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This page describes some “best practices” regarding web security, and +details CodeIgniter’s internal security features.




If you came here looking for a security contact, please refer to +our Contribution Guide <../contributing/index>.


URI Security


CodeIgniter is fairly restrictive regarding which characters it allows +in your URI strings in order to help minimize the possibility that +malicious data can be passed to your application. URIs may only contain +the following:

  • Alpha-numeric text (latin characters only)
  • +
  • Tilde: ~
  • +
  • Percent sign: %
  • +
  • Period: .
  • +
  • Colon: :
  • +
  • Underscore: _
  • +
  • Dash: -
  • +
  • Space
  • +



During system initialization all global variables that are found to exist +in the $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST and $_COOKIE are unset.


The unsetting routine is effectively the same as register_globals = off.




In production environments, it is typically desirable to “disable” PHP’s +error reporting by setting the internal display_errors flag to a value +of 0. This disables native PHP errors from being rendered as output, +which may potentially contain sensitive information.


Setting CodeIgniter’s ENVIRONMENT constant in index.php to a value of +‘production’ will turn off these errors. In development mode, it is +recommended that a value of ‘development’ is used. More information +about differentiating between environments can be found on the +Handling Environments page.




The magic_quotes_runtime directive is turned off during system +initialization so that you don’t have to remove slashes when retrieving +data from your database.


Best Practices


Before accepting any data into your application, whether it be POST data +from a form submission, COOKIE data, URI data, XML-RPC data, or even +data from the SERVER array, you are encouraged to practice this three +step approach:

  1. Validate the data to ensure it conforms to the correct type, length, +size, etc.
  2. +
  3. Filter the data as if it were tainted.
  4. +
  5. Escape the data before submitting it into your database or outputting +it to a browser.
  6. +

CodeIgniter provides the following functions and tips to assist you +in this process:


XSS Filtering


CodeIgniter comes with a Cross Site Scripting filter. This filter +looks for commonly used techniques to embed malicious JavaScript into +your data, or other types of code that attempt to hijack cookies or +do other malicious things. The XSS Filter is described +here.




XSS filtering should only be performed on output. Filtering +input data may modify the data in undesirable ways, including +stripping special characters from passwords, which reduces +security instead of improving it.


CSRF protection


CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, which is the process of an +attacker tricking their victim into unknowingly submitting a request.


CodeIgniter provides CSRF protection out of the box, which will get +automatically triggered for every non-GET HTTP request, but also needs +you to create your submit forms in a certain way. This is explained in +the Security Library documentation.


Password handling


It is critical that you handle passwords in your application properly.


Unfortunately, many developers don’t know how to do that, and the web is +full of outdated or otherwise wrongful advices, which doesn’t help.


We would like to give you a list of combined do’s and don’ts to help you +with that. Please read below.

  • DO NOT store passwords in plain-text format.


    Always hash your passwords.

  • +
  • DO NOT use Base64 or similar encoding for storing passwords.


    This is as good as storing them in plain-text. Really. Do hashing, +not encoding.


    Encoding, and encryption too, are two-way processes. Passwords are +secrets that must only be known to their owner, and thus must work +only in one direction. Hashing does that - there’s no un-hashing or +de-hashing, but there is decoding and decryption.

  • +
  • DO NOT use weak or broken hashing algorithms like MD5 or SHA1.


    These algorithms are old, proven to be flawed, and not designed for +password hashing in the first place.


    Also, DON’T invent your own algorithms.


    Only use strong password hashing algorithms like BCrypt, which is used +in PHP’s own Password Hashing functions.


    Please use them, even if you’re not running PHP 5.5+, CodeIgniter +provides them for you.

  • +
  • DO NOT ever display or send a password in plain-text format!


    Even to the password’s owner, if you need a “Forgotten password” +feature, just randomly generate a new, one-time (this is also important) +password and send that instead.

  • +
  • DO NOT put unnecessary limits on your users’ passwords.


    If you’re using a hashing algorithm other than BCrypt (which has a limit +of 72 characters), you should set a relatively high limit on password +lengths in order to mitigate DoS attacks - say, 1024 characters.


    Other than that however, there’s no point in forcing a rule that a +password can only be up to a number of characters, or that it can’t +contain a certain set of special characters.


    Not only does this reduce security instead of improving it, but +there’s literally no reason to do it. No technical limitations and +no (practical) storage constraints apply once you’ve hashed them, none!

  • +

Validate input data


CodeIgniter has a Form Validation Library that assists you in +validating, filtering, and prepping your data.


Even if that doesn’t work for your use case however, be sure to always +validate and sanitize all input data. For example, if you expect a numeric +string for an input variable, you can check for that with is_numeric() +or ctype_digit(). Always try to narrow down your checks to a certain +pattern.


Have it in mind that this includes not only $_POST and $_GET +variables, but also cookies, the user-agent string and basically +all data that is not created directly by your own code.


Escape all data before database insertion


Never insert information into your database without escaping it. +Please see the section that discusses database queries for more information.


Hide your files


Another good security practice is to only leave your index.php +and “assets” (e.g. .js, css and image files) under your server’s +webroot directory (most commonly named “htdocs/”). These are +the only files that you would need to be accessible from the web.


Allowing your visitors to see anything else would potentially +allow them to access sensitive data, execute scripts, etc.


If you’re not allowed to do that, you can try using a .htaccess +file to restrict access to those resources.


CodeIgniter will have an index.html file in all of its +directories in an attempt to hide some of this data, but have +it in mind that this is not enough to prevent a serious +attacker.

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