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Static pages


Note: This tutorial assumes you’ve downloaded CodeIgniter and +installed the framework in your +development environment.


The first thing you’re going to do is set up a controller to handle +static pages. A controller is simply a class that helps delegate work. +It is the glue of your web application.


For example, when a call is made to:


We might imagine that there is a controller named “news”. The method +being called on news would be “latest”. The news method’s job could be to +grab 10 news items, and render them on the page. Very often in MVC, +you’ll see URL patterns that match:


As URL schemes become more complex, this may change. But for now, this +is all we will need to know.


Create a file at application/controllers/Pages.php with the following +code.

+class Pages extends CI_Controller {
+        public function view($page = 'home')
+        {
+        }

You have created a class named Pages, with a view method that accepts +one argument named $page. The Pages class is extending the +CI_Controller class. This means that the new pages class can access the +methods and variables defined in the CI_Controller class +(system/core/Controller.php).


The controller is what will become the center of every request to +your web application. In very technical CodeIgniter discussions, it may +be referred to as the super object. Like any php class, you refer to +it within your controllers as $this. Referring to $this is how +you will load libraries, views, and generally command the framework.


Now you’ve created your first method, it’s time to make some basic page +templates. We will be creating two “views” (page templates) that act as +our page footer and header.


Create the header at application/views/templates/header.php and add +the following code:

+        <head>
+                <title>CodeIgniter Tutorial</title>
+        </head>
+        <body>
+                <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>

The header contains the basic HTML code that you’ll want to display +before loading the main view, together with a heading. It will also +output the $title variable, which we’ll define later in the controller. +Now, create a footer at application/views/templates/footer.php that +includes the following code:

                <em>&copy; 2015</em>
+        </body>

Adding logic to the controller


Earlier you set up a controller with a view() method. The method +accepts one parameter, which is the name of the page to be loaded. The +static page templates will be located in the application/views/pages/ +directory.


In that directory, create two files named home.php and about.php. +Within those files, type some text − anything you’d like − and save them. +If you like to be particularly un-original, try “Hello World!”.


In order to load those pages, you’ll have to check whether the requested +page actually exists:

public function view($page = 'home')
+        if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'views/pages/'.$page.'.php'))
+        {
+                // Whoops, we don't have a page for that!
+                show_404();
+        }
+        $data['title'] = ucfirst($page); // Capitalize the first letter
+        $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+        $this->load->view('pages/'.$page, $data);
+        $this->load->view('templates/footer', $data);

Now, when the page does exist, it is loaded, including the header and +footer, and displayed to the user. If the page doesn’t exist, a “404 +Page not found” error is shown.


The first line in this method checks whether the page actually exists. +PHP’s native file_exists() function is used to check whether the file +is where it’s expected to be. show_404() is a built-in CodeIgniter +function that renders the default error page.


In the header template, the $title variable was used to customize the +page title. The value of title is defined in this method, but instead of +assigning the value to a variable, it is assigned to the title element +in the $data array.


The last thing that has to be done is loading the views in the order +they should be displayed. The second parameter in the view() method is +used to pass values to the view. Each value in the $data array is +assigned to a variable with the name of its key. So the value of +$data['title'] in the controller is equivalent to $title in the +view.




The controller is now functioning! Point your browser to +[your-site-url]index.php/pages/view to see your page. When you visit +index.php/pages/view/about you’ll see the about page, again including +the header and footer.


Using custom routing rules, you have the power to map any URI to any +controller and method, and break free from the normal convention: +http://example.com/[controller-class]/[controller-method]/[arguments]


Let’s do that. Open the routing file located at +application/config/routes.php and add the following two lines. +Remove all other code that sets any element in the $route array.

$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
+$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';

CodeIgniter reads its routing rules from top to bottom and routes the +request to the first matching rule. Each rule is a regular expression +(left-side) mapped to a controller and method name separated by slashes +(right-side). When a request comes in, CodeIgniter looks for the first +match, and calls the appropriate controller and method, possibly with +arguments.


More information about routing can be found in the URI Routing +documentation.


Here, the second rule in the $routes array matches any request +using the wildcard string (:any). and passes the parameter to the +view() method of the Pages class.


Now visit index.php/about. Did it get routed correctly to the view() +method in the pages controller? Awesome!

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