path: root/user_guide_src/source/overview
diff options
authorKyle Farris <>2011-10-14 18:48:53 +0200
committerKyle Farris <>2011-10-14 18:48:53 +0200
commit974cc5757e1da3a89af7b9bc700b805ba05dd3bb (patch)
tree109313ba07a2eed2bb8d015ef5f6af8f9205dae2 /user_guide_src/source/overview
parent6636cef6fc457b3a0490d051587cb430aa0021d0 (diff)
parenta2125a5d830fd390b4cf35f77e9bb0558cfa2dd7 (diff)
Merged with develop and updated to new changelog.
Diffstat (limited to 'user_guide_src/source/overview')
8 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/appflow.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/appflow.rst
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+Application Flow Chart
+The following graphic illustrates how data flows throughout the system:
+|CodeIgniter application flow|
+#. The index.php serves as the front controller, initializing the base
+ resources needed to run CodeIgniter.
+#. The Router examines the HTTP request to determine what should be done
+ with it.
+#. If a cache file exists, it is sent directly to the browser, bypassing
+ the normal system execution.
+#. Security. Before the application controller is loaded, the HTTP
+ request and any user submitted data is filtered for security.
+#. The Controller loads the model, core libraries, helpers, and any
+ other resources needed to process the specific request.
+#. The finalized View is rendered then sent to the web browser to be
+ seen. If caching is enabled, the view is cached first so that on
+ subsequent requests it can be served.
+.. |CodeIgniter application flow| image:: ../images/appflowchart.gif
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/at_a_glance.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/at_a_glance.rst
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+CodeIgniter at a Glance
+CodeIgniter is an Application Framework
+CodeIgniter is a toolkit for people who build web applications using
+PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you
+could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of
+libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and
+logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you
+creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed
+for a given task.
+CodeIgniter is Free
+CodeIgniter is licensed under an Apache/BSD-style open source license so
+you can use it however you please. For more information please read the
+:doc:`license agreement <../license>`.
+CodeIgniter is Light Weight
+Truly light weight. The core system requires only a few very small
+libraries. This is in stark contrast to many frameworks that require
+significantly more resources. Additional libraries are loaded
+dynamically upon request, based on your needs for a given process, so
+the base system is very lean and quite fast.
+CodeIgniter is Fast
+Really fast. We challenge you to find a framework that has better
+performance than CodeIgniter.
+CodeIgniter Uses M-V-C
+CodeIgniter uses the Model-View-Controller approach, which allows great
+separation between logic and presentation. This is particularly good for
+projects in which designers are working with your template files, as the
+code these file contain will be minimized. We describe MVC in more
+detail on its own page.
+CodeIgniter Generates Clean URLs
+The URLs generated by CodeIgniter are clean and search-engine friendly.
+Rather than using the standard "query string" approach to URLs that is
+synonymous with dynamic systems, CodeIgniter uses a segment-based
+Note: By default the index.php file is included in the URL but it can be
+removed using a simple .htaccess file.
+CodeIgniter Packs a Punch
+CodeIgniter comes with full-range of libraries that enable the most
+commonly needed web development tasks, like accessing a database,
+sending email, validating form data, maintaining sessions, manipulating
+images, working with XML-RPC data and much more.
+CodeIgniter is Extensible
+The system can be easily extended through the use of your own libraries,
+helpers, or through class extensions or system hooks.
+CodeIgniter Does Not Require a Template Engine
+Although CodeIgniter *does* come with a simple template parser that can
+be optionally used, it does not force you to use one. Template engines
+simply can not match the performance of native PHP, and the syntax that
+must be learned to use a template engine is usually only marginally
+easier than learning the basics of PHP. Consider this block of PHP code::
+ <ul>
+ <?php foreach ($addressbook as $name):?>
+ <li><?=$name?></li>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ </ul>
+Contrast this with the pseudo-code used by a template engine::
+ <ul>
+ {foreach from=$addressbook item="name"}
+ <li>{$name}</li>
+ {/foreach}
+ </ul>
+Yes, the template engine example is a bit cleaner, but it comes at the
+price of performance, as the pseudo-code must be converted back into PHP
+to run. Since one of our goals is *maximum performance*, we opted to not
+require the use of a template engine.
+CodeIgniter is Thoroughly Documented
+Programmers love to code and hate to write documentation. We're no
+different, of course, but since documentation is **as important** as the
+code itself, we are committed to doing it. Our source code is extremely
+clean and well commented as well.
+CodeIgniter has a Friendly Community of Users
+Our growing community of users can be seen actively participating in our
+`Community Forums <>`_.
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/cheatsheets.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/cheatsheets.rst
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+CodeIgniter Cheatsheets
+Library Reference
+`|CodeIgniter Library
+Reference| <../images/codeigniter_1.7.1_library_reference.pdf>`_
+Helpers Reference
+`|image1| <../images/codeigniter_1.7.1_helper_reference.pdf>`_
+.. |CodeIgniter Library Reference| image:: ../images/codeigniter_1.7.1_library_reference.png
+.. |image1| image:: ../images/codeigniter_1.7.1_helper_reference.png
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/features.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/features.rst
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+CodeIgniter Features
+Features in and of themselves are a very poor way to judge an
+application since they tell you nothing about the user experience, or
+how intuitively or intelligently it is designed. Features don't reveal
+anything about the quality of the code, or the performance, or the
+attention to detail, or security practices. The only way to really judge
+an app is to try it and get to know the code.
+`Installing <../installation/>`_ CodeIgniter is child's play so we
+encourage you to do just that. In the mean time here's a list of
+CodeIgniter's main features.
+- Model-View-Controller Based System
+- Extremely Light Weight
+- Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.
+- Active Record Database Support
+- Form and Data Validation
+- Security and XSS Filtering
+- Session Management
+- Email Sending Class. Supports Attachments, HTML/Text email, multiple
+ protocols (sendmail, SMTP, and Mail) and more.
+- Image Manipulation Library (cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.).
+ Supports GD, ImageMagick, and NetPBM
+- File Uploading Class
+- FTP Class
+- Localization
+- Pagination
+- Data Encryption
+- Benchmarking
+- Full Page Caching
+- Error Logging
+- Application Profiling
+- Calendaring Class
+- User Agent Class
+- Zip Encoding Class
+- Template Engine Class
+- Trackback Class
+- XML-RPC Library
+- Unit Testing Class
+- Search-engine Friendly URLs
+- Flexible URI Routing
+- Support for Hooks and Class Extensions
+- Large library of "helper" functions
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/getting_started.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/getting_started.rst
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+Getting Started With CodeIgniter
+Any software application requires some effort to learn. We've done our
+best to minimize the learning curve while making the process as
+enjoyable as possible.
+The first step is to :doc:`install <../installation/index>`
+CodeIgniter, then read all the topics in the **Introduction** section of
+the Table of Contents.
+Next, read each of the **General Topics** pages in order. Each topic
+builds on the previous one, and includes code examples that you are
+encouraged to try.
+Once you understand the basics you'll be ready to explore the **Class
+Reference** and **Helper Reference** pages to learn to utilize the
+native libraries and helper files.
+Feel free to take advantage of our `Community
+Forums <>`_ if you have questions or
+problems, and our `Wiki <>`_ to see code
+examples posted by other users.
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/goals.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/goals.rst
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+Design and Architectural Goals
+Our goal for CodeIgniter is maximum performance, capability, and
+flexibility in the smallest, lightest possible package.
+To meet this goal we are committed to benchmarking, re-factoring, and
+simplifying at every step of the development process, rejecting anything
+that doesn't further the stated objective.
+From a technical and architectural standpoint, CodeIgniter was created
+with the following objectives:
+- **Dynamic Instantiation.** In CodeIgniter, components are loaded and
+ routines executed only when requested, rather than globally. No
+ assumptions are made by the system regarding what may be needed
+ beyond the minimal core resources, so the system is very light-weight
+ by default. The events, as triggered by the HTTP request, and the
+ controllers and views you design will determine what is invoked.
+- **Loose Coupling.** Coupling is the degree to which components of a
+ system rely on each other. The less components depend on each other
+ the more reusable and flexible the system becomes. Our goal was a
+ very loosely coupled system.
+- **Component Singularity.** Singularity is the degree to which
+ components have a narrowly focused purpose. In CodeIgniter, each
+ class and its functions are highly autonomous in order to allow
+ maximum usefulness.
+CodeIgniter is a dynamically instantiated, loosely coupled system with
+high component singularity. It strives for simplicity, flexibility, and
+high performance in a small footprint package.
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/index.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/index.rst
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+CodeIgniter Overview
+The following pages describe the broad concepts behind CodeIgniter:
+.. toctree::
+ :titlesonly:
+ Getting Started <getting_started>
+ CodeIgniter at a Glance <at_a_glance>
+ CodeIgniter Cheatsheets <cheatsheets>
+ Supported Features <features>
+ Application Flow Chart <appflow>
+ Model-View-Controller <mvc>
+ Architectural Goals <goals> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/overview/mvc.rst b/user_guide_src/source/overview/mvc.rst
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+CodeIgniter is based on the Model-View-Controller development pattern.
+MVC is a software approach that separates application logic from
+presentation. In practice, it permits your web pages to contain minimal
+scripting since the presentation is separate from the PHP scripting.
+- The **Model** represents your data structures. Typically your model
+ classes will contain functions that help you retrieve, insert, and
+ update information in your database.
+- The **View** is the information that is being presented to a user. A
+ View will normally be a web page, but in CodeIgniter, a view can also
+ be a page fragment like a header or footer. It can also be an RSS
+ page, or any other type of "page".
+- The **Controller** serves as an *intermediary* between the Model, the
+ View, and any other resources needed to process the HTTP request and
+ generate a web page.
+CodeIgniter has a fairly loose approach to MVC since Models are not
+required. If you don't need the added separation, or find that
+maintaining models requires more complexity than you want, you can
+ignore them and build your application minimally using Controllers and
+Views. CodeIgniter also enables you to incorporate your own existing
+scripts, or even develop core libraries for the system, enabling you to
+work in a way that makes the most sense to you.