path: root/tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php
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authorAndrey Andreev <>2018-01-13 12:57:11 +0100
committerAndrey Andreev <>2018-01-13 12:57:11 +0100
commit02a0518e1c56ba3506f370362ac5ebdb8a138312 (patch)
tree8b4684192b403dcae17d298eb4fc9e7ab001acad /tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php
parentf0b9735d5857e6c07c8f5824b13cff4828db3cfe (diff)
[ci skip] 3.1.7 release
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php b/tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b419418bf..000000000
--- a/tests/codeigniter/helpers/date_helper_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-class Date_helper_test extends CI_TestCase {
- public function set_up()
- {
- $this->helper('date');
- $this->time = time();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_nice_date()
- {
- $this->assertEquals('2016-11-01', nice_date('201611', 'Y-m-d'));
- $this->assertEquals('2016-11-23', nice_date('20161123', 'Y-m-d'));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_now_local()
- {
- /*
- // This stub job, is simply to cater $config['time_reference']
- $config = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Config')->getMock();
- $config->expects($this->any())
- ->method('item')
- ->will($this->returnValue('local'));
- // Add the stub to our test instance
- $this->ci_instance_var('config', $config);
- */
- $this->ci_set_config('time_reference', 'local');
- $this->assertEquals(time(), now());
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_now_utc()
- {
- /*
- // This stub job, is simply to cater $config['time_reference']
- $config = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Config')->getMock();
- $config->expects($this->any())
- ->method('item')
- ->will($this->returnValue('UTC'));
- // Add the stub to our stdClass
- $this->ci_instance_var('config', $config);
- */
- $this->assertEquals(
- mktime(gmdate('G'), gmdate('i'), gmdate('s'), gmdate('n'), gmdate('j'), gmdate('Y')),
- now('UTC')
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_mdate()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date('Y-m-d - h:i a', $this->time),
- mdate('%Y-%m-%d - %h:%i %a', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rfc822()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RFC822, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RFC822', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_atom()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_ATOM, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_ATOM', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_cookie()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_COOKIE, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_COOKIE', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_iso8601()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_ISO8601, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_ISO8601', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rfc850()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RFC850, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RFC850', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rfc1036()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RFC1036, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RFC1036', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rfc1123()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RFC1123, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RFC1123', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rfc2822()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RFC2822, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RFC2822', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_rss()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_RSS, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_RSS', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_standard_date_w3c()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- date(DATE_W3C, $this->time),
- standard_date('DATE_W3C', $this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_timespan()
- {
- $this->ci_vfs_clone('system/language/english/date_lang.php');
- $loader_cls = $this->ci_core_class('load');
- $this->ci_instance_var('load', new $loader_cls);
- $lang_cls = $this->ci_core_class('lang');
- $this->ci_instance_var('lang', new $lang_cls);
- $this->assertEquals('1 Second', timespan(time(), time()+1));
- $this->assertEquals('1 Minute', timespan(time(), time()+60));
- $this->assertEquals('1 Hour', timespan(time(), time()+3600));
- $this->assertEquals('2 Hours', timespan(time(), time()+7200));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_days_in_month()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(30, days_in_month(06, 2005));
- $this->assertEquals(28, days_in_month(02, 2011));
- $this->assertEquals(29, days_in_month(02, 2012));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_local_to_gmt()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(
- mktime(
- gmdate('G', $this->time), gmdate('i', $this->time), gmdate('s', $this->time),
- gmdate('n', $this->time), gmdate('j', $this->time), gmdate('Y', $this->time)
- ),
- local_to_gmt($this->time)
- );
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_gmt_to_local()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(1140128493, gmt_to_local('1140153693', 'UM8', TRUE));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_mysql_to_unix()
- {
- $this->assertEquals($this->time, mysql_to_unix(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->time)));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_unix_to_human()
- {
- $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d h:i A', $this->time), unix_to_human($this->time));
- $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d h:i:s A', $this->time), unix_to_human($this->time, TRUE, 'us'));
- $this->assertEquals(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->time), unix_to_human($this->time, TRUE, 'eu'));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_human_to_unix()
- {
- $date = '2000-12-31 10:00:00 PM';
- $this->assertEquals(strtotime($date), human_to_unix($date));
- $this->assertFalse(human_to_unix());
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_timezones()
- {
- $zones = array(
- 'UM12' => -12,
- 'UM11' => -11,
- 'UM10' => -10,
- 'UM95' => -9.5,
- 'UM9' => -9,
- 'UM8' => -8,
- 'UM7' => -7,
- 'UM6' => -6,
- 'UM5' => -5,
- 'UM45' => -4.5,
- 'UM4' => -4,
- 'UM35' => -3.5,
- 'UM3' => -3,
- 'UM2' => -2,
- 'UM1' => -1,
- 'UTC' => 0,
- 'UP1' => +1,
- 'UP2' => +2,
- 'UP3' => +3,
- 'UP35' => +3.5,
- 'UP4' => +4,
- 'UP45' => +4.5,
- 'UP5' => +5,
- 'UP55' => +5.5,
- 'UP575' => +5.75,
- 'UP6' => +6,
- 'UP65' => +6.5,
- 'UP7' => +7,
- 'UP8' => +8,
- 'UP875' => +8.75,
- 'UP9' => +9,
- 'UP95' => +9.5,
- 'UP10' => +10,
- 'UP105' => +10.5,
- 'UP11' => +11,
- 'UP115' => +11.5,
- 'UP12' => +12,
- 'UP1275' => +12.75,
- 'UP13' => +13,
- 'UP14' => +14
- );
- foreach ($zones AS $test => $expected)
- {
- $this->assertEquals($expected, timezones($test));
- }
- $this->assertArrayHasKey('UP3', timezones());
- $this->assertEquals(0, timezones('non_existent'));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public function test_date_range()
- {
- $dates = array(
- '29-01-2012', '30-01-2012', '31-01-2012',
- '01-02-2012', '02-02-2012', '03-02-2012',
- '04-02-2012', '05-02-2012', '06-02-2012',
- '07-02-2012', '08-02-2012', '09-02-2012',
- '10-02-2012', '11-02-2012', '12-02-2012',
- '13-02-2012', '14-02-2012', '15-02-2012',
- '16-02-2012', '17-02-2012', '18-02-2012',
- '19-02-2012', '20-02-2012', '21-02-2012',
- '22-02-2012', '23-02-2012', '24-02-2012',
- '25-02-2012', '26-02-2012', '27-02-2012',
- '28-02-2012', '29-02-2012', '01-03-2012'
- );
- $this->assertEquals($dates, date_range(mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 29, 2012), mktime(12, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2012), TRUE, 'd-m-Y'));
- array_pop($dates);
- $this->assertEquals($dates, date_range(mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 29, 2012), 31, FALSE, 'd-m-Y'));
- }