
- "hash" => "file-hash-1",
- "id" => "file-id-1",
- "user" => 2,
- "date" => 500,
- );
- $this->config = array(
- "upload_max_age" => 20,
- "sess_expiration" => 10,
- "small_upload_size" => 10*1024,
- );
- }
- public function cleanup()
- {
- \Mockery::close();
- }
- public function test_valid_id_keepNormalUpload()
- {
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 505);
- $this->t->is($ret, true, "normal case should be valid");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_keepSmallUpload()
- {
- $this->model->shouldReceive("filesize")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->once()->andReturn(50);
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 550);
- $this->t->is($ret, true, "file is old, but small and should be kept");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_removeOldFile()
- {
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_data_id")->with("file-hash-1-1")->once();
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 550);
- $this->t->is($ret, false, "file is old and should be removed");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_removeOldUpload()
- {
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_id")->with("file-id-1")->once();
- $this->model->shouldReceive("filemtime")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->once()->andReturn(540);
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 550);
- $this->t->is($ret, false, "upload is old and should be removed");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_keepNormalUnownedFile()
- {
- $this->filedata["user"] = 0;
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 505);
- $this->t->is($ret, true, "upload is unowned and should be kept");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_removeOldUnownedFile()
- {
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_id")->with("file-id-1")->once();
- $this->filedata["user"] = 0;
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 515);
- $this->t->is($ret, false, "upload is old, unowned and should be removed");
- }
- public function test_valid_id_removeMissingFile()
- {
- $this->model->shouldReceive("file_exists")->with("/invalid/path/file-1")->once()->andReturn(false);
- $this->model->shouldReceive("delete_data_id")->with("file-hash-1-1")->once();
- $ret = \service\files::valid_id($this->filedata, $this->config, $this->model, 505);
- $this->t->is($ret, false, "missing file should be removed");
- }