# Configuration

* run install.php to make sure all dependencies are installed
  - if you are only creating a basic development installation you will only need:
     pygmentize (part of pygments)

* Copy all files from ./application/config/example to ./application/config
* Change them to fit your needs
  - don't change config.php, use config-local.php to override it when needed

* run `php index.php tools update_database` to initialize your database

* Copy htaccess.txt to .htaccess if you want shorter URLs
  (also set "$config['index_page'] = '';" in config-local.php)

* Add ./crontab or something similar to the user's crontab

* Copy ./data/local/examples/contact-info.php to ./data/local/ and edit it

* run `php index.php user add_user` to add your first user