+ +

Javascript Class


CodeIgniter provides a library to help you with certain common functions +that you may want to use with Javascript. Please note that CodeIgniter +does not require the jQuery library to run, and that any scripting +library will work equally well. The jQuery library is simply presented +as a convenience if you choose to use it.




This library is DEPRECATED and should not be used. It has always +been with an ‘experimental’ status and is now no longer supported. +Currently only kept for backwards compatibility.

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Using the Javascript Class


Initializing the Class


To initialize the Javascript class manually in your controller +constructor, use the $this->load->library() method. Currently, +the only available library is jQuery, which will automatically be +loaded like this:


The Javascript class also accepts parameters:

  • js_library_driver (string) default: ‘jquery’
  • +
  • autoload (bool) default: TRUE
  • +

You may override the defaults by sending an associative array:

+        'javascript',
+        array(
+                'js_library_driver' => 'scripto',
+                'autoload' => FALSE
+        )

Again, presently only ‘jquery’ is available. You may wish to set +autoload to FALSE, though, if you do not want the jQuery library to +automatically include a script tag for the main jQuery script file. This +is useful if you are loading it from a location outside of CodeIgniter, +or already have the script tag in your markup.


Once loaded, the jQuery library object will be available using:


Setup and Configuration


Set these variables in your view


As a Javascript library, your files must be available to your +application.


As Javascript is a client side language, the library must be able to +write content into your final output. This generally means a view. +You’ll need to include the following variables in the <head> +sections of your output.

<?php echo $library_src;?>
+<?php echo $script_head;?>

$library_src, is where the actual library file will be loaded, as +well as any subsequent plugin script calls; $script_head is where +specific events, functions and other commands will be rendered.


Set the path to the librarys with config items


There are some configuration items in Javascript library. These can +either be set in application/config.php, within its own +config/javascript.php file, or within any controller usings the +set_item() function.


An image to be used as an “ajax loader”, or progress indicator. Without +one, the simple text message of “loading” will appear when Ajax calls +need to be made.

$config['javascript_location'] = 'http://localhost/codeigniter/themes/js/jquery/';
+$config['javascript_ajax_img'] = 'images/ajax-loader.gif';

If you keep your files in the same directories they were downloaded +from, then you need not set this configuration items.


The jQuery Class


To initialize the jQuery class manually in your controller constructor, +use the $this->load->library() method:


You may send an optional parameter to determine whether or not a script +tag for the main jQuery file will be automatically included when loading +the library. It will be created by default. To prevent this, load the +library as follows:

$this->load->library('javascript/jquery', FALSE);

Once loaded, the jQuery library object will be available using:


jQuery Events


Events are set using the following syntax.

$this->jquery->event('element_path', code_to_run());

In the above example:

  • “event” is any of blur, change, click, dblclick, error, focus, hover, +keydown, keyup, load, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mouseup, resize, +scroll, or unload.
  • +
  • “element_path” is any valid jQuery selector. Due to jQuery’s unique +selector syntax, this is usually an element id, or CSS selector. For +example “#notice_area” would effect <div id="notice_area">, and +“#content a.notice” would effect all anchors with a class of “notice” +in the div with id “content”.
  • +
  • code_to_run()” is script your write yourself, or an action such as +an effect from the jQuery library below.
  • +



The query library supports a powerful +Effects repertoire. Before an effect +can be used, it must be loaded:

$this->jquery->effect([optional path] plugin name); // for example $this->jquery->effect('bounce');

hide() / show()


Each of this functions will affect the visibility of an item on your +page. hide() will set an item invisible, show() will reveal it.

$this->jquery->hide(target, optional speed, optional extra information);
+$this->jquery->show(target, optional speed, optional extra information);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “speed” is optional, and is set to either slow, normal, fast, or +alternatively a number of milliseconds.
  • +
  • “extra information” is optional, and could include a callback, or +other additional information.
  • +



toggle() will change the visibility of an item to the opposite of its +current state, hiding visible elements, and revealing hidden ones.

  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +


$this->jquery->animate(target, parameters, optional speed, optional extra information);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “parameters” in jQuery would generally include a series of CSS +properties that you wish to change.
  • +
  • “speed” is optional, and is set to either slow, normal, fast, or +alternatively a number of milliseconds.
  • +
  • “extra information” is optional, and could include a callback, or +other additional information.
  • +

For a full summary, see +http://api.jquery.com/animate/


Here is an example of an animate() called on a div with an id of “note”, +and triggered by a click using the jQuery library’s click() event.

$params = array(
+'height' => 80,
+'width' => '50%',
+'marginLeft' => 125
+$this->jquery->click('#trigger', $this->jquery->animate('#note', $params, 'normal'));

fadeIn() / fadeOut()

$this->jquery->fadeIn(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
+$this->jquery->fadeOut(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “speed” is optional, and is set to either slow, normal, fast, or +alternatively a number of milliseconds.
  • +
  • “extra information” is optional, and could include a callback, or +other additional information.
  • +



This function will add or remove a CSS class to its target.

$this->jquery->toggleClass(target, class)
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “class” is any CSS classname. Note that this class must be defined +and available in a CSS that is already loaded.
  • +

fadeIn() / fadeOut()


These effects cause an element(s) to disappear or reappear over time.

$this->jquery->fadeIn(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
+$this->jquery->fadeOut(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “speed” is optional, and is set to either slow, normal, fast, or +alternatively a number of milliseconds.
  • +
  • “extra information” is optional, and could include a callback, or +other additional information.
  • +

slideUp() / slideDown() / slideToggle()


These effects cause an element(s) to slide.

$this->jquery->slideUp(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
+$this->jquery->slideDown(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
+$this->jquery->slideToggle(target,  optional speed, optional extra information);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “speed” is optional, and is set to either slow, normal, fast, or +alternatively a number of milliseconds.
  • +
  • “extra information” is optional, and could include a callback, or +other additional information.
  • +



Some select jQuery plugins are made available using this library.




Used to add distinct corners to page elements. For full details see +http://malsup.com/jquery/corner/

$this->jquery->corner(target, corner_style);
  • “target” will be any valid jQuery selector or selectors.
  • +
  • “corner_style” is optional, and can be set to any valid style such +as round, sharp, bevel, bite, dog, etc. Individual corners can be set +by following the style with a space and using “tl” (top left), “tr” +(top right), “bl” (bottom left), or “br” (bottom right).
  • +
$this->jquery->corner("#note", "cool tl br");



description to come

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description to come

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