path: root/public_html/data/js/thumbnail-view.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public_html/data/js/thumbnail-view.js')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public_html/data/js/thumbnail-view.js b/public_html/data/js/thumbnail-view.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb9ee33ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_html/data/js/thumbnail-view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+(function () {
+'use strict';
+define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'multipaste', 'jquery.colorbox'], function ($, _, Multipaste) {
+ var ui = {
+ thumbnailLinks: '.upload_thumbnails a',
+ formButtons: '#submit_form button[type=submit]',
+ submitForm: '#submit_form',
+ markedThumbnails: '.upload_thumbnails .marked',
+ colorbox: '.colorbox',
+ thumbnails: '.upload_thumbnails',
+ toggleSelectModeButton: '#toggle_select_mode',
+ };
+ var PrivateFunctions = {
+ inSelectMode: false,
+ setupEvents: function () {
+ $(ui.toggleSelectModeButton).on('click', _.bind(this.toggleSelectMode, this));
+ $(ui.thumbnailLinks).on('click', _.bind(this.thumbnailClick, this));
+ $(window).resize(_.bind(this.onResize, this));
+ },
+ browserHandlesImageOrientation: function () {
+ var testImg = $('<img>');
+ $('body').append(testImg);
+ var style = window.getComputedStyle(testImg.get(0));
+ var result = style.getPropertyValue('image-orientation')
+ console.log('Browser default image-orientation: ', result)
+ testImg.remove();
+ return result == 'from-image';
+ },
+ setupColorbox: function () {
+ var browserHandlesImageOrientation = PrivateFunctions.browserHandlesImageOrientation();
+ $(ui.colorbox).colorbox({
+ transistion: "none",
+ speed: 0,
+ initialWidth: "100%",
+ initialHeight: "100%",
+ photo: true,
+ retinaImage: true,
+ maxHeight: "100%",
+ maxWidth: "100%",
+ current: 'Image {current} of {total}. Use h/l or right/left arrow keys or these buttons:',
+ next: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>',
+ previous: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>',
+ close: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>',
+ loop: false,
+ orientation: function() {
+ if (browserHandlesImageOrientation) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return $(this).data('orientation');
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ removeColorbox: function () {
+ $.colorbox.remove();
+ },
+ setupPopovers: function () {
+ $(ui.thumbnailLinks).popover({
+ trigger: 'hover',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ html: true
+ });
+ },
+ toggleSelectMode: function () {
+ if (this.inSelectMode) {
+ $(ui.formButtons).hide();
+ $(ui.submitForm).find('input').remove();
+ $(ui.markedThumbnails).removeClass('marked');
+ this.setupColorbox();
+ } else {
+ $(ui.formButtons).show();
+ this.removeColorbox();
+ }
+ this.inSelectMode = !this.inSelectMode;
+ },
+ submitInput: function (id) {
+ return $('<input>').attr({
+ type: 'hidden',
+ name: 'ids[' + id + ']',
+ value: id,
+ id: 'submit_' +id
+ });
+ },
+ thumbnailClick: function (event) {
+ if (!this.inSelectMode) { return; }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var id = $('a').data('id');
+ var submitInput = $(ui.submitForm).find('input#submit_' + id);
+ if (submitInput.length === 0) {
+ $(ui.submitForm).append(this.submitInput(id));
+ } else {
+ submitInput.remove();
+ }
+ $('a').toggleClass('marked');
+ },
+ needMultipleLines: function (thumbnailContainer) {
+ var containerWidth, thumbsWidth, thumbs, thumbsCount;
+ containerWidth = thumbnailContainer.parent().width();
+ thumbs = thumbnailContainer.find('a');
+ thumbsCount = thumbs.length;
+ thumbsWidth = thumbs.outerWidth(true) * thumbsCount;
+ return containerWidth < thumbsWidth;
+ },
+ thumbnailsWidth: function (thumbnailContainer) {
+ var containerWidth, thumbs, thumbWidth;
+ containerWidth = thumbnailContainer.parent().width();
+ thumbs = thumbnailContainer.find('a');
+ thumbWidth = thumbs.outerWidth(true);
+ return containerWidth - (containerWidth % thumbWidth);
+ },
+ onResize: function () {
+ _.each($(ui.thumbnails), function (thumbnailContainer) {
+ thumbnailContainer = $(thumbnailContainer);
+ var margin = this.needMultipleLines(thumbnailContainer) ? 'auto' : '0';
+ thumbnailContainer.css('margin-left', margin);
+ thumbnailContainer.width(this.thumbnailsWidth(thumbnailContainer));
+ }, this);
+ }
+ };
+ var ThumbnailView = {
+ initialize: function () {
+ PrivateFunctions.setupEvents();
+ PrivateFunctions.onResize();
+ PrivateFunctions.setupColorbox();
+ PrivateFunctions.setupPopovers();
+ }
+ };
+ return ThumbnailView;