path: root/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
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1 files changed, 18 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index efe49cfe0..0e9ec5e50 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -48,11 +48,16 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Global config files are loaded first, then environment ones. Environment config keys overwrite base ones, allowing to only set the keys we want changed per environment.
- Changed detection of ``$view_folder`` so that if it's not found in the current path, it will now also be searched for under the application folder.
- Path constants BASEPATH, APPPATH and VIEWPATH are now (internally) defined as absolute paths.
- - Updated email validation methods to use filter_var() instead of PCRE.
+ - Updated email validation methods to use ``filter_var()`` instead of PCRE.
+ - Changed environment defaults to report all errors in 'development' and only fatal ones in 'testing' and 'production' but only display them in 'development'.
- Helpers
- - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function now() now works with all timezone strings supported by PHP.
+ - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` changes include:
+ - ``now()`` now works with all timezone strings supported by PHP.
+ - Added an optional third parameter to ``timespan()`` that constrains the number of time units displayed.
+ - Added an optional parameter to ``timezone_menu()`` that allows more attributes to be added to the generated select tag.
+ - Deprecated ``standard_date()``, which now just uses the native ``date()`` with `DateTime constants <>`_.
- ``create_captcha()`` accepts additional colors parameter, allowing for color customization.
- :doc:`URL Helper <helpers/url_helper>` changes include:
- ``url_title()`` will now trim extra dashes from beginning and end.
@@ -63,7 +68,6 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Changed ``humanize()`` to include a second param for the separator.
- Refactored ``plural()`` and ``singular()`` to avoid double pluralization and support more words.
- Added an optional third parameter to ``force_download()`` that enables/disables sending the actual file MIME type in the Content-Type header (disabled by default).
- - Added an optional third parameter to ``timespan()`` that constrains the number of time units displayed.
- Added a work-around in ``force_download()`` for a bug Android <= 2.1, where the filename extension needs to be in uppercase.
- ``form_dropdown()`` will now also take an array for unity with other form helpers.
- ``do_hash()`` now uses PHP's native ``hash()`` function (supporting more algorithms) and is deprecated.
@@ -72,7 +76,6 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- ``set_realpath()`` can now also handle file paths as opposed to just directories.
- Added an optional paramater to ``delete_files()`` to enable it to skip deleting files such as .htaccess and index.html.
- ``read_file()`` is now a deprecated alias of ``file_get_contents()``.
- - Added an optional parameter to :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function ``timezone_menu()`` that allows more attributes to be added to the generated select tag.
- :doc:`Security Helper <helpers/security_helper>` function ``strip_image_tags()`` is now an alias for the same method in the :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>`.
- Database
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added support for backup() in :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>`.
- Added 'dsn' configuration setting for drivers that support DSN strings (PDO, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ODBC, CUBRID).
- Improved PDO database support.
- - Added Interbase/Firebird database support via the "interbase" driver.
+ - Added Interbase/Firebird database support via the 'ibase' driver.
- Added an optional database name parameter to db_select().
- Replaced the _error_message() and _error_number() methods with error(), that returns an array containing the last database error code and message.
- Improved version() implementation so that drivers that have a native function to get the version number don't have to be defined in the core DB_driver class.
@@ -126,7 +129,6 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added support for drop_table() in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`.
- Added support for list_databases() in :doc:`Database Utilities <database/utilities>`.
- Generally improved for speed and cleaned up all of its components.
- - *Row* result methods now really only fetch only the needed number of rows, instead of depending entirely on result().
- num_rows() is now only called explicitly by the developer and no longer re-executes statements.
- Improved support of the SQLite driver, including:
- Added support for replace() in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>`.
@@ -134,8 +136,12 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added ODBC support for create_database(), drop_database() and drop_table() in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`.
- Added PDO support for create_database(), drop_database and drop_table() in :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>`.
- Added unbuffered_row() method for getting a row without prefetching whole result (consume less memory).
+ - Added PDO support for ``list_fields()`` in :doc:`Database Results <database/results>`.
+ - Added capability for packages to hold database.php config files
+ - Added subdrivers support (currently only used by PDO).
- Libraries
- CI_Session now respects php.ini's session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor
- Added max_filename_increment config setting for Upload library.
- CI_Loader::_ci_autoloader() is now a protected method.
@@ -163,6 +169,7 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Removed method is_numeric() as it exists as a native PHP function and _execute() will find and use that (the 'is_numeric' rule itself is deprecated since 1.6.1).
- Native PHP functions used as rules can now accept an additional parameter, other than the data itself.
- Updated set_rules() to accept an array of rules as well as a string.
+ - Fields that have empty rules set no longer run through validation (and therefore are not considered erroneous).
- Changed the :doc:`Session Library <libraries/sessions>` to select only one row when using database sessions.
- Added all_flashdata() method to session class. Returns an associative array of only flashdata.
- Allowed for setting table class defaults in a config file.
@@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added support for setting custom attributes.
- Deprecated usage of the "anchor_class" setting (use the new "attributes" setting instead).
- Added $config['reuse_query_string'] to allow automatic repopulation of query string arguments, combined with normal URI segments.
- - Added the ability to use a proxy with the :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc.rst>`.
+ - Added the ability to use a proxy with the :doc:`XML-RPC Library <libraries/xmlrpc>`.
- Core
@@ -196,6 +203,8 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added support for HTTP code 303 ("See Other") in set_status_header().
- Changed :doc:`Config Library <libraries/config>` method site_url() to accept an array as well.
- Added method ``strip_image_tags()`` to the :doc:`Security Library <libraries/security>`.
+ - Changed ``_exception_handler()`` to respect php.ini 'display_errors' setting.
Bug fixes for 3.0
@@ -303,6 +312,8 @@ Bug fixes for 3.0
- Fixed a bug (#427) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` method ``strip_image_tags()`` was an alias to a non-existent method.
- Fixed a bug (#1545) - :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method ``limit()`` wasn't executed properly under Oracle.
- Fixed a bug (#1551) - :doc:`Date Helper <helpers/date_helper>` function ``standard_date()`` didn't properly format *W3C* and *ATOM* standard dates.
+- Fixed a bug in :doc:`Query Builder <database/query_builder>` method join() where literal values were escaped as if they were fields.
+- Fixed a bug (#135) - PHP Error logging was impossible without the errors being displayed.
Version 2.1.2