# FileBin A pastebin software running on [https://paste.xinu.at](https://paste.xinu.at). In addition to uploading text and code it also supports binary files. Additional documentation can be found in [`./doc`](doc/). ## Installation/Development Git is used for tracking changes and updating installations. The repository is located at [https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/filebin/](https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/filebin/). Clone the repository and follow the instructions in `./INSTALL`. Do not install using tarballs as this is not supported. `dev` is the development branch and should not be used in production. All stable changes go to `master` and will be tagged regularly following [semver guidelines](http://semver.org/). There is currently no bug tracking software. ### Mailing List Currently there is only [one mailing list](https://lists.server-speed.net/listinfo/filebin-general) for everything (general discussion, patches, announcements, ...). If need be more lists will be created at a later date. ### Patches Please submit patches (preferably git send-email) to the [filebin-general mailing list](https://lists.server-speed.net/listinfo/filebin-general). You do not need to register to be allowed to post. ## Dependencies * PHP >=5.5 with the following modules * gd for thumbnail generation * exif for thumbnail generation * phar for tarball creation * mysql, mysqli, pgsql, pdo_mysql (any of those) for database access * [pygmentize](http://pygments.org/) for code highlighting * [ansi2html](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ansi2html) for shell output rendering (ANSI color codes) * [imagemagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/) for additional thumbnail generation * [node.js](https://nodejs.org/) for javascript minification