From 71273d9477b88cca86e6724491c1ea337ee96f05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Florian Pritz Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 21:27:14 +0200 Subject: switch to pygments - faster than geshi - easier to modify the css because there is only one - geshi upstream seems pretty dead Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz --- application/libraries/geshi/d.php | 272 -------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 272 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 application/libraries/geshi/d.php (limited to 'application/libraries/geshi/d.php') diff --git a/application/libraries/geshi/d.php b/application/libraries/geshi/d.php deleted file mode 100644 index 107d07b1a..000000000 --- a/application/libraries/geshi/d.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - 'D', - 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(2 => '///', 1 => '//'), - 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'), - 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array( - // doxygen comments - 3 => '#/\*\*(?![\*\/]).*\*/#sU', - // raw strings - 4 => '#r"[^"]*"#s', - // Script Style interpreter comment - 5 => "/\A#!(?=\\/).*?$/m" - ), - 'CASE_KEYWORDS' => GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGE, - 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"', "'"), - 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '', - 'ESCAPE_REGEXP' => array( - //Simple Single Char Escapes - 1 => "#\\\\[abfnrtv\\'\"?\n\\\\]#i", - //Hexadecimal Char Specs - 2 => "#\\\\x[\da-fA-F]{2}#", - //Hexadecimal Char Specs - 3 => "#\\\\u[\da-fA-F]{4}#", - //Hexadecimal Char Specs - 4 => "#\\\\U[\da-fA-F]{8}#", - //Octal Char Specs - 5 => "#\\\\[0-7]{1,3}#", - //Named entity escapes - /*6 => "#\\\\&(?:quot|amp|lt|gt|OElig|oelig|Scaron|scaron|Yuml|circ|tilde|". - "ensp|emsp|thinsp|zwnj|zwj|lrm|rlm|ndash|mdash|lsquo|rsquo|sbquo|". - "ldquo|rdquo|bdquo|dagger|Dagger|permil|lsaquo|rsaquo|euro|nbsp|". - "iexcl|cent|pound|curren|yen|brvbar|sect|uml|copy|ordf|laquo|not|". - "shy|reg|macr|deg|plusmn|sup2|sup3|acute|micro|para|middot|cedil|". - "sup1|ordm|raquo|frac14|frac12|frac34|iquest|Agrave|Aacute|Acirc|". - "Atilde|Auml|Aring|AElig|Ccedil|Egrave|Eacute|Ecirc|Euml|Igrave|". - "Iacute|Icirc|Iuml|ETH|Ntilde|Ograve|Oacute|Ocirc|Otilde|Ouml|". - "times|Oslash|Ugrave|Uacute|Ucirc|Uuml|Yacute|THORN|szlig|agrave|". - "aacute|acirc|atilde|auml|aring|aelig|ccedil|egrave|eacute|ecirc|". - "euml|igrave|iacute|icirc|iuml|eth|ntilde|ograve|oacute|ocirc|". - "otilde|ouml|divide|oslash|ugrave|uacute|ucirc|uuml|yacute|thorn|". - "yuml|fnof|Alpha|Beta|Gamma|Delta|Epsilon|Zeta|Eta|Theta|Iota|". - "Kappa|Lambda|Mu|Nu|Xi|Omicron|Pi|Rho|Sigma|Tau|Upsilon|Phi|Chi|". - "Psi|Omega|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|". - "kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigmaf|sigma|tau|upsilon|". - "phi|chi|psi|omega|thetasym|upsih|piv|bull|hellip|prime|Prime|". - "oline|frasl|weierp|image|real|trade|alefsym|larr|uarr|rarr|darr|". - "harr|crarr|lArr|uArr|rArr|dArr|hArr|forall|part|exist|empty|". - "nabla|isin|notin|ni|prod|sum|minus|lowast|radic|prop|infin|ang|". - "and|or|cap|cup|int|there4|sim|cong|asymp|ne|equiv|le|ge|sub|sup|". - "nsub|sube|supe|oplus|otimes|perp|sdot|lceil|rceil|lfloor|rfloor|". - "lang|rang|loz|spades|clubs|hearts|diams);#",*/ - // optimized: - 6 => "#\\\\&(?:A(?:Elig|acute|circ|grave|lpha|ring|tilde|uml)|Beta|". - "C(?:cedil|hi)|D(?:agger|elta)|E(?:TH|acute|circ|grave|psilon|ta|uml)|". - "Gamma|I(?:acute|circ|grave|ota|uml)|Kappa|Lambda|Mu|N(?:tilde|u)|". - "O(?:Elig|acute|circ|grave|m(?:ega|icron)|slash|tilde|uml)|". - "P(?:hi|i|rime|si)|Rho|S(?:caron|igma)|T(?:HORN|au|heta)|". - "U(?:acute|circ|grave|psilon|uml)|Xi|Y(?:acute|uml)|Zeta|". - "a(?:acute|c(?:irc|ute)|elig|grave|l(?:efsym|pha)|mp|n[dg]|ring|". - "symp|tilde|uml)|b(?:dquo|eta|rvbar|ull)|c(?:ap|cedil|e(?:dil|nt)|". - "hi|irc|lubs|o(?:ng|py)|rarr|u(?:p|rren))|d(?:Arr|a(?:gger|rr)|". - "e(?:g|lta)|i(?:ams|vide))|e(?:acute|circ|grave|m(?:pty|sp)|nsp|". - "psilon|quiv|t[ah]|u(?:ml|ro)|xist)|f(?:nof|orall|ra(?:c(?:1[24]|34)|sl))|". - "g(?:amma|e|t)|h(?:Arr|arr|e(?:arts|llip))|i(?:acute|circ|excl|grave|mage|". - "n(?:fin|t)|ota|quest|sin|uml)|kappa|l(?:Arr|a(?:mbda|ng|quo|rr)|ceil|". - "dquo|e|floor|o(?:wast|z)|rm|s(?:aquo|quo)|t)|m(?:acr|dash|". - "i(?:cro|ddot|nus)|u)|n(?:abla|bsp|dash|e|i|ot(?:in)?|sub|tilde|u)|". - "o(?:acute|circ|elig|grave|line|m(?:ega|icron)|plus|r(?:d[fm])?|". - "slash|ti(?:lde|mes)|uml)|p(?:ar[at]|er(?:mil|p)|hi|iv?|lusmn|ound|". - "r(?:ime|o[dp])|si)|quot|r(?:Arr|a(?:dic|ng|quo|rr)|ceil|dquo|e(?:al|g)|". - "floor|ho|lm|s(?:aquo|quo))|s(?:bquo|caron|dot|ect|hy|i(?:gmaf?|m)|". - "pades|u(?:be?|m|p[123e]?)|zlig)|t(?:au|h(?:e(?:re4|ta(?:sym)?)|insp|". - "orn)|i(?:lde|mes)|rade)|u(?:Arr|a(?:cute|rr)|circ|grave|ml|". - "psi(?:h|lon)|uml)|weierp|xi|y(?:acute|en|uml)|z(?:eta|w(?:j|nj)));#", - ), - 'HARDQUOTE' => array('`', '`'), - 'HARDESCAPE' => array(), - 'NUMBERS' => - GESHI_NUMBER_INT_BASIC | GESHI_NUMBER_INT_CSTYLE | GESHI_NUMBER_BIN_PREFIX_0B | - GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_PREFIX | GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_PREFIX | GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCI | - GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCI_F | GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_SHORT | GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_ZERO, - 'KEYWORDS' => array( - 1 => array( - 'break', 'case', 'continue', 'do', 'else', - 'for', 'foreach', 'goto', 'if', 'return', - 'switch', 'while' - ), - 2 => array( - 'alias', 'asm', 'assert', 'body', 'cast', - 'catch', 'default', 'delegate', 'delete', - 'extern', 'false', 'finally', 'function', - 'import', 'in', 'inout', 'interface', - 'invariant', 'is', 'mixin', 'module', 'new', - 'null', 'out', 'pragma', 'ref', 'super', 'this', - 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', - 'typeof', 'union', 'with' - ), - 3 => array( - 'ArrayBoundsError', 'AssertError', - 'ClassInfo', 'Error', 'Exception', - 'Interface', 'ModuleInfo', 'Object', - 'OutOfMemoryException', 'SwitchError', - 'TypeInfo', '_d_arrayappend', - '_d_arrayappendb', '_d_arrayappendc', - '_d_arrayappendcb', '_d_arraycast', - '_d_arraycast_frombit', '_d_arraycat', - '_d_arraycatb', '_d_arraycatn', - '_d_arraycopy', '_d_arraycopybit', - '_d_arraysetbit', '_d_arraysetbit2', - '_d_arraysetlength', '_d_arraysetlengthb', - '_d_callfinalizer', - '_d_create_exception_object', - '_d_criticalenter', '_d_criticalexit', - '_d_delarray', '_d_delclass', - '_d_delinterface', '_d_delmemory', - '_d_dynamic_cast', '_d_exception', - '_d_exception_filter', '_d_framehandler', - '_d_interface_cast', '_d_interface_vtbl', - '_d_invariant', '_d_isbaseof', - '_d_isbaseof2', '_d_local_unwind', - '_d_monitorenter', '_d_monitorexit', - '_d_monitorrelease', '_d_monitor_epilog', - '_d_monitor_handler', '_d_monitor_prolog', - '_d_new', '_d_newarrayi', '_d_newbitarray', - '_d_newclass', '_d_obj_cmp', '_d_obj_eq', - '_d_OutOfMemory', '_d_switch_dstring', - '_d_switch_string', '_d_switch_ustring', - '_d_throw', - ), - 4 => array( - 'abstract', 'align', 'auto', 'bit', 'bool', - 'byte', 'cdouble', 'cent', 'cfloat', 'char', - 'class', 'const', 'creal', 'dchar', 'debug', - 'deprecated', 'double', 'enum', 'export', - 'final', 'float', 'idouble', 'ifloat', 'int', - 'ireal', 'long', 'override', 'package', - 'private', 'protected', 'ptrdiff_t', - 'public', 'real', 'short', 'size_t', - 'static', 'struct', 'synchronized', - 'template', 'ubyte', 'ucent', 'uint', - 'ulong', 'unittest', 'ushort', 'version', - 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar' - ) - ), - 'SYMBOLS' => array( - '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '?', '!', ';', ':', ',', '...', '..', - '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '&', '|', '^', '<', '>', '=', '~', - ), - 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array( - GESHI_COMMENTS => false, - 1 => true, - 2 => true, - 3 => true, - 4 => true - ), - 'STYLES' => array( - 'KEYWORDS' => array( - 1 => 'color: #b1b100;', - 2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;', - 3 => 'color: #aaaadd; font-weight: bold;', - 4 => 'color: #993333;' - ), - 'COMMENTS' => array( - 1 => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;', - 2 => 'color: #009933; font-style: italic;', - 3 => 'color: #009933; font-style: italic;', - 4 => 'color: #ff0000;', - 5 => 'color: #0040ff;', - 'MULTI' => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;' - ), - 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array( - 0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;', - 1 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;', - 2 => 'color: #660099; font-weight: bold;', - 3 => 'color: #660099; font-weight: bold;', - 4 => 'color: #660099; font-weight: bold;', - 5 => 'color: #006699; font-weight: bold;', - 6 => 'color: #666699; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;', - 'HARD' => '', - ), - 'BRACKETS' => array( - 0 => 'color: #66cc66;' - ), - 'STRINGS' => array( - 0 => 'color: #ff0000;', - 'HARD' => 'color: #ff0000;' - ), - 'NUMBERS' => array( - 0 => 'color: #0000dd;', - GESHI_NUMBER_BIN_PREFIX_0B => 'color: #208080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_OCT_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_HEX_PREFIX => 'color: #208080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_SHORT => 'color:#800080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_SCI_ZERO => 'color:#800080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCI_F => 'color:#800080;', - GESHI_NUMBER_FLT_NONSCI => 'color:#800080;' - ), - 'METHODS' => array( - 1 => 'color: #006600;', - 2 => 'color: #006600;' - ), - 'SYMBOLS' => array( - 0 => 'color: #66cc66;' - ), - 'SCRIPT' => array( - ), - 'REGEXPS' => array( - ) - ), - 'URLS' => array( - 1 => '', - 2 => '', - 3 => '', - 4 => '' - ), - 'OOLANG' => true, - 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array( - 1 => '.', - ), - 'REGEXPS' => array( - ), - 'STRICT_MODE_APPLIES' => GESHI_NEVER, - 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array( - ), - 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array( - ) -); - -?> \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3-24-g4f1b