$DESCRIPTION=Aldor $STRINGDELIMITERS=" ' $ESCCHAR=_ $SL_COMMENT=-- ++ $CONTINUATIONSYMBOL=0 $KEYWORDS(kwa)=add and always assert break but catch default define delay do else except export extend fix for fluid free from generate goto has if import in inline is isnt iterate let local macro never not of or pretend ref repeat return rule select then throw to try where while with yield $KEYWORDS(kwb)=print stdout newline true false $DIRECTIVE=#pile #include #assert #unassert #if #endif #library $KEYWORDS(kwc)=by case mod quo rem # + - +- ~ ^ * ** .. = ~= ^= / /\\ < <= << <- \\ \\/ > >= >> -> $KEYWORDS(kwd)=regex(\b[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+\b) $KEYWORDS(kwd)=regex(([A-Za-z0-9]+)\() $SYMBOLS= . , ; : :: :* $ @ | => +-> := == ==> [ ] { } ( ) ' $INGORECASE=false $DIGIT=regex(^[\d,]*[ac]\d*)