path: root/user_guide_src/source/installation/upgrade_320.rst
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-Upgrading from 3.1.x to 3.2.x
-Before performing an update you should take your site offline by
-replacing the index.php file with a static one.
-Step 1: Update your CodeIgniter files
-Replace all files and directories in your *system/* directory.
-.. note:: If you have any custom developed files in these directories,
- please make copies of them first.
-Step 2: Check your PHP version
-We recommend always running versions that are `currently supported
-<>`_, which right now is at least PHP 5.6.
-PHP 5.3.x versions are now officially not supported by CodeIgniter, and while 5.4.8+
-may be at least runnable, we strongly discourage you from using any PHP versions below
-the ones listed on the ` Supported Versions <>`_
-Step 3: Remove calls to ``CI_Model::__construct()``
-The class constructor for ``CI_Model`` never contained vital code or useful
-logic, only a single line to log a message. A change in CodeIgniter 3.1.7
-moved this log message elsewhere and that naturally made the constructor
-completely unnecessary. However, it was left in place to avoid immedate BC
-breaks in a minor release.
-In version 3.2.0, that constructor is entirely removed, which would result
-in fatal errors on attempts to call it. Particularly in code like this:
- class Some_model extends CI_Model {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct(); // calls CI_Model::__construct()
- do_some_other_thing();
- }
- }
-All you need to do is remove that ``parent::__construct()`` call. On a side
-note, the following seems to be a very common practice:
- class Some_class extends CI_Something {
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- }
- }
-Please, do NOT do this! It's pointless; it serves no purpose and doesn't do
-anything. If a parent class has a ``__construct()`` method, it will be
-inherited by all its child classes and will execute just fine - you DON'T
-have to explicitly call it unless you want to extend its logic.
-Step 4: Change database connection handling
-"Loading" a database, whether by using the *config/autoload.php* settings
-or manually via calling ``$this->load->database()`` or the less-known
-``DB()`` function, will now throw a ``RuntimeException`` in case of a
-In addition, being unable to set the configured character set is now also
-considered a connection failure.
-.. note:: This has been the case for most database drivers in the in the
- past as well (i.e. all but the 'mysql', 'mysqli' and 'postgre'
- drivers).
-What this means is that if you're unable to connect to a database, or
-have an erroneous character set configured, CodeIgniter will no longer
-fail silently, but will throw an exception instead.
-You may choose to explicitly catch it (and for that purpose you can't use
-*config/autoload.php* to load the :doc:`Database Class <../database/index>`)
- try
- {
- $this->load->database();
- }
- catch (RuntimeException $e)
- {
- // Handle the failure
- }
-Or you may leave it to CodeIgniter's default exception handler, which would
-log the error message and display an error screen if you're running in
-development mode.
-Remove db_set_charset() calls
-With the above-mentioned changes, the purpose of the ``db_set_charset()``
-method would now only be to change the connection character set at runtime.
-That doesn't make sense and that's the reason why most database drivers
-don't support it at all.
-Thus, ``db_set_charset()`` is no longer necessary and is removed.
-Step 5: Check logic related to URI parsing of CLI requests
-When running a CodeIgniter application from the CLI, the
-:doc:`URI Library <../libraries/uri>` will now ignore the
-``$config['url_suffix']`` and ``$config['permitted_uri_chars']``
-configuration settings.
-These two options don't make sense under the command line (which is why
-this change was made) and therefore you shouldn't be affected by this, but
-if you've relied on them for some reason, you'd probably have to make some
-changes to your code.
-Step 6: Check Cache Library configurations for Redis, Memcache(d)
-The new improvements for the 'redis' and 'memcached' drivers of the
-:doc:`Cache Library <../libraries/caching>` may require some small
-adjustments to your configuration values ...
-If you're using the 'redis' driver with a UNIX socket connection, you'll
-have to move the socket path from ``$config['socket']`` to
-``$config['host']`` instead.
-The ``$config['socket_type']`` option is also removed, although that won't
-affect your application - it will be ignored and the connection type will
-be determined by the format used for ``$config['host']`` instead.
-The 'memcached' will now ignore configurations that don't specify a ``host``
-value (previously, it just set the host to the default '').
-Therefore, if you've added a configuration that only sets e.g. a ``port``,
-you will now have to explicitly set the ``host`` to '' as well.
-Step 7: Check usage of the Email library
-The :doc:`Email Library <../libraries/email>` will now by default check the
-validity of all e-mail addresses passed to it. This check used to be Off by
-default, and required explicitly setting the **validate** option to ``TRUE``
-in order to enable it.
-Naturally, a validity check should not result in any problems, but this is
-technically a backwards-compatibility break and you should check that
-everything works fine.
-If something indeed goes wrong with that, please report it as a bug to us,
-and you can disable the **validate** option to revert to the old behavior.
-Step 8: Check usage of doctype() HTML helper
-The :doc:`HTML Helper <../helpers/html_helper>` function
-:php:func:`doctype()` used to default to 'xhtml1-strict' (XHTML 1.0 Strict)
-when no document type was specified. That default value is now changed to
-'html5', which obviously stands for the modern HTML 5 standard.
-Nothing should be really broken by this change, but if your application
-relies on the default value, you should double-check it and either
-explicitly set the desired format, or adapt your front-end to use proper
-HTML 5 formatting.
-Step 9: Check usage of form_upload() Form helper
-The :doc:`Form Helper <../helpers/form_helper>` function
-:php:func:`form_upload()` used to have 3 parameters, the second of which
-(``$value``) was never used, as it doesn't make sense for an HTML ``input``
-tag of the "file" type.
-That dead parameter is now removed, and so if you've used the third one
-(``$extra``), having code like this::
- form_upload('name', 'irrelevant value', $extra);
-You should change it to::
- form_upload('name', $extra);
-Step 10: Remove usage of previously deprecated functionalities
-The following is a list of functionalities deprecated in previous
-CodeIgniter versions that have been removed in 3.2.0:
-- ``$config['allow_get_array']`` (use ``$_GET = array();`` instead)
-- ``$config['standardize_newlines']``
-- ``$config['rewrite_short_tags']`` (no impact; irrelevant on PHP 5.4+)
-- 'sqlite' database driver (no longer shipped with PHP 5.4+; 'sqlite3' is still available)
-- ``CI_Input::is_cli_request()`` (use :php:func:`is_cli()` instead)
-- ``CI_Router::fetch_directory()`` (use ``CI_Router::$directory`` instead)
-- ``CI_Router::fetch_class()`` (use ``CI_Router::$class`` instead)
-- ``CI_Router::fetch_method()`` (use ``CI_Router::$method`` instead)
-- ``CI_Config::system_url()`` (encourages insecure practices)
-- ``CI_Form_validation::prep_for_form()`` (the *prep_for_form* rule)
-- ``standard_date()`` :doc:`Date Helper <../helpers/date_helper>` function (use ``date()`` instead)
-- ``nice_date()`` :doc:`Date Helper <../helpers/date_helper>` function (use ``DateTime::format()`` instead)
-- ``do_hash()`` :doc:`Security Helper <../helpers/security_helper>` function (use ``hash()`` instead)
-- ``br()`` :doc:`HTML Helper <../helpers/html_helper>` function (use ``str_repeat()`` with ``'<br />'`` instead)
-- ``nbs()`` :doc:`HTML Helper <../helpers/html_helper>` function (use ``str_repeat()`` with ``'&nbsp;'`` instead)
-- ``trim_slashes()`` :doc:`String Helper <../helpers/string_helper>` function (use ``trim()`` with ``'/'`` instead)
-- ``repeater()`` :doc:`String Helper <../helpers/string_helper>` function (use ``str_repeat()`` instead)
-- ``read_file()`` :doc:`File Helper <../helpers/file_helper>` function (use ``file_get_contents()`` instead)
-- ``form_prep()`` :doc:`Form Helper <../helpers/form_helper>` function (use :php:func:`html_escape()` instead)
-- The entire *Encrypt Library* (the newer :doc:`Encryption Library <../libraries/encryption>` is still available)
-- The entire *Cart Library* (an archived version is available on GitHub: `bcit-ci/ci3-cart-library <>`_)
-- The entire *Javascript Library* (it was always experimental in the first place)
-- The entire *Email Helper*, which only had two functions:
- - ``valid_email()`` (use ``filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)`` instead)
- - ``send_email()`` (use ``mail()`` instead)
-- The entire *Smiley Helper* (an archived version is available on GitHub: `bcit-ci/ci3-smiley-helper <>`_)
-- The ``$_after`` parameter from :doc:`Database Forge <../database/forge>` method ``add_column()``.
-- The ``anchor_class`` option from :doc:`Pagination Library <../libraries/pagination>` (use ``class`` instead).
-- The ``unique`` and ``encrypt`` options from :doc:`String Helper <../helpers/string_helper>` function ``random_string()``.
-- The ``underscore`` and ``dash`` options from :doc:`URL Helper <../helpers/url_helper>`` function :php:func:`url_title()`.
-- The ``$img_path``, ``$img_url`` and ``$font_path`` parameters from
- :doc:`CAPCHA Helper <../helpers/captcha_helper>` function :php:func:`create_captcha()` (pass as array options instead).
-Step 11: Make sure you're validating all user inputs
-The :doc:`Input Library <../libraries/input>` used to (often
-unconditionally) filter and/or sanitize user input in the ``$_GET``,
-``$_POST`` and ``$_COOKIE`` superglobals.
-This was a legacy feature from older times, when things like
-`register_globals <>`_ and
-`magic_quotes_gpc <>`_ existed in
-It was a necessity back then, but this is no longer the case and reliance
-on global filters is a bad practice, giving you a false sense of security.
-This functionality is now removed, and so if you've relied on it for
-whatever reasons, you should double-check that you are properly validating
-all user inputs in your application (as you always should do).
-Step 12: Clear your output cache (optional)
-Internal changes to the :doc:`Output Class <../libraries/output>` make it
-so that if you're using the :doc:`Web Page Caching <../general/caching>`
-feature, you'll be left with some old, garbage cache files.
-That shouldn't be a problem, but you may want to clear them.
-Step 13: Remove usage of OCI8 get_cursor() and stored_procedure() methods
-The OCI8 :doc:`Database <database/index>` driver no longer has these two
-methods that were specific to it and not present in other database drivers.
-The ``$curs_id`` property is also removed.
-If you were using those, you can create your own cursors via ``oci_new_cursor()``
-and the publicly accessible ``$conn_id``.
-Stop 14: Replace $config['log_file_extension'] with $config['log_filename'] in application/config/config.php
-You can now specify the full log filename via ``$config['log_filename']``.
-Add this configuration option to your **application/config/config.php**,
-if you haven't copied the new one over.
-The previously existing ``$config['log_file_extension']`` option has been
-removed and no longer works. However, its functionality is essentially
-integrated into the new ``$config['log_filename']``, since it includes the
-filename extension in itself.