path: root/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index 825e0f845..ca228565d 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added port handling support for UNIX-based systems (MSSQL driver).
- Added *OFFSET* support for SQL Server 2005 and above.
- Added ``db_set_charset()`` support (MSSQL driver).
+ - Added a *scrollable* property to enable configuration of the cursor to use (SQLSRV driver).
+ - Added support and auto-detection for the ``SQLSRV_CURSOR_CLIENT_BUFFERED`` scrollable cursor flag (SQLSRV driver).
+ - Changed default behavior to not use ``SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC`` due to performance issues (SQLSRV driver).
- Improved support of the Oracle (OCI8) driver, including:
@@ -240,8 +243,9 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added an optional second parameter to ``drop_table()`` that allows adding the **IF EXISTS** condition, which is no longer the default.
- Added support for passing a custom database object to the loader.
- - Deprecated ``add_column()``'s third method. *AFTER* clause should now be added to the field definition array instead.
+ - Added support for passing custom table attributes (such as ``ENGINE`` for MySQL) to ``create_table()``.
- Added support for usage of the *FIRST* clause in ``add_column()`` for MySQL and CUBRID.
+ - Deprecated ``add_column()``'s third method. *AFTER* clause should now be added to the field definition array instead.
- Overall improved support for all of the drivers.
- :doc:`Database Utility <database/utilities>` changes include:
@@ -255,22 +259,18 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` changes include:
- - Library changed to :doc:`Driver <general/drivers>` with classic Cookie driver as default.
- - Added Native PHP Session driver to work with ``$_SESSION``.
- - Custom drivers can be added anywhere in package paths and be loaded with the library.
- - Drivers interchangeable on the fly.
- - New **tempdata** feature allows setting user data items with an expiration time.
- - Added default ``$config['sess_driver']`` and ``$config['sess_valid_drivers']`` items to *config.php* file.
- - Cookie driver now respects php.ini's *session.gc_probability* and *session.gc_divisor* settings.
- - Cookie driver now uses HMAC authentication instead of the simple md5 checksum.
- - The Cookie driver now also checks authentication on encrypted session data.
- - Changed the Cookie driver to select only one row when using database sessions.
- - Cookie driver now only writes to database at end of request when using database.
- - Cookie driver now uses PHP functions for faster array manipulation when using database.
- - Added ``all_flashdata()`` method to session class. Returns an associative array of only flashdata.
- - Added ``has_userdata()`` method to verify existence of userdata item.
- - Added ``tempdata()``, ``set_tempdata()``, and ``unset_tempdata()`` methods for manipulating tempdata.
- - ``keep_flashdata()`` now accepts an array of keys.
+ - Library changed to :doc:`Driver <general/drivers>` with classic 'cookie' driver as the default.
+ - Added a 'native' PHP Session driver to work with ``$_SESSION``.
+ - Added a new **tempdata** feature that allows setting userdata items with expiration time (``tempdata()``, ``set_tempdata()``, ``unset_tempdata()``).
+ - Added default ``$config['sess_driver']`` and ``$config['sess_valid_drivers']`` items to *application/config.php* file.
+ - Changed 'cookie' driver to respect php.ini's *session.gc_probability* and *session.gc_divisor* settings.
+ - Changed 'cookie' driver to use HMAC authentication instead of a simple md5 checksum.
+ - Changed 'cookie' driver to select only one row when using database sessions.
+ - Changed 'cookie' driver to write to only write to the database at end of page execution.
+ - Changed method ``keep_flashdata()`` to also accept an array of keys.
+ - Changed methods ``userdata()``, ``flashdata()`` to return an array of all userdata/flashdata when no parameter is passed.
+ - Deprecated method ``all_userdata()`` - it is now just an alias for ``userdata()`` with no parameters.
+ - Added method ``has_userdata()`` that verifies the existence of a userdata item.
- Added *debug* level log messages for key events in the session validation process.
- :doc:`File Uploading Library <libraries/file_uploading>` changes include:
@@ -681,7 +681,9 @@ Bug fixes for 3.0
- Fixed a bug where :doc:`User Agent Library <libraries/user_agent>` methods ``accept_charset()`` and ``accept_lang()`` didn't properly parse HTTP headers that contain spaces.
- Fixed a bug where *default_controller* was called instad of triggering a 404 error if the current route is in a controller directory.
- Fixed a bug (#2737) - :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc>` used objects as array keys, which triggered E_NOTICE messages.
-- Fixed a bug (#2729) - ``CI_Securty::_validate_entities()`` used overly-intrusive ``preg_replace()`` patterns that produced false-positives.
+- Fixed a bug (#2729) - ``CI_Security::_validate_entities()`` used overly-intrusive ``preg_replace()`` patterns that produced false-positives.
+- Fixed a bug (#2771) - ``CI_Security::xss_clean()`` didn't take into account HTML5 entities.
+- Fixed a bug in the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` 'cookie' driver where authentication was not performed for encrypted cookies.
Version 2.1.4