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Upgrading from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3




The instructions on this page assume you are running version +1.3.2. If you have not upgraded to that version please do so first.


Before performing an update you should take your site offline by +replacing the index.php file with a static one.


Step 1: Update your CodeIgniter files


Replace the following directories in your “system” folder with the new +versions:




If you have any custom developed files in these folders please +make copies of them first.

  • codeigniter
  • +
  • drivers
  • +
  • helpers
  • +
  • init
  • +
  • libraries
  • +

Step 2: Update your Models


If you are NOT using CodeIgniter’s +Models feature disregard this step.


As of version 1.3.3, CodeIgniter does not connect automatically to +your database when a model is loaded. This allows you greater +flexibility in determining which databases you would like used with your +models. If your application is not connecting to your database prior to +a model being loaded you will have to update your code. There are +several options for connecting, as described +here.


Step 3: Update your user guide


Please also replace your local copy of the user guide with the new +version.

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