path: root/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
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authorKyle Farris <>2011-10-14 21:43:25 +0200
committerKyle Farris <>2011-10-14 21:43:25 +0200
commitad17f4b932b3728c1e299b48f28b3ae0dbdd6b0b (patch)
treefdb357433e76000bdef60c4d18e5ab0540b07aeb /user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
parentdb46d02ac23b8e0bc2416e197494d3b795b57530 (diff)
parenta2125a5d830fd390b4cf35f77e9bb0558cfa2dd7 (diff)
Merged with development
Diffstat (limited to 'user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..ef32f5d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/libraries/sessions.rst
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+Session Class
+The Session class permits you maintain a user's "state" and track their
+activity while they browse your site. The Session class stores session
+information for each user as serialized (and optionally encrypted) data
+in a cookie. It can also store the session data in a database table for
+added security, as this permits the session ID in the user's cookie to
+be matched against the stored session ID. By default only the cookie is
+saved. If you choose to use the database option you'll need to create
+the session table as indicated below.
+.. note:: The Session class does **not** utilize native PHP sessions. It
+ generates its own session data, offering more flexibility for
+ developers.
+.. note:: Even if you are not using encrypted sessions, you must set
+ an :doc:`encryption key <./encryption>` in your config file which is used
+ to aid in preventing session data manipulation.
+Initializing a Session
+Sessions will typically run globally with each page load, so the session
+class must either be :doc:`initialized <../general/libraries>` in your
+:doc:`controller <../general/controllers>` constructors, or it can be
+:doc:`auto-loaded <../general/autoloader>` by the system. For the most
+part the session class will run unattended in the background, so simply
+initializing the class will cause it to read, create, and update
+To initialize the Session class manually in your controller constructor,
+use the $this->load->library function::
+ $this->load->library('session');
+Once loaded, the Sessions library object will be available using:
+How do Sessions work?
+When a page is loaded, the session class will check to see if valid
+session data exists in the user's session cookie. If sessions data does
+**not** exist (or if it has expired) a new session will be created and
+saved in the cookie. If a session does exist, its information will be
+updated and the cookie will be updated. With each update, the
+session_id will be regenerated.
+It's important for you to understand that once initialized, the Session
+class runs automatically. There is nothing you need to do to cause the
+above behavior to happen. You can, as you'll see below, work with
+session data or even add your own data to a user's session, but the
+process of reading, writing, and updating a session is automatic.
+What is Session Data?
+A *session*, as far as CodeIgniter is concerned, is simply an array
+containing the following information:
+- The user's unique Session ID (this is a statistically random string
+ with very strong entropy, hashed with MD5 for portability, and
+ regenerated (by default) every five minutes)
+- The user's IP Address
+- The user's User Agent data (the first 120 characters of the browser
+ data string)
+- The "last activity" time stamp.
+The above data is stored in a cookie as a serialized array with this
+ [array]
+ (
+ 'session_id' => random hash,
+ 'ip_address' => 'string - user IP address',
+ 'user_agent' => 'string - user agent data',
+ 'last_activity' => timestamp
+ )
+If you have the encryption option enabled, the serialized array will be
+encrypted before being stored in the cookie, making the data highly
+secure and impervious to being read or altered by someone. More info
+regarding encryption can be :doc:`found here <encryption>`, although
+the Session class will take care of initializing and encrypting the data
+Note: Session cookies are only updated every five minutes by default to
+reduce processor load. If you repeatedly reload a page you'll notice
+that the "last activity" time only updates if five minutes or more has
+passed since the last time the cookie was written. This time is
+configurable by changing the $config['sess_time_to_update'] line in
+your system/config/config.php file.
+Retrieving Session Data
+Any piece of information from the session array is available using the
+following function::
+ $this->session->userdata('item');
+Where item is the array index corresponding to the item you wish to
+fetch. For example, to fetch the session ID you will do this::
+ $session_id = $this->session->userdata('session_id');
+.. note:: The function returns FALSE (boolean) if the item you are
+ trying to access does not exist.
+Adding Custom Session Data
+A useful aspect of the session array is that you can add your own data
+to it and it will be stored in the user's cookie. Why would you want to
+do this? Here's one example:
+Let's say a particular user logs into your site. Once authenticated, you
+could add their username and email address to the session cookie, making
+that data globally available to you without having to run a database
+query when you need it.
+To add your data to the session array involves passing an array
+containing your new data to this function::
+ $this->session->set_userdata($array);
+Where $array is an associative array containing your new data. Here's an
+ $newdata = array(
+ 'username' => 'johndoe',
+ 'email' => '',
+ 'logged_in' => TRUE
+ );
+ $this->session->set_userdata($newdata);
+If you want to add userdata one value at a time, set_userdata() also
+supports this syntax.
+ $this->session->set_userdata('some_name', 'some_value');
+.. note:: Cookies can only hold 4KB of data, so be careful not to exceed
+ the capacity. The encryption process in particular produces a longer
+ data string than the original so keep careful track of how much data you
+ are storing.
+Retrieving All Session Data
+An array of all userdata can be retrieved as follows::
+ $this->session->all_userdata()
+And returns an associative array like the following::
+ Array
+ (
+ [session_id] => 4a5a5dca22728fb0a84364eeb405b601
+ [ip_address] =>
+ [user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_7;
+ [last_activity] => 1303142623
+ )
+Removing Session Data
+Just as set_userdata() can be used to add information into a session,
+unset_userdata() can be used to remove it, by passing the session key.
+For example, if you wanted to remove 'some_name' from your session
+ $this->session->unset_userdata('some_name');
+This function can also be passed an associative array of items to unset.
+ $array_items = array('username' => '', 'email' => '');
+ $this->session->unset_userdata($array_items);
+CodeIgniter supports "flashdata", or session data that will only be
+available for the next server request, and are then automatically
+cleared. These can be very useful, and are typically used for
+informational or status messages (for example: "record 2 deleted").
+Note: Flash variables are prefaced with "flash\_" so avoid this prefix
+in your own session names.
+To add flashdata::
+ $this->session->set_flashdata('item', 'value');
+You can also pass an array to set_flashdata(), in the same manner as
+To read a flashdata variable::
+ $this->session->flashdata('item');
+If you find that you need to preserve a flashdata variable through an
+additional request, you can do so using the keep_flashdata() function.
+ $this->session->keep_flashdata('item');
+Saving Session Data to a Database
+While the session data array stored in the user's cookie contains a
+Session ID, unless you store session data in a database there is no way
+to validate it. For some applications that require little or no
+security, session ID validation may not be needed, but if your
+application requires security, validation is mandatory. Otherwise, an
+old session could be restored by a user modifying their cookies.
+When session data is available in a database, every time a valid session
+is found in the user's cookie, a database query is performed to match
+it. If the session ID does not match, the session is destroyed. Session
+IDs can never be updated, they can only be generated when a new session
+is created.
+In order to store sessions, you must first create a database table for
+this purpose. Here is the basic prototype (for MySQL) required by the
+session class::
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ci_sessions` (
+ session_id varchar(40) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+ ip_address varchar(16) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+ user_agent varchar(120) NOT NULL,
+ last_activity int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
+ user_data text NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (session_id),
+ KEY `last_activity_idx` (`last_activity`)
+ );
+.. note:: By default the table is called ci_sessions, but you can name
+ it anything you want as long as you update the
+ application/config/config.php file so that it contains the name you have
+ chosen. Once you have created your database table you can enable the
+ database option in your config.php file as follows::
+ $config['sess_use_database'] = TRUE;
+ Once enabled, the Session class will store session data in the DB.
+ Make sure you've specified the table name in your config file as well::
+ $config['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions';
+.. note:: The Session class has built-in garbage collection which clears
+ out expired sessions so you do not need to write your own routine to do
+ it.
+Destroying a Session
+To clear the current session::
+ $this->session->sess_destroy();
+.. note:: This function should be the last one called, and even flash
+ variables will no longer be available. If you only want some items
+ destroyed and not all, use unset_userdata().
+Session Preferences
+You'll find the following Session related preferences in your
+application/config/config.php file:
+=========================== =============== =========================== ==========================================================================
+Preference Default Options Description
+=========================== =============== =========================== ==========================================================================
+**sess_cookie_name** ci_session None The name you want the session cookie saved as.
+**sess_expiration** 7200 None The number of seconds you would like the session to last. The default
+ value is 2 hours (7200 seconds). If you would like a non-expiring
+ session set the value to zero: 0
+**sess_expire_on_close** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to cause the session to expire automatically when the browser
+ window is closed.
+**sess_encrypt_cookie** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to encrypt the session data.
+**sess_use_database** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to save the session data to a database. You must create the
+ table before enabling this option.
+**sess_table_name** ci_sessions Any valid SQL table name The name of the session database table.
+**sess_time_to_update** 300 Time in seconds This options controls how often the session class will regenerate itself
+ and create a new session id.
+**sess_match_ip** FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to match the user's IP address when reading the session data.
+ Note that some ISPs dynamically changes the IP, so if you want a
+ non-expiring session you will likely set this to FALSE.
+**sess_match_useragent** TRUE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to match the User Agent when reading the session data.
+=========================== =============== =========================== ========================================================================== \ No newline at end of file