path: root/user_guide/changelog.html
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1 files changed, 39 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index 5d5767b74..c4894d8dc 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -59,6 +59,41 @@ Change Log
<p>The <img src="images/reactor-bullet.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Reactor Marker" /> indicates items that were contributed to CodeIgniter via CodeIgniter Reactor.</p>
+<h2>Version 2.1.0</h2>
+<p>Release Date: Not Released</p>
+ <li>General Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li class="reactor">Callback validation rules can now accept parameters like any other validation rule.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Helpers
+ <ul>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Database
+ <ul>
+ <li class="reactor">Added a <a href="" target="_blank">CUBRID</a> driver to the <a href="libraries/database.html">Database Driver</a>. Thanks to the CUBRID team for supplying this patch.</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Typecast limit and offset in the <a href="database/queries.html">Database Driver</a> to integers to avoid possible injection.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Libraries
+ <ul>
+ <li class="reactor">Changed <kbd>$this->cart->insert()</kbd> in the <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> to return the Row ID if a single item was inserted successfully.</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Added support to set an optional parameter in your callback rules of validation using the <a href="libraries/form_validation.html">Form Validation library</a>.</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Added a <a href="libraries/migration.html">Migration library</a> to assist with applying incremental updates to your database schema.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<h3>Bug fixes for 2.1.0</h3>
+ <li class="reactor">Fixed #378 Robots identified as regular browsers by the User Agent class.</li>
+ <li class="reactor">If a config class was loaded first then a library with the same name is loaded, the config would be ignored.</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Reactor #19) where 1) the 404_override route was being ignored in some cases, and 2) auto-loaded libraries were not available to the 404_override controller when a controller existed but the requested method did not.</li>
<h2>Version 2.0.3</h2>
<p>Release Date: Not Released</p>
@@ -67,6 +102,7 @@ Change Log
<li>An improvement was made to the MySQL and MySQLi drivers to prevent exposing a potential vector for SQL injection on sites using multi-byte character sets in the database client connection. <p>An incompatibility in PHP versions &lt; 5.2.3 and MySQL &lt; 5.0.7 with <em>mysql_set_charset()</em> creates a situation where using multi-byte character sets on these environments may potentially expose a SQL injection attack vector. Latin-1, UTF-8, and other "low ASCII" character sets are unaffected on all environments.</p> <p class="critical">If you are running or considering running a multi-byte character set for your database connection, please pay close attention to the server environment you are deploying on to ensure you are not vulnerable.</p></li>
+ </li>
<li>General Changes
<li>Fixed a bug where there was a misspelling within a code comment in the index.php file.</li>
@@ -75,12 +111,13 @@ Change Log
<li>Visual updates to the welcome_message view file and default error templates. Thanks to <a href="">danijelb</a> for the pull request.</li>
<li class="reactor">Added <samp>insert_batch()</samp> function to the PostgreSQL database driver. Thanks to epallerols for the patch.</li>
<li class="reactor">Added "application/x-csv" to mimes.php.</li>
- <li>Fixed a bug where <a href="libraries/email.html">Email library</a> attachments with a "." in the name would using invalid MIME-types.</li>
<li>Added an optional third parameter to <samp>heading()</samp> which allows adding html attributes to the rendered heading tag.</li>
+ <li class="reactor"><kbd>form_open()</kbd> now only adds a hidden (Cross-site Reference Forgery) protection field when the form's action is internal and is set to the post method. (Reactor #165)</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Re-worked <samp>plural()</samp> and <samp>singular()</samp> functions in the <a href="helpers/inflector_helper.html">Inflector helper</a> to support considerably more words.</li>
@@ -90,7 +127,7 @@ Change Log
<li class="reactor">Added <kbd>$this->db->set_dbprefix()</kbd> to the <a href="database/queries.html">Database Driver</a>.</li>
<li class="reactor">Changed <kbd>$this->cart->insert()</kbd> in the <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> to return the Row ID if a single item was inserted successfully.</li>
<li class="reactor">Added <kbd>$this->load->get_var()</kbd> to the <a href="libraries/loader.html">Loader library</a> to retrieve global vars set with <kbd>$this->load->view()</kbd> and <kbd>$this->load->vars()</kbd>.</li>
- <li>Changed <kbd>$this->db->having()</kbd> to insert quotes using escape() rather than escape_str().</li>
+ <li class="reactor">Changed <kbd>$this->db->having()</kbd> to insert quotes using escape() rather than escape_str().</li>
@@ -105,15 +142,10 @@ Change Log
<li>Fixed a bug (Core #340) where when passing in the second parameter to $this->db->select(), column names in subsequent queries would not be properly escaped.</li>
<li class="reactor">Fixed issue #199 - Attributes passed as string does not include a space between it and the opening tag.</li>
<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where the method <kbd>$this->cart->total_items()</kbd> from <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> now returns the sum of the quantity of all items in the cart instead of your total count.</li>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where not setting 'null' when adding fields in db_forge for mysql and mysqli drivers would default to NULL instead of NOT NULL as the docs suggest.</li>
<li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where using <kbd>$this->db->select_max()</kdb>, <kbd>$this->db->select_min()</kdb>, etc could throw notices. Thanks to w43l for the patch.</li>
<li class="reactor">Replace checks for STDIN with php_sapi_name() == 'cli' which on the whole is more reliable. This should get parameters in crontab working.</li>
- <li>Fixed a bug where not setting 'null' when adding fields in db_forge for mysql and mysqli drivers would default to NULL instead of NOT NULL as the docs suggest.</li>
- <li>Fixed a bug where using <kbd>$this->db->select_max()</kdb>, <kbd>$this->db->select_min()</kdb>, etc could throw notices. Thanks to w43l for the patch.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where <a href="libraries/email.html">Email library</a> attachments with a "." in the name would using invalid MIME-types.</li>
->>>>>>> 0aaf42b... Fixed a bug where Email library attachments with a . in the name would using invalid MIME-types.
<h2>Version 2.0.2</h2>