path: root/user_guide_src/source/libraries/input.rst
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-Input Class
-The Input Class provides some helper methods for accessing input data
-and pre-processing it.
-.. note:: This class is initialized automatically by the system so there
- is no need to do it manually.
-.. contents::
- :local:
-.. raw:: html
- <div class="custom-index container"></div>
-Accessing input data
-CodeIgniter comes with helper methods that let you fetch POST, GET,
-COOKIE or SERVER items. The main advantage of using the provided
-methods rather than fetching an item directly (``$_POST['something']``)
-is that the methods will check to see if the item is set and return
-NULL if not. This lets you conveniently use data without
-having to test whether an item exists first. In other words, normally
-you might do something like this::
- $something = isset($_POST['something']) ? $_POST['something'] : NULL;
-With CodeIgniter's built in methods you can simply do this::
- $something = $this->input->post('something');
-The main methods are:
-- ``$this->input->post()``
-- ``$this->input->get()``
-- ``$this->input->cookie()``
-- ``$this->input->server()``
-Using the php://input stream
-If you want to utilize the PUT, DELETE, PATCH or other exotic request
-methods, they can only be accessed via a special input stream, that
-can only be read once. This isn't as easy as just reading from e.g.
-the ``$_POST`` array, because it will always exist and you can try
-and access multiple variables without caring that you might only have
-one shot at all of the POST data.
-CodeIgniter will take care of that for you, and you can read the data
-from the **php://input** stream at any time, just by using the
-``$raw_input_stream`` property::
- $this->input->raw_input_stream;
-Additionally if the input stream is form-encoded like $_POST you can
-access its values by calling the
-``input_stream()`` method::
- $this->input->input_stream('key');
-Similar to other methods such as ``get()`` and ``post()``, if the
-requested data is not found, it will return NULL and you can also
-decide whether to run the data through ``xss_clean()`` by passing
-a boolean value as the second parameter::
- $this->input->input_stream('key', TRUE); // XSS Clean
- $this->input->input_stream('key', FALSE); // No XSS filter
-.. note:: You can utilize ``method()`` in order to know if you're reading
- PUT, DELETE or PATCH data.
-Class Reference
-.. php:class:: CI_Input
- .. attribute:: $raw_input_stream
- Read only property that will return php://input data as is.
- The property can be read multiple times.
- .. php:method:: post([$index = NULL[, $xss_clean = FALSE]])
- :param mixed $index: POST parameter name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: $_POST if no parameters supplied, otherwise the POST value if found or NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- The first parameter will contain the name of the POST item you are
- looking for::
- $this->input->post('some_data');
- The method returns NULL if the item you are attempting to retrieve
- does not exist.
- The second optional parameter lets you run the data through the XSS
- filter. It's enabled by setting the second parameter to boolean TRUE
- ::
- $this->input->post('some_data', TRUE);
- To return an array of all POST items call without any parameters.
- To return all POST items and pass them through the XSS filter set the
- first parameter NULL while setting the second parameter to boolean TRUE.
- ::
- $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE); // returns all POST items with XSS filter
- $this->input->post(NULL, FALSE); // returns all POST items without XSS filter
- To return an array of multiple POST parameters, pass all the required keys
- as an array.
- ::
- $this->input->post(array('field1', 'field2'));
- Same rule applied here, to retrieve the parameters with XSS filtering enabled, set the
- second parameter to boolean TRUE.
- ::
- $this->input->post(array('field1', 'field2'), TRUE);
- .. php:method:: get([$index = NULL[, $xss_clean = FALSE]])
- :param mixed $index: GET parameter name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: $_GET if no parameters supplied, otherwise the GET value if found or NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method is identical to ``post()``, only it fetches GET data.
- ::
- $this->input->get('some_data', TRUE);
- To return an array of all GET items call without any parameters.
- To return all GET items and pass them through the XSS filter set the
- first parameter NULL while setting the second parameter to boolean TRUE.
- ::
- $this->input->get(NULL, TRUE); // returns all GET items with XSS filter
- $this->input->get(NULL, FALSE); // returns all GET items without XSS filtering
- To return an array of multiple GET parameters, pass all the required keys
- as an array.
- ::
- $this->input->get(array('field1', 'field2'));
- Same rule applied here, to retrieve the parameters with XSS filtering enabled, set the
- second parameter to boolean TRUE.
- ::
- $this->input->get(array('field1', 'field2'), TRUE);
- .. php:method:: post_get($index[, $xss_clean = FALSE])
- :param string $index: POST/GET parameter name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: POST/GET value if found, NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method works pretty much the same way as ``post()`` and ``get()``,
- only combined. It will search through both POST and GET streams for data,
- looking in POST first, and then in GET::
- $this->input->post_get('some_data', TRUE);
- .. php:method:: get_post($index[, $xss_clean = FALSE])
- :param string $index: GET/POST parameter name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: GET/POST value if found, NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method works the same way as ``post_get()`` only it looks for GET
- data first.
- $this->input->get_post('some_data', TRUE);
- .. note:: This method used to act EXACTLY like ``post_get()``, but it's
- behavior has changed in CodeIgniter 3.0.
- .. php:method:: cookie([$index = NULL[, $xss_clean = FALSE]])
- :param mixed $index: COOKIE name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: $_COOKIE if no parameters supplied, otherwise the COOKIE value if found or NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method is identical to ``post()`` and ``get()``, only it fetches cookie
- data::
- $this->input->cookie('some_cookie');
- $this->input->cookie('some_cookie', TRUE); // with XSS filter
- To return an array of multiple cookie values, pass all the required keys
- as an array.
- ::
- $this->input->cookie(array('some_cookie', 'some_cookie2'));
- .. note:: Unlike the :doc:`Cookie Helper <../helpers/cookie_helper>`
- function :php:func:`get_cookie()`, this method does NOT prepend
- your configured ``$config['cookie_prefix']`` value.
- .. php:method:: server($index[, $xss_clean = FALSE])
- :param mixed $index: Value name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: $_SERVER item value if found, NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method is identical to the ``post()``, ``get()`` and ``cookie()``
- methods, only it fetches server data (``$_SERVER``)::
- $this->input->server('some_data');
- To return an array of multiple ``$_SERVER`` values, pass all the required keys
- as an array.
- ::
- $this->input->server(array('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'REQUEST_URI'));
- .. php:method:: input_stream([$index = NULL[, $xss_clean = FALSE]])
- :param mixed $index: Key name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: Input stream array if no parameters supplied, otherwise the specified value if found or NULL if not
- :rtype: mixed
- This method is identical to ``get()``, ``post()`` and ``cookie()``,
- only it fetches the *php://input* stream data.
- .. php:method:: set_cookie($name = ''[, $value = ''[, $expire = 0[, $domain = ''[, $path = '/'[, $prefix = ''[, $secure = NULL[, $httponly = NULL[, $samesite = NULL]]]]]]]])
- :param mixed $name: Cookie name or an array of parameters
- :param string $value: Cookie value
- :param int $expire: Cookie expiration time in seconds
- :param string $domain: Cookie domain
- :param string $path: Cookie path
- :param string $prefix: Cookie name prefix
- :param bool $secure: Whether to only transfer the cookie through HTTPS
- :param bool $httponly: Whether to only make the cookie accessible for HTTP requests (no JavaScript)
- :param string $samesite: SameSite attribute ('Lax', 'Strict', 'None')
- :rtype: void
- Sets a cookie containing the values you specify. There are two ways to
- pass information to this method so that a cookie can be set: Array
- Method, and Discrete Parameters:
- **Array Method**
- Using this method, an associative array is passed to the first
- parameter::
- $cookie = array(
- 'name' => 'The Cookie Name',
- 'value' => 'The Value',
- 'expire' => 86500,
- 'domain' => '',
- 'path' => '/',
- 'prefix' => 'myprefix_',
- 'secure' => TRUE,
- 'samesite' => 'Strict'
- );
- $this->input->set_cookie($cookie);
- **Notes**
- Only the name and value are required. To delete a cookie set the expiry
- time to a negative, or non-numeric value.
- The expiration is set in **seconds**, which will be added to the current
- time. Do not include the time, but rather only the number of seconds
- from *now* that you wish the cookie to be valid. If the expiration is
- set to zero the cookie will only last as long as the browser is open.
- For site-wide cookies regardless of how your site is requested, add your
- URL to the **domain** starting with a period, like this:
- The path is usually not needed since the method sets a root path.
- The prefix is only needed if you need to avoid name collisions with
- other identically named cookies for your server.
- The *httponly* and *secure* flags, when omitted, will default to your
- ``$config['cookie_httponly']`` and ``$config['cookie_secure']`` settings.
- The *samesite* parameter can be ``'Lax'``, ``'Strict'`` or ``'None'``. If not set, the same-site cookie attribute will default to ``'Lax'``.
- **Discrete Parameters**
- If you prefer, you can set the cookie by passing data using individual
- parameters::
- $this->input->set_cookie($name, $value, $expire, $domain, $path, $prefix, $secure, $samesite);
- .. php:method:: ip_address()
- :returns: Visitor's IP address or '' if not valid
- :rtype: string
- Returns the IP address for the current user. If the IP address is not
- valid, the method will return ''::
- echo $this->input->ip_address();
- .. important:: This method takes into account the ``$config['proxy_ips']``
- setting and will return the reported HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR,
- address for the allowed IP addresses.
- .. php:method:: valid_ip($ip[, $which = ''])
- :param string $ip: IP address
- :param string $which: IP protocol ('ipv4' or 'ipv6')
- :returns: TRUE if the address is valid, FALSE if not
- :rtype: bool
- Takes an IP address as input and returns TRUE or FALSE (boolean) depending
- on whether it is valid or not.
- .. note:: The $this->input->ip_address() method above automatically
- validates the IP address.
- ::
- if ( ! $this->input->valid_ip($ip))
- {
- echo 'Not Valid';
- }
- else
- {
- echo 'Valid';
- }
- Accepts an optional second string parameter of 'ipv4' or 'ipv6' to specify
- an IP format. The default checks for both formats.
- .. php:method:: user_agent([$xss_clean = FALSE])
- :returns: User agent string or NULL if not set
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :rtype: mixed
- Returns the user agent string (web browser) being used by the current user,
- or NULL if it's not available.
- ::
- echo $this->input->user_agent();
- See the :doc:`User Agent Class <user_agent>` for methods which extract
- information from the user agent string.
- .. php:method:: request_headers([$xss_clean = FALSE])
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: An array of HTTP request headers
- :rtype: array
- Returns an array of HTTP request headers.
- Useful if running in a non-Apache environment where
- `apache_request_headers() <>`_
- will not be supported.
- ::
- $headers = $this->input->request_headers();
- .. php:method:: get_request_header($index[, $xss_clean = FALSE])
- :param string $index: HTTP request header name
- :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering
- :returns: An HTTP request header or NULL if not found
- :rtype: string
- Returns a single member of the request headers array or NULL
- if the searched header is not found.
- ::
- $this->input->get_request_header('some-header', TRUE);
- .. php:method:: is_ajax_request()
- :returns: TRUE if it is an Ajax request, FALSE if not
- :rtype: bool
- Checks to see if the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH server header has been
- set, and returns boolean TRUE if it is or FALSE if not.
- .. php:method:: method([$upper = FALSE])
- :param bool $upper: Whether to return the request method name in upper or lower case
- :returns: HTTP request method
- :rtype: string
- Returns the ``$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']``, with the option to set it
- in uppercase or lowercase.
- ::
- echo $this->input->method(TRUE); // Outputs: POST
- echo $this->input->method(FALSE); // Outputs: post
- echo $this->input->method(); // Outputs: post