Compatibility Helper
- -The Compatibility Helper file contains PHP 4 implementations of some PHP 5 only native PHP functions and constants. This can be useful - if you'd like to take advantage of some of these native function but your application may end up running on a PHP 4 server. - In these cases, it may be advantageous to Auto-load the Compatibility Helper so you - do not have to load it in each controller.
- -Note: There are a few compatibility functions that are in CodeIgniter's native Compat.php file. - You may use those functions without loading this helper. The functions are split between that file and this Helper so that only - functions required by the framework are included by default. This way, whether or not you load the additional functions in this Helper - remains your choice.
- -Loading this Helper
- -This helper is loaded using the following code:
-Available Constants
-The following constants are available:
-The newline character for the server's current OS, e.g. on Windows systems "\r\n", on *nix "\n". - -
Available Functions
-The following functions are available (see linked PHP documentation for documentation):
- -