path: root/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_300.rst
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diff --git a/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_300.rst b/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_300.rst
index f304a716f..ff601867e 100644
--- a/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_300.rst
+++ b/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_300.rst
@@ -31,36 +31,161 @@ Step 3: Remove $autoload['core'] from your config/autoload.php
Use of the ``$autoload['core']`` config array has been deprecated as of CodeIgniter 1.4.1 and is now removed.
Move any entries that you might have listed there to ``$autoload['libraries']`` instead.
+Step 4: Move your Log class overrides or extensions
+The Log Class is considered as a "core" class and is now located in the
+**system/core/** directory. Therefore, in order for your Log class overrides
+or extensions to work, you need to move them to **application/core/**::
+ application/libraries/Log.php -> application/core/Log.php
+ application/libraries/MY_Log.php -> application/core/MY_log.php
+Step 5: Convert your Session usage from library to driver
+When you load (or autoload) the Session library, you must now load it as a driver instead of a library. This means
+calling ``$this->load->driver('session')`` instead of ``$this->load->library('session')`` and/or listing 'session'
+in ``$autoload['drivers']`` instead of ``$autoload['libraries']``.
+With the change from a single Session Library to the new Session Driver, two new config items have been added:
+ - ``$config['sess_driver']`` selects which driver to initially load. Options are:
+ - 'cookie' (the default) for classic CodeIgniter cookie-based sessions
+ - 'native' for native PHP Session support
+ - the name of a custom driver you have provided (see :doc:`Session Driver <../libraries/sessions>` for more info)
+ - ``$config['sess_valid_drivers']`` provides an array of additional custom drivers to make available for loading
+As the new Session Driver library loads the classic Cookie driver by default and always makes 'cookie' and 'native'
+available as valid drivers, neither of these configuration items are required. However, it is recommended that you
+add them for clarity and ease of configuration in the future.
+If you have written a Session extension, you must move it into a 'Session' sub-directory of 'libraries', following the
+standard for Drivers. Also beware that some functions which are not part of the external Session API have moved into
+the drivers, so your extension may have to be broken down into separate library and driver class extensions.
-Step 4: Update your config/database.php
+Step 6: Update your config/database.php
Due to 3.0.0's renaming of Active Record to Query Builder, inside your `config/database.php`, you will
-need to rename the `$active_record` variable to `$query_builder`.
+need to rename the `$active_record` variable to `$query_builder`
- $active_group = 'default';
- // $active_record = TRUE;
- $query_builder = TRUE;
+ $active_group = 'default';
+ // $active_record = TRUE;
+ $query_builder = TRUE;
-Step 5: Move your errors folder
+Step 7: Move your errors folder
In version 3.0.0, the errors folder has been moved from _application/errors* to _application/views/errors*.
+Step 8: Update your config/routes.php containing (:any)
+Historically, CodeIgniter has always provided the **:any** wildcard in routing,
+with the intention of providing a way to match any character **within** an URI segment.
+However, the **:any** wildcard is actually just an alias for a regular expression
+and used to be executed in that manner as **.+**. This is considered a bug, as it
+also matches the / (forward slash) character, which is the URI segment delimiter
+and that was never the intention. In CodeIgniter 3, the **:any** wildcard will now
+represent **[^/]+**, so that it will not match a forward slash.
+There are certainly many developers that have utilized this bug as an actual feature.
+If you're one of them and want to match a forward slash, please use the **.+**
+regular expression::
+ (.+) // matches ANYTHING
+ (:any) // matches any character, except for '/'
-Step 6: Check the calls to Array Helper's element() and elements() functions
+Step 9: Check the calls to Array Helper's element() and elements() functions
The default return value of these functions, when the required elements
don't exist, has been changed from FALSE to NULL.
-Step 7: Remove usage of (previously) deprecated functionalities
+Step 10: Update usage of Database Forge's drop_table() method
+Up until now, ``drop_table()`` added an IF EXISTS clause by default or it didn't work
+at all with some drivers. In CodeIgniter 3.0, the IF EXISTS condition is no longer added
+by default and has an optional second parameter that allows that instead and is set to
+FALSE by default.
+If your application relies on IF EXISTS, you'll have to change its usage.
+ // Now produces just DROP TABLE `table_name`
+ $this->dbforge->drop_table('table_name');
+ // Produces DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `table_name`
+ $this->dbforge->drop_table('table_name', TRUE);
+.. note:: The given example users MySQL-specific syntax, but it should work across
+ all drivers with the exception of ODBC.
+Step 11: Change usage of Email library with multiple emails
+The :doc:`Email Library <../libraries/email>` will automatically clear the
+set parameters after successfully sending emails. To override this behaviour,
+pass FALSE as the first parameter in the ``send()`` method:
+ if ($this->email->send(FALSE))
+ {
+ // Parameters won't be cleared
+ }
+Step 12: Update your Form_validation language lines
+Two improvements have been made to the :doc:`Form Validation Library
+<../libraries/form_validation>`'s :doc:`language <../libraries/language>`
+files and error messages format:
+ - :doc:`Language Library <../libraries/language>` line keys now must be
+ prefixed with **form_validation_** in order to avoid collisions::
+ // Old
+ $lang['rule'] = ...
+ // New
+ $lang['form_validation_rule'] = ...
+ - The error messages format has been changed to use named parameters, to
+ allow more flexibility than what `sprintf()` offers::
+ // Old
+ 'The %s field does not match the %s field.'
+ // New
+ 'The {field} field does not match the {param} field.'
-In addition to the ``$autoload['core']`` configuration setting, there's a number of other functionalities
-that have been removed in CodeIgniter 3.0.0:
+.. note:: The old formatting still works, but the non-prefixed line keys
+ are DEPRECATED and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+ Therefore you're encouraged to update its usage sooner rather than
+ later.
+Step 13: Remove usage of (previously) deprecated functionalities
+In addition to the ``$autoload['core']`` configuration setting, there's a
+number of other functionalities that have been removed in CodeIgniter 3.0.0:
The SHA1 library
@@ -102,6 +227,40 @@ CodeIgniter 3.1+.
.. note:: This function is still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove it's usage sooner
rather than later.
+String helper repeater()
+:doc:`String Helper <../helpers/string_helper>` function :php:func:`repeater()` is now just an alias for
+PHP's native ``str_repeat()`` function. It is deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+.. note:: This function is still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove it's usage sooner
+ rather than later.
+String helper trim_slashes()
+:doc:`String Helper <../helpers/string_helper>` function :php:func:`trim_slashes()` is now just an alias
+for PHP's native ``trim()`` function (with a slash passed as its second argument). It is deprecated and
+scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+.. note:: This function is still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove it's usage sooner
+ rather than later.
+Email helper functions
+:doc:`Email Helper <../helpers/email_helper>` only has two functions
+ - :php:func:`valid_email()`
+ - :php:func:`send_email()`
+Both of them are now aliases for PHP's native ``filter_var()`` and ``mail()`` functions, respectively.
+Therefore the :doc:`Email Helper <../helpers/email_helper>` altogether is being deprecated and
+is scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+.. note:: These functions are still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove their usage
+ sooner rather than later.
Date helper standard_date()
@@ -138,4 +297,59 @@ As a result of that, the 'anchor_class' setting is now deprecated and scheduled
CodeIgniter 3.1+.
.. note:: This setting is still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove its' usage sooner
- rather than later. \ No newline at end of file
+ rather than later.
+String helper random_string() types 'unique' and 'encrypt'
+When using the :doc:`String Helper <helpers/string_helper>` function :php:func:`random_string()`,
+you should no longer pass the **unique** and **encrypt** randomization types. They are only
+aliases for **md5** and **sha1** respectively and are now deprecated and scheduled for removal
+in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+.. note:: These options are still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove their usage
+ sooner rather than later.
+URL helper url_title() separators 'dash' and 'underscore'
+When using the :doc:`URL Helper <helpers/url_helper>` function :php:func:`url_title()`, you
+should no longer pass **dash** or **underscore** as the word separator. This function will
+now accept any character and you should just pass the chosen character directly, so you
+should write '-' instead of 'dash' and '_' instead of 'underscore'.
+**dash** and **underscore** now act as aliases and are deprecated and scheduled for removal
+in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+.. note:: These options are still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove their usage
+ sooner rather than later.
+Database Forge method add_column() with an AFTER clause
+If you have used the **third parameter** for :doc:`Database Forge <database/forge>` method
+``add_column()`` to add a field for an AFTER clause, then you should change its usage.
+That third parameter has been deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.1+.
+You should now put AFTER clause field names in the field definition array instead::
+ // Old usage:
+ $field = array(
+ 'new_field' => array('type' => 'TEXT')
+ );
+ $this->dbforge->add_column('table_name', $field, 'another_field');
+ // New usage:
+ $field = array(
+ 'new_field' => array('type' => 'TEXT', 'after' => 'another_field')
+ );
+ $this->dbforge->add_column('table_name', $field);
+.. note:: The parameter is still available, but you're strongly encouraged to remove its usage
+ sooner rather than later.
+.. note:: This is for MySQL and CUBRID databases only! Other drivers don't support this
+ clause and will silently ignore it. \ No newline at end of file