path: root/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
index daf796504..a3d29056e 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/changelog.rst
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added JS window name support to the :php:func:`anchor_popup()` function.
- Added support (auto-detection) for HTTP/1.1 response code 303 in :php:func:`redirect()`.
- Changed :php:func:`redirect()` to only choose the **refresh** method only on IIS servers, instead of all servers on Windows (when **auto** is used).
- - Changed :php:func:`anchor()`, :php:func:`anchor_popup()`, and :php:func:`redirect()` to support protocol-relative URLs, such as `redirect('//')`.
+ - Changed :php:func:`anchor()`, :php:func:`anchor_popup()`, and :php:func:`redirect()` to support protocol-relative URLs (e.g. *//*).
- Added XHTML Basic 1.1 doctype to :doc:`HTML Helper <helpers/html_helper>`.
- :doc:`Inflector Helper <helpers/inflector_helper>` changes include:
- Changed :php:func:`humanize()` to allow passing an input separator as its second parameter.
@@ -225,13 +225,15 @@ Release Date: Not Released
- Added method ``set_data()`` to set an alternative data array to be validated instead of the default ``$_POST``.
- Added method ``reset_validation()`` which resets internal validation variables in case of multiple validation routines.
- Added support for setting error delimiters in the config file via ``$config['error_prefix']`` and ``$config['error_suffix']``.
- - ``_execute()`` now considers input data to be invalid if a specified rule is not found.
+ - Internal method ``_execute()`` now considers input data to be invalid if a specified rule is not found.
- Removed method ``is_numeric()`` as it exists as a native PHP function and ``_execute()`` will find and use that (the **is_numeric** rule itself is deprecated since 1.6.1).
- Native PHP functions used as rules can now accept an additional parameter, other than the data itself.
- - Updated ``set_rules()`` to accept an array of rules as well as a string.
+ - Updated method ``set_rules()`` to accept an array of rules as well as a string.
- Fields that have empty rules set no longer run through validation (and therefore are not considered erroneous).
- Added rule **differs* to check if the value of a field differs from the value of another field.
- Added rule **valid_url**.
+ - Added support for named parameters in error messages.
+ - :doc:`Language <libraries/language>` line keys must now be prefixed with **form_validation_**.
- Added support for setting :doc:`Table <libraries/table>` class defaults in a config file.
- :doc:`Caching Library <libraries/caching>` changes include:
- Added Wincache driver.
@@ -325,9 +327,9 @@ Bug fixes for 3.0
- Fixed a bug (#181) where a mis-spelling was in the form validation language file.
- Fixed a bug (#159, #163) that mishandled Query Builder nested transactions because _trans_depth was not getting incremented.
- Fixed a bug (#737, #75) - :doc:`Pagination <libraries/pagination>` anchor class was not set properly when using initialize method.
-- Fixed a bug (#419) - auto_link() now recognizes URLs that come after a word boundary.
-- Fixed a bug (#724) - is_unique in form validation now checks that you are connected to a database.
-- Fixed a bug (#647) - _get_mod_time() in Zip library no longer generates stat failed errors.
+- Fixed a bug (#419) - ``auto_link()`` now recognizes URLs that come after a word boundary.
+- Fixed a bug (#724) - :doc:`Form Validation Library <libraries/form_validation>` rule **is_unique** didn't check if a database connection exists.
+- Fixed a bug (#647) - :doc:`Zip Library <libraries/zip>` internal method ``_get_mod_time()`` didn't suppress possible "stat failed" errors generated by ``filemtime()``.
- Fixed a bug (#608) - Fixes an issue with the Image_lib class not clearing properties completely.
- Fixed a bug (#157, #174) - the Image_lib clear() function now resets all variables to their default values.
- Fixed a bug where using $this->dbforge->create_table() with PostgreSQL database could lead to fetching whole table.