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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>CodeIgniter User Guide : Smiley Helper</title> <style type='text/css' media='all'>@import url('../userguide.css');</style> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../userguide.css' /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/nav.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/prototype.lite.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/moo.fx.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/user_guide_menu.js"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv='expires' content='-1' /> <meta http-equiv= 'pragma' content='no-cache' /> <meta name='robots' content='all' /> <meta name='author' content='Rick Ellis' /> <meta name='description' content='CodeIgniter User Guide' /> </head> <body> <!-- START NAVIGATION --> <div id="nav"><div id="nav_inner"><script type="text/javascript">create_menu('../');</script></div></div> <div id="nav2"><a name="top"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="myHeight.toggle();"><img src="../images/nav_toggle.jpg" width="153" height="44" border="0" title="Toggle Table of Contents" alt="Toggle Table of Contents" /></a></div> <div id="masthead"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%"> <tr> <td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 1.5.4</h1></td> <td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- END NAVIGATION --> <!-- START BREADCRUMB --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%"> <tr> <td id="breadcrumb"> <a href="">CodeIgniter Home</a> &nbsp;&#8250;&nbsp; <a href="../index.html">User Guide Home</a> &nbsp;&#8250;&nbsp; Smiley Helper </td> <td id="searchbox"><form method="get" action=""><input type="hidden" name="as_sitesearch" id="as_sitesearch" value="" />Search User Guide&nbsp; <input type="text" class="input" style="width:200px;" name="q" id="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="submit" name="sa" value="Go" /></form></td> </tr> </table> <!-- END BREADCRUMB --> <br clear="all" /> <!-- START CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <h1>Smiley Helper</h1> <p>The Smiley Helper file contains functions that let you manage smileys (emoticons).</p> <h2>Loading this Helper</h2> <p>This helper is loaded using the following code:</p> <code>$this->load->helper('smiley');</code> <h2>Overview</h2> <p>The Smiley helper has a renderer that takes plain text simileys, like <dfn>:-)</dfn> and turns them into a image representation, like <img src="../images/smile.gif" width="19" height="19" border="0" alt="smile!" /></p> <p>It also lets you display a set of smiley images that when clicked will be inserted into a form field. For example, if you have a blog that allows user commenting you can show the smileys next to the comment form. Your users can click a desired smiley and with the help of some JavaScript it will be placed into the form field.</p> <h2>Clickable Smileys Tutorial</h2> <p>Here is an example demonstrating how you might create a set of clickable smileys next to a form field. This example requires that you first download and install the smiley images, then create a controller and the View as described.</p> <p class="important"><strong>Important:</strong> Before you begin, please <a href="">download the smiley images</a> and put them in a publicly accessible place on your server. This helper also assumes you have the smiley replacement array located at <dfn>application/config/smileys.php</dfn></p> <h3>The Controller</h3> <p>In your <dfn>application/controllers/</dfn> folder, create a file called <kbd>smileys.php</kbd> and place the code below in it.</p> <p><strong>Important:</strong> Change the URL in the <dfn>get_clickable_smileys()</dfn> function below so that it points to your <dfn>smiley</dfn> folder.</p> <p>You'll notice that in addition to the smiley helper we are using the <a href="../libraries/table.html">Table Class</a>.</p> <textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="25"> <?php class Smileys extends Controller { function Smileys() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { $this->load->helper('smiley'); $this->load->library('table'); $image_array = get_clickable_smileys(''); $col_array = $this->table->make_columns($image_array, 8); $data['smiley_table'] = $this->table->generate($col_array); $this->load->view('smiley_view', $data); } } ?> </textarea> <p>In your <dfn>application/views/</dfn> folder, create a file called <kbd>smiley_view.php</kbd> and place this code in it:</p> <textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="20"> &lt;html> &lt;head> &lt;title>Smileys&lt;/title> &lt;?php echo js_insert_smiley('blog', 'comments'); ?> &lt;/head> &lt;body> &lt;form name="blog"> &lt;textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="4">&lt;/textarea> &lt;/form> &lt;p>Click to insert a smiley!&lt;/p> &lt;?php echo $smiley_table; ?> &lt;/body> &lt;/html> </textarea> <p>When you have created the above controller and view, load it by visiting <dfn></dfn></p> <h1>Function Reference</h1> <h2>get_clickable_smileys()</h2> <p>Returns an array containing your smiley images wrapped in a cliackable link. You must supply the URL to your smiley folder via the first parameter:</p> <code>$image_array = get_clickable_smileys("");</code> <h2>js_insert_smiley()</h2> <p>Generates the JavaScript that allows the images to be clicked and inserted into a form field. The first parameter must contain the name of your form, the second parameter must contain the name of the form field. This function is designed to be placed into the &lt;head&gt; area of your web page.</p> <code>&lt;?php echo js_insert_smiley('blog', 'comments'); ?&gt;</code> <h2>parse_smileys()</h2> <p>Takes a string of text as input and replaces any contained plain text smileys into the image equivalent. The first parameter must contain your string, the second must contain the the URL to your smiley folder:</p> <code> $str = 'Here are some simileys: :-) ;-)'; $str = parse_smileys($str, ""); echo $str; </code> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <div id="footer"> <p> Previous Topic:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="security_helper.html">Security Helper</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#top">Top of Page</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="../index.html">User Guide Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Next Topic:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="string_helper.html">String Helper</a> </p> <p><a href="">CodeIgniter</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; Copyright &#169; 2007 &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a></p> </div> </body> </html> \ No newline at end of file
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+<h1>Smiley Helper</h1>
+<p>The Smiley Helper file contains functions that let you manage smileys (emoticons).</p>
+<h2>Loading this Helper</h2>
+<p>This helper is loaded using the following code:</p>
+<p>The Smiley helper has a renderer that takes plain text simileys, like <dfn>:-)</dfn> and turns
+them into a image representation, like <img src="../images/smile.gif" width="19" height="19" border="0" alt="smile!" /></p>
+<p>It also lets you display a set of smiley images that when clicked will be inserted into a form field.
+For example, if you have a blog that allows user commenting you can show the smileys next to the comment form.
+Your users can click a desired smiley and with the help of some JavaScript it will be placed into the form field.</p>
+<h2>Clickable Smileys Tutorial</h2>
+<p>Here is an example demonstrating how you might create a set of clickable smileys next to a form field. This example
+requires that you first download and install the smiley images, then create a controller and the View as described.</p>
+<p class="important"><strong>Important:</strong> Before you begin, please <a href="">download the smiley images</a> and put them in
+a publicly accessible place on your server. This helper also assumes you have the smiley replacement array located at
+<h3>The Controller</h3>
+<p>In your <dfn>application/controllers/</dfn> folder, create a file called <kbd>smileys.php</kbd> and place the code below in it.</p>
+<p><strong>Important:</strong> Change the URL in the <dfn>get_clickable_smileys()</dfn> function below so that it points to
+your <dfn>smiley</dfn> folder.</p>
+<p>You'll notice that in addition to the smiley helper we are using the <a href="../libraries/table.html">Table Class</a>.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="25">
+class Smileys extends Controller {
+ function Smileys()
+ {
+ parent::Controller();
+ }
+ function index()
+ {
+ $this->load->helper('smiley');
+ $this->load->library('table');
+ $image_array = get_clickable_smileys('');
+ $col_array = $this->table->make_columns($image_array, 8);
+ $data['smiley_table'] = $this->table->generate($col_array);
+ $this->load->view('smiley_view', $data);
+ }
+<p>In your <dfn>application/views/</dfn> folder, create a file called <kbd>smiley_view.php</kbd> and place this code in it:</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="20">
+&lt;?php echo js_insert_smiley('blog', 'comments'); ?>
+&lt;form name="blog">
+&lt;textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="4">&lt;/textarea>
+&lt;p>Click to insert a smiley!&lt;/p>
+&lt;?php echo $smiley_table; ?>
+<p>When you have created the above controller and view, load it by visiting <dfn></dfn></p>
+<h1>Function Reference</h1>
+<p>Returns an array containing your smiley images wrapped in a cliackable link. You must supply the URL to your smiley folder
+via the first parameter:</p>
+<code>$image_array = get_clickable_smileys("");</code>
+<p>Generates the JavaScript that allows the images to be clicked and inserted into a form field.
+The first parameter must contain the name of your form, the second parameter must contain the name of the
+form field. This function is designed to be placed into the &lt;head&gt; area of your web page.</p>
+<code>&lt;?php echo js_insert_smiley('blog', 'comments'); ?&gt;</code>
+<p>Takes a string of text as input and replaces any contained plain text smileys into the image
+equivalent. The first parameter must contain your string, the second must contain the the URL to your smiley folder:</p>
+$str = 'Here are some simileys: :-) ;-)';
+$str = parse_smileys($str, "");
+echo $str;
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>CodeIgniter User Guide : String Helper</title> <style type='text/css' media='all'>@import url('../userguide.css');</style> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../userguide.css' /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/nav.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/prototype.lite.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/moo.fx.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../nav/user_guide_menu.js"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv='expires' content='-1' /> <meta http-equiv= 'pragma' content='no-cache' /> <meta name='robots' content='all' /> <meta name='author' content='Rick Ellis' /> <meta name='description' content='CodeIgniter User Guide' /> </head> <body> <!-- START NAVIGATION --> <div id="nav"><div id="nav_inner"><script type="text/javascript">create_menu('../');</script></div></div> <div id="nav2"><a name="top"></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="myHeight.toggle();"><img src="../images/nav_toggle.jpg" width="153" height="44" border="0" title="Toggle Table of Contents" alt="Toggle Table of Contents" /></a></div> <div id="masthead"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%"> <tr> <td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 1.5.4</h1></td> <td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- END NAVIGATION --> <!-- START BREADCRUMB --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%"> <tr> <td id="breadcrumb"> <a href="">CodeIgniter Home</a> &nbsp;&#8250;&nbsp; <a href="../index.html">User Guide Home</a> &nbsp;&#8250;&nbsp; String Helper </td> <td id="searchbox"><form method="get" action=""><input type="hidden" name="as_sitesearch" id="as_sitesearch" value="" />Search User Guide&nbsp; <input type="text" class="input" style="width:200px;" name="q" id="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="submit" name="sa" value="Go" /></form></td> </tr> </table> <!-- END BREADCRUMB --> <br clear="all" /> <!-- START CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <h1>String Helper</h1> <p>The String Helper file contains functions that assist in working with strings.</p> <h2>Loading this Helper</h2> <p>This helper is loaded using the following code:</p> <code>$this->load->helper('string');</code> <p>The following functions are available:</p> <h2>random_string()</h2> <p>Generates a random string based on the type and length you specify. Useful for creating passwords or generating random hashes.</p> <p>The first parameter specifies the type of string, the second parameter specifies the length. The following choices are available:</p> <ul> <li><strong>alnum</strong>:&nbsp; Alpha-numeric string with lower and uppercase characters.</li> <li><strong>numeric</strong>:&nbsp; Numeric string.</li> <li><strong>nozero</strong>:&nbsp; Numeric string with no zeros.</li> <li><strong>unique</strong>:&nbsp; Encrypted with MD5 and uniqid(). Note: The length parameter is not available for this type. Returns a fixed length 33 character string.</li> </ul> <p>Usage example:</p> <code>echo random_string('alnum', 16);</code> <h2>alternator()</h2> <p>Allows two or more items to be alternated between, when cycling through a loop. Example:</p> <code>for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)<br /> {<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo alternator('string one', 'string two');<br /> }<br /> </code> <p>You can add as many parameters as you want, and with each iteration of your loop the next item will be returned.</p> <code>for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)<br /> {<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo alternator('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five');<br /> }<br /> </code> <p><strong>Note:</strong> To use multiple separate calls to this function simply call the function with no arguments to re-initialize.</p> <h2>repeater()</h2> <p>Generates repeating copies of the data you submit. Example:</p> <code>$string = "\n";<br /> echo repeater($string, 30);</code> <p>The above would generate 30 newlines.</p> <h2>reduce_double_slashes()</h2> <p>Converts double slashes in a string to a single slash, except those found in http://. Example: </p> <code>$string = &quot;;;<br /> echo reduce_double_slashes($string); // results in &quot;;</code> <h2>trim_slashes()</h2> <p>Removes any leading/trailing slashes from a string. Example:<br /> <br /> <code>$string = &quot;/this/that/theother/&quot;;<br /> echo trim_slashes($string); // results in this/that/theother</code></p> <h2>reduce_multiples()</h2> <p>Reduces multiple instances of a particular character occuring directly after each other. Example:</p> <code> $string="Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy";<br /> $string=reduce_multiples($string,","); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy" </code> <p>The function accepts the following parameters: <code>reduce_multiples(string: text to search in, string: character to reduce, boolean: whether to remove the character from the front and end of the string)</code> The first parameter contrains the string in which you want to reduce the multiplies. The second parameter contains the character you want to have reduced. The third parameter is False by default. If it it's to true it will remove occurences of the character at the beginning and the end of the string. Example: <code> $string=",Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy,";<br /> $string=reduce_multiples($string,",",true); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy" </code> </p> <h2>quotes_to_entities()</h2> <p>Converts single and double quotes in a string to the corresponding HTML entities. Example:</p> <code>$string="Joe's \"dinner\"";<br /> $string=quotes_to_entities($string); //results in "Joe&amp;#39;s &amp;quot;dinner&amp;quot;" </code> <h2>strip_quotes()</h2> <p>Removes single and double quotes from a string. Example:</p> <code>$string="Joe's \"dinner\"";<br /> $string=strip_quotes($string); //results in "Joes dinner" </code> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <div id="footer"> <p> Previous Topic:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="smiley_helper.html">Smiley Helper</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#top">Top of Page</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="../index.html">User Guide Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Next Topic:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="text_helper.html">Text Helper</a> </p> <p><a href="">CodeIgniter</a> &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; Copyright &#169; 2007 &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp; <a href="">Ellislab, Inc.</a></p> </div> </body> </html> \ No newline at end of file
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+<h1>String Helper</h1>
+<p>The String Helper file contains functions that assist in working with strings.</p>
+<h2>Loading this Helper</h2>
+<p>This helper is loaded using the following code:</p>
+<p>The following functions are available:</p>
+<p>Generates a random string based on the type and length you specify. Useful for creating passwords or generating random hashes.</p>
+<p>The first parameter specifies the type of string, the second parameter specifies the length. The following choices are available:</p>
+<li><strong>alnum</strong>:&nbsp; Alpha-numeric string with lower and uppercase characters.</li>
+<li><strong>numeric</strong>:&nbsp; Numeric string.</li>
+<li><strong>nozero</strong>:&nbsp; Numeric string with no zeros.</li>
+<li><strong>unique</strong>:&nbsp; Encrypted with MD5 and uniqid(). Note: The length parameter is not available for this type.
+Returns a fixed length 33 character string.</li>
+<p>Usage example:</p>
+<code>echo random_string('alnum', 16);</code>
+<p>Allows two or more items to be alternated between, when cycling through a loop. Example:</p>
+<code>for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)<br />
+{<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo alternator('string one', 'string two');<br />
+}<br />
+<p>You can add as many parameters as you want, and with each iteration of your loop the next item will be returned.</p>
+<code>for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)<br />
+{<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo alternator('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five');<br />
+}<br />
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> To use multiple separate calls to this function simply call the function with no arguments to re-initialize.</p>
+<p>Generates repeating copies of the data you submit. Example:</p>
+<code>$string = "\n";<br />
+echo repeater($string, 30);</code>
+<p>The above would generate 30 newlines.</p>
+<p>Converts double slashes in a string to a single slash, except those found in http://. Example: </p>
+<code>$string = &quot;;;<br />
+echo reduce_double_slashes($string); // results in &quot;;</code>
+<p>Removes any leading/trailing slashes from a string. Example:<br />
+ <br />
+ <code>$string = &quot;/this/that/theother/&quot;;<br />
+echo trim_slashes($string); // results in this/that/theother</code></p>
+<p>Reduces multiple instances of a particular character occuring directly after each other. Example:</p>
+$string="Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy";<br />
+$string=reduce_multiples($string,","); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy"
+<p>The function accepts the following parameters:
+<code>reduce_multiples(string: text to search in, string: character to reduce, boolean: whether to remove the character from the front and end of the string)</code>
+The first parameter contrains the string in which you want to reduce the multiplies. The second parameter contains the character you want to have reduced.
+The third parameter is False by default. If it it's to true it will remove occurences of the character at the beginning and the end of the string. Example:
+$string=",Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy,";<br />
+$string=reduce_multiples($string,",",true); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy"
+<p>Converts single and double quotes in a string to the corresponding HTML entities. Example:</p>
+<code>$string="Joe's \"dinner\"";<br />
+$string=quotes_to_entities($string); //results in "Joe&amp;#39;s &amp;quot;dinner&amp;quot;"
+<p>Removes single and double quotes from a string. Example:</p>
+<code>$string="Joe's \"dinner\"";<br />
+$string=strip_quotes($string); //results in "Joes dinner"
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