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Upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2


Before performing an update you should take your site offline by +replacing the index.php file with a static one.


Step 1: Update your CodeIgniter files


Replace all files and directories in your system/ directory.




If you have any custom developed files in these directories, +please make copies of them first.


Step 2: Update your “ci_sessions” database table


If you’re using the Session Library with the +‘database’ driver, you may have to ALTER your sessions table for your +sessions to continue to work.




The table in question is not necessarily named “ci_sessions”. +It is what you’ve set as your $config['sess_save_path'].


This will only affect you if you’ve changed your session.hash_function +php.ini setting to something like ‘sha512’. Or if you’ve been running +an older CodeIgniter version on PHP 7.1+.


It is recommended that you do this anyway, just to avoid potential issues +in the future if you do change your configuration.


Just execute the one of the following SQL queries, depending on your +database:

// MySQL:
+ALTER TABLE ci_sessions CHANGE id id varchar(128) NOT NULL;
+// PostgreSQL
+ALTER TABLE ci_sessions ALTER COLUMN id SET DATA TYPE varchar(128);
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